The Mighty Storm (48 page)

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Authors: Samantha Towle

BOOK: The Mighty Storm
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ve always wanted jewellery from Tiffany


A: Because I love Audrey Hepburn and wanted to be her for a while when I was younger, well I still kind of do.

B: I love the song.

But mainly C: Because the jewellery is just so ridiculously beautiful, but it

s also, so very out of my price range.

Anyway, he

s here to pick something up, and that

s cool.

Maybe it

s something for his mum. He did speak to her on the phone earlier.

He told her about him and me.

Apparently, she

s really pleased and is looking forward to seeing me again.

Honestly, the thought makes me nervous. Maybe it

s because I

ll be seeing Susie again after all these years as Jake

s girlfriend, and not just his friend.

I climb out of the car and Jake meets me around the other side.

Luckily, the streets are fairly quiet tonight, as I don

t fancy another mobbing like we had earlier.

Jake takes hold of my hand and we walk toward Tiffany



ve been in a Tiffany

s store before, of course. Looked around then left before I either killed my visa or cried.

The closed sign is up on the door, but the place is all lit up, and I can see a man walking toward the door.


ve kept the place open late for Jake.

Oh, the power of money and status.


re greeted at the door by the man inside who identifies himself as Devin.

Devin is well groomed and very attractive. He reminds me of Stuart in a way. I wonder if he

s gay…

Your piece is ready for you,” Devin is saying to Jake as we follow him over to the brightly lit, glossy, sparkly counter.

But I’m barely listening. It

s so damn pretty in here. My head is swivelling on my neck.

It looks even fancier than the one on Bond Street back home. It probably isn

t, it

s just because it

s here in amazing Paris that I think so.

More than anything, I want to visit Tiffany & Co. in New York. The original and the best.

One day Tru, one day.


m getting distracted, there

s just so much to look at, and my fingers are itching to touch things.

A display of rings to my left catches my eye, so I drop Jake

s hand and wander over to have a look, leaving him to get his



The thought makes me want to giggle. I

m so immature at times.

My eyes roam the gems in the glass case, white diamonds, sapphires, yellow diamonds, and oh my god, a pink diamond. A freaking pink diamond! I didn

t even know you could get pink diamonds!


m actually freaking out a little here. Because this has to be the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my whole entire twenty-six years on this plant.


platinum with a pear-shaped pink diamond and a single row of round brilliant white diamonds hugging it.

I think I may have just died and gone
to girlie heaven.

I’d sell my
Grandma to have this ring that’s how amazing it is. Of course I’d never tell her that, she’d have my hide if I did.

My eyes scan around for a price for the ring, but there isn’t one, which means it’s ridiculously expensive.

ike I could have ever afforded it anyway. I can’t even afford moderately priced Tiffany’s. Not even cheap Tiffany’s, if there is such a thing.

That ring will be worth more than I can earn in a lifetime.

See anything you like?” Jake says in a husky voice from behind me.

Without thinking, I say in my still dreamy state, “Look at that ring, it

s so beautiful,” pointing my finger to it.

Then I realise, smack bang, how it will look to Jake that I

m standing here, gazing dreamy eyed at pink diamond rings, which actually looks a lot like an engagement ring, and I’m pointing said ring out to him, in a dreamy sounding voice.


m such a girl at times.

Um … I mean it

s nice, you know, as rings go … so did you get what you came for?” I ask, abruptly changing the subject.

I turn away from the dream ring to face him.

I did.” He pats his jacket pocket looking pretty happy with himself.

Jake looks absolutely delicious tonight. And very smart. He

s dressed in blue jeans, but he

s wearing a shirt and a suit jacket with them. It shouldn

t work but it does on him, and he looks so very hot.


m wearing my sleeveless, floral print dress. It

s fitted at the waist, and has a cut out back. It

s pretty, with a real sexiness about it. I

ve teamed it with my cream heels. And my hair is down and curly, just as Jake likes it.

He takes hold of my hand and opening the door for me, I exit first, leaving Tiffany


Bye sparkly,” I murmur quietly to myself.

What did you say?” Jake asks.

Um … what? Nothing.” My face flushes scarlet, and I quick march to the car, leaving Jake to chuckle softly behind me.


ve just got in the car and put my seatbelt on, when I turn to Jake, wondering why he hasn

t started the car yet and see a Tiffany

s box sitting on the armrest separating me and him.

My heart does a little dance in my chest.

I look from the box to him.

I got you a little something,” he says, looking, surprisingly nervous.

Is that what you went in there to pick up?”

Uh huh,” he nods.

What is it?” My insides are doing cartwheels at the moment, but I

m keeping a poker face on. I don

t want to come across as the girlie idiot I truly am.

He smiles, chuckling lightly.

Open it and find out.”

I reach forward and pick the box up. Cracking it open, I find inside the most beautiful necklace I

ve ever seen. Ever.


s a platinum heart locket pendant, with a heart shaped diamond set in the centre.

I can

t believe he bought me this. I think I may actually cry.


s so beautiful, Jake,” I breathe.

Open it up,” he points his chin at the locket.

I remove the locket from the box, putting it back down on the armrest. Then using my fingernail, I pop the locket open.

I gasp. The smile on my face has just reached maximum size.

Your dad sent me the picture,” he says, looking shy. I love shy Jake. “The other is from the after show party in Sweden.”

Printed inside the locket are two pictures of Jake and I. One from when we were toddlers. We must be three years old max, and the other is from the after show party in Sweden like he said.

Overcome with emotion, I launch myself at him. Kissing him hard and passionately on the mouth, knotting my fingers into his hair, holding him to me. Jake kisses me back as equally passionate, his hand cupped around the back of my neck, holding me to him, his tongue roaming my mouth, moving with mine.

So you like it then?” he whispers into my mouth as our kissing slows.

I love it, and I love you.”

Birthday present number three,” he murmurs, brushing my hair back off my face.


m still yet to get you anything.”

I got all my twelve the moment you agreed to be mine.”

Who knew you were such a hopeless romantic, Jake Wethers.” Smiling, I trace my fingertip over his lips. The light bruise from his fight with Will still evident there.


s crazy to believe that was only yesterday morning. It feels like we

ve done so much together since then.

Only with you I am. And I

m also horny twenty-four-seven.” He runs his hand up my thigh, pushing the hem of my dress up with his fingers.

Again?” I say.


Well we

re not doing it here, in the car on the street, Pervy Perverson.”

Pervy Perverson?” Jake splutters out a laugh.


you never watched?” I say at his puzzled expression.

, I was too busy touring and earning a living, while you were bumming around at uni watching soaps.”

Shut your face, and put my necklace on PP,” I grin at him.

Jake holds his hand out for the necklace, so I place it in his palm.

I turn away from him, moving my long hair away from my neck.

Jake places the cool metal around my neck, and catches the fastener at the back. His hands linger on my shoulders, and then I feel the touch of his warm lips on the nape of my neck.

It sends shivers running down my spine.

I reach my hand back, touching his thigh, and lean myself into him.

He smells and feels amazing, and a heat starts to rise in my body, pooling in my belly. And now I

m turned on.

I start to inch my fingers up his thigh.

Jake catches hold of my hand. “We

re not doing it here, MP.”

MP?” I turn, looking at him puzzled.

Mrs Perverson,” he smirks, then leaving me cold, he starts the car, puts his belt on and pulls out into the road.

Mrs? Hmm… I

m liking the sound of that.

Mrs. Trudy Wethers.

Has quite a ring to it if you ask me. Not now of course. But then Jake

s not exactly the marrying kind is he.

The thought makes me feel a little sad.

Where to now?” I ask, ignoring my own crashing wedding bells, and instead try to poker some info out of him.

Now it

s time birthday present number four.”

Jake pulls the car up on the main road, a stretch away from the Eiffel Tour. It is a little busier around here of course. Tourists are all around.

Out of my window, I see a young guy waiting by the roadside, and I instantly know he

s here waiting for us.

Come on, baby,” Jake says climbing out of the car.

By the time I

m out of the car, the star-struck young guy is taking the car keys from Jake and is walking around to the driver’s side with a huge smile on his face.

You didn

t just give the car to a random stranger did you?” I ask, smirking.

No,” he chuckles, gently swotting my behind with his hand. “He works for the place we

re going to. He

s going to go park the car for us … he

ll probably joy ride it first

can't say I blame him because I would if I was him

but as long as it

s back for when we need it, I

m cool.”

Aww, you

re so sweet, baby, letting the teenager go for a joyride in the hire car.” I nudge him with my hip. “And you

re also silly, romantic, and looking
hot tonight.”

Yeah?” He turns to me, that lusty Jake fire in his eyes again. “And you

re beautiful and insanely sexy, and right now I want to peel that dress off you and do dirty things to you right here and now in the street, but I think we might get arrested if I do.”

I press my legs together, trying to control the tremble in them he

s just created with his words.

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