The Laws of Magic 6: Hour of Need (18 page)

BOOK: The Laws of Magic 6: Hour of Need
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choked. The lack of recent rain may have had benefits – Aubrey would have hated battling through churned-up mud – but it meant they ate, breathed and bathed in dust every inch of the twenty miles.

Complaining, however, would have been churlish. A stream of marching soldiers on the other side of the road, wounded and exhausted from fighting at the front, was a reminder of the dangers ahead.

Their way forward was determined by the stop-start progress of the column they had joined. Reinforcements to replace those fortunate enough to trudge back to the fortress, mostly, but also supply wagons and lorries, and a few private transports driven by those brave enough – or greedy enough – to risk being caught up in fighting in order to make a profit.

Commerce went on, Aubrey decided as he waved a hand in front of his face for the umpteenth time, an exercise in futility as it simply replaced dust-laden air with more dust-laden air. He wouldn’t have been surprised if that nervous-looking fellow with the wagon load of melons would be as happy to sell them to a Holmland unit as a Gallian or Albion one. The crisis–opportunity nexus was never more clearly demonstrated, and Aubrey couldn’t blame him.

Determining when they actually reached the front was a difficult matter. The battle zone wasn’t clearly marked with ‘Welcome To …’ signs. While the fighting was some distance away, the area that the military had colonised extended for miles back from the actual trenches and barbed wire. What had been farmland and woods was now dotted with tents and abuzz with activity as a khaki-coloured city had been thrown up.

What looked chaotic did have some sense about it, as evidenced as soon as they followed the melon vendor’s wagon off the road and onto a freshly made track into the woods. Military police appeared and asked for papers. The melon vendor’s credentials were obvious and he was waved through with instructions on how to reach the quartermaster, but the Gallian Military Police officers took some time to assess the papers George handed over. Eventually, after some consultation with officers summoned via a makeshift field telephone, they were directed to a farmhouse a few miles to the west, which was – according to last reports – the headquarters of the Albion military in the region.

The farmhouse would have been pretty, Aubrey thought, in normal circumstances. Without the soldiers camped out the front. Without the lorries lined up near the barn. Without the pall of war hanging over the place.

The house itself was two storeys, built of local stone. The entrance sported a climbing rose that was gamely throwing out small white flowers. A small apple orchard ran away down the slope on one side, while the barn, pig sty and sundry other farming outbuildings that Aubrey was sure would give George a jab of nostalgia were on the other.

After more guards and more checking of papers, Aubrey and Caroline were led inside to see General Apsley while George and Sophie waited outside.

A huge desk had replaced the kitchen table in the largest room of the house. General Apsley stood behind it, facing away, hands behind his back and staring out of the mullioned window, over the yard, past the duck pond into the distance, where an artillery barrage marked the front proper. When Aubrey and Caroline were announced by the guard, he turned.

Aubrey had some trepidation when the general advanced and was hugely relieved when he extended his hand. ‘Ah, Fitzwilliam. Timely, very timely.’

‘Sir.’ Aubrey shook, glad not to be denounced as the Traitor of Albion, and introduced Caroline.

Though General Apsley was a big man, he wasn’t tall. His trunk was extraordinarily long, from his broad shoulders to his hips, but it was supported by legs that belonged to a much smaller person. Aubrey imagined that, sitting down, Apsley would tower over everyone.

Apsley studied both of them for a moment, keenly, then he said what Aubrey had been expecting: ‘I knew your father, Fitzwilliam, when he was in the service.’

Apsley must have been a good twenty years older than Sir Darius. ‘Did he serve under you, sir?’

‘He did, indeed.’ General Apsley indulged in a little moustache puffing. ‘Had trouble following orders, but he was a brilliant leader. Brilliant.’ He turned his attention to Caroline. ‘I have one of your mother’s paintings at home, young lady. It’s the most startling thing I own.’

‘I’m glad to hear it,’ Caroline said carefully.

‘We have a delivery for you, sir,’ Aubrey said. ‘I understand you’re expecting it.’

‘We are indeed, and Stanley can’t wait to get his hands on it.’

‘One other thing.’ Aubrey reached for his satchel, intending to hand over von Stralick’s file, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

A small neat man hurried into the room. ‘Ah, Stanley,’ General Apsley said. ‘I was just talking about you.’

Lieutenant-Colonel Stanley wore the Directorate field uniform of discreet black with minimum trappings. He was balding, with small round glasses, more like an accountant than a very senior intelligence officer. ‘Fitzwilliam! You’re here!’

‘We came as soon as we could, sir. One dozen magic neutralisers ready for your disposal.’

Colonel Stanley beamed. ‘Splendid! We’re getting some indication of a magical build-up at the front, so these will come in handy.’

‘We have some bad news, however,’ Caroline said. ‘The magic neutraliser in Divodorum has been destroyed.’

‘That was the explosion earlier today?’ General Apsley asked sharply.

‘It was sabotage, sir,’ Aubrey said.

‘Any hope of repairing the machine?’ Stanley said.

‘No chance at all, sir,’ Aubrey said. ‘But they have some magical agents on site. They’re hoping they can do something, defence-wise.’

‘I hope so.’ Stanley took off his glasses, stared at them for a moment, then put them back on. ‘Something is in the air, Fitzwilliam. I fear we are about to come under the hammer.’

‘And that hammer promises to be a mighty one,’ General Apsley said. ‘Any sign of reinforcements while you were in Divodorum? We’ve been promised some colonials. I wouldn’t mind a battalion or two of those Antipodeans. Plucky fighters, the lot of ’em.’

‘Nothing while we were there, sir. Major Saltin, at the fortress, was expecting some at any time.’

‘Excellent, excellent,’ General Apsley said. ‘Why don’t you two go and treat yourselves to a cup of tea while we sort out the best place to deploy these machines?’

‘Sir.’ Aubrey saluted, then his hand went to his satchel – but seeing the map Colonel Stanley spread on the desk, he hesitated, especially when he saw Caroline’s interest.

‘Sir? Do you have a copy of that map we could take?’

‘Of course. Can’t say it’s entirely accurate, but we revise it as quickly as news comes in.’

General Apsley pointed out the triple parallel lines of trenches that marked the front line of the Allied forces, with communications trenches running between them. The rearmost was the trench where reserves gathered, to replace the troops closer to the Holmland lines – or to ready themselves for an attack. The second trench was almost five hundred yards away, and the front line trench a further hundred yards nearer the Holmlanders. The long lines were marked by other, partially constructed trenches. Some were dead ends, some pushed into no-man’s-land, some were simply false starts.

The landscape had been entirely changed. The narrow valley had been turned into a theatre of war.

Aubrey and Caroline left the two officers poring over the map and deciding where they’d place the magic neutralisers to the greatest advantage, and went to find George and Sophie.

They found them in the large mess tent that had been pitched on the other side of the barn. ‘Care for a late lunch?’ George asked. An empty plate sat on the table in front of him. ‘It’s simple, but filling, sausages mostly. Guaranteed to keep a soldier alive for a while, anyway.’

‘The soldiers took the wagon away,’ Sophie explained. She was using her fork to poke at what had once been an egg before army cooks had their way with it. ‘They said we could eat here.’

‘I wouldn’t let them take it until we’d made arrangements for the horses,’ George added. ‘I didn’t like to think of them abandoned or anything like that.’

‘I’m sure they’ll be looked on as valuable recruits.’ Aubrey sat on the bench across from George and Sophie.

‘They have handlers and farriers and people dedicated to taking care of horses. I’m happy with that,’ George said.

‘And what are we to do now?’ Sophie had her notebook out and it was full of jottings about her Divodorum observations, from what Aubrey could judge reading upside down.

‘We make ourselves useful to the Directorate,’ Caroline said. ‘Isn’t that right, Aubrey?’

‘It’s right, but not terribly helpful. It’s one of the drawbacks of being special operatives.’ Aubrey drummed his fingers on the table. ‘I’d like to see how the magic neutralisers are deployed. It’s just the sort of information that might be useful, back at the Directorate.’

‘I suppose that would mean going to the front,’ George said. ‘The front front, I mean, not this back front. If that’s clear.’

‘As the mud I’m glad isn’t around,’ Aubrey said. ‘Do you have that map, Caroline?’

George moved his plate and cutlery. Caroline spread the map on the table and Aubrey frowned at it.

‘One thing I should ask,’ Caroline said to him.

‘Just one?’

‘For now.’

‘Go ahead.’

‘You’re not thinking of leaving us behind and slipping up there by yourself, are you?’

Aubrey touched his forehead. For an awful moment he was certain that his thoughts were written across it in big, bold letters. He couldn’t answer the accusation by denying it, because it
exactly what he’d been thinking, or by confirming it, because that would start an argument he’d never win, so he decided to lunge for a tactic he’d seen some of his father’s politician colleagues use: he didn’t answer the question that had been asked – he answered a completely different one.

‘I never said that war isn’t a filthy business. I condemn it utterly.’

Caroline crossed her arms. ‘You’re not answering the question.’

He had to smile. ‘I long to see you in Parliament. I have some people I wouldn’t mind seeing you skewer.’

‘Aubrey.’ Sophie pointed at him with her pencil. ‘We will tie you up with ropes if you don’t agree to take us.’

‘George,’ Aubrey appealed. ‘There’s no point my risking you three when I can nip up and back before you know it.’

George spread his hands. ‘I know you’re concerned for us, old man, but we’re concerned for you. We’re all nipping, or none of us nip.’


was more than happy for them to accompany him. ‘I understand that you’re something of an expert on these magic neutralisers, Fitzwilliam,’ he said, after instructing one of his agents to nail down the packing case again.

‘I wouldn’t say expert, sir. I’ve had some experience with them, that’s all.’

‘Well, that’s better than any of us here. I’m more your transference magic sort of man, myself.’

‘Really? Do you mind if I pick your brains on that, sir?’

Which is how Aubrey sat up the front of the lorry with Stanley and the driver, while the others were relegated to the canvas-covered back. It was slow going through the maze of tracks cutting through the woods and negotiating the ridges and the rocky creeks. As well, they were constantly being blocked by slow-moving supply wagons and lorries, twice having to back off the road to allow traffic in the other direction. A depressing number of ambulances, both official and makeshift, nosed their way through the marching soldiers, a reminder, if any needed it, of what could lie ahead.

Finally they debouched into a wide open area sheltered by a rocky outcrop. The large tents of a field hospital were the site of most activity, but the easternmost side of the glade had become a transport station with lorries unloading boxes of ammunition and foodstuffs.

‘This is as close as we can get by motor,’ Stanley said. He bounded out of the cabin and peered about. Lorries, carts, ambulances, and many, many soldiers were packed into an area the size of a football pitch. A few troopers, more phlegmatic than the others, had started campfires and were making tea or coffee.

Aubrey had never seen so many slumped shoulders in one place at one time. The men had the weariness about them that came from extreme privation. Some twitched at unexpected noises; others didn’t move even when their name was called. War was grinding them to pieces.

Stanley hurried about with papers in hand, looking more like an accountant than ever, until he found the officer he was looking for. The officer disappeared toward a neat line of tents and came back with a squad of infantrymen. The sun was drifting below the tops of the hills by the time the squad had unloaded the magic neutralisers, strung the crates in intricate rope cradles, and begun shuffling in the direction of the trenches.

Aubrey and his friends were on their feet instantly, and followed.

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