The Montana Widow's Husband (The New Montana Brides) (6 page)

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The Sioux Raid

After unloading the supplies and putting the horses away, Jeb said, “I’ll take the ledger and update it with the supplies from today. Also, I want to put the cartridges where the hands have access.”

“Jeb, this is silly, keep the ledgers in here. You’ll be more comfortable and have fewer interruptions.”

“Is that an order?” he asked.

“Oh, do whatever you want. I give up,” she said in exasperation.

He sat at the desk in the small office, and began updating the ledger. She brought a glass of iced tea and set it on the desk, and left without saying anything.

A commotion outside got Jeb’s attention. When he went to check, he found Clete and Buck had just ridden in. “What’s up, Clete?” he asked.

“Wade and Hoyt were going after strays in the canyon just west of the creek. Me and Buck went to see why they weren’t back yet and found them on the ground. Hoyt is dead and Wade is pretty bad off. It must have been the Sioux,” he said. “All of the tracks were from unshod ponies, and there were no strays in sight. We brought them back, Wade needs a doctor bad.”

“Lem, get the buckboard, and take Buck with you, get him to Doc Palmer. “Clete, you have plenty of cartridges?”

“Yessir,” Clete said.

“Get Wiley, and make sure he has plenty, we’re going after them. Sam, get your rifle and get in the loft in the barn. If they come here, don’t wait. Drop them as soon as they get in range.

“You got it boss,” Sam said.

He went to the back door, and called out, “Emma, you and Jared stay in the house, Sam’s going to be in the barn loft. We’re going after them. Stay inside, and stay down until I get back.”

Emma watched them ride off in search of the raiders.
Keep them safe, and bring them back,
she prayed silently.

Riding hard, they sighted the Sioux, moving slowly, driving the cattle ahead of them. He and the two hands swung wide to get ahead of them. “Turn the cattle, and then get in the rocks,” he called out to Clete and Wiley. “I’ll force them to you.” He counted a total of eight braves.

The Sioux were surprised by the sudden appearance of the two cowboys angling toward the herd leaders, forcing them to turn. Four of them immediately kicked their ponies and headed toward the two cowboys. There were loud cracks from a rifle, and two of the four fell from their ponies. The remaining four riders that had stayed with the cattle were caught in a crossfire. They went down quickly.

Clete and Buck came out of the rocks, leading their horses. “Let’s get our cattle rounded up and get them back to the herd.

Three hours later, the tired riders rode into the corral. Sam saw them coming and came down from the loft. “Did you get them?” he asked.

Clete nodded his head, and said, “You ain’t never seen anything like it, Sam. Them four Sioux came after the boss, and he stood there as calm as can be, and dropped them one by one. Me and Buck got the other two. I tell you, I never saw shooting like that.”

Emma came from the house, leaving Jared standing in the doorway. “Are you all right?” she asked and ran into his arms so hard she nearly knocked him down. Surprised, he didn’t say anything. “Are you all right”” she asked again.

“I’m all right,” he said gruffly, embarrassed by the display.

“Is it true, what they said, about you standing in the open like that?”

“I can shoot better dismounted than I can from horseback, and the Winchester is a good rifle. They didn’t have rifles, so it wasn’t that dangerous.”

“What if you had missed one?” she asked.

“I didn’t shoot to miss,” he said.

Emma turned to the men and said, “Don’t just stand there gawking. Take care of your horses or something. You,” she said, “you come into the house.”

“Is that an order?” he asked.

“Yes, it’s an order,” she said.

Inside, she said, “Jared, go play in your room for a few minutes while Mama talks to Jeb.”

When he was out of the room, she turned to Jeb and said, “You, you darned fool, were you trying to get yourself killed?”

“Emma…” he said.

“Don’t you Emma me, I’m not finished yet.” she said.

Without a word, he grasped her arm and pulled her to him and brought his mouth down, his lips crushing hers. Surprised, she tried to say something, but her mouth was blocked by his massaging lips. She opened her lips enough to allow him access as he kissed her hungrily. She returned his kiss with reckless abandon.

When they came up for air, she started to say something, but he put his finger across her mouth to shush her. “Emma Walker, I love you and I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

Shocked by the turn of events, she managed to say, “Yes, I’ll marry you, today, tomorrow, as soon as we can. I do want to be your wife.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing his face, his cheek and finally his mouth.  His left hand in the small of her back, holding her close, his other hand found the soft mound that was her breast. He squeezed it gently, moving his hand slowly over the smooth contours. She covered his hand with her own and squeezed her fingers.

“You don’t know how badly I wanted to hear you say that. I’ve loved you for so long, and I was waiting for you to show me a sign or something.”

“I didn’t know that until today,” he said.

“Today? How so today?” she asked.

“Letty told me I was a stupid idiot if I didn’t see it. She read me the riot act. Told me you were hurting and it was my fault. I don’t want to hurt you, Emma, ever again.

“Now I had better get out of here, or there’s no telling what they will be thinking,” he said.

“I don’t care what they think,” she said. “Stay with me tonight, Jeb. I want you to stay with me.”

“You don’t want to do that. We can be married tomorrow, and then we’ll have the rest of our lives to be together.”

“I guess you’re right, but I still want you to stay with me. I will say one thing, you sure know how to ruin a girl’s mad.”

He laughed. “It’s my West Point training.”

“At least, come sit with me,” she said, and tugged at his arm and pulled him into the living room.

He sat on the davenport and she sat in his lap, and began smothering him with kisses. “I feel so good,” she said. I prayed for you to come back.”

“I don’t think anyone has ever prayed for me before,” he said.

“Well, I did,” and embraced him again. When his hand found her breast, she pulled back, and unbuttoned three of the buttons on the front, and slid her chemise up. “There,” she said. She moved his hand inside, to the bare skin of her breast. When it made contact, she gasped. “That feels so good,” and began squeezing his fingers. He took the nipple between his thumb and forefinger and rolled it between them.

She looked at him, playfully, with a gleam in her eye. “Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider staying with me tonight?”

“Not as sure as I was before, but I’m getting out of here while I can. It’s more dangerous than standing in front of the charging Sioux.”

She giggled. “But this is a lot more fun, isn’t it?”

“That does it, I’m leaving.” He stood, and looked down at his bulging front. I’d better wait a few minutes,” he said.

She reached out and clutched his member. “Yes, you better wait a minute. Or ten.”

“Be ready to leave for town early,” he said. “I want to get to the Territory Clerk to get a license, and get Jack to marry us before you come to your senses and change your mind.”

“Not a chance, cowboy. I’ve worked too hard for this.”

He started for the door, but was stopped by her voice saying his name. “Jeb?”

He turned. I love you, Jeb Calhoun. With all of my heart, I love you. I will make you a good wife.”

“I know you will, Emma, and I’ll make you a good husband.”

Are You Sure

It was eight o’clock, when the wagon pulled out of the Flying W yard, and headed to Helena. The air was crisp and clear. The sky was cloudless. It was a big sky. The birds were chirping. Their song seemed sweeter today.

With Jared in the back of the wagon, and Emma on the seat with Jeb, they moved at a good pace. If Emma had tried to get any closer, she would have been on the other side of Jeb. “Just think, when we come home, I’ll be Mrs. Jeb Calhoun. I like the way it sounds.”

She was so bubbly and full of life that Jeb marveled at her enthusiasm.
I never would have believed I could have this kind of impact on anyone. A woman as smart and as beautiful as this. It’s incredible
, he thought.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” he asked.

“I don’t think so, but tell me anyway, just in case,” she said.

“Emma Walker, you are the most incredible and most beautiful woman in the entire Montana Territory. No, make that the entire United States.”

“I’m going to like being married to you,” she said.

“And I you,” he said.

Jeb tied the horse to the hitching post in front of the court house, and moved Jared from the wagon to the board sidewalk. He helped Emma from the wagon and, hand-in-hand the three of them entered the courthouse.

The clerk remembered Emma from her previous visit when she had the property changed to her name. “Mrs. Walker, good morning, nice to see you again. What can I do for you this morning?”

Jeb said, “We would like to apply for a marriage license.”

“And who might you be, sir?” the clerk inquired.

“My name is Jeb Calhoun,” he said.

“Mrs. Walker,you are a party to this application and you are voluntarily applying for a license to wed Mr. Calhoun?” the clerk asked.

“I am,” Emma said.

He pulled a ledger from a drawer in his desk and took a blank license sheet from a file. “If you fill this out and sign at the bottom, I will witness it. The fee is three dollars.”

They did as instructed, and the clerk signed it and accepted the fee from Jeb. “May I be the first to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding?”

“You may, and thank you,” Jeb said, as he firmly shook the clerk’s hand.

“One step out of the way, now let’s go see Jack,” Emma said.

Neither Jack nor Letty was in the church, so they went to the house in the rear. Jeb knocked on the door; it was answered by Jack.

“Good morning, folks, it’s not Sunday, what brings you here today?”

“We would like for you to marry us,” Jeb said.

“When? After services Sunday?” asked Jack.

“Today, right now,” Emma said, “before he changes his mind.”

“I’m not changing my mind, I promise you that,” Jeb said.

“Honey,” Jack called out. “Can you come here for a few minutes?”

“Be right there,” came the melodious voice from the rear of the house. “Well hello, and to what do we owe this honor?” she asked, as she walked in.

“We came to get married,” a smiling Emma answered.

“He chased you until you caught him, huh,” Letty said,

“Something like that,” Emma said.

“I am so happy for you both, I can’t find the words,” Letty said. “Right now?” she asked.

“Right now,” Emma said. “We have the license already.”

“Let me get my book,” Jack said, and left the room.

“What brought about this change, if I may ask?” Letty asked.

“It was your doing,” Jeb said. “Your lecture on Sunday hit home.”

“There’s a little more to it,”Emma said. “The Sioux raided us and killed one of our drovers so Jeb went after them. I was afraid for him and prayed for his safety. When he got back safely, I lost my inhibitions, and kissed him in front of our entire crew. I took him into the kitchen and lit into him. He shushed me with a kiss and a proposal.

“Now, I want to be married to him before we do something that might be immoral,” Emma said.

“This might be your last chance to back out, Emma,” Jeb said.

“Not on your life,” retorted his bride to be.

“Good for you both. I think you were meant to be together,” Letty said.

Jack read the church liturgy for marriage, and they exchanged vows. “Congratulations, Jeb. You may kiss your bride.”

After a long tender kiss, Jeb shook Jack’s hand and extended his hand to Letty.

“Uh uh,” said Letty. “It doesn’t work that way.” She opened her arms and Jeb hugged her. Then she hugged and kissed Emma. “You deserve all of the happiness that is coming your way,” Letty said to Emma.

“Will we see you Sunday?” Jack asked.

“You bet,” Jeb said.

“Will you come in this time?” Letty asked mischievously.

“Even if I have to drag him, he’ll come in. I want to show him off,” Emma said. “Now, let’s go home husband of mine.”

On the way back to the ranch, Emma linked her arm through Jeb’s. “You know that’s distracting me,” he said.

“Good,” Emma replied happily. “I plan to really distract you when we get home.”

“I’m looking forward to that,” Jeb said.

When they arrived home, Buck came up and said, “I’ll take care of the horses, boss.”

“Thank you, Buck. Would you tell everyone we would like to see them for a few minutes, please?”

“Sure thing,” Buck said.

Ten minutes later “Jeb spoke to the small group assembled in front of the barn. “We just wanted to let you know, we were married this morning.”

There were a couple of shrill whistles, a ‘way to go’, and an about time.

Sam hugged Emma and shook Jeb’s hand. “Now I can rest easy,” he told Emma. “You have a good man to take care of you.”

“Thank you Sam,” Emma said, her eyes brimming with tears. “I appreciate that.”

“Jeb, you take care of this girl. She’s special.”

“I know, Sam, and I will,” Jeb said.

Inside, Jeb took Emma in his arms, and kissed her soundly. “We did it,” he said.

“Not yet, but we will,” she promised. “First, I’m going to fix your first meal as my husband.”

After lunch, Emma said, “Jared, it’s time for your nap.” She started to pick him up.

“Let me,” Jeb said. “Come on buddy,” he said, and hoisted the little boy to his shoulder, and carried him down the hall. Ducking his head as he entered the bedroom. He removed Jared’s shoes, laid him on the bed and covered him with a blanket. He kissed him on the forehead, and said, “I’ll see you later.”

“Jared replied, “Later.”

Jeb turned to leave the room and realized Emma had been watching from the doorway. “That was so sweet,” she said, her eyes moist.

She tugged at his arm, and led him to her… their bedroom, and closed the door behind them. She turned into his arms, and wrapped her arms around his neck and attacked his lips with hers, insistent, demanding. The first touch sent shocks racing through her body, ending in her special spot. Her lips parted, for him and he took full advantage. Her heart pounded, so loud, she was sure he could hear it.

His kiss sang through her veins, as she responded vigorously. Breathless, she pulled back, and looked into the blue pits that were his eyes. “I want you,” she said, “but I want you to undress me.” She faced him as he undid the loops down the front of her dress. When the buttons were undone, he pushed the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it, while he removed the next layer.

Clad only in her chemise and pantaloons, she said, “Keep going. You’re not finished.” She raised her arms, and he slowly pulled the chemise over her head.

“Keep going,” she said.

He stooped,pausing to kiss each of her breasts, then slid the pantaloons down to her ankles, and she stepped out of them. As he stood, he kissed the thatch protecting her vault, and slowly kissed his way to her breasts.

When she felt his mouth touch the  tender skin, she shivered. There was a gasp and a sharp intake of her breath when he took the nipple into his mouth. “Ohhh, “ she moaned.

She stepped back, and said, “My turn,” and unbuttoned his shirt and pushing it down his arms, She undid the large US Cavalry belt buckle and pushed them down. She pulled his drawers down, pausing at his fully erect member to move the drawers over the shaft. She touched it with her lips, then stood. She molded herself against him, her soft curves fitting perfectly.

“I want you to make love to me Jeb. I want you to make long, slow, sweet love to me.”

He placed her on the bed and lay down beside her, idly tracing the outline of her face with his fingertips. When he touched her lips, she took the finger into her mouth and sucked on it. Jeb felt his shaft stiffen even more, as he kissed the tender crevice where her neck met her shoulders.

Kissing his way down, he took her breast in his mouth and felt her hips thrust against his sex. He moved his hand down, barely touching the skin he passed over, until he reached the opening to her cave of treasure. When he slid a finger inside, he found it wet with her juices. She arched her back and pushed her hips to meet his hand.

His probing fingers found her sweet spot. He could feel her trembling as her body took over and rushed toward climax. She thrust wildly against him, more, more until it passed. She lay still, and looked at him and smiled, “That felt good, but now I… I want the good part. I want to feel you inside me.”

He mounted her, and took his member in hand and guided it to her entrance, pausing, moving it around the edge, teasing, and then pushed inside. She rose up to meet it, wanting all of it. As he moved up and down, in and out, he could feel her trembling begin as she rushed toward another writhing climax.

When it was done, she lay still for a few seconds, and then locked her legs around his hips pulling him deeper inside. She felt the intensity of his thrusts grow, and she let herself go, reveling in the feeling of the rigid member inside her. His speed increased, as did hers, and they joined together in a perfect finish to their first love making.

He rolled partially on his side, with one leg over hers, still inside. She looked at him, with an impish grin, she said, “We could have already been enjoying this if you hadn’t been so stubborn.”

“Yes, well, I intend to make up for lost time,” he said.

“Promises, promises,” she said, and slowly began moving.

His shaft proved up to the mission defined for it and he also began to move.

Later, spent and moist from their exertions, he said, “I truly love you, Mrs. Calhoun.”

“I love you more,” she said.

“No you don’t,” he said.

“Do too.”

“Do not,”

“Prove it,” came the challenge.

“Is there no end to satisfying you?” he asked.

“Apparently not where you’re concerned,” she said. “I am really enjoying this.”

“Me too,” he answered.

“I’m really going to like being married to you,” she said, as she nestled deeper into his arms.

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