The Library of Greek Mythology (Oxford World's Classics) (51 page)

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Mantineus, father of Aglaia 62

Manto, daughter of Teiresias
112, 114, 158

Maron, priest of Apollo 164–5

Marpessa, daughter of Evenos 39, 41

Marsyas, son of Olympos 32

Mecisteus, father of Odios and Epistrophos 152

Mecisteus, son of Talaos 47, 50, 108, 112

Meda, wife of Idomeneus 160

Medea (
Medeia), daughter of Aietes
139, 155

Medesicaste, daughter of Laomedon 161

Medesicaste, daughter of Priam 125

Medos, son of Aigeus 57

Medusa (
Medousa), a Gorgon 64, 66–7, 84

Medusa, daughter of Priam 125

Medusa, daughter of Sthenelos 68

Megaira, a Fury 27

Megamede, daughter of Arneos 71

Meganeira, daughter of Crocon 115

Megapenthes, son of Menelaos 122

Megapenthes, son of Proitos 63, 67

Megara, daughter of Creon 72, 84, 92

Megareus, son of Hippomenes 137

Megassares, father of Pharnace 131

Meges, son of Phyleus
121, 148

Melampous, son of Amythaon 46–7, 63

Melanion, son of Amphidamas 108, 116

Melanippe, an Amazon 141, 172

Melanippos, son of Agrios 42

Melanippos, son of Astacos 42, 110

Melanippus, son of Priam 125

Melanthios, a goatherd 169

Melas, son of Licymnios 90

Melas, son of Phrixos 43

Melas, son of Porthaon 39, 42

Melas, sons of 42

Meleager (properly Meleagros), son of Oineus or Ares

Melesagoras (Hellenistic author) 172

Melia, daughter of Oceanos 58

Meliboia, daughter of Amphion 105

Meliboia, daughter of Oceanos 114

Melicertes, son of Athamas and Ino
43, 44, 101

Melisseus, father of the nymphs Adrasteia and Ida 28

Melpomene, a Muse 29, 30

Memnon, son of Tithonos and Dawn 124, 154


Memphis, daughter of the Nile 60

Menelaos, son of Atreus or Pleisthenes 99,
121–2, 146–8, 151, 153, 157,

Menestheus, son of Peteos


Menesthios, son of Spereheios 128

Menoiceus, father of Creon 68, 72, 105, 106

Menoiceus, son of Creon 110

Menoites, son of Ceuthonymos 80, 84

Menoitios, son of Actor
, 121,

Menoitios, son of Iapetos 29

Mentor, son of Eurystheus 92

Mermeros, son of Jason and Medea 57

Merope, daughter of Atlas 44, 117

Merope, daughter of Oinopion 32

Merope, wife of Cresphontes 95

Merops, father of Arisbe and Adrastos 125, 152

Mesthles, son of Talaimenes 152

Mestor, son of Perseus 68, 69

Mestor, son of Priam 125, 152

Mestor, son of Pterelaos 68

Meta, daughter of Hoples 136

Metaneira, wife of Celeos 33

Metharme, daughter of Pygmalion 131

Metiadousa, daughter of Eupalamos 135

Metion, son of Erechtheus 134, 137

Metion, sons of 135–6

Metis, daughter of Oceanos 28, 31

Metope, daughter of the River Ladon 126

Metope, mother of Hecuba 124

Mideia, mother of Licymnios 68

Miletos, son of Apollo 97

Mimas, a Giant 34

Minos, son of Zeus and Europa 43,
96–8, 99–100, 134, 136–8, 140–1,

Minotaur, the, offspring of Pasiphae and a bull
98, 137, 140

Minyas, grandfather of Atalante 116

Mnemosyne (Memory), a Titanid 27, 30

Mnesileos, son of Polydeuces 122

Mnesimache, daughter of Dexamenos 76

Molione, wife of Actor, mother of the Molionides 87

Molionides, the 87

Molorchos, a labourer 73

Molos, son of Ares 39

Molos, son of Deucalion 99

Molossos, son of Neoptolemos 160

Moon, the (Selene), daughter of Hyperion 29,
34, 38

Mopsos, son of Apollo, a seer 158–9, 162

Muses, the (Mousai), daughters of Zeus
30, 106,

Mygdalion, the son of 148

Mylios, son of Priam 125

Mynes, father of Pedias 132

Myrmidon, father of Antiphos and Actor

Myrtilos, son of Hermes 144

Nastes, son of Nomion 153

Naubolos, father of Iphitos 50

Naucrate, mother of Icarios 140

Naupactica (early epic) 172 (fr. 10c Da vies)

Nauplios, son of Poseidon
62, 88, 99, 116,

Nauprestides, the 161

Nausicaa, daughter of Alcinoos 168

Nausimedon, daughter of Nauplios 62

Neaira, daughter of Amphion 105

Neaira, daughter of Pereus 115

Neaira, wife of Strymon 58

Neleus, son of Poseidon and Tyro
85, 87,
105, 148

Nemesis, mother of Helen 120

Neoptolemos, son of Achilles 129,
156–60, 170

Nephalion, son of Minos 78, 97

Nephele (Cloud), wife of Athamas 43

Nereids, the
55, 66, 129

Nereus, son of Pontos 29,
102, 126, 128

Nessos, a Centaur
75, 89, 90

Nestor, son of Neleus
45–6, 87,

Nice, daughter of Pallas 29

Nicippe, daughter of Pelops 68

Nicostratos, son of Menelaos 121

Nicothoe, a Harpy 52

Nile, the 59, 60

Niobe, daughter of Phoroneus 58, 114

Niobe, daughter of Tantalos 104–5

Nireus, son of Charopos 148

Nireus, son of Poseidon 38

Nisos, son of Pandion 136, 137

Nomion, father of Nastes 153

Nycteis, daughter of Nycteus 103

Nycteus, father of Callisto 115

Nycteus, son of Hyrieus or Chthonios 103–4, 117

Nyctimos, son of Lycaon 115

Oceanids, the 28

Oceanos, a Titan
28, 29, 33, 53, 58, 80,
117, 126

Ocypete, Ocythoe,
Ocypode, a Harpy 52

Ocytos, father of Gouneus 148

Odios, son of Mecisteus 152

Odysseus, son of Laertes 30, 120,
129, 147,
150, 151, 153–8, 159–60, 164–70

Oedipus (
Oidipous), son of Laios

Oiagros, father of Linos and Orpheus 30, 49

Oibalos, father of Arene 119, 120

Oicles, father of Amphiaraos 41, 49, 86, 107,

Oileus, father of Locrian Aias 121, 148

Oineus, son of Porthaon 39, 40–3, 49, 88–9, 92, 107, 108,
113, 146

Oino, daughter of Anios 148

Oinomaos, father of Hippodameia 65, 117,

Oinone, daughter of Cebren 125–6

Oinopion, son of Dionysos 32, 140

Olenias, brother of Tydeus 42

Omphale, daughter of lardanos 51, 85, 92

Onchestes, son of Agrios 42

Oneites, son of Heracles 92

Opheltes (
Archemoros), son of Lycourgos 48, 109

Opis, a Hyperborean maiden 32

Orchomenos, father of Elare 31

Orchomenos, son of Thyestes 145

Orestes, son of Agamemnon 93, 94,
146, 160, 163–4

Orion 32

Oreithuia, daughter of Erechtheus 134

Orpheus, son of Oiagros
, 55, 71

Orsedice, daughter of Cinyras 131

Orseis, wife of Hellen 37

Orthaia, daughter of Hyacinthos 137

Orthos, son of Typhon, a dog 80

Otos, son of Poseidon 38

Otrere, mother of Penthesileia 154

Ourania, a Muse 30

Ouranos (Sky)

Oxylos, son of Andraimon 94

Oxylos, son of Ares 39

Oxyporos, son of Cinyras 131

Melicertes, a sea-god 101

Palaimon, son of Hephaistos or Aitolos

Palaimon, son of Heracles 92

Palamedes, son of Nauplios 62, 99, 147, 159–60

Pallas, a Giant 35

Pallas, daughter of Triton 123–4

Pallas, son of Creios 29

Pallas, son of Pandion 136; sons of

Pammon, son of Priam 125

Pamphylos, son of Aigimios 94

Pan 31, 170

Pandaros, son of Lycaon 152, 153

Pandion, son of Cecrops 135–6, 137

Pandion, son of Erichthonios 133–4

Pandion, son of Phineus 134–5

Pandora, the first woman 37

Pandoras, son of Erechtheus 134

Pandrosos, daughter of Cecrops 130, 132

Panopeus, a Phocian 70

Panyasis (epic poet, 5th cent. Be) 33 (fr. 21 Davies), 131 (fr. 22a), 172 (fr. 19b)

Pareia, a nymph 97

Alexander (Alexandras)
124–6, 146–7, 153, 154, 155

Parthenopaios, son of Melanion or Ares
112, 117

Parthenopaios, son of Talaos 47

Parthenope, daughter of Stymphalos 92

Pasiphae, daughter of the Sun 43, 97, 98,

Patroclos, son of Menoitios
130, 153–4, 155

Pedias, daughter of Mynes 132

Pegasos, offspring of Poseidon, a winged horse 64, 66

Peiras, son of Argos 58

Peirithoos, son of Ixion
, 84, 121,

Peisandros (of Cameiros, early epic poet) 42

Peisidice, daughter of Aiolos 38

Peisidice, daughter of Nestor 46

Peisidice, daughter of Pelias 46

Peisinoe, a Siren 167

Peisistratos, son of Nestor 46

Peisos, son of Aphareus 119

Pelagon, son of Asopos 126

Pelasgos, son of Zeus, or earthborn 58, 114

Pelegon, son of Axios 154

Peleus, son of Aiacos
40, 49
116, 126–9,

Pelias, son of Poseidon and Tyro 45–6,
53, 56–7; funeral games for 116, 127; daughters of 57

Pelopeia, daughter of Pelias 46

Pelopia, daughter of Amphion 105

[Pelopia,] daughter of Thyestes 145

Pelopia, mother of Cycnos 90

Pelops, son of Tantalos 68, 69, 73,
104, 126,
127, 136, 139,
altar of 87; bones of 156

Peloros, a Spartos 100

Peneleos, son of Hippalcimos or Hippalmos(?) 50,

Penelope, daughter of Icarios 120,
121, 147, 168–70

Penthesileia, daughter of Ares, an Amazon 144, 172

Pentheus, son of Echion 103

Peparethos, son of Dionysos 140

Pephredo, daughter of Phorcos 65

Perdix, mother of Talaos 137

Pereus, son of Elatos 115

Periboia, a Locrian maiden 162

Periboia, daughter of Hipponoos 42

Periboia, wife of Icarios 120

Periboia, wife of Polybos 105

Periclymenos, son of Neleus 45,
, 87

Periclymenos, son of Poseidon 110

Perieres, charioteer of Menoiceus 72

Perieres, son of Aiolos 38,
127, 128

Perieres, son of Cynortas 119, 120

Perileos, son of Icarios 120

Perimede, daughter of Aiolos 38

Perimede, wife of Licymnios 69

Perimedes, son of Eurystheus 92

Periopis, daughter of Pheres 130

Periphetes, son of Hephaistos 138

Pero, daughter of Neleus 45, 46–7

Perse, mother of Circe and Aietes 166

Perseis, mother of Pasiphae and Aietes, 43, 97

Persephone, daughter of Zeus 30,
131, 143,

Perses, brother of Aietes 57

Perseus, son of Nestor 46

Perseus, son of Zeus 29, 44,
70, 119

Peteos, father of Menestheus 121

Phaedra (
Phaidra), daughter of Minos 97, 98,

Phaethon, son of Tithonos 131

Phaia, sow of Crommyon, named after

the woman who reared it 139

Phaidimos, son of Amphion 105

Phanos, son of Dionysos

Pharnace, daughter of Megassares 131

Phegeus, father of Arsinoe 113

Pheneus, son of Melas 42

Phereclos, builder of ships for Paris

Perecydes (of Athens, historian, 5th cent. BC) 32 (3F42 Jacoby), 33 (F53), 42 (F122a), 51 (Fllla), 59 (F67), 71 (F69a), 89 (F42), 96 (F87), 100 (F22c), 101 (F89), 110 (F92a), 115 (F157), 126 (F60)

Pheres, son of Cretheus 40, 46, 48, 49, 120, 130

Pheres, son of Jason 57

Pheidippos, son of Thessalos
, 161

Philaimon, son of Priam 125

Philammon, father of Thamyris 30

Philocrates (Hellenistic author of a work on Thessaly) 130 (601F1 Jacoby)

Philoctetes, son of Poias
151, 155, 161

Philoitios 169

Philolaos, son of Minos 78, 97

Philomela, daughter of Pandion 133–4

Philonoe, daughter of Iobates 64

Philonome, daughter of Tragasos 150–1

Philyra, mother of Cheiron 29

Philyra, wife of Nauplios 62

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