The Mogul (6 page)

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Authors: Michelle Marquis

BOOK: The Mogul
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Mark let out a deep, masculine moan. “Candy, you’re killing me.”

Candace lowered herself down and took in all his cock. The pleasure was so intense she had to pause for a moment. Plumes of sweet lust excited the flesh all over her body. She gasped his name. Then he seized her hips and rolled on top of her. His cock worked in and out, pushing its way into her pussy with angry intensity. It possessed and owned her. Need overpowered her mind, and her body acted on instinct. She was moaning and thrusting and feeling such intense ecstasy, she was sure there was nothing else like it.

Mark was fucking her hard as they grappled together locked in a desperate embrace. Her climax was a mind-blowing mix of so many pleasures, she couldn’t have separated one from the other. Just as she was reaching the highest point of her peak, Mark followed her, growling like an animal as he feverishly bucked into her.

Afterward they lay on the carpet unable to do anything but suck in air. Finally, Mark rolled over and peeled the Batman mask off. His hair was messy, and sweat had plastered it to his neck in spots. She marveled that even in this disheveled condition, he still looked sexy.

“You are the most exciting woman I have ever fucked,” he said.

Candace laughed. “Thanks, you’re pretty interesting yourself.”

His breathing slowed as he stared at the ceiling. “I’m supposed to go to another party tonight.”

“So go.”

He looked at her. “You’re not going with me?”

“Are you kidding? I’m beat. I’ve been working around the clock for two days. You do what you want. I’m going to get some sleep.” She got up and headed for her bedroom. She stopped to pick up her nightgown along the way. She paused in the bedroom doorway. “If you go to that party, please lock the door on your way out.”

“And if I stay?”

Candace grinned. “Then close the bedroom door behind you.” She climbed up onto her bed and collapsed into the sheets. She was just falling asleep when she heard Mark walk toward the bedroom. Just as she’d asked, he came inside and closed the door behind him.

Chapter Ten


Candace had never been so busy in her life. The past three weeks had gone by in a blur of never-ending activities. When she and Mark weren’t making love, she was going to parties and helping him get talent interested in his upcoming movies. As if her schedule wasn’t crazy enough, production had started on the
movie, and Esther was already being difficult. So when she got an urgent text from Mark to go to the studio and talk Esther down from yet another diva fit, Candace knew it was going to be another long, grueling day.

She pulled up to the studio gates and flashed her ID. The gate guard had it open even before he’d seen her pull out her ID card. It gave her a sudden and unexpected rush to be recognized as an important person so quickly. As she drove onto the lot and in between several soundstages, it occurred to her that there were probably millions of people who would kill to be in her position. She’d already met dozens of famous actors and directors, even though none of that stuff mattered to her. What mattered the most to her was doing a good job for Mark.

The realization confused her for a moment. She’d always prided herself on doing a good job no matter what kind of job she was doing, but working for Mark was . . . different. She’d been careful so far to keep her emotions in check. She didn’t want to hope for too much with her new lover, but everything was really
with him. Candace only wished they had more time to spend together instead of stealing away here and there.

She pulled into a parking space near the
set. Esther was there, all right, storming around and gesturing to her trailer while the pale director followed her. The poor man looked like he was about to have a heart attack. Candace shut off the car and joined them. When Esther spotted her, she screamed with delight and hugged her.

“Oh thank God, girl! Finally someone who
what they’re doing!” Esther said. She glared at the director.

“Mark said you were unhappy. What’s wrong?”

“Just look at this trailer,” Esther said, waving a well-manicured hand at the huge metal structure in front of them.

“Your contract specified you wanted a double-wide. I assume that’s what this is.”

Esther looked at Candace like she’d just landed here from a spaceship. “It’s not the size, honey. It’s the smell inside. This trailer stinks like someone’s been keeping cows in there. I can’t be expected to work like this. I
work under these conditions.”

Candace stepped back from them and texted Mark that she needed an excellent cleaning service.
Apparently there are horrible smells in Esther’s trailer,
she added with a happy face. Normally she wouldn’t have bothered her boss with something like this, but Mark knew everything about anything. He would know exactly whom she needed to contact to make Esther happy.

He sent her the phone number, then said they needed to meet at his house later that night to discuss some things.
Oh boy, what the heck does that mean?
Candace tried not to obsess over it.

Esther turned from her ongoing argument with the director and stared at Candace. “I’m going home. Y’all let me know when you fix this problem.”

Candace forced a smile. “I have an excellent cleaning company coming. They’ll be here in twenty minutes. Why don’t you go back to the set and finish up the scene, and when you’re done, the trailer will be ready.”

Esther gave her a suspicious look. “And what if I’m not happy with the job they did?”

Candace didn’t even bat an eye. “Then Mark will buy you a brand-new trailer.”

“Will it be the same size and everything?”

“No, it’ll be smaller, but it will be brand new. I’ll wait until you come back just to make sure you’re satisfied.”

Esther rolled this information around in her head. Then she broke out into a radiant smile. “You’re such a doll, Candy. I’ll see you soon.”

Four hours later, the cleaning crew finished scrubbing the trailer from top to bottom. Candace waited another two for Esther to finish filming her scenes. When the songstress returned, she inspected the trailer like a general looking over his troops.

“Well?” Candace asked when Esther had emerged. “Did they do a good job?”

Esther smiled. “No,
did a great job. Thank you, Candy honey.”

Candace dared exhale. “You’re welcome.”

Chapter Eleven


Candace arrived at Mark’s house just before eight thirty. The maid led her into the living room and asked in broken English if she wanted a drink. Candace decided the woman couldn’t mess up red wine, so that’s what she asked for. Mark was sitting on the couch with an attractive petite blonde she didn’t recognize. When he spotted her, he jumped up and came over.

“Come on in, Candy.” He gestured toward the couch. “Have a seat.”

Candace tried not to stare at the blonde woman, but she couldn’t help it. A million questions were crowded through her mind, making her feel unprepared and vulnerable. The woman smiled, but her eyes remained wary.

Mark sat back down with the woman. “This is Jenny, my assistant.”

Candace couldn’t believe this woman had just been out on maternity leave. Her body looked perfect. The maid brought Candace her wine, and she took a few healthy gulps.

“Nice to meet you,” Jenny said, not bothering to get up.

Mark smiled at both of them. “Jenny and I were just discussing her coming back to work.”

Candace didn’t consider herself the jealous type, but this was too much. It felt like Mark had just plunged a screwdriver into her stomach. Why was he replacing her in this ham-handed way? Didn’t he think she had feelings? She had known the position was temporary, but that didn’t make this any easier.

And then there was the sex to complicate matters. Oh sure, she accepted that what they had was only about feeling good, but maybe some part of her had fallen in a little too deep. Maybe she was more attached to the movie mogul than she realized. Well, this served her right. She should have never allowed their relationship to become sexual. All these rich movie types were the same. They used people and cast them aside.

Candace took another sip of her wine. “Oh, that’s great.”

Jenny smirked at her, and that amped up the pain in her chest.

The room suddenly became way too small and hot. Candace could think of a million places she’d rather be than here. She finished off her wine and stood up. She forced another smile she didn’t feel. “Congratulations on your new baby, Jenny. Now if you and Mark will excuse me, I’m going home.”

Mark stood up and frowned. “What? Why? I wanted us all to go out to dinner together.”

Candace shook her head and held up a hand to stop him. “That’s very nice of you, Mark, but I’m really tired. Besides, you don’t need me anymore now that Jenny is back.” She headed for the door as fast as she could. Mark wasn’t far behind her.

He grabbed her arm. “Don’t go. There’s something else I wanted to talk about with you after Jenny goes.”

Candace let out a bitter laugh. “I’ll just bet there is. Well, I’m not interested in any more after-hours meetings. I’m done.”

“Candy, don’t, it’s not like that.”

“Oh, really, Mark? Then how is it? You enlighten me.”

“Call me tomorrow, and we’ll meet somewhere private to talk.”

She pushed past him and opened the door. “I don’t have anything else to say to you. Thanks for the great job, bye.”

Candace jumped into her car and drove off. Her cell phone rang, but she ignored it. It rang several more times, but she never bothered to pick it up. Instead she drove around the city to no place in particular. She had to get her head straight. She had to get this thing in perspective. She’d let herself get too close to him, that’s all. Now she was paying the price.

She pulled up to her apartment and glanced at her phone. There had been twelve unanswered calls.
Wow, he must really feel guilty.
But it didn’t matter. This was about her, not him. She knew he was probably a snake like all the others in his industry. It just hurt to think she was

At least he’d paid her well for her work. She could live for six months off the money she’d saved up working for Mark.

She erased all of his messages without listening to one.

No need making this mess any worse. It was better to just cut her losses and go to bed. She could start her job search all over again tomorrow. She just hoped Mark would give her a good reference. Then she figured, why wouldn’t he give her a good reference? He got more than he bargained for.

She tried to forget how much she wanted him, but every time she tried, it all turned to pain. So she trudged into her bedroom, unplugged the phone, and turned the ringer off on her cell phone. Then for the rest of the night, she watched cheesy horror movies and desperately tried to forget everything.

Chapter Twelve


Mark just couldn’t understand her. He’d been trying to call ever since Candy had left, and she just wouldn’t pick up. Jenny sat on his couch, looking very uncomfortable. She watched him with curious eyes as he paced the room calling Candy over and over again.

“You should have told her about wanting her to become your business partner before you told her I was coming back,” she said. Her voice carried a certain smug know-it-all quality he found intensely annoying.

He hung up his cell phone. “Go home and meet me at the office tomorrow. Okay?”

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