The Mammoth Book of Hollywood Scandals

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Hollywood Scandals
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Michelle Morgan
was the president of the Marilyn Lives Society, a UK fan club, from 1991 to 2007. She is the author of
Marilyn’s Addresses
Marilyn Monroe: Private and Undisclosed
. She is the co-producer of the upcoming documentary
Gable: The Ties that Bind
with Prospect House Entertainment. She lives in Northamptonshire.


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The Mammoth Book of Dark Magic

The Mammoth Book of Zombies

Also by Michelle Morgan

Marilyn Monroe: Private and Undisclosed


Michelle Morgan




Constable & Robinson Ltd

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London WC1B 4HP

First published in the UK by Robinson,
an imprint of Constable & Robinson Ltd, 2013

Copyright © Michelle Morgan, 2013

The right of Michelle Morgan to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988.

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This book is dedicated to my dear friend, Claire Hollies
Slater, who has been in my life since we were both
eleven years old. She is one of the strongest women I
know and will always be an inspiration to me.

To my grandparents, Bill, Lily, Cosimo Pacitti and
Pearl, for teaching me all about “the olden days” and
inspiring my love for times gone by.

And to the memory of my dear friend Ross
McNaughton, who was really looking forward to this


I would like to thank my friends and readers who not only pointed me in the direction of various scandals, but also provided a lot of information, help and support along the way. In that regard I would particularly like to thank Eric Woodard, Richard Kirby and Hanna Nixon, who all sent items that they felt would inspire my work on this project.

To my agent, Robert Smith; all the staff at Constable & Robinson, and my wonderful editor Howard Watson.

Christina Rice from the Los Angeles Public Library helped me so much during the writing of this book; while it seems clichéd to say that it could not have been written without her, I honestly believe that to be true.

I would like to thank my wonderful husband Richard, who has supported and loved me for the past twenty-six years, and Mum, Dad, Paul, Wendy and Angelina for always being there for me.

And last but by no means least, my gorgeous daughter Daisy, for inspiring me every single day for the past nine years. I love you, baby; all my dreams came true because of you.



1. The Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle Scandal

2. The Choy Ling Foo Dance Troupe

3. The Life and Death of Norman “Kid McCoy” Selby

4. Lucille Ricksen, the Adult Child Star

5. The “Almost Perfect” Murder

6. Clara Bow’s Scandalous Love Life

7. Lottie Pickford: Mary’s Naughty Sister

8. Christine Collins and the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders

9. Clara Bow, the Lawsuit and the Breakdown

10. Peg Entwistle and the Hollywood Sign

11. The Mysterious Death of Paul Bern

12. The Tragic Death of Russ Columbo

13. The Fall of Karl Dane

14. The Life and Death of Lou-Tellegen

15. The Strange Death of Thelma Todd

16. Clark Gable’s Baby Scandals

17. Aleta Freel Alexander and Ross Alexander

18. The Knickerbocker Hotel

19. Jean Harlow, Hollywood’s Baby

20. The Sad Death of Marie Prevost

21. The Rape of Patricia Douglas

22. Florence Lawrence: Hollywood’s First Forgotten Star

23. Clark Gable Tackles a Burglar

24. The Suicide Apartments

25. The Tragic Love of Peggy Shannon and Albert Roberts

26. Mrs Gable: The Carole Lombard Tragedy

27. Miss Hot Tamale, Lupe Vélez

28. Carole Landis, the Heartbroken Star

29. Marilyn Monroe’s Nude Calendar Scandal

30. The Wrong Door Raid

31. The Sudden Death of James Dean

32. The Mysterious Death of Lana Turner’s Boyfriend

33. Marilyn Monroe: Suicide, Accident or Murder?

34. The Murder of Ramón Novarro

35. The Bizarre Death of Albert Dekker

36. The Death of Pete Duel

37. The Dreadful Murder of Sal Mineo

38. Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll

39. Mommie Dearest and My Mother’s Keeper

40. The Deaths of Charles Wagenheim and Victor Kilian

41. Natalie Wood Drowns Mysteriously

42. John Belushi Dies at the Chateau Marmont

43. Madonna’s Nude Scandals

44. Rock Hudson Dies of AIDS

45. The Tumultuous Marriage of Madonna and Sean Penn

46. Zsa Zsa Gabor Slaps a Policeman

47. River Phoenix Dies Outside the Viper Room

48. Madonna’s Hollywood Stalker

49. Hugh Grant’s Hollywood Scandal

50. John Denver Leaves on a Jet Plane

51. The Ups and Downs in the Life of George Michael

52. Winona Ryder Is Arrested for Shoplifting

53. The Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie Love Triangle

54. The Tragic Life and Death of Anna Nicole Smith

55. Michael Jackson, the Man from Neverland

56. The Marriage Break-up of Kelsey and Camille Grammer

57. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Child

58. The Very Public Meltdown of Charlie Sheen

59. The Relationship of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher

60. The Rise and Fall of Whitney Houston

61. The Marriage of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes


“There are three sides to every story . . . His, hers and the truth.” – Anon

Some people consider Hollywood a location; some an industry; others a state of mind. To me, and for the purpose of this book, Hollywood is a combination of all three. Some of the scandals in this book happened in California where Hollywood is located, of course, while others may have happened elsewhere but are included here because the people concerned were (or are) part of the Hollywood industry and legend.

Within these pages you will read about strange deaths, tragedies, suicides, sex scandals, robberies, murders and much, much more. These scandals run the gamut from the days of silent films right up to the present day, and show that while times may change, the extraordinary lives people live and the things they get up to are the same now as they were a hundred years ago. People are drawn to scandal; scandal is drawn to them. It all goes on no matter if the star is from the 1920s or the present day.

This book covers over sixty different scandals from the high-profile – Whitney Houston’s death, the Fatty Arbuckle court case and the fatal stabbing of Lana Turner’s boyfriend – to those scandals long since forgotten, such as the death of actor Albert Dekker or the colourful life of boxer/actor Norman Selby. Some scandals are small; others so large I wondered if they would ever come to a conclusion, but all are revealing, tragic, outrageous and at times – such as the case of Zsa Zsa Gabor clobbering a policeman – somewhat entertaining.

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