The Lost Lyken (6 page)

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Authors: C.A. Salo

BOOK: The Lost Lyken
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“Then what the hell is she?”

“Well, why don’t you ask her?” Winn suggested.

Evan turned when he scented the sweet smell he always associated with Kasey. His brows narrowed as the woman stood in front of them. Her scent was the same, but different; it stunk of metallic overtones, like when you sucked on your finger after cutting it and tasted the iron within your blood. “Who are you?” he asked as the woman’s face contorted with anger.

“You stay away from her, Lyken!” silver lady yelled.

Evan’s arms crossed over his chest. “Stay away from whom?”

“Her smell is all over you, how dare you touch her you, you filthy animal!”

Evan’s eyes changed as his arms came down. “First off, lady, and I use that term loosely, just who in the hell do you think you are and why are you here?”

“I am your worst nightmare, Lyken. Heed my warning and stay away from Kasey Decker.”

“Or what?”

“Or you’ll deal with me.”

“Evan!” Winn called out as the silver lady rushed his way. “Don’t let her touch you!”

Evan flash-stepped away noticing the silver talons on the woman’s fingertips. His eyes widened as he deflected her attempted hits. “She has no idea, does she? Kasey has no idea what she is?” His chest heaved from the quick assaults as they stopped and squared off. “She has no idea about you.”

“You stay away from her.”

“I think that’s up to Kasey to decide.”

“If you…”

“If I what?” Evan yelled. “You, whom she has no idea exists, are going to all of a sudden appear in her life and try and tell her what to do?” Evan smirked. “Lady, you truly have no idea who Kasey Decker is.”

“She’s my…”

“Oh, I know exactly who she is to you now, but blood means nothing when you’ve been nowhere around. You left her vulnerable to any Other Kin who’d stop by and take a look at her; like that Orc when he attacked her straight out with the intent to rape her.” Evan growled, his gaze narrowed as hers faltered to the left. Looking at Winn quickly, he knew they needed to get away from her before she attacked him again. Motioning to the right, Evan flash-stepped with Winn right at his side. “This isn’t good.”

“Nope,” Winn muttered. “You need to keep Kasey safe and away from her, she’s no good, Evan.”

“Kasey will be heading for her parents’ house shortly.”

“Ah, so I interrupted your goodbyes?” She smiled.

“That and our first time, thank you very much,” he growled.

“I’ll make sure Kasey leaves town with no issues. You head to Sanctuary and away from Silver Mama and her talons.”

Evan nodded and took off to the left as Winn headed toward Kasey’s apartment.

* * * *

Evan sighed when he heard his brother’s deep tone answer the phone. “It’s about time.”

“It’s three in the morning, I was sleeping. What’s up, are you alright?”

Evan smiled as worry entered his little brother’s voice. “Yeah, I’m alright, but I found something out tonight and need you to check with the historians for me.”

“Well, it must have been something big for you to be calling at this hour,” Drake said.

“Yeah it is. Remember the woman I told you about?”

“Your mate?”

“Yeah, she ah—I just found out her mother’s a Silver Alchemist and Kasey has no idea.”

“A silver—holy shit, Evan, she could kill you with one scratch.”

“I know and Kasey has no idea. All she knows is when she’s around silver it does strange things.”

“So she hasn’t drawn any into her body?”

“No, at least I don’t think so.”

“You don’t think?” Drake yelled.

“No, okay, she hasn’t.”


Evan shrugged. “Well, with the scratches she left going down my back earlier, I’d probably be dead by now.”

“By the gods, Evan!”

“I’m alright, just have the historians check to see if a match like this have ever been recorded and ask Mari too, ’kay? She might have seen something in all her travels.”

Drake sighed heavily. “So I guess she’s the one then?”

“She is.”

“Alright, now tell me about the mother.”

“She came out of nowhere. Kasey doesn’t even know her adoptive mother isn’t her own. I’m not sure about her father yet, I haven’t had a chance to scent him. This silver-haired woman just showed up, so Winn tracked her down and tonight we had a bit of a…scuffle.”

“A bit of a scuffle…with a Silver Alchemist? Only you, my brother.”

Evan snorted. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

“I’ll get on it. Do you need back up in case she tries coming after you?”

“No, I’m good. Winn’s close by and I’m at Sanctuary. Besides, Kasey’s already left for her home.”

Drake hesitated a moment. “Livi’s been asking if you’re coming home for Christmas.”

Evan closed his eyes as he leaned his forehead against the doorjamb. “No, not this year,” he whispered.

“She still thinks it’s her fault you know, that she couldn’t save Sophia and why you won’t come back.”

The corners of Evan’s eyes furrowed. “Gods, it’s not her fault. I don’t blame her, I blame the bastard that killed Sophie. I’ve told her that.”

“I know, but year after year when you haven’t come back—I know she still holds a heavy heart over you leaving. Besides, you have a nephew to meet and another pup on the way.”


Drake chuckled. “We just found out yesterday.”

“Christ, Drake. Are you fathering your own pack or what?” Evan chuckled.

“It’s the what. I can’t seem to keep my hands off my mate,” he laughed. “So are you going with Kasey to her parents’?”

“I don’t think so. I mean she invited me and everything, but it’s during the full and she doesn’t know who I am yet.”

“Well if you do, text me so I know where you are in case you need me.”

“I will. And tell Livi I love her, will you?”

“You know it. Take care, my brother.”

“You too.” Evan grinned as he hung up. He missed his family like crazy and maybe once Kasey knew all about him, and if she was okay with knowing, maybe he’d go home. Smiling, he jumped up and grabbed his bag, tossing several pairs of clothes in, and took off.

Chapter 4

Kasey rolled her eyes at her brother as her mother continued worshipping Gilford Weram. “Huh, what, I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention,” she said with a droll tone as her mother repeated her question.

“Kasey you’re being very rude to your guest,” Rita said as she stood by Gilford.

Kasey sighed loudly as she rolled her eyes to her mother, smiling when Rita frowned. “First off mother, he is your guest. I did not, nor would I ever, invite Gilford to a family event. Secondly, I take offense that both of you would scheme to even think to set me up. Especially you Mother, when you know I’m seeing someone. You’ve met him and spoken with him in public.”

“He was just as rude as you are.”

Kasey grinned. “Good, because after you tried humiliating him, which didn’t work by the way, you got your just desserts.”

“You better stop talking to Mother like that, Kasey,” Sasha spat.

“I’ll talk to Mother any way I want, especially when she thinks she’s going to inject herself into my life and try to control any aspect of it. And if you don’t like it, block your ears or leave. Your choice. But don’t you sit there all Miss High and Mighty and try to think you’re going to tell me what to do or how to act.”

“That’s enough,” Rita blustered.

“Yes, it is,” Donald Decker said as he entered the drawing room. “Rita, your manipulating ways are at an end. Stay out of Kasey’s life,” he said sternly.

Kasey smiled over at her dad. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, girl, I found something in the driveway when I pulled up and I think he belongs to you.”

Kasey frowned and then squealed with excitement when Evan strode through the door. Rushing to him, she laughed as he dropped his bag and caught her in his arms. “I thought you couldn’t make it.”

“I changed my plans.” Evan grinned as he hugged her tightly.

“Oh my God, Kasey Lynn, have some modesty shall you?” Rita snapped.

“Rita!” Donald replied.

Kasey turned as her father gave her mother the ‘no nonsense’ look that would have them running as kids.

“I believe it’s time for dinner. Gilford, I realize you were invited to a dinner tonight and if you have nowhere else to go, then you may be Rita and Sasha’s guest. If not, then you know where the door is. I for one am starving and heading to the dining room.”

Kasey grabbed Evan’s hand and led him right behind her dad, smiling as they stood to her dad’s left side. “Evan, this is my brother, Graham, and his wife, Carolyn.”

“Nice to meet you,” Evan said as they shook hands.

“Same here. Kase has said a bunch of good things about you, Evan. I’m glad you could make it tonight. Are you staying the rest of the week?” Graham replied before taking his seat at his dad’s right side.

“If Kasey wants me too.” He smiled.

“I’d like nothing better.” Kasey smiled back and kept an eye on her mother as she sat at the other end with Sasha and Gilford, on the other side of Carolyn. “Dad, where’s Grandma, is she alright?”

“She had someone to see before coming, but no worries, she’ll be here.” Donald smiled.

“So Evan,” Graham said as they all sat down. “Kase and Dad tell me you’re the COO of your family’s company.”

“I am.” Evan smiled. “Although we’ve never had the pleasure of meeting in the boardroom, I’ve heard plenty of good things about Decker International.”

“Well, that’s always good to know.”

“Evan, you never said what the name of your family company is,” Rita smirked.

Kasey met Evan’s gaze briefly as he turned to look down the table at her mother.

“Roven Industries.”

Kasey’s eyes widened.

“That’s a nice company you have there,” Donald said as dinner was served. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you as well, although they say you’re hell on wheels at the negotiation table.”

Kasey caught Evan’s smile as he turned back to her dad and saw the pride in his eyes. So maybe she’d call him on his last name later when they were alone. Roven was the largest name of those who lived in Alston, Maine, and she wasn’t about to let her mother or sister know that she had no idea what his last name was.

* * * *

After dinner, Kasey grabbed Evan by the elbow leading him off to the side. “I left your gift at home because I didn’t think you were coming.”

Evan leaned down with a smile. “I thought you gave it to me already?”

Kasey’s brows lifted with a sensual smile on her lips. “Oh that, that was just the appetizer.”

Evan growled as he ducked in for a kiss.

Kasey tossed her arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around her waist. Bringing her close, she sighed as he kissed her slowly. “Evan,” she breathed. “I think we need to talk.”

“You recognized my last name didn’t you?” he asked as he lowered his face to the nape of her neck, hugging her close.


“Are you mad?”

“Irritated, but no, not mad.”

“For crying out loud, Kasey, knock it off,” Sasha scoffed.

Kasey smiled as she parted from Evan. “Stop being such a snob, Sasha.” Taking Evan’s hand, she led him to the family room where they were getting ready to give presents out. “If there was a man here who liked you, you’d be all over him.”

“Amen to that, sister,” Graham chuckled as he walked by.

Kasey smiled and followed her laughing brother.

* * * *

Kasey chuckled when Graham stopped their mom from seating Gilford between her and Evan on the love seat.

“Really, Rita, you will stop your meddling ways with Kasey now,” Whitney said as she strode into the family room.

“Grandma!” Kasey squealed as she jumped up and gave her grandmother a hug. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too, my girl, now tell me who this striking young man is with a twinkle in his eye for you.”

Kasey’s smile broadened. “Oh, Grandma, you have to meet Evan.” Taking her hand, Kasey led her over to the love seat, smiling ear to ear as she met Evan’s gaze. “Evan, this is my Grandmother.” Her smile softened when he stood, bowing slightly to show his respect.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Evan said.

“I’ve heard plenty of good things about you, young one.” Whitney smiled.

Kasey glanced to the left. Young one? Her grandmother never called anyone that, and Evan spoke to her as if he held her with the highest of regards. Glancing back up, she smiled as Grandma stared at her. “Huh, sorry I was noodle gathering.”

“Always my daydreamer. You keep this one, Kasey Lynn, and wonderful things will follow.”

Kasey’s head tilted slightly as Grandma turned and went to her father.

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