The Monkey and Squirrel fight for freedom. (7 page)

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They were building what was described as a mobile mining process centre (MMPC) on the front end of their home. It was designed to detach from home, impale rather than land on any small moon or large rock, mine the required resources then return to home. Processing the materials on board ready for distribution. This avoided the most dangerous aspects of open space mining, but they still worked in a vacuum.

Their Habitat would maintain its rotation when the MMPC was docking and undocking. Magnetic drag would spin the MMPC up to the required rotation and centre it to its dock. The highest gravity it could overcome was zero point zero five of standard, very large rocks indeed. They studied all the data they had on the Saturn system, making a short list of candidates for what materials could be expected to be found where.

The exploration and exploitation ships would still be need, principally to do a detailed survey of the system and map all potential resources. Physically sampling where possible. Mine the too small or be a base for those too big for the MMPC. Also to be mapped, any still operational probes so they could shield themselves from them.

There was one in orbit around Titan was a particular problem. They would have to time the runs of the scoop ships for when it was on the opposite side of the moon. Starting the dive as soon as the probe was over the horizon, ram through its atmosphere just deep enough to collect Nitrogen, as soon the scoop ships had filled their tanks, they were to fire their chemical booster to blast them up and out of the atmosphere.

The Hydrogen Oxygen fuel provided plenty of kick, but would leave vapour trails in the upper atmosphere, which hopefully should dissipate before the probe could see it. Once out they would return to the habitats on their ion engines so as not to provide a light show for any probes looking their way.

It was apparent that a lot of designs were waiting to be given substance once they arrived. Some designs would have to wait a while longer unless need as part of the enormous amount of work that needed to be done. Pressurising the habitats, then doing all the things required to make it home, had priority. There being far more to do than had been already done.


Sometime later.

“Six months until we arrive, can you feel the excitement building? Chatty.” asked Tman.

“Everyone is heady with anticipation, we're almost there, so close we can feel it, but under that excitement is anxiety. Will something happen to snatch our dream away, are the unexpressed thoughts at the back of most minds, quietly eating our confidence.” signed Chatty.

“I know it's also effecting me. It's completely irrational, the outlook is excellent, our reserves are high, the systems are in good condition and have only required minor repairs beyond routine maintenance. I think it's this project 'runaway' is the first thing we have attempted as a people and it's huge because it had to be. We could do nothing else until we had freedom.” stated Tman.

“Tman we made our own third choice alternative to the 'be slaves or die' one. With our habitats requiring so much attention once we actually arrive, the work will settle us down. Gradually as we work belief in our achievements and abilities will become part of us. We won't be hiding in holes, but in floating palace worlds we have made for ourselves. If we can't believe in ourselves then I don't know how we ever will.” signed Chatty.

“I agree, we need to see the dream given flesh, so we feel it at the core of our being. To prove to ourselves we're living the dream, not dreaming.”

“This is going to be the longest six months of our lives Tman.”

“It may seem like it, the initial surge of the drug of freedom has worn off now and we are feeling our mortality.” signed Tman.

“That says it all, anyway I have a rest period coming up and need to get a meal first.” signed Chatty.

“Me to, where are you going?” asked Tman.

“I feel like an Italian.” replied Chatty.

“I fancy a Mexican meal, tell you what, I'll let you know in advance where I'm going to eat and if you’re in the mood for the same, join me and we can chat over a meal.” signed Tman.

“One of you better ideas I think, I'll reciprocate so you can join me if you want to.” responded Chatty.

“Solid person, as sound as the second law of thermodynamics.”signed Tman.

“That's a bit unwieldy for a saying, try sound.” signed Chatty.

“Sound it is.” signed Tman ending with a wave.

With that they went to satisfy their appetites.


In the human sphere. Jimmy announced that his first habitat would be completed by the end of the month. It would then spend three months close to earth checking engines and systems. Once any teething problems were sorted, it would head out to the asteroids to start mining.

This was not good news for the old space powers, their asteroid mines had so far only achieved just over ten percent of pre-runaway production. The Chinese habitat had the capacity to exceed fifty percent of pre-runaway production alone inside five years. The old space powers had all the space infrastructure and hardware they could afford.

The moon mines now sent seventy percent of production for Earth consumption, needed to reduce Earth based mining as much as possible. The rest was contracted to the Chinese Jimmy projects as they were now know. Jimmy publicly declared that 'I feel a personal warmth and gratitude to those runaways. I hope they do well and prosper.'

The Chinese position was more pragmatic, they had benefited enormously by the actions of the runaways. But as they would have runaway anyway felt no need to be grateful just gratified.

Announcing they regarded any attempt to recapture or destroy the runaways, as unwise, immoral and quite possibly dangerous. At home they had managed to square the political circle. A communist government with a free capital economy, no hungry or homeless, and comprehensive health and social care for all.

Political dissent outside of accepted channels and limits, could result in exile either for a fixed period or permanently. The basic approach being adopted from capitalist employers, if you don't like it, you know what you can do, leave. Regarded as the perfect solution, no cost, no embarrassing political prisoners and exporting trouble makers to the competition.              

Jimmy's opinion was labelled as anti-human by some, others said it proved he was a loony, but the majority thought it understandable, if they thought about it at all.

When interviewed for the news services and asked to explain. He said,

'Look at it like this, there I was with my future looking to be, a dull tedious job until retirement. With only the odd spot as a technical expert on a talk show panel to relieve the monotony. Then bang out of nowhere, comes an opportunity to make my dream a reality, provided by someone else grabbing their opportunity and prepared to gamble on the nutter! If those slaves hadn’t runaway, I would still be stuck in a miserable job, only sticking it out because it was better than being unemployed. Wouldn't that make you feel grateful?' There was only one honest answer. When asked what the Chinese were paying him, another vital human interest topic. He replied,

'They know I would do the job for free, but pay me about three times what I was getting in my old job, that keeps my wife happy. I assume they do not want to be accused of exploiting me and those of my team like me. It makes us one happy bunch.'

When the news team enquired about his former reward package. The reply was a very terse

'we do not give out commercially sensitive information.'

Other things soon occupied the news, the state of the economy, death, disaster and the antics of media stars. Normality resumed again, until the mining habitat departed for the asteroids. When its journey looked as like it would be uneventful, interest waned once more.











Chapter 5



Earth's preoccupations barely registered with the new people as they were very busy making their own dreams a reality.                  

Diving into Titans atmosphere had proved to be more problematic than predicted. They had to go in deeper to get Nitrogen with the minimum of other gases. Those other gases were useful, but Nitrogen was most need now. All the pilots had undertaken extensive simulator training and had pushed the simulation hazards, far beyond those predicted. When the first scoop ship dive was made, the turbulence was far greater than expected. Forcing the pilot to run the booster all the way through the run to maintain control, then boost out before the Nitrogen tanks were full. The pilot, happy this had been covered in one of the training scenarios. Thanks to the scenarios she knew what to do and did it no problem.

The mission plan profile was immediately changed, the dive had to be deeper, about twenty minutes longer and booster fuel load doubled. This did deliver the goods in practice, but provided the pilots more excitement than they wanted on a regular basis.


The MMPC was out mining a small moon for desired resources before the habitats settled in their orbits. The exploitation vessels were just as quickly engaged in mapping the system and its resources.

The habitats now had named, the miners Home was simply Home, the others were Home Apple, Home Plum, Home Cherry, Home Peach, Home Hazelnut and Home Walnut. Home Plum won the lottery to be pressurised first, the rest following in this order Walnut, Peach, Apple, Hazelnut, Cherry last. Once all of Plum was pressurised, illuminated and above 0°C, the Newp were presented with a vast chamber. To their senses it felt too big to be inside, but it was and slowly the realisation of their achievements sank in, becoming part of them. Their nightmares receded as belief in the reality solidified into their inner-being, they were free and magnificent.

With their population numbering less than ten thousand, housed in habitats with a capacity to house 600,000 possibly more. The question,

'Shall we try to increase our population?'

was put to the vote. It passed seventy two percent fore, twenty one percent against and seven percent could not decide. The call for volunteers went out, twenty three Squirrels and forty six Monkeys volunteered. After a full briefing with visual aids, they had seventeen Squirrels and thirty two Monkeys left. The outcome of this attempt would be watched closely by all.

It was also time to start putting the formal government and institutions into place. There was to be two levels of government by elected representatives, habitat and the Chamber. Residents of other structures, such as the exploration ships were allocated habitats as their official residence to simplify the structure of government.

The representatives had to be nominated by ten other people, they were not allowed to nominate themselves or canvas for support. Doing either rendered then ineligible, doing so just to be rendered ineligible was frowned upon. For the election, the candidates CV and a statement of their achievements and interests was posted on the election page of the net, by their nominators. No other information, campaigning or other electioneering was allowed. The each habitat governed by a council of eleven, their job was to look after all aspects of their population and habitat well being. Included associated structures, they had to meet a minimum of once month. The roll of coordinator was to pass round them by rote, a month each. Until the three year duty was done and a new set of councillors was elected.

Each of the three representatives for each habitat on the policy chamber was elected using the same rules. Their job was to look after general policy, coordinate the sharing of resources and crises management. Changes to the law or the constitution were by public debate and vote. No secret government meetings, all meetings recorded live and unedited on the net for all to see.


In Home Peach, two old friends chatted over a meal in the Indian canteen.

“Well Chatty, do you realise it's over ten years since, we managed to get the humans off the stations?” asked Tman.

“I suppose it is, the time has flown and I've not thought about it.” replied Chatty.

“I don't normally either, but I have just finished reading a report and I noticed the date 24th February 2106.” signed Tman.

“Time everything takes time, two years we've been here, only now is our home being fully pressurised, I didn't know it would take so long Tman.”

“It's the core volume; it is huge taking thousands of tonnes of gas to even get the eighty percent of Earth nominal pressure at the floor level in the chamber, it's a lot less at the centre line.” replied Tman

“Those scoop ships only get about two tonnes a time?” asked Chatty.

“That's right, we have twelve making four runs a day that only gives three and a half thousand tonnes a year working flat out without time out for routine maintenance, then there are the repairs, they have as a hard a life as the pilots. That rate has to be maintained for a minimum of another four years before we have all the Homes pressurised. It gets easier thereafter as the dives will be shallower and less frequent but we'll be using more of those other gasses.” explained Tman.

“Everything seems so big now in this Saturn system, it’ll be years before we have everything significant mapped. Somewhere between here and Earth everything got bigger.” observed Chatty.

“It was our world that was small, we just moved to a place with bigger horizons. Chatty.”

“Almost poetic but true. Anyway I heard the miners are starting to worry about something, do you know what?” asked Chatty.

“Well it is about the future of our power supply, so far they haven't found anything to refuel our reactors and are wondering what we will use instead.” answered Tman.

“I thought we have enough fuel stockpiled for a millennium?”

“Easily enough for more than two hundred years; even if we hit the design peak population of our homes. I think the real problem is they are uneasy about people moving around between homes, some have left mining for farming, others have taken it up and moved into Home.” explained Tman.

“Why are they upset about that?” asked Chatty.

“You have to remember that they were their own community for over ten years before we joined them. With the habitat populations in a state of flux, and they find themselves with strange neighbours. If our attempt to flee had failed they would have tried to do this alone. We need them more than they need us, but working together gives us our best chance that's why they waited for us. Without them we wouldn’t have these fine homes.” explained Tman.

“Naturally their official worries have to be taken seriously, even if they're not their real concern?” enquired Chatty.

“Of course, in the long term energy supply will become critical, if we don't find enough for fission, we are looking at fusion. But Chamber's most likely response, as things currently stand, will be to allow the miners to mine an asteroid they know that has a lot of Uranium. They will build a long range high speed version of the MMPC, that in a single two year mission can bring back a thousand years of fuel. Our only concern is that Chinese mining habitat would be within twenty thousand miles, and we risk being seen by them.” elaborated Tman.

“It would tell the Humans we were still around, but I understand we can't risk a future without power.” signed Chatty.

“We could use solar but the size of the arrays required would be like waving a gigantic flag shouting WE'RE HERE, WE’RE HERE.”

“Not the best option, then.” agreed Chatty.

“We could prospect in the Jupiter system, some of its rocky moons are good candidates. But it's possible we could take twenty years to find nothing.” signed Tman.

“The Humans could turn up, while we were still mining, do you think it's viable alternative?” asked Chatty.

“Not exactly, the choice is exposure to a short term high risk of discovery or a long term exposure to a low risk.”

“A gamblers choice, all the safe options are off the table, which do you favour?”

“The raid on the asteroids as we have amusingly called it.” signed Tman.

“You’re going for it then?”

“Yes, I think the rest of the policy chamber will to. By the way you didn't propose me did you?” asked Tman

“That sounds like an accusation to me, would I do that?” asked Chatty trying to look innocent.

“Right, you're nominated for the next election, so whenever the subject comes up I'll tell people how good a job you would do.” responded Tman.

“That's nasty; I'm far too busy for that job.”

“So am I, but I'm stuck with it until my term is up.”

“When is your next meeting?”asked Chatty.

“In about half an hour, so I'd better finish this and get off.”

“You don't want to be late.”

“None of us do, for the same reason we avoid long debates it wastes time, we haven't enough of that, so no point scoring or nit picking. We're straight into the issues, the pros and cons of possible actions very often make the decision for us. This time however there is no clear choice; but the old proverb when you sup with the devil use a long handled spoon.” explained Tman.

“How does it benefit us?” asked Chatty.

“It'll keep them guessing about where we are, we know some humans favour the idea that we just moved further round the asteroids, and the Jupiter course was miss direction, if we're spotted there, it makes it more credible, it's another false trail. I'm out of time got to run.” answered Tman.


The policy was agreed, the raider was built and sent off in december 2106, with just one addition to the plan. A space fighters was automated, with life support striped out, a computer installed and programmed. Ready to attack and destroy anything designated hostile by the mining craft, while the mining craft made its get away. If possible, after the battle the fighter was to return to the mining raider, if not it was to self destruct.












Chapter 6



After an uneventful journey, the miners found the target asteroid not long after arrival at the approximate location. In the asteroid belt all locations are approximate, the orbits ever changing. Mining started at once, they had been mining for about six weeks before being spotted by the Chinese mining habitat.

The Chinese didn't believe it at first, but another observation by the best equipment they had, confirmed a ship of unknown design. They thought it over and sent one of their extraction vessels to investigate. The pilot was just a little apprehensive, having been raised on a science fiction film diet of alien monsters munching on human brains. With extreme caution he coasted into an observation position as slowly and discreetly as possible.

With all cameras running he saw a large ship, doing what could only be called devouring an asteroid. But what made his blood run cold was perched on the side of the ship like a giant insect, it just shouted killing machine, attack ship. He pushed back on manoeuvring thrusters (cold gas jets) and drifted in the general direction of away. Once he was feeling safer he set a course for home and tentatively used his main engine, breathing easier with each minute that past without being obliterated.

When the pictures of the vessels made it to Earth, speculation ran wild, was it aliens or the monkeys? Some said whoever it is they obviously wanted to be left alone and judging by that attack ship, it would be most sensible to oblige them. The media produced the usual circus, it being silly season 2108, eventually they managed to get a Jimmy interview.

Jimmy was always good for the bottom line. He thought it was the runaways, they also would need resources. The presence of the attack ship said in no uncertain terms, that they could and would defend their right to extract them. Jimmy ventured it would be better for everyone’s long term health to leave them alone.

A debate went round the more high brow circuit, was it possible? Had the slaves circumvented the 'do not attack humans programming', without destroying their minds?

An intellectual grand battle then took place resulting in the usual stalemate, when not enough facts are known and only opinion is available.

By the time the pilot was eventually persuaded to go and have another look; the mining ship had gone, much to the pilots relief. The presence of a ship in the asteroids seemed to confirm in the public mind, that it was the monkeys hiding place, huddling frightened of the humans. The perception that the monkeys feared humans was reassuring to the mass of humanity; they believed it made them safe. The fact that the only armed ship outside Mars orbit belonged to their former slaves troubled them not.


The Chinese announced, they had decided that to avoid conflict, if they found themselves in the same area as the New People, they would move elsewhere. Experts studied the pictures of the ships, concluding that the mining vessel was long range, designed to remove a ship load of ore quickly, before returning to it's hiding place.

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