The Last Letter (49 page)

Read The Last Letter Online

Authors: Kathleen Shoop

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Westerns, #Historical Fiction, #United States

BOOK: The Last Letter
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To Stephanie Elliot, copyeditor extraordinaire! One more read through?

To all those who have shown interest in my work over the years. Thanks to Madhu Wangu, Lisa Ryan, Isabel Beck, Cheryl Sandora, Jeanne Truchel, Kate Shorter, Dave Fleager, Cindy Closkey, Judy Burnett Schneider, Julie Long and many others. Your name may not be here, but I appreciate your support and you know who you are.

Finally, to Bill, my husband, the best.



I’m forever indebted to the people and organizations responsible for the following sources. Any errors in factual information were my doing and not that of the authors or websites below.



Book Club Guide


1. Why does Kathleen Shoop tell the story from Jeanie’s point of view in 1887-1888 and Katherine’s point of view in 1905?

2. How does Jeanie’s upbringing seem to prepare her for prairie life?

3. What role does James play in the book in terms of decisions Jeanie makes? Do you agree with her response to his death?

4. Consider the decisions Jeanie made throughout the book. How did the era in which she lived influence the path she took?

5. To what degree were Katherine and Jeanie able to find peace in life and in death?

6. How might Katherine and Tommy’s lives change now that they know more about their mother’s difficult life?

7. To what do you attribute Frank’s biggest character flaws? How was he a good man?

8. Why would Jeanie think that her children knowing their father was “a weak man who failed at so much,” was worse than them believing she was responsible for the family’s struggles?

9. Under what circumstances is it appropriate to board out children? How does your modern perspective on parenting shape your response to the question?

10. How has this book changed your view of pioneer life? How might Lutie and Ruthie fit into your new prairie view?

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23



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