The Ming Dynasty Tombs (29 page)

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Authors: Captain Chris Felton

BOOK: The Ming Dynasty Tombs
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She was sexually alluring and very attractive. He nestled down and started giving her oral sex long slow licks from brown star up to her clitoris. He sucked her small petal like labia and probed her vagina with his tongue.
She remained motionless for several minutes and then her body responded. She trembled slightly at first barely perceptible, then violently as she orgasmed. Then after a few more times she arched her back and moaned as he ejaculated a powerful stream of juices. He drank them savouring her taste and coaxed another 15 gushes from her drinking every single shot. Then he
ay between her legs and entered her rupturing her hymen in one powerful thrust. He fucked her as she juddered with climax after climax. She moaned continually all the time as he rolled her over onto her tummy and entered her vagina from the rear. She had a wonderful body, youth full and firm.

She moaned a she ejaculated another five times. Then he rolled her onto her back and he kissed her star, and pushed Vaseline inside and stroked her prostate with his index finger she gasped and ejaculated more powerfully than before. He rolled on a condom, lubricated it and entered her star. She gasped loudly as he slid inside her and he fucked her for 30 minutes until she dilated, he placed her hand son her genitals, and she masturbated her clitoris hood, as a series of powerful orgasms engulfed her senses and swamped her with pleasure. He orgasmed and she gasped and held him into her with her legs wrapped around his back. He collapsed between her legs, and she stroked his hair so gently. He stood up and fetched a syringe from his drug kit, she looked frightened, and he smiled at her.

“This will not hurt” he said re assuring her, she nodded.

“I trust you” she said in a whisper.
He injected her with ST5 and talked to her for an hour, then gave her the second part of the drug. He had named her Jade, and she closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes he told her to sleep and she did so immediately. He walked around the bed to the other woman, held her head and twisted there was a crack and her neck broke. She twitched and died Kester carried her out and outside to the cess pit.

He returned and Lee had a dead squat woman in his arms.

“Boss can you prepare the other one, I would like to keep her for a few days” he asked softly.

Kester went into the room, the girl was laying naked and spread eagled on the bed. She was sweaty and breathing heavily. Kester injected her with ST5 and talked to her for ten minutes, then gave her the second dose of the drug. She opened her eyes and looked at Kester,

“Get up shower and keep yourself clean. Then change the beddings, and get dressed in a sexy manner.

Then come down stairs to the lounge” he asked. He went to his bedroom and woke the girl.

“Jade, please have a shower and clean yourself, then dress in the clothes you were wearing there, change the bedding and come downstairs” Kester asked. He left her after she entered the shower and he heard the water flowing. Lee returned and they banked up the fire.

“We have two more targets to hit, and that the lot boss, have you sorted the girl?” he asked, Kester nodded.

“I called her Chin” Kester answered, as the girls came downstairs together, talking to each other as if the first time they had actually met. The fire was burning nicely, Kester looked at his watch it was 2pm. They locked the doors and windows and went to bed. Jade cuddling up tightly to him, he stroked
her bare back and slept. In the morning he awoke first and fucked Jade for two hours, then asked her to shower, he showered, and she followed him. He went downstairs after a shave and searched the house he found a cupboard din the lounge with
ver 2 million $ and a quantity of gold bullion, and in a small cash tin found the girls passports. The others there he tossed onto the fire. The girls packed some clothes and they left in the vehicle and headed southwards once more.
Kester sat in the rear with Jad
e she snuggled up close to him
Chin sat in the front with Lee. They made good time and arrived in the area it was a coastal town of about 25,000 inhabitants. There was a hotel in the outskirts, and Lee booked them into two double rooms.

They went to their rooms and unpacked some clothes, and then they ate locally before returning to the hotel,
Kester showered and then Jade washed and dried
then slipped naked into the bed beside Kester. She snuggled up in bed beside him, and was asleep in seconds, he liked her, and she was fit and filled his criteria for a perfect woman in so many ways. He cupped her pert behind in his left hand and slept also. They awoke together at around 9am, he showered and shaved and then she used the shower, he was dressed by the time
he emerged. Kester asked Lee to look after the girls, to take them sightseeing, while he dealt with the target
e nodded and they drove to the house, and Lee dropped Kester and some equipment off. It was a dark overcast gloomy day. He arranged for Lee to return and collect him at 5pm. It was mid-day. He had the weapons in a hold all and walked up to the back door of the house. He had the fully loaded dart gun in his hand he opened the rear door and went inside. There was talking from the front of the house, he checked the kitchen area, and found a door leading off which was obviously a sort of dining area. Two men and a female were eating their lunch.

He darted all three, one almost made it to the door before he crumpled and dropped. Kester stood inside the dining area doorway and waited, the voices continued at the front of the house.

He moved through to the doorway leading to the front and paused and listened. He opened the door there was a hallway beyond he crossed through the voices were coming from a room to his right. They were speaking the local dialect which he could not understand. He waited and counted three distinct voices, there was three people in the room. He eased the door open a few inches. Then pushed it fully open two men had their back to him, he darted them first, then the man sitting behind the desk. Then he slumped down and the house was very still and quiet leaving that room he went upstairs and searched the bedrooms there was
else in the house. He broke the men’s necks and dropped them into the household cesspit which was almost room size. The stench emitting from it was he returned to the house and searched it, finding an old safe he opened it and extracted
a pile of money and fifteen small gold ingots. Closing the safe he searched the house and found nothing of interest. He walked through to the dining room the female was slumped over the table, he lifted her head, and she was not pretty, her teeth protruding somewhat even when her mouth was closed. She was not that old, around 16 he guessed. He looked at his watch and noted it was only 1.30pm. He had a while to wait, he ensured the doors were locked and then lifted the female under his arm and walked to the lounge.

Which was quite well furnished with leather suite, and nice ornaments which were placed on a highly polished sideboard, and several small tables
he dropped the girl onto the settee and glanced from the windows.
It had started to rain, he turned around and stoked an ancient log burner with wood and opened the dampers. The room was nice and warm the wind had got up and was howling quite alarmingly.
He knelt in front of the girl she was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and a knee length skirt.
He lifted her sweatshirt over her head and tossed it to one side. Under that she had a
, and once removed he smiled. He lifted her forwards and unclipped her brassiere then eased it from her shoulders. She had stunning tits beautiful areola and fat nipples. He unclipped her skirt and pulled it off her, then her cotton panties to leave her naked.

“God made you pretty ugly but compensated with that body” he said in a whisper. She was truly ugly her eyes were small and some four inches apart. Her nose flat and wide, her teeth protruded although her mouth was closed. He took her
and slipped it over her head resting it on her shoulders. He walked through to the kitchen and picked up a small bottle of peanut oil, and returned to the lounge. He positioned her hips at the edge of the settee and lifted her feet up onto it. He poured olive oil onto her and worked it inside her vagina with his fingers breaking her hymen as he did so. He inserted himself and pushed inside her.
Savouring every movement,
e squeezed those magnificent breasts and sucked her nipples, and loved the fuck. After an hour he turned her over and poured oil over her star, he rolled on a condom and entered her easily. He came 20 minutes later and stayed inside that delectable body for 10 extra minutes. Then he withdrew pulled off the condom and tossed it on the fire.
He took tissues and wiped her ass and he pussy, then lifted her onto the settee. An hour later he fucked her again, and enjoyed her some more. He pulled her
on and her panties and carried
her outside. The cess pit was still open he held her ankles and lowered her down until her head was submerged. There was no struggling no fighting, urine flowed from her and ran down her body. He let go of her ankles and she slid into the mire. He returned to the house it was 3.45pm. He waited, and then was alarmed as he heard footsteps outside the front door. A key entered the lock and he was waiting. The door swung open and a female walked in.

She was stunning, shoulder length black hair, and almost Eurasian features, just a hint of almond shaped eyes. She was wearing a smart two piece business suit, which was just below her knees. She was wearing high shoes that gave her calf muscles a good shape. She looked at him for several seconds and her eyes were drawn to the Ingrams in his hand.

“What do you want? Where is the family?” she asked her voice calm and clear.

“Your family are not here, I want you!” he said in an equally calm voice.

“You want me, how?” she asked, he shrugged his shoulders. Then gestured her over to the settee with his left hand she looked around her as if seeking means of escape. 

“Lock the door first and leave your key inside” he instructed. He fired and a porcelain elephant behind her disintegrated into a thousand fragments. She looked frightened and locked the door and moved swiftly to sit on the settee.
She sat daintily her legs pointing away from him.

“Answer me, how do you want me?” she asked regaining her composure.

“How do I want you, naked on your back then on your stomach” he answered.

“You want to rape me” she asked looking at him incredulously.

“No not rape, assault with a friendly weapon” he remarked.

“Would you like to undress for me” he asked, she looked at him, and then stood up.

“My family are very powerful when they hear of this your dead you bastard” she said hissing her words out.
But she unbuttoned her jacket and placed it on the floor at the end of the settee.
Then her blouse and her brassiere followed by the skirt, and god she was wearing stockings, lace topped white stockings.

“Leave them on, just the panties” he instructed she removed them and tossed them at him. She stood her hands on her hips. He pushed a 70 style coffee table to one side and left a huge expanse of silk carpet which was thick and luxurious. She had her hands on her hips she had the perfect body but definitely an attitude problem.

“Are you a virgin?” he asked, she laughed slightly.

“That’s for you to find out” she answered. He pointed to the carpet and she walked over and lay down her body lengthways to the fire.
Her feet were next to Kester he squatted and laid the Ingrams on the end of the settee.

“Have you ever masturbated?” he asked in Putonghua, she looked at him surprised.

“Sometimes why?” she asked.

“I want you to masturbate for me now” he asked.

“Why should I” she answered, he looked at her and smiled.

“I’m going to fuck you like you have never ever imagined being fucked. If you’re aroused it will be better for you. He said softly and removed his weapons belt then his shirt, and his pants and finally his boxer shorts.

She gasped loudly as she saw his size. Then her hand went down and she opened her thighs, and started to masturbate slowly at first then faster. He knelt beside her and felt her she was very wet. He opened her thighs and went down on her, she moaned and shook and ejaculated into his mouth, she tasted wonderful and he drank it all.

All told she ejaculated 24 times and he placed a pillow under her hips, and positioned himself and entered her
he cried out and then just moaned as he thrust into her she shuddered continually and moaned sweet nothings.

so big, you fill me” she gasped as she shuddered a second time but much more intensely. He withdrew and rolled on a condom, and poured olive oil onto her star. She was still shaking uncontrollably as he entered her and pushed hard inside her. She gasped and ejaculated powerfully,
she gushed so much it was like a water fountain then she shook and dilated, he took her
hands and
put them on her labia and clitoris and she gasped she started manipulating her clitoral hood and arched her back so high, shaking and juddering then he came and she cried out and relaxed, he withdrew the condom and tossed it on the fire. She was still out of it. He took a syringe out and jabbed her with ST5 and held her until she calmed and the drug took effect. He talked to her for an hour then he gave her the second shot. She came around and focussed her eyes and kissed him a long passionate kiss.

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