The Last Love Song (125 page)

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Authors: Tracy Daugherty

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Los Angeles Free Press (Freep)

Los Angeles Lakers

“Los Angeles Notebook” (Didion)

The Los Angeles Review of Books

The Los Angeles Times

Book Review

Didion reviews/profiles by

Love with a Proper Stranger

Lowell, Robert


cultural impact of

government experiments with

Luce, Henry

Lunt, Alfred

Macdonald, Dwight

MacGraw, Ali

Maddocks, Melvin


Didion contributions to

guest editor program at


Mailer, Norman

New Journalism and

Vietnam protests and

Malcolm X

Mallon, Thomas

Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana

Mamas and the Papas

Mañana Club, Sacramento

“Man and Wife” (Lowell)


Manhattan Project

Mankiewicz, Herman

Mankiewicz, Josie

Mankiewicz, Sara

Mansfield, Katherine

Manson, Charles

Marquand, John P.

Marshall, Ann

Martin, Dean

Marysville Daily Appeal

Massachusetts Mental Health Center

Matthew Kilgore Cemetery, Rancho Cordova, California

May, Elaine

Mays, Willie

Mazursky, Paul

McCarthy, Mary

McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento

McCullers, Carson

McDowell, David

McEwan, Ian

McGee, Celia

McGinniss, Joe

McGlashan, C. F.

McGrath, Camilla

McGrath, Earl

McGuinn, Roger

McGuire, Barry

McIntire, Carl

McKenzie, Scott

McKinney, Don

McQueen, Steve

McWilliams, Carey

Medved, Michael

Meili, Trisha

Meiselas, Sue

Melcher, Terry

Melville, Herman

The Member of the Wedding

Menendez, Erik

Mengers, Sue

Mercer, Mabel

Messinesi, Despina Plaklas


narrative of

Miami, Florida

Cuban exile community in

González, Elián, standoff in

Republican National Convention in

Miami Herald

Michael (hippie child)

Michael, Gerry

Michael, Kevin

Michael, Sean Day

Midnight Cowboy

military industrial complex.
See also
Vietnam War

atomic bomb tests and

colleges influenced by

LSD experiments and

Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Miller, Debra

Miller, Lucille Maxwell

Millet, Kate

Mills, James

Milton, John

The Milwaukee Journal

The Miraculous Years

Mitchell, Al

MK-ULTRA Subproject 140

the mob

grape workers' strike and


Mohr, Charley

Monk, Thomas

Monroe, Marilyn

Monster: Living Off the Big Screen
(Dunne, J.)

Moore, Brian

Moore, Dick

Moore, Jean

Moore, Marianne

Moore, Sara Jane

Moore, Susanna

Moore, Tina

Moro, Aldo

Morrison, Jim

Morrissey, Daniel

Morris, Wright

Morse, Wayne

Morton, Brian

Moses, Robert

“Mourning and Melancholia” (Freud)

The Moviegoer

See also

Didion reviews of

literature overshadowed by

Moxley, Martha


Munger, Kel

Murder in Greenwich

Murdoch, Rupert

Murray, John Gregory

music industry

Woodstock Festival and

Myers, Gary

My Lai massacre (Vietnam)

My Turn

Naipaul, V. S.

Naked Lunch

Nash, Ogden

National Book Foundation

Distinguished Contribution to American Letters medal by

National Book Award by

National Farm Workers Association

National Humanities Medal

National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

National Mental Health Act

National Review

Didion contributions to

The Nation

Didion contributions to

Nauman, Bruce

Neruda, Pablo

Nesbit, Lynn

New American Library

New Criticism movement

New Deal

Newfield, Jack

Newhagen, John

Newhouse, Si

New Journalism

comparison of mainstream journalism to

criticism of

Newman, Paul


The New Journalism

Newton, Huey

New West

New World Liberation Front

New York

Didion profiles by

New York Daily News

The New Yorker

Didion contributions to

Didion reviews by

Dunne contributions to

New York Herald Tribune

New York in the Fifties

New York Newsday

New York Observer

New York Post

The New York Review of Books

Didion contributions to

Dunne contributions to

The New York Times

Book Review

Didion reviews/profiles by

on Dunne, Greg, death

Literary Supplement


New Journalism comparison to

political bias and

The New York World

Nhu, Madame Ngo Dinh

Nicaraguan Contras

Nicholson, Jack

Niebuhr, Reinhold

The Night of the Iguana

Niklas, Kurt

9/11 attacks

Nixon, Richard

Watergate and

Noble, Madeleine

Noonan, Peggy

Norris, Frank


Run River


Not Exactly What I Had in Mind

Nothing Lost
(Dunne, J.)

Novarro, Ramon

The Nugget
(school yearbook)

Oakland Tribune

Oates, Joyce Carol

Obama, Barack

Obolensky, Ivan Sergeyevich

The Occident

O'Connor, Flannery

O' Connor, Frank

The Octopus

O'Keeffe, Georgia

Olasky, Marvin

The Old Gringo

Olympic Winter Games, 1959

O'Malley, Walter

O Mistress Mine

Onassis, Aristotle

Onassis, Jacqueline Bouvier

Kennedy assassination and

as Prix de Paris contest winner

O'Neill, Eugene

“On Going Home” (Didion)

“On His Brother's Death” (Catullus)

“On Keeping a Notebook” (Didion)

“On Morality” (Didion)

“On Self-Respect” (Didion)

“On the Morning After the Sixties” (Didion)

On the Road

Open City
(Los Angeles)

Operación Pedro Pan (Cuba)

Operation Babylift (Vietnam)

Operation CHAOS (CIA)

Operation Frequent Wind (Vietnam)

Operation Midnight Climax (CIA)

Operation Rolling Thunder (Vietnam)

Oregon Biographies Project

Orrick, Mildred

Ortega, Daniel

Orwell, George

Osika, Joyce

Osmond, Donny

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Other Voices, Other Rooms

Otis, Harrison Gray

Ovitz, Michael

Oxford Companion to American Literature

Pacino, Al

Page, Jimmy

Paley, Grace

Panama invasion, 1989

Pandora's Box, Los Angeles

Panic in Needle Park

Panic in Needle Park

production of

research for

theme of

Paradise Lost

The Paris Review

Parkinson, Thomas

Parmentel, Noel E., Jr.

Didion's relationship with

literary characters based on

Parrish, Timothy

The Partisan Review

Pearl Harbor bombing

Peckinpah, Sam

The Pelican

Pellicano, Anthony

PEN Center USA Literary Awards Festival

Pennebaker, D. A.

Penn, Irving

“People I Wish I Had Known” (Bouvier)

Peoples Temple

Percy, Walker

Perelman, S. J.

Perry, Frank

Perry, Nancy Ling

Perry, Richard

Peters, Jon

Peterson, Edward J.

The Petrified Forest

Pettit, Mark

Pfeiffer, Michelle

Phillips, John

Phillips, Julia

Phillips, Michelle

Pickering, Thomas R.

Pierson, Frank

Pike, James Albert

Pilafian, Peter

The Pink Panther

Plath, Sylvia

Playhouse 90

Play It As It Lays

character constructions in

cover of

drafting of

literary style of

point of view in

reception of

themes/narrative of

Play It As It Lays

production of

reception of

(Dunne, J.)

Plimpton, George

Pocket Books

Podhoretz, Norman

Poe, Edgar Allan

“Points West” column (Saturday Evening Post)

Polanski, Roman

Political Fictions

thesis of

voice of

See also
Democratic Party; Republican Party

of Didion

disguised narratives in


Polt, Harriet

Pop Art

Porter, Cole

Porter, Katherine Anne

Post, Emily

Potter, Claire

Powell, Lawrence Clark

“Prayer to the Virgin” (Adams)

Preminger, Otto

Pride and Prejudice


Alumni Weekly

Prix de Paris contest,

Prohibition era

The Prospector
(school paper)

Public Disorder Intelligence Unit, LAPD

Publishers Weekly

Puerto del Diablo, El Salvador

Pulitzer Prize

Pynchon, Thomas

“Quiet Days in Malibu” (Didion)

The Quiet American

“Quintana” (Dunne, J.)


Ramírez Vázquez, Pedro


Rand, Ayn

Rand Corporation

Random House

Rasiel, Rosa

Rauschenberg, Robert

Reagan, Nancy

Didion interview with

Reagan, Ronald

Central America funding by

as governor

as president

The Realist

Rebel Without a Cause


Redford, Robert

Redgrave, Vanessa

The Year of Magical Thinking

The Red White and Blue
(Dunne, J.)

Reed, Ishmael

Reed, Julia

Reed, Rex

Reed, Virginia

Reese, Edward

Referral to the United States House of Representatives

Reno, Janet

The Reporter

The Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations

Republican Party

National Conventions

right shift of

Resentment: A Comedy

the Resistance (antiwar group)

Reuther, Walter

Revolutionary Army

Rexroth, Kenneth

Reynolds, Ruth

Richards, Keith

Richardson, Natasha

Richardson, Tony

Rich, Frank

Richter, Gerhard

Ridland, John

Rinkel, Max

Riordan, Richard

R. L. Oatman and Associates

Robbins, Henry

change of publishers by

death of

as Didion's editor

Roberts, Cokie

Robin and Marion

Robinson, Jackie

Robinson, Jill Schary

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rodriguez, Richard

Rogue's March

Roiphe, Katie

Rolling Stone

Rolling Stones

Rollyson, Carl

Romero, Oscar

Ronald Reagan

A Room of One's Own

Rosenberg, Harold

Rosenblatt, Roger

Ross, Alex

Rossen, Robert

Ross, Katharine

Rothchild, Paul

Roth, Philip

Rothstein, Edward

Royce, Josiah

Rubenstein, Mala

Rudin, Scott

Rummonds, Gabriel

Rumsfeld, Donald H.

Run River

characters of

drafting of

editing of

nostalgic elements in

reception of

themes/narrative of

titling of

Ruscha, Ed

Rustin, Susanna

Rutten, Tim

Ryan, Leo

Saarinen, Aline B.

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