The Ming Dynasty Tombs (7 page)

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Authors: Captain Chris Felton

BOOK: The Ming Dynasty Tombs
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They returned to the site, and Kester left with Lee to get some sleep. They returned each evening, and filled one 40 foot container every night it was back breaking work and so far it was holding up well. The first ship returned and it was loaded up with 7 containers containing aircraft, and 5 containers loaded with loot. They did not examine everything but l
ded it as quickly as possible
into the containers and locked them up. The next day their captain came and attached the documentation and saw them all loaded up. The main site was a thriving industry during the day. More men arrived from the
air force
, and more containers were filled. Kester ensured the technicians were happy, they were well fed and each
a bottle to take home every evening. The extra traffic aided their task, but it was hard work he and Lee toiled all night every night. The girls had moved out of the hotel and into the house, the two of them were happy sorting everything out. In 7 weeks they had shipped out 23 containers filled with treasure this one tomb was huge and was the main tomb of them all. In the 8
week they had shipped out 36 containers without mishap.  They had run out of aircraft, and the B52 was de winged and shipped out
as deck cargo. Lee went with it
they needed the cover Kester took the captain to one side

“I’m impressed how everything has gone is there any more aircraft here?” Kester asked.

“My superiors have asked me to assist you further I have a team searching the country now. We have located another 4 sky-raiders and some wrecks. Perhaps we can scavenge them for spare parts” he answered.

“Are there any aircraft on Vietnamese air force bases?” Kester asked.

“I have contacted all airbases and asked them to list their redundant aircraft. I will know later tomorrow, the other sky-raiders will be here later today” he remarked.

“That sounds good” Kester answered, the Captain went to turn away.

“Oh we have a Magic Dragon, a C47 fitted with four mini guns used for close support” he murmured.

“I want that, do you have any DC3’s laying around anywhere?”

“Yes but I thought you only wanted military aircraft”

“Any prop aircraft would be good” Kester said smiling.

“I will find out for you” he answered and climbed into his car. He was good to his word, the following day he returned jubilant, having found an Avro Anson, 7 DC3s and 8 C47 transport aircraft.
But they would have to be brought on transporters.

Kester was thrilled and paid the government $3 million and $500k in expenses and another $250k for the Captain. After 5 days Lee returned and they commenced, filling the last 30 containers

Which were shipped out by their captain, who was so eager to please Lee went with the shipment.

was three quarters of the way through
the tomb and even shipped out the emperor’s casket and other grave goods. The planes started to arrive they were shipped as deck cargo minus their wings and engines.  Kester was weary and drove to the new house he showered and laid on his new super king
sized bed to sleep. He slept for 10 hours and it was dark when he woke up. He showered and went downstairs Shimeko was watching sky satellite television. She greeted him warmly and then prepared him a filling snack meal, which he ate with gusto.

He ha
d not had sex for nearly two months, and he could tell Shimeko was up for it. They fucked for 4 hours then fell asleep in each
arms. He woke early, and bathed for an hour before dressing.

Lin-Thom arrived just after 7.30am, and had breakfast with Kester.

“Your beautiful Lin-Thom” he said softly then smiled at her.

“Thank you Sir Kester” she said sweetly.

“How old are you?” he asked as he poured another coffee out for them both. She did not answer immediately


m 18
” she whispered

“Why whisper?” he asked, she giggled softly

“I told a lie to the government to get this job” she whispered softly.

“Your secrets safe with me” he whispered back, she smiled beautifully.

“Where is Shimeko?” she asked innocently.

“We had an intense love making session last night which tired her out” he said softly, she blushed red with embarrassment.

“I’m sorry being nosey” she answered.


s ok, we are lovers for a long time now” he said softly finishing his cup of coffee.

“Do you always wear such formal clothes, it would be nice to see you in traditional Vietnamese clothes” he asked. She looked away out of the breakfast room window.

“I can wear if you like” she answered at length.

“I would very much like” he stated “Have you a boyfriend?” he added, she blushed red once more and shook her head twice.

“You’re a virgin?” he asked, she nodded once.

“Your very beautiful, how do you look with your hair let down?” he asked she smiled.

“Would you like to see?” she answered and without waiting for his reply stood up and took the pins out of her hair. Her hair fell down half way down her back and touching her behind.

“Wow your hair is beautiful” he murmured softly, she smiled and looked at him.

“Like me to leave it down to please you” she asked he nodded and she smiled proudly.

“You ever had Vietnam girlfriend?”

“Yes a long time ago, we drifted apart but she was a great girl” he answered.

“She informed you of Vietnam traditions and about things in general?” she asked, he nodded.

“I like Vietnam style” he murmured she blushed red once more. He passed her a wad of US dollars and she looked at it closely.

“$100k?” she enquired.

“Buy some nice clothes and perfume, I like Nina Richi `air du temps` sweetheart” he answered she nodded once.

“May I have the day off to go clothes shopping?” she asked.

“Of course you may see you in the morning” he answered she nodded finished her coffee and left the house.

The following morning he was up early and having breakfast when she arrived. There was a complete transformation, she was wearing the traditional Vietnamese white trouser suit, her hair worn loose and she looked so fit.

“You look so beautiful” he murmured she smiled and averted her gaze.

“I need staff three maids a cook, and a butler, can you deal with it?” he asked, she nodded. Lee arrived back and he briefed him on the current situation. That night they opened the tomb and filled another 5 containers. The captain had been away for a few days, and as soon as he returned he shipped out 8 extra containers. Lee
went with the cargo. Kester had
a few days so went to the house
showered and changed his clothes after a few hours sleep.
The girls were in the lounge, having just interviewed the prospective staff.

“We have three beautiful maids, and a chef, and a housekeeper and a Butler” Shimeko said softly.

“Lin-Thom did a wonderful job sweetheart” she said proudly. Lin-Thom blushed vividly.

“Just doing my job Sir Kester” she answered a little shyly. Shimeko left to give the staff instructions.

“Your still beautiful” Kester said softly, she blushed once more. She had an aura, a presence perhaps he thought he found her shyness appealing or something he had not recognised.

“What are you thinking about?” she enquired.

“You” he answered, she chuckled and hid her mouth with her hands in an attractive manner.

“Me I’m just a simple girl” she whispered

“You’re definitely not simple, and you’re a sharp as a knife, I’m attracted to you very much” he answered.


m just a girl, do you like virgin Vietnam girl” she asked teasingly.

“I like you, I would love to get inside your panties” he said, she chocked a bit and dabbed her chin with a tissue and then a spot of soda pop from her tunic top.

“Inside my panties, I see” she answered.

“Vietnam sex” she asked straight faced.

“Vietnam would be fine with me” he replied she blushed once more.

“I have never been intimate with any man ever before, not even a kiss” she whispered.

“Bedroom 4 in ten minutes” he said, she swallowed several times and nodded once.

Kester walked to the Kitchens, Shimeko was well involved he just waved and walked upstairs. He called into his own bedroom then walked down the landing he opened the bedroom door, and she was sitting at the dressing table brushing out her hair. He locked the door behind him and walked over to her. She stood up and he kissed her gently on the lips, she shook involuntarily. He kissed her neck and the aroma of `air du temps` flooded his senses. He showered and she watched him,
and then
removed her tunic top, and her trousers. She had an unbelievable body
brown and firm. He unclipped her brassiere and slipped it over her shoulders onto the floor. Then eased her panties down and they joined her brassiere. He watched her shower. After putting her hair up in a bun he loved her shape, her curves and her black nipples, knowing her labia and clitoris would be matching. She came out and dried her body and he carried her to the bed. They kissed passionately, and he feasted on her breasts and nipples smothering them with a thousand gentle kisses then rolling her nipples between his lips.

He spread his bathrobe onto the bed and moved her to lay on it, and kissed down over her belly and to her vagina.
She shook and trembled as his tongue teased and pleasured her to the point of ejaculation and then he sucked gently at her clitoris, she arched her back and swore softly and emitted a wonderful gush of her intimate juices which tasted wonderful, he feasted off her 20 ejaculations until she was dry, and shivering as whole body orgasms engulfed her body and her entire senses were swamped with powerful responses and emotions. He paused to lubricate her star, and then he lubricated a white butt plug, and gently inserted it inside her anus.

Returning to her clitoris he continued her oral sex session for another hour. Then he changed position, and rolled on a condom and lubricated it he gently kissed the area around her star and sucked her perineum. And eased the butt plug out with his teeth, it came out easily revealing a dilated star. He lifted her ankles onto his chest and positioned himself, then slowly entered her a few mm at a time, she gasped as he plunged ever deeper inside her. She gushed a fountain that soared into the air and sprayed onto her body, no sooner had one subsided than she did another and another and another for 18 more ejaculations. 
He had only moved 30 times and she dilated, he took her hands and placed her fingers over her swollen labia and clitoris, and she did the works. She shook and sweated the droplets rolling from her body like rain on a window.
He caressed her slippery breasts and nipples as she had the most intense whole body orgasm of her entire life. An hour later he came and slowly slowed down to a stop. She continued to shake violently he lay beside her and embraced her tightly until everything returned to normal. 

“That was so nice, so special my Lord” she remarked kissing his lips a thousand times. They showered together a short time later and she squatted in the cubicle and released a stream of golden rain. Then they dried their bodies and re-dressed, while she dried her hair and brushed it thoroughly. They kissed some more then went downstairs to the lounge, Shimeko was still instructing the staff.

He winked at Lin-Thom, and she smiled back shyly. They chatted softly to each other for hours, and then Shimeko joined them once more.

“Lin-Thom you should move into bedroom 3, save you travelling every day” Shimeko remarked, Lin Thom nodded

“I will bring some clothes here tomorrow” she answered.
After she had left they ate an excellent evening meal. The Butler was a charming man, so professional and always preferred to talk in French he called it a civilised language. After the meal they sat alone in the lounge.

“Lin-Thom is beautiful and so sexy, have you
her already, there is defiantly something between you two,
like electricity,
and I
can feel it” she stated softly snuggling up to him.

“We had sex this afternoon” he answered she smiled and laughed lightly.

“Vietnam sex?” she asked he nodded.

“Who is a lucky man then, she is so sweet, so nice. I wish we could share her together” she remarked.

“Gently sweetheart, if you want some fun then next week ok” Kester remarked.


d like that, want to fuck?” she asked he nodded and they went upstairs.

Lee returned two days later and they proceeded to fill another 8 containers, Kester calculated there was another ten left. 20 containers were shipped out, and Lee went to the Philippines with them.

Kester and Shimeko went into Hanoi, and booked into the `hotel de Paris` Shimeko went out on her own to find a friend.
Kester showered and slept on top of the bed in his room. It was Shimeko, who woke him up it was already dark outside. He slipped on a robe and went out to the lounge. There was a girl laying unconscious on the settee.

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