The Mingrelian

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Authors: Ed Baldwin

Tags: #Espionage, #Political, #Action and Adventure, #Thriller, #techno-thriller

BOOK: The Mingrelian
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The Mingrelian

Ed Baldwin

Brasfield Books

Hot Springs, Arkansas


Copyright © 2014 by
Ed Baldwin


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

Brasfield Books

Hot Springs, Arkansas 71909


Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.


Book Layout © 2014


The Mingrelian/Ed Baldwin
. 1st ed

ISBN 978-0-0000000-0-0





Dedicated to Becky




“The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.”


Friedrich Nietzsche







Author’s Note


Chapter 1: Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia

Chapter 2: Six Months Earlier

Chapter 3: Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia

Chapter 4: Kartvelian National Bank, Tbilisi, Georgia

Chapter 5: CIA Headquarters, Langley, Virginia

Chapter 6: Kennett, Missouri

Chapter 7: Little Rock Air Force Base

Chapter 8: 15,000 ft. over Cotton Plant, Arkansas

Chapter 9: Lankaran, Azerbaijan

Chapter 10: Little Rock Air Force Base

Chapter 11: The Mission

Chapter 12: The President George W. Bush Memorial Bust

Chapter 13: The Rug Run

Chapter 14: A Dangerous Game

Chapter 15: The Rug Shop

Chapter 16: Tehran, Iran

Chapter 17: A Change of Plans

Chapter 18: The Embassy of the United States of America

Chapter 19: A Good Russian Car

Chapter 20: Another Grand Ayatollah

Chapter 21: Illusions

Chapter 22: PAF Base Mushaf, Sargodha, Pakistan

Chapter 23: The Secretary of Defense

Chapter 24: Black Sea Storm

Chapter 25: Imam Khomeini International Airport

Chapter 26: Courtship

Chapter 27: Betrayal

Chapter 28: American Embassy

Chapter 29: Joint Command for Global Strike

Chapter 30: Kartvelian National Bank

Chapter 31: The Persian Gulf

Chapter 32: The U.S. Attacks Iran!

Chapter 33: Jaba, Syria

Chapter 34: Tehran

Chapter 35: Damascus, Syria

Chapter 36: The White House

Chapter 37: American Embassy, Paris, France

Chapter 38: Persian Gulf

Chapter 39: Reinforcements

Chapter 40: Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel, Tbilisi

Chapter 41: Mount Damavand

Chapter 42: Ratface

Chapter 42: Evin Prison

Chapter 43: New York

Chapter 44: Mount Damavand

Chapter 45: Niavaran Palace

Chapter 46: Mount Damavand

Chapter 47: The Thunderbolt

Chapter 48: The White House Situation Room

Chapter 49: Marivan, Iran

Chapter 50: Mount Damavand

Chapter 51: Penjwin,Iraq

Chapter 52: Mount Damavand

Chapter 53: The White House

Chapter 54: Mount Damavand

Chapter 55: Two Months Later

Chapter 56: The Kremlin

Chapter 57: Six Months After the Crash



Author’s Note

This is a big complex story. The maps show landmarks important to the story. Characters in this story are from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Russia as well as the United States and the list of characters mentions only those appearing in more than one chapter.

Steve Meosky of Austin, Texas, is the cover artist. Once again, he’s produced a beautiful, interesting cover. Virginia and Barry Gilbert copy edited my story. Virginia has copy edited all my books, and her encouragement and guidance were critical to the birth of my first book, twenty five years ago.

Many of my Air Force friends will enjoy my reverential treatment of their favorite aircraft: the handsome, high performance, Lockheed C-130 Hercules.
Col (ret) Dave Mason, an old friend and C-130 pilot guided the creation of the “Herc” action sequences.
For those readers unfamiliar with this workhorse of America’s tactical military operations, close the book; it’s on the cover.

I first traveled to the Republic of Georgia in 1998 as part of a military exchange program. The country was stuck trying to decide whether it was to be socialist or capitalist. I revisited in 2013 and saw a vibrant prosperity resulting from an oil boom in the Caspian Sea and trade with Georgia’s neighbors, including Iran.





EIGHT BALL – Boyd’s dog



DOC BRIDGES – Air Force flight surgeon


LADO CHIKOVANI – The Mingrelian

ESKANDER KHORASANI – President of the Tbilisi branch of Petroleum Bank of Iran

MAJOR GENERAL BOB FERGUSON – Director, Counter Proliferation Task Force, Strategic Command

FARHAD SHIRAZI – Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of Iran

RAT FACED MAN – Deputy Director, Ministry of Intelligence and National Security of Iran

EKATERINA DADIANI – Lado Chikovani’s daughter, a widow

MAJOR RICK SHANDS – Military Attaché American Embassy


MARIAMI CHIKOVANI – Lado Chikovani’s wife

NIKO DADIANI – Ekaterina Dadiani’s son

CAPTAIN DAVID DADIANI – Ekaterina’s late husband


BEHROOZ ZANDI – Iranian nuclear engineer


RAYBON CLIVE – C-130 pilot

DAVANN GOODMAN – C-130 pilot

EMMET BOYLE – C-130 navigator



Chapter 1: Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia


he Russian president did not want to be in Georgia. The trip was to Sochi, site of the 2014 Winter Olympics. He had a comfortable and completely secure dacha there. But one of his political officers had come up with the idea for a quick state visit to Georgia to mend some fences, show the Georgians that Mother Russia still loved them and to re-establish diplomatic relations after that misunderstanding in Abkhazia. So, here he was in Freedom Square not 50 feet from where someone had thrown a hand grenade at George W. Bush and Eduard Shevardnadze a dozen years before.

“… and the people of Russia salute you, our Georgian brothers.” He finished his brief remarks and laid a wreath at a plaque commemorating the Russian poet Pushkin, and shook hands again with the president of Georgia. A hastily gathered crowd mustered lukewarm applause. A dozen photographers snapped pictures, three news cameras rolled. He smiled and waved, making a mental note to can that political officer.

The black Mercedes inched through the crowd, which was more curious than hostile or enthusiastic. A hundred people leaned in to snap pictures with cellphones. His armored Zil-410441 was already in Sochi, so he’d borrowed this armored Mercedes from the Georgians. He waved again as he ducked into the back seat.

“Let’s go,” he said impatiently as he closed the door. His personal driver was already speaking into his cellphone's headset. The president's other bodyguard scanned the crowd to the side and rear. A dozen plainclothes security men surrounded his car, attention focused out into the crowd, visually checking each curious onlooker for that one face taut with purpose. Motorcycle police turned on their sirens, and the crowd parted. Behind them three police cars, also with sirens blaring, pulled out of Pushkin Park into the traffic circle around Freedom Square, spreading out abreast to fill the street. A large van filled with his heavily armed Russian SWAT team pulled in front of the Mercedes, with two more behind. They were followed by more police cars and motorcycles. The show was over, time to get out of town.

The Mercedes was quiet as it smoothly accelerated and merged onto the divided boulevard of Baratashvili Street, with the bridge of the same name across the Kura River just ahead, and the Presidential Palace not yet visible on the other side. At the bridge, the motorcade made a right exit onto Gorgasali Street, running along the right bank of the river.

“The Ilyushin is warmed up and waiting at the end of the runway,” the driver said. “They estimate 40 minutes to Sochi.”

This was an unexpected detour. The usual official route was to cross the river, skirt the Presidential Palace and take the new controlled access highway out to the airport. Because of heavy traffic, his director of security had suggested an alternative. Gorgasali was longer but led quickly out of the city into the countryside.

As the motorcade swept into the right lane of the boulevard, an old blue Lada coming from the other direction on Gorgasali slammed on its brakes creating a cloud of blue smoke. It slid into a U-turn and headed back against the traffic.

The Russian president watched through the trees as the Lada accelerated, paralleling them on the other side of the
boulevard. He saw no weapons, and the car was too far away to threaten his heavily armed vehicle, even if it were packed with explosives. He glanced ahead; the road was clear. His car accelerated to 80 mph, leaving behind the motorcycles and police cars and the blue Lada. Woods flashed by on both sides.

The van in front exploded and spun in the roadway, partially blocking it. The president had seen the preceding flash from the hillside to his right – rocket propelled grenade. This was an assassination attempt. He thought about the route change. Whose idea had that been? He was set up. All this in an instant; this president had been in the clandestine service to his country his whole life. He knew assassinations.

The driver slammed the accelerator down, and the Mercedes, already going 80, swerved to avoid the spinning van. The president was glad they’d not been in the Zil; it would not have had the agility or the speed.

The launcher of another RPG flashed to their left just as the driver came around the exploding van. It hit the Mercedes on the left side of the engine compartment. The explosion breached the armor and sent shrapnel into the interior, killing the driver and the bodyguard. The shock decelerated the Mercedes and thrust it toward the right side of the road. The airbags deployed, and the Russian president was pushed back into his seat. In his dying moment, the driver yanked the wheel to his left to avoid crashing into the woods on the right. The Mercedes, now a fireball, lost traction and spun in circles, forward momentum carrying it down the road.

More RPGs were fired from the hill to their right and hit the two trailing vans, one spinning into the median and the other crashing into the leading van. Automatic-weapons fire from the hill and the median began to cut down surviving SWAT team
members as they jumped out of their burning vehicles. Some took cover and returned fire.

Two hundred yards down the road, carried well out of the intended kill zone by its speed, the smoking shattered Mercedes spun to a stop at the foot of a statue in a traffic circle. The Russian president, stunned but unhurt, deflated the airbag and looked back up Gorgasali Street. His SWAT team was losing the gun battle, and some of the black clad assassins were moving in his direction. He drew his PSM semi-automatic pistol, a trusted companion since his KGB days, and determined to fight it out from the armored Mercedes. He had eight rounds in the magazine.

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