The Midnight Hour (20 page)

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Authors: Neil Davies

BOOK: The Midnight Hour
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Her hands moved lower, stroking down over Helen’s small breasts, working their way inside her blouse.

Helen was stunned, thought she should move, get away. But the warmth was too pleasant, and yes, if she dared admit it, the fingers now circling her hardening nipples were too exquisite to pull away from.

“Now I can do the same for you Helen.” Her hands cupped the younger girl’s breasts completely, squeezing gently, pulling a moan from the girl’s mouth. “That phone call earlier was from the man who saved my life. Now he wants me to save yours.”

Her lips moved to Helen’s pale neck, her hands stroking lower, over her fluttering stomach, fingers easing inside the waistline of her skirt.

“I have a gift from your father!”

Eileen Tasker sank her teeth into Helen’s neck and began to drink.


Helen had dreams. Dreams of blood, of strange, beautiful people snarling like animals and tearing the throats from people, normal people, people like her. Miss Tasker was in her dreams, one of the beautiful snarling people. But she could not see herself. And throughout her dreams, her visions of these dangerous, sexual creatures, one word kept repeating.


The dreams faded. The visions weakened and died. Through a fog denser than any she had ever faced before she began to wake, to realise there was a real world waiting for her, and there were voices, weak at first then stronger and louder. Voices she recognised, or at least some. Her mother. Miss Tasker. A man.

Miss Tasker!

Miss Tasker had touched her, and she could not deny the excitement that had caused. My god! Was that what she truly was? But she had never had any inclination towards other girls!

Miss Tasker had done
than touched her.

The memory returned, a flood of powerful, fearful imagery and sensation.

Miss Tasker had bit her!

She screamed. Her eyes snapped open, the fog suddenly gone, and she stiffened, realised she was lying in a bed. A quick check.

A hand on her shoulder. A comforting voice.

Her mother.

“Helen dear. It’s ok. Eileen brought you straight here.”

Eileen? Miss Tasker?

“You needed to rest, to complete the change.”

That was Miss Tasker’s voice and Helen’s eyes focused on the two women leaning over her. Her mother and Miss Tasker.


What had she said? The
? What the hell was there to change?

“Give her some space. She just needs a moment to readjust.”

That was a man’s voice, deep, booming and full of command.

The two women drew back and Helen saw the man. He was tall. He was undeniably handsome in an older man way. And then she recognised him from the descriptions her mother had given her. There had never been any photographs to look at.


The man smiled.

“Yes Helen dear. I am your father. And now it is time to accept your legacy, your birthright.”

“But I…”

“Don’t worry dear.” Her mother again, leaning into view. “I tried to keep this from you but I see now that it must be. I couldn’t bear to see you so unhappy.”

“Take a look in the mirror.” Miss Tasker now, holding forward Helen’s own hand-held mirror. “You’ll see what you were always destined to become.”

“The mirror…?”

“Yes Helen, the mirror.” Her father again. Her tall, handsome and impossibly
father. “Not all legends are true.”

She wasn’t sure she completely understood the reference to legends, but she took the mirror and looked… and passed out.


They stalk their prey in darkness. Predators. Hunters. Killers of unstoppable ferocity and strength.

Eileen Tasker wears her trademark tight t-shirt and short skirt. Helen Watson, still learning, still feeling her way in this new life, dresses more conservatively. A plain cream blouse and black trousers. Nevertheless, the top buttons of the blouse are undone, revealing a cleavage she had not previously been aware of, and the trousers are tight, clinging to every curve, moulding themselves to the contours of her body in a way that is almost more revealing than the skirt worn by her older companion.

Helen Watson is sixteen and beautiful. She knows it. She does not know how it happened, but the crooked nose, the too-square jaw line, the bad teeth, have all gone and been replaced by a face that is so perfect as to be almost unnatural. It is a makeover even the best plastic surgeons could not achieve. And she feels fantastic, wonderful and sexy.

She keeps a careful eye on the time as Eileen introduces her to their target for the night. A college boy. Probably a jock. Two days ago he would not have given Helen a second look, now his eyes caress her body and she smiles at him, confident in her own image.

She still watches the time, just twenty minutes later, as, naked, she tears at the victim’s throat, sharing the feast with Eileen until they both orgasm, throwing their arms around each other, holding on tight as they shudder and moan in ecstasy.

As they clean each other off, Helen checks her watch one more time and smiles.

“Almost time. I need to get changed.”

Eileen smiles. “Ok dear. You hurry along. I’ll finish off the tidy-up here.”

Helen kisses her full on the lips, tasting the blood still fresh in her mouth. Reluctantly pulling away she hurries off towards home.

Eileen watches her go and then, almost as a second thought, calls after her.

“Enjoy the party tonight. Don’t be home early. And say hello to Cheryl for me!”

Helen’s laughter rings clear in the night as the lights of the city below sparkle and gleam, innocent of the terror heading their way.





Copyright © Neil Davies 2006


The Midnight Hour
Copyright © Neil Davies 2004

Originally published by


Copyright © Neil Davies 2005

Originally published by nanobison


Ribbons Of Blood
Copyright © Neil Davies 2005

Originally published by Ethereal Gazette


The Shadow
Copyright © Neil Davies 2004

Originally published by writeronline


When The Fires Die
Copyright © Neil Davies 2005

Originally published by Whispers Of Wickedness


Copyright © Neil Davies 2005

Originally published by Estronomicon


The Perfect Marriage
Copyright © Neil Davies 2004

Originally published by FMAM


Road Rage
Copyright © Neil Davies 2006

Previously unpublished


Virgin Flesh
Copyright © Neil Davies 2004

Previously unpublished


Death By Popcorn
Copyright © Neil Davies 2005

Originally published by Mysterical-E


Frozen Food
Copyright © Neil Davies 2005

Previously unpublished


Away With The Fairies
Copyright © Neil Davies 2005

Previously unpublished


Copyright © Neil Davies 2004

Previously unpublished


The Extreme Makeover Of Helen Watson
© Neil Davies 2005

Originally published by Estronomicon





Neil Davies was born in 1959 and has found everything else to be an uphill struggle. He currently lives in the North West of England with his wife, two children and a psychotic cat. To pay the bills he works as a Computer Consultant. Any spare time he can find he spends writing. 


Find out more information on Neil’s website at


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