The Mischief of the Mistletoe: A Pink Carnation Christmas (20 page)

BOOK: The Mischief of the Mistletoe: A Pink Carnation Christmas
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She hastily dropped the bonnet on top of the pile of Christmas shopping. This was absurd. She was not, not, not crying over a bonnet. She had never liked that bonnet anyway. She was just overwrought, that was all. And tired. And angry. She tried to focus on anger.
“You're very sanguine,” said Sally.
“No,” said Arabella, keeping her face carefully averted. She reached down and shook out a petticoat. This one, at least, only seemed crumpled, not stained. “Not really. But I applaud your vocabulary.”
Sally dropped the remains of the pillow on the desk, where it landed in a pool of ink. “I've seen some pranks in my time, but nothing like this. This is just plain nasty.”
“Thank you,” said Arabella. Her tongue felt too thick for her mouth and her throat was so dry she could barely manage the words. “I find that terribly comforting.”
“I didn't mean—” Sally bit her lip, the picture of contrition. “Sorry. Shall I have one of the maids fetched up? To clean all this up?”
Arabella stooped down, lifting one of the crumpled pages from the floor. It was a piece torn out of her journal, a description of the carriage ride to Farley Castle. Or, rather, it had been. Now it was nothing more than wastepaper, hardly legible even to her. And she was the one who had written it. It looked as though someone had danced a jig on it. In heavy boots.
“Yes,” Arabella said heavily. “I think that would be best.”
They might as well shovel the whole lot up and throw it in the dustbin. It wasn't fit for much else.
Arabella methodically lifted a corset from the wreckage. Aside from the ink stains and the feathers, her clothing didn't appear to be damaged, at least any more than could be expected from its having been thrown across a room. Her papers, on the other hand, had been thoroughly ransacked, as though someone had gone through them, looking for something, and had wreaked his vengeance on the offending papers when he hadn't found it.
Which made no sense at all.
“But why would anyone want to
this to you?” asked Sally.
Arabella shook her head helplessly. “Maybe someone didn't like the marks I gave her. Maybe Signor Marconi was looking for his lost mustachio. I don't know. Weren't you going to fetch that maid?”
Sally planted her hands on her hips, turning in a slow circle around the room. “It does look as though someone were looking for something.”
“In that case, I hope they found it,” said Arabella shortly, shaking a shawl free of feathers before folding it and placing it in one of the open drawers. One had to start somewhere.
Cheer up, she told herself. None of it was irreparable. Ink stains could be washed out; linen could be ironed; coral could be restrung. Everything could be put back just the way it was.
Well, mostly.
“Is anything missing?” Sally asked keenly. She was trying so hard to be helpful that Arabella didn't have the heart to tell her to leave.
“I don't have anything anyone would want to steal.” Arabella rose painfully to her feet, clutching at the drawer for balance. She nodded at the desk. “Unless someone wanted your history compositions.”

don't want my history composition,” said Sally.
Arabella leaned against the open wardrobe and tried to conjure up an image of her room as she had left it this morning. It shouldn't be that hard. Aside from her clothing, which was now scattered all across the floor in varying degrees of dilapidation, she hadn't brought that much with her from Aunt Osborne's house. There had been her coral necklace, now in pieces; four or five favorite books, of no interest to anyone but herself; and her journal, which appeared to have been chewed by a rabid beast before being scattered across the floor.
Otherwise, the contents of the room were only those things that had been given her when she arrived—one coverlet, one pillow, one desk, one chair, one candlestick—and those that she had acquired through her employment—paper, pen, inkwell, three history texts, a pile of half-read student compositions.
Sally had opened the window, to dispel the scent of ink. The curtains fluttered in the wind just as they had last night, when it had been Turnip sitting on the desk. Arabella remembered that horrible moment as the chair had gone over, clanging against the floor. Something else had fallen too.
Squelching her way through the feathers and the papers, Arabella gingerly lifted the ink-sodden shawl that lay next to her desk. Underneath, there was only a half-page from Clarissa's history composition and a very old volume of poetry, the cover now stained with ink.
Shooing Sally aside, Arabella scrabbled through the debris on the desk. The remains of her journal . . . more history compositions . . . a broken pen. . . . Nothing. It wasn't there.
Arabella leaned back against the desk, feeling even more confused than she had before.
“What is it?” asked Sally eagerly.
“The notebook,” Arabella said in bewilderment. “Someone took the notebook.”
Chapter 15
urnip made a point of arriving early at Miss Climpson's on the evening of Sally's recital.
He strolled happily into the auditorium, wading through a shifting sea of family members, searching for Arabella and doing his best not to trample on any small children. He had been looking forward to this all day. Happy anticipation was not a sentiment he usually associated with Miss Climpson's annual Christmas torture. Trepidation, yes. Anticipation, no.
But the thought of Arabella made him smile, in a rather goofy sort of way. He hoped Miss Climpson had stocked up on the mistletoe this year. It would be a bloody shame if she hadn't, especially after last year's fiasco involving the mistletoe and the games mistress, who had all but wrestled him under it. That had not been an experience he wanted to relive.
Ah, there she was. But she wasn't smiling. And she wasn't looking at him. She whisked past so quickly that Turnip could have sworn her dress blurred around the edges.
“Miss Dem—”
Blast. She was gone before he could get her name out.
“Reggie! Over here!” Turnip found himself waylaid by a creature with feathery things attached to both arms and a gilded pancake sticking six inches up from her head. She folded her feathers across her chest. “Took you long enough.”
Turnip shifted to look around Sally, searching for Arabella. “Are you supposed to be mingling with the public?”
Sally shifted along with him. Fortunately, she was shorter than he was. He could still see the room through the space between her head and her halo. “We haven't started yet.”
“Excuse me.” Turnip moved his little sister aside. He had spotted his quarry, all the way at the far end of the room.
He raised a hand and waved it enthusiastically about. She'd have to be blind not to see him this time.
Arabella bobbed her head, favored him with a smile weaker than weak tea, and disappeared behind a large cutout of the main thorough-fare of Bethlehem, which had, apparently, consisted of four mud huts, a seller of fruits and vegetables, and a somewhat anachronistic milliner's establishment boasting the latest in premodern bonnetry, which just happened to look awfully like modern bonnetry.
Well, she wasn't blind. That was good. She also wasn't overcome with joy at his appearance. That was bad.
“Pardon me.” Turnip started after Arabella.
At least, he tried. Unfortunately, his sleeve seemed to be attached to Sally's hand. Or, rather, Sally's hand was attached to his sleeve. Either way, he wasn't going anywhere. The Angel of the Lord had a deuced strong grip when she chose to employ it.
A sudden thought struck him. “Did you tell Miss Dempsey I called?”
“Yes,” said Sally. “I did. Twice.”
“Oh.” That couldn't be it, then. Unless she was upset he hadn't tried again? But that would have looked deuced odd and caused people to talk if he had called twice in one day. And he had thought she didn't want people to talk. It was all very confusing.
Turnip could sense the mistletoe rapidly receding from his future.
Where had he gone wrong? Was it the jumping out the window? The cloves he had been chewing?
“Reggie,” Sally said purposefully.
“I know, I know. Sit quietly and clap loudly. We've been through this before,” Turnip said, giving his arm a shake. Arabella had gone to ground somewhere behind the manger. “Deuced becoming costume, by the way. Vast improvement on last year's sheep getup.”
“Thank you. But that's not it. Did you know that Miss Dempsey's room was ransacked yesterday? Ha! Thought that would get your attention.”
“And you're only telling me this
“You only just got here,” said Sally reasonably.
She should have called for him, sent a note. The “she” he was thinking of wasn't Sally, but Arabella. Why hadn't she come to him?
Turnip looked to Sally in alarm. “Was she hurt?”
She hadn't looked hurt. But who knew what bruises might be hidden beneath that ugly gray dress. She certainly had been behaving oddly.
“No,” Sally said, and Turnip let out his breath in a rush of relief. “It was while she was out yesterday. They made a frightful mess, though.”
“Who did?” Turnip made an effort to concentrate on Sally.
“That's just it. We don't know. The only thing that was missing was a notebook.” Sally paused for dramatic impact. “A French notebook.”
“The one Miss Climpson handed Miss Dempsey?”
Sally looked at him sharply. “How would you know about that? You weren't there.”
Blast. “Arabella—er, Miss Dempsey told me.”
“Oh, Arabella, is it?” Turnip could feel the tips of his ears go red. “She couldn't have. You didn't see her yesterday. Remember?”
Sally looked at him speculatively. Turnip knew that look. Her wheels were turning. Turnip had to make them stop. He hastily steered his sister back to the main topic. “What about Miss Dempsey's room? What else was taken?”
“Nothing else. Only the notebook. Agnes thinks—oh, bother.”
“Angels!” Arabella was shooing winged creatures out of the audience into the wings. “Angels, backstage!”
“Miss Dempsey!” called Turnip. Well, bellowed, really.
Arabella jumped as though stung. “Yes?”
Not much encouragement there. Turnip smiled weakly. “Hello?”
“Hello to you, too. Angels, this way!”
“Blast,” muttered Turnip. Bloody angels.
Struck by a sudden qualm, Turnip glanced quickly at the ceiling. No, no lightning bolts. Thank goodness for that. That was the last thing he needed, to have God annoyed with him too.
This news about Arabella's room was damned—er, deuced (Turnip spared another glance for the ceiling) troubling. He remembered the notebook Sally was talking about. It had been on the floor of the drawing room during that melee the other night. He seemed to recall someone hitting someone with it. Or maybe Sally had thrown it? It had been very dark and hard to keep track of what everyone was flinging, bumping into, or tripping over.
He might not be the brightest loaf in the breadbox, but it didn't take the brains of a Newton to figure out that when a series of unusual events occurred one after the other, they were most likely related.
It had seemed a lark, at first, playing follow-the-pudding, but this latest turn of events wasn't amusing at all. What if Arabella had been in the room when the intruder had intruded? What if it hadn't just been the notebook he was after?
Turnip didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.
Avoiding the games mistress, who hailed him cheerfully from the direction of the refreshment table, Turnip trotted along after Arabella as she emerged from herding her angels backstage.
“Miss Dempsey! Miss Dempsey? I wanted to—”
“Excuse me.” Arabella brandished a book of pins. “One of the wise men just trod on her own hem. Must go fix it.”
“—talk to you,” Turnip finished weakly. “Blast.”
There were other teachers in the school, weren't there? Surely Arabella could be spared for at least three minutes. Turnip looked around. In one corner of the room, Mlle de Fayette was coaching a group of deceptively angelic-looking younger girls through the refrain of “
Il est né, le divin enfant
” while the games mistress was dealing with the morris dancers.
Huh. Turnip had never seen female morris dancers before. They had strapped the bells to their slippers rather than their legs.
One of them landed heavily, squashing her bells. Turnip winced. That hadn't sounded good.

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