The Lisa Series (23 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Lisa Series
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Lisa bowed her head. “Yes,” she said softly, “he’s my latest lover.” She lifted his stubby legs up and swung them over so that he was lying stretched out on the couch. She propped a pillow behind his head. Then, she stood beside him and slowly pushed her skirt down and stepped out of it. She moved close to his massive head and spread her pussy and began to move her hips.

Silk looked at me, “ The little bitch still don’t like to say the words.” He turned back to Lisa, “Talk to him,” Silk directed.

Lisa continued to move her hips. She leaned over slightly and held her breasts out to him. The silver clips reflected the light, and the chain swayed back and forth. The toothless bum grinned up at her. She closed her eyes again. “’s wet...I’m excited. Please, I...I...want you. I want you fuck me again.” Leavy grunted. She opened her eyes forcing herself to look at him. He lay motionless, waiting. Tentatively, she reached out and touched his cheek, “I...I want...I want to feel you inside me.”

Leavy grabbed her leash and pulled her down on top of him. She took his head between her hands and shutting her eyes again, pressed her lips against the black hole that was his mouth.

“French him,” Silk commanded, “tongue the dirty old bastard’s gums.” She parted her lips and did as Silk had ordered. After a moment, she lifted up and, pushing aside his long greasy hair, she licked his ear. She kissed his neck. I noticed her hesitate, then she placed her tiny hands on his ugly hump and caressed it. She worked her way down his body and soon was kneeling between his spread legs. There, she stroked his cock and teased its tip with her tongue. She leaned forward and softly kissed his stomach. He moaned with pleasure. As she slid her naked body along his, he put a hand on the chain and pulled it. Lisa winced and caught her breath. He pulled again. The clips bit into her swollen nipples. This time she cried out.

Quickly she moved up to straddle him. Parting the lips of her pussy, she slowly lowered herself onto his cock. She began to rock back and forth. In the strong light they cast a distorted shadow on the wall. When she felt he was about to cum, she stopped and bent down to kiss him. He once more grabbed her nipples and twisted them until she screamed and drew back. He yanked on the leash drawing her face down to his. She parted her lips to accept his thick tongue. She positioned herself so that his cock rubbed against her clit. Rising up, and undulating her hips, she rode his cock furiously as she dug her fingers into his shoulders.

Then, she was cumming, crying out, her eyes squeezed shut, her face contorted. Leavy grunted and pushed up as he came with her. She continued to grind herself into him, moving her ass backward and forward, pressing down, her head flung back, until she came a second time.

“That’s it!” Silk shouted, “the fuckin humpbacked piece of shit made your pretty little wife cum Billy! He made her cum twice! I bet you never did her that good.” He slapped me on the back and laughed. “Did you see her Billy...did you see the look on her face? Did you hear her yelling when she came? Goddamn it, Billy,” Silk was shaking his head and still laughing, “she loved it. Your hot little wife loved fuckin the ugly bastard!”

Leavy had rolled from under Lisa and was sitting on the floor. Lisa lay face down on the couch and, covering her face with both hands, began to sob. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. I stood and started toward her. Leavy looked frightened and quickly scrambled to gather his clothes. Silk stood behind me and spoke in a quiet, steady voice, “Billy if you touch that wife of yours it’s gonna be a goddamn lot worse for her.”I stopped. “Now go back to your chair.” I did as he ordered. “She gets like this sometimes. She cries. Frank says she’s fighting against her own nature. She’s too fuckin emotional. But she’s learning.” He took several steps forward. “Ain’t that right, little bitch?”

Lisa was still sobbing and shivering, her breath coming in short gasps. She couldn’t answer. Silk waited, then asked again, “You’re learning, ain’t you Lisa? You’re learning to like whatever me or Frank tell you to’re learning that you want to do it, and do it without all this fuckin blubbering...ain’t that right?” Lisa had pulled her legs up and lay on the couch in a fetal position. She continued to hide her face. The sobs began to subside. “Answer, Goddamn it!” Silk shouted.

“Yes,” Lisa whispered, hoarsely.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, honey. Yes, I want to please and Frank.” She paused to catch her breath. She lowered her hands and turned her tear streaked face toward us. “ and know how it is. You know that I have to do...that I want to do what you say.”

“Okay, you better start acting like it. We can cut this last part out of the Goddamn tape.” He gestured toward the cameras. Then, he looked hard at Lisa. She had stopped crying. His hand went to his crotch. She noticed. “Now,” Silk said, “it’s still early. Tell us what you’d like next. His hand was on the back of my chair. Lisa looked beyond me directly at him.

“You, honey.” She said.

“Say it,” Silk demanded.

She continued to stare up at him. She moved her small hands to cup her breasts. “I...I want you fuck my ass,” she said.

“That’s better, but you look like some cheap whore. Get yourself fixed up. You know what I like.”

“Yes, honey, I know.” Slowly she stood. She was still shaken. The five inch heels forced her to hold on to the couch.

Silk laughed, “She’ll get used to the ‘fuck-me’ shoes. I like to see her in them. They lift up her ass and make her walk slow. Make her look like a hot little whore. I told her she has to wear them all the time now except when she sleeps.”

Lisa’s skirt and blouse were on the floor next to my chair. She crossed to pick them up. I could see that the nipple clips resembled tiny metal alligator teeth. Spring loaded clamps caused them to bite into her aureoles so that her nipples protruded, swollen and dark.

“After fucking that filthy old man, you need a shower.” Lisa stood before him, her head bowed. Silk unsnapped the leash. “Wear a cap. I don’t want your hair wet. Wear them clothes you got in your hands. Make you face know the way I like it. You can take the clips off but, get the black plug and put it where it belongs.”

“Yes, honey,” Lisa said. She waited for him to dismiss her.

“Thank Leavey.”

Without looking up, Lisa said, “Thank you Mr. Leavy.”

“For what?” Silk asked. “What are you thanking him for?”

“Thank you for...for doing it to me...for making me cum.” If Leavy heard her, he didn’t acknowledge it. He was busy tying his shoelaces.

“Okay, that’s all,” Silk waved his hand in the direction of the hallway. Still unsteady in her heels, Lisa crossed the room. “I’m sending you to the deli,” Silk called after her.

She stopped and turned. Her face was flushed. She bit her lip.

“Please, Mr. Silk...” she began. Silk stared hard at her. “Yes, honey,” she said, “I’m sorry.” She turned and disappeared down the hall.

Silk laughed. “Ah, Billy boy, it’s going to be a bitch of a night.” Silk yelled at Leavy, “You got what I promised so get the fuck out of here.” Leavy nodded and shuffled across the room. We heard him put on his coat and then the door opened and closed behind him.

Chapter Two

The Deli

Silk went into the kitchen to make himself a drink. I heard the shower running. Soon, he returned and sat on the couch opposite me. He took a sip from his glass, “Top shelf whiskey and a little water,” he grinned and shook his bald head. “Billy, that wife of yours has turned into a little gold mine. Did Frank tell you what we get for these video tapes?”

“He gave me some idea, yes.”

“The fuckin tapes we’re doing tonight with you here watching her ought to be big winners. Did you see her face when Leavy made her cum? I mean, shit man, she was really gettin off!” He sipped his drink. “I don’t know how the fuck you stand it, and I don’t know why the fuck she does it. Frank has this idea that she’s just now finding out who the fuck she is. I don’t understand that stuff. All I know is she can leave anytime she wants to. Both Frank and me made that clear to her. But she stays.” He held up his glass, “She don’t drink. We ain’t got her hooked on drugs or nothin like that.” He placed his glass on the floor and leaned forward. “And you can see, Billy, that she hates the shit we make her do. She hates me most of all. Still has a fuckin high opinion of herself, thinks she’s better than me. But goddamn it, she don’t go.” He shook his head again. “You’re fuckin weird, Billy, but the little bitch is a real case, ya know.”

The sound of the shower stopped. We sat in silence for a few minutes. “Know what your wife’s doing right now?” Silk began. “She’s rubbing KY around her pretty little asshole and shoving a butt plug up into it.” My cock started to stiffen again. Silk finished his drink. “Did you notice big black Dooley in the deli when you come in?”

“Yes. Frank said Dooley was there to make sure I didn’t...”

“Misbehave,” Silk interrupted. “Dooley’s the main man, Billy. But he’s only a half step from being a fuckin animal. He’d cut your balls off and either stuff them down your throat or up your ass. And he’s loyal, Billy, loyal to Frank. Like little Lisa, he does exactly what Frank tells him.” Silk reached in his pocket and pulled out what looked like a small television remote. “If you fuck up, I just push a button on this thing and Dooley gets a signal. Then he comes running to wherever I am. You want to remember that.” He put the device back into his pocket. “Did you see the owners of the deli?” he asked.

“No,” I said. “It was raining hard.”

“They’re dot-heads from Pakistan or Iran or fuckin of them Hindu countries. He’s smart as hell. She’s a short, fat, ugly bitch...and mean, you know, real nasty. I never seen her smile.” He sat silently for a moment, shaking his head. “They both smell like they rub each other with pig grease, or goat piss, or something.” He looked down at his empty glass, then up at me, his small black eyes bright. “I gotta tell you, Billy, they got the hots for Lisa. They want her real bad. They know she’s my little whore. I send her down for beer.” He sat for a moment staring at the floor deciding, it seemed, whether or not to continue tormenting me. He looked up, grinning again. “They got this dog, Billy, a pit bull. A fuckin son-of-a-bitch. He’s usually chained up in the back room. Well, they had him out in the store one afternoon when I sent Lisa for something. The fuckin dog went crazy. He started humping her leg. It took both of them to pull him off. Lisa was scared shitless. She’s afraid to go down there.” He leaned back and winked at me. “All three of them crazy fuckers living in the deli got the hots for your pretty little wife, Billy.”

“You bastard,” I said, a sick hollow feeling in my stomach. “You wouldn’t. Frank wouldn’t.”

“No, don’t worry. Not the fuckin dog. Frank is bad, but he’s not that bad. He won’t let that mangy animal near her. Neither will Dooley or me. She’s too valuable. Who the hell would want her if she was fucking a Goddamn dog?” He laughed at the thought of it. “But as for Rafti and his pig of a wife...Arisha, I think her name is...hell, maybe tonight’s their lucky night.”

Before I could answer, Lisa appeared in the doorway. She wore the short red skirt and the shear red blouse. On her feet were the same obscene shoes. She had painted her lips so they looked fuller. The lipstick was a darker red and glistened with a coating of gloss. In the past she never wore eye makeup, but now she had applied a light blue tint and black mascara. She’d blackened and extended her eyebrows so that, with her short black hair, she appeared not oriental, but perhaps Eurasian. Her slight, trim body and splendidly shaped legs were flawless, the skin smooth and oiled, the high swell of her small breasts were clearly outlined under the thin blouse. The tight skirt molded her round, firm ass. She seemed somehow more beautiful now than she’d ever been. And for what? To win a slight nod of approval from Silk? To display herself before the fat owners of the filthy deli downstairs?

Silk looked at her for a full minute before he spoke. “A whore, Billy, but a whore with class.” The color rose to Lisa’s cheeks. In one hand she carried the nipple clips and their thin silver chain. In the other hand, she held the leash. The leather collar circled her neck.

She extended the hand that held the clips and leash to Silk. “Please, honey...I...I’ll make love to you good...I promise...better than ever before...if...if only I don’t have to go down there. Please, honey...those awful people and that dog...”

“Get me a pair of scissors,” Silk ordered. In a matter of minutes, she was back and standing before him. “Keep your hands at your sides.” He took the scissors and cut two holes in her blouse just large enough to expose each nipple. Then he grabbed the jagged clips and clamped one behind each of her nipples. Finally, he tightened the spring screw until she winced. The silver chain that connected the clips hung down on the outside of her blouse. “You can leave the leash here,” he said. She handed it to him. Roughly, held her upper arms and dug his fingernails into her flesh. “Two six-packs of Budweiser,” he said.

“Yes, honey,” she answered softly, and looked down at the floor.

“Show Billy the plug.” She hesitated, then turned around and lifted her skirt. She leaned forward slightly. The end of the plug was shiny black and about the size of a silver dollar. Its thick base stretched her anal opening.“Tell Billy why it don’t slide out,” Silk said.

“Because I tighten...I tighten myself back there hold it in.”

“Tell us why you do that,” Silk ordered.

“Because you want me to be be able to hold you like that when you...when you...”

“When I what?”

“When you…when you…fuck my ass, honey,” she whispered. “You want me squeeze your squeeze it tight when it’s in my ass.”

“Tell us, Lisa, that time at Frank’s party when you seen me, did you ever think I’d be fucking your ass...I mean fucking it wherever I feel like fuckin it?”

Lisa shook her head. I could see tears forming in her eyes. “, not ever. You were, I couldn’t imagine such a thing.”

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