The Lion's Den (2 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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Darian looked down at her. "What did you think about me?" he asked.
"You? You were adorable, really. You cracked me up."
"How so?"
"Darian, baby, the first time Matthew puked on you, you held him out at arms length." She began to laugh, remembering his aghast expression as creamy infantile vomit slid down the front of his Egyptian cotton, hunter-green, shirt. "For a second there, I thought you were going to toss him to Xavier."
"I wouldn't go that far. I remember that, he did it without warning and it was projectile vomit. One minute, he was giggling and having fun and the next he was spewing all over me. I've never had anyone vomit on me before … Well, not since becoming a vampire, that is. It was hot and thick and sticky. As you know, the only human fluid I don’t mind with that combination

Okay, I’m going to stop you right now, because you’re starting to go to that place you like to go to.” Natasha poked him in the chest.

What place?” he asked with a mischievous grin.


He snorted. “You’re no fun. By the way, I suspected it wasn’t an accident when Matthew puked on me, because he laughed afterwards."

Natasha burst into a fit of laughter. After a few seconds, she regained her composure. "Think that was his master plan?"
"I'm not putting it past him. He's tried to catch me off guard dozens of times since then with his carefully planned projectile vomit and urine attacks," Darian joked.
"That first time was because you didn't burp him properly before playing bouncy-bounce with him. Imagine how he felt! Besides, his stomach was still developing, babies spit-up all the time. It's got nothing to do with master plans.”
Darian arched an eyebrow. "Explain the urine, then," he said somewhat suspiciously, still believing his son may have planed some of those "attacks".
Natasha chuckled.
"He never pissed on you."
"That's because I was too quick for him. It was funny when he got Xavier, though … and John. I'm simply saying I think he knew what he was doing. How can I
suspect him?" Darian smiled, flashing his pearly whites.
"Maybe that was his way of toning down your arrogance. Children do humble you, ya know." She giggled once more.
"If you say so."
"Well, maybe not you, but other people have been humbled by the experience of having babies. That new born life is so precious, so beautiful."
"He is that and I’m humble enough."
"I remember one time you changed Matthew’s diaper. You laid him on the changing table and your nose was all wrinkled up, eyebrows all furrowed." She continued to laugh.
"I could smell what was inside his diaper a mile away. You forget, my senses are a thousand times more acute than yours. Besides, I remember you complaining about his bowel movement just the other day after he had broccoli."
"Hey, that was some serious shit. You didn’t see what I saw. I had nightmares after that!” she joked, chuckling.
"Nightmares, eh?” he smiled. “I got used to fatherhood all in good time, if I may say so."

Natasha struggled to catch her breath, she looked up at him. "Yes you did, darling. You caught on very fast. I knew you'd be a perfect father, too." She leaned upwards, kissing him passionately.

They laid quietly together for several minutes before Darian heard the little chatter coming from the nursery. "He's finally awake!" He swiftly unraveled himself from Natasha, letting her fall face-first back onto the bed. She looked up at him, chuckling to herself as he climbed out of the bed, leaving the room. He returned two minutes later carrying their year old son in his arms. Little Matthew, as some called him, knowing he was named after his biological father, was dressed in a light blue t-shirt and white and blue elephant-spotted pajama bottoms over his pull-ups. His green eyes stared at his father as he carried him towards the bed. Darian leaned forward, kissing his son's soft, curly, dark brown hair. He inhaled deeply, taking in his sweet baby scent.
"Is he wet?" Natasha asked, reaching over testing his pamper.
Darian shook his head. "I'd be able to smell if he was. He's just hungry, lonely and he wants to play."
"I bet he is. He had a very long nap. I'm going to make him a little something to eat." Natasha began to roll off the bed.
"No, you should be relaxing. I can take care of his dinner." Darian walked out of the room, taking their son with him and leaving her alone, smiling.
Natasha was both overjoyed and relieved that not only did her two lovers love their son, and were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their second child, but the entire coven grew closer because of the infant. John, Tony, Gary and Christopher took to their “uncle” roles immediately. Even before Matthew was born, they had purchased clothes and toys in preparation of his arrival. Annabelle adored the little infant and enjoyed nuzzling, playing and holding Matthew whenever she could pry him from the hands of his uncles and fathers. The biggest surprises were Miko and April, who were oftentimes reserved, even they couldn’t help making cooing sounds and “baby talk” in the infant’s presence. Matthew, Warren's lover, S.U.I.T. partner and the biological donor of Natasha’s two children loved him very much. He visited often, playing with his son for hours on end. Natasha’s parents, and Matthew's mother were constantly spoiling her son, so much so, Natasha found herself having to put her foot down.
She didn't want a spoiled brat for a child. Darian's fawning over him was bad enough. Xavier and Matthew understood where she was coming from, and toned down their blatant adoration enough not to spoil their son rotten. Darian, on the other hand, needed more restraint. He finally submitted and resisted the urge to carry his son constantly. He also refrained from making exuberant purchases, like the several pairs of thousand dollars infant loafers he had bought several months ago. Even Xavier chastised his lover for that decision. Darian’s reason for having done so at the time was, “only the best for my son.” All in all, everything was wonderful as far as Natasha was concerned. She'd never been happier. She only wished her best friend, Annette were alive to share the experience, too.
Darian came back into the room ten minutes later, carrying his son and a jar of food. He sat on the bed and began feeding Matthew tiny spoonfuls of pur
ed vegetables. Natasha laid next to them watching, secretly hoping Darian couldn't hear her own stomach growling.
"Xavier should be here shortly. You sound ravenous," Darian said, smiling slyly.

Natasha smirked. "Oh, I see you’ve got jokes."
"Ah, was that your stab at being sarcastic?" Darian smiled.
Natasha giggled. "Maybe. I can't help it if I'm hungrier than a hostage."
"You know, some hostages are well fed," Darian remarked.
"See, there you go again, talking shit,” Natasha joked.

Darian laughed.

Natasha kissed him before taking hold of her son. She lifted his tiny shirt, inhaling deeply, blew a loud gust of air over the surface of his belly, causing him to burst into a fit of laughter.
"He's ticklish, just like his mother," Darian commented.
"I know," she said, giggling. Her slender delicate fingers moved erratically over her son's soft skin, ticking him. He cackled loudly as he thrashed on the bed, smiling beautifully at his mother. Several minutes later, Xavier entered the bedroom through the door, and not the window like the last time when he scared Natasha out of her wits causing her to spill her nachos all over Darian’s three-thousand dollar sheets.
"Hey baby, tell me you've got something good for me," Natasha begged, arms outstretched before her, fingers wiggling.

Xavier smiled wickedly as he approached Natasha. He began to unbutton his pants.
"Oh, now you're just being lewd." Natasha laughed, slapping Xavier's thigh/> "Hey, you're the one who asked for 'something good'," Xavier teased.
"There's nothing I can say that I don't think you're going to make sexual, so just hand me my food," Natasha said, chuckling.
Xavier laughed as he dangled the still hot bag of food just out of her reach. "How badly do you want it?" he teased seductively.
With one eyebrow arched, and in her most threatening tone, "You should know by now not to come between a pregnant woman and her cravings." Natasha lunged for the bag, which Xavier raised, keeping her at bay.
Darian chuckled. "I believe she's serious, Xavier. It might be best for you to just lay the bag down gently and take several very slow steps backwards …
Natasha turned toward him. "I see the two of you are going to gang up on me now, is that it?"
"Maybe," Xavier leaned forward, lips pursed, waiting for his kiss.
"I don't even know if I should give you one for all of the trouble you've caused me," Natasha said, pouting playfully.
"Awwww, don't be that way, Tasha." Xavier handed her the bag.
"That's better." She gave him his kiss.
Xavier went into the bathroom, washing his hands. When he came back out, he immediately scooped up his son tossing him in the air as if he weighed nothing. Little Matthew laughed and babbled as his father played with him.

You returned faster than I expected,” Darian said, mentally calculating Xavier’s traveling time and distance.

Yes I did. Turns out, they have a location in Indiana. I didn’t have to fly to New York after all,” Xavier replied.
“That’s good to know,” Natasha said as she began eating the burger that was so huge, she had difficulty opening her mouth wide enough to bite it.
"That's just ridiculous," Darian commented at the sight of the burger.
Natasha giggled as she continued to stuff her face.
"Oh, but look at how happy we've made her," Xavier said, pointing at Natasha.
Darian regarded her gleefulness, he nodded. "Indeed, she
quite jolly."
Natasha swallowed her food. "Stop talking about me like I'm some sort of lab animal."
Both men laughed heartily, tickled by their own jokes. Xavier laid on the bed and released his son. Matthew climbed over both men towards his mother, opening his mouth wide once he reached her.
"Oooo! You little greedy baby! I didn't beg for not one bite of your food. I swear, if Matthew wasn't human when he first donated his sperm, I would have sworn you got that trait from him." Natasha leaned forward, kissing her son on his nose. Relenting, she gave him the tiniest bite of her hamburger. His little mouth couldn't open wide enough to take in the entire sandwich, but he was able to bite off a tiny portion of meat and cheese. "I bet you drooled on my sandwich, too. You drool over everything."
"That is so very true. Even his little kisses are full of spittle," Xavier teased. He leaned forward, burying his face against the crook of his son's neck, inhaling deeply. "Ahhh, I love that smell."
"Everyone loves the way babies smell." Natasha finished her meal. Resting her back against the headboard of the bed, she watched her two lovers play with their son until the toddler was exhausted enough to curl up beside her and fall asleep. Both men laid bedside her and the baby, watching their son sleep.
"You two can do that forever, can't you? Just sit and watch him sleep?" she asked.
Xavier nodded. Darian smiled.
"He's amazing. We witnessed him growing inside of you, living off your body and what you had to give him. We heard his tiny heartbeat before he was born. And then we saw him come into this world. I don't remember them being that small when they're first born," Xavier said. He leaned over and kissed his son's forehead. "And now, we're going to have another child. I can't find the words to describe how happy and anxious I am. I don't know if the baby is a boy or girl!"

"Do you have a preference?" Natasha asked.

Xavier shook his head. "No. What about you, Darian?"
"I don't have a preference," Darian said. He looked at Natasha. "Would you want any more children after these two?"
Natasha shook her head. "N.O., no. I've always wanted two kids. I'm getting exactly what I want, even more so with the two of you in my life," she caressed their cheeks.
The three of them talked about various topics as Xavier rested his head on her belly, hearing and feeling his second child inside. He smiled. Darian watched him in silence. He was happy that Xavier was able to experience fatherhood. He knew it was something his young lover had always wanted and thought he'd never have. They stayed inside the bedroom, enjoying each others company for the remainder of the night until Natasha fell asleep and the sun forced the two men to rest. Before she drifted off, she told them she couldn't wait until the next evening when they'd all be together again.













Christopher dashed through the red velvet curtains exiting the stage after he finished his routine. He pulled the crumpled bills from what remained of his costume and began counting the money. He opened the door to the dressing room and was greeted by Gary.

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