The Mad Sculptor (51 page)

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Authors: Harold Schechter

Tags: #History, #United States, #State & Local, #Middle Atlantic (DC; DE; MD; NJ; NY; PA), #Psychology, #Psychopathology, #General, #True Crime, #Murder

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Adams, William A.,

Allen, Charles W.,

Allen, William H.,

The American Journal of Psychiatry

American Museum of Natural History,


An American Tragedy

Anastasia, Albert,

Anderle, Bernadette,

Andrews, Henry,

Apostolic Faith Mission,



At Heaven’s Gate

Atwood, John Murray,

Aumüller, Anna,

Bachrach, Julius,

Baker, Amos T.,


Baldridge, Cyrus LeRoy,

Bankhead, Tallulah,

Barrymore, Ethel,

Bart, Belle,

Bates, Ellis,

“Bathtub Murder.”
Titterton, Nancy

Bathurst, Jess,

Beacco, Lucy,

Beekman, James and Mrs.,

Beekman, Wilhelmus,

Beekman Hill Maniac.
Irwin, Robert

Beekman Place

Gebhardt murder at,


Gedeon family in,


history of,


Lonergan murder at,


Pilie suicide at,

Titterton murder at,


See also
Easter Sunday Massacre

Bellevue Hospital

forensic psychiatry by,


Irwin in,



Kopalchak in,


Berg, Louis,


Berger, Thomas,



Berlin, Irving,

Bern, Henry,

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