The Morning They Came for Us (3 page)

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Authors: Janine di Giovanni

BOOK: The Morning They Came for Us
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Latakia – Thursday 14 June 2012

While I was lying on the floor, they stood over me, kicking me in the teeth and punching me and using their hands and feet. One man put his military boot in my mouth.

I lay there hiding my face as they kicked and thought: ‘They are using my body to practise their judo moves.'

And the entire time they were beating me, they kept saying: ‘You want freedom? Here's your freedom!' Every time they said freedom, they kicked or punched harder.

Then suddenly the mood changed. It got darker. They started saying if I did not talk, they would rape me.

The morning they came for her, Nada was still in her pyjamas. The air was cool from the night before, so she judged it to be around 6 a.m. She heard the muezzin call out for morning prayer, and heard her father – a welder who always got up in the early light – rising to pray.

For a moment, just when Nada opened her eyes, she tried to forget what the day might bring, imagining that her life was normal, as it had always been – before 2011, before the uprising.

Two days earlier, Nada had received a strange phone call. The number did not register on her caller ID. She stared
at the monitor on her phone, then pressed the green button to accept the call.

‘It's me,' he said, ‘I'm in prison.'

She recognized the voice. It was a close friend, a colleague. Someone who also called himself an ‘activist' like her. He had been picked up by Syrian state security and taken to the Central Prison in Latakia.

‘Why are you calling me?' Nada asked, sitting down on the floor, the phone pressed to her ear. But she knew the answer, feeling her stomach turn over in fear.

‘Can you get here right away?' he begged. ‘Can you come to the police station? They want to talk to you, too.'

It was a signal they had practised since the war started.

It meant the police had caught him. He was probably being beaten, and was told to hand over the names of any fellow activists who were working against the Assad regime. Maybe they had smashed the bottom of his feet with a club, or attached his testicles to wires and turned on the electricity; maybe they had held his head under water until he thought his lungs would burst. Nada tried not to think of him, vulnerable, exposed, in pain. Crying.

Whatever had happened, he had probably cracked and given up Nada's name. But he had done her a favour by calling: it meant she had time to run.

She pressed the red button, ended the call, and drew herself into a tight small ball. She had nowhere to run. All she could do was wait.

Down the road from Nada's childhood home is the mountain town of Qardaha, the birthplace of Hafez
al-Assad, the father of Bashar, who had ruled Syria for three decades. Hafez had been born poor, joining the Ba'ath Party as a student and later becoming a lieutenant in the Syrian Air Force. After the 1963 coup in Syria, which established Ba'athist military control over the country, Hafez al-Assad was put in charge of the Syrian Air Force. In 1966, after yet another coup, he was appointed as Minister of Defence. He gained mass popularity in domestic politics from that point on, allowing him later to overthrow Salah Jadid, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

Hafez was born and buried in Qardaha. Upon his death in 2000, he was entombed in a white mausoleum next to his son Bassel, his intended successor, who had been killed in a car crash at thirty-two in 1994. His mother, Na'saa, rests down the road, shaded by a line of bowing trees.

Nada grew up in the Alawite triangle of Syria, and as a minority Sunni, always felt isolated. From relatives, she had heard stories of the Hama massacre in February 1982, of how the Syrian Army and the Defence Companies, under the orders of Hafez al-Assad, besieged the town of Hama for twenty-seven days in order to quell an uprising by the Muslim Brotherhood. Led by the Syrian Army, the siege effectively ended the anti-governmental campaign begun in 1976 by Sunni Muslim groups.

No one knows the exact number killed. Diplomats have reported 1,000, but other sources estimate that as many as 10,000 were slain. Nada was not sure of the number either, when I asked her.

Nada had grown up with these stories – and stories of the subsequent imprisonment and persecution of religious Sunnis – but her reasons for joining the opposition were not religious in nature. She joined because she ‘wanted the chance to live in a democracy. As you do.'

In March 2011, as the Arab Spring was spreading in countries all around her, she first heard reports of unrest from the southwestern town of Daraa, just north of the border of Jordan, where the Syrian uprising began.

It started with kids, with graffiti. Fifteen kids, all from the same family, wrote anti-Assad slogans on the wall of their school. They were arrested, beaten, tortured and thrown into prison cells.

Every day, their families went to the local authorities, begging for news of their children. They received none. And from the silence of the jail cells to which Syrians had become so accustomed, finally came a spirit of rebellion. Perhaps it was fuelled by what was happening not far away in Tunisia, in Libya, in Egypt; but people who before had been afraid, and had remained submissive to the repression they had lived with for four decades, rose up. ‘It was like watching people who were asleep suddenly wake up,' she said.

On 18 March, the beginning of spring, they gathered, hundreds of them, in front of the al-Omari mosque, and they chanted and cried, shouting for reforms: for an end to corruption, nepotism, unemployment, torture, security forces, secret police, paranoia. For an end to the lack of hope, lack of future, lack of political will. For a change from the life they had known under Assad. Within a week, there were thousands of people joined together.

But from the very beginning, Syrian security forces had been firing on the protesters. Three people were killed the first day. Two days later, seven policemen were killed, and four more protesters. The Syrian War had begun. While it was no surprise that it had started, what was surprising was how quickly it spread throughout the country: from Daraa to Homs, Hama to Aleppo, to Damascus and even to Latakia, the heart and soul of the Assad regime and of his Alawite minority.

Nada joined the opposition as a volunteer, willing to do anything to help. At first, she acted as a kind of runner. She brought medical supplies to the front lines, where opposition soldiers – not really soldiers, but rather her fellow students and friends – were fighting to overthrow Assad. She also made food – rice, vegetables, fruit – and delivered sandwiches. Then she began broadcasting reports of the opposition's message: their goals, their strategy.

It was extremely dangerous work, but important. People took notice of her, and finally, several months after the first shots were fired, she was promoted to chief of the local ‘Revolution Media' department. Social media played a huge role in all of the Middle East uprisings, and Nada began to coordinate Facebook and Twitter accounts to help amplify the message of ‘a democratic Syria'.

‘I believed in what we were doing,' she said, ‘and yes, I was afraid. We lived in a country where the security forces and the police were always something to be afraid of. It was hard to get that mentality – the one I had grown up with – out of my head, to try to live as though we really were going to be free.'

She had operated with her colleagues quietly for a year. She now realized that the authorities must have been watching her the entire time. She knew, as did her friends, that it was only a matter of time before they arrested her.

When Nada got off the phone that June morning in 2012, she sat on the floor for a moment and tried to arrange her thoughts.
, she told herself.
. She could run. But where would she go? What would she tell her family, who thought she was a student? And how would she get money, a passport and a plane ticket?

She decided to stay. ‘I knew I could never outrun them. I had to face them.'

Her first thought was to destroy everything that might link her to the opposition. If she were caught, the rest of the operation would be compromised. She opened her mobile phone, took out the SIM card and shredded it. Then she went through the house, methodically finding and destroying every document, photograph, camera, notebook, memory stick – anything that might be considered evidence.

As she worked on autopilot, destroying her writings, her thoughts, her notes, she thought about what her father and mother would say when the police came for her. They knew nothing of her secret life. They had been excited for her when she became a part-time ‘journalist'. But as she ripped up her notebooks and papers and went to the garden to make a small bin fire, she regretted nothing. She felt, as did so many others, that she was in the process of building a new country, a free one. Even as she was doing it, preparing for her last moments before her incarceration, she said she still believed it was the right thing to have done.

Two days later, everything had been destroyed. All Nada could do now was wait for them to come.

Everyone remembers their last morning of normality. The shaft of early morning light streamed through Nada's window onto her bed, making a small pool on her blanket. She remembers her mother's hurried knock on her door. She remembers the whiteness of her mother's face against her hijab and the tenseness of her mouth as she leaned over her daughter, still in bed, and whispered: ‘There are six police cars outside; they are shouting out your name.'

Nada sat up and jumped out of bed. There was no time to escape now. She had just thought it would have taken longer for them to come for her.

Still in her pyjamas, she picked up her laptop from her desk and ran to the bathroom, locking the door. She sat on the cold floor, her head in her hands, until she heard them begin to knock, then pound, on the bathroom door.

‘You have to open it, Farrah,' one of them said, using her
nom de guerre.
‘Open the door, Farrah. It's only wood. We can break it with one punch.'

They knocked again. And again.

Nada did nothing. She was frozen. She kept the laptop against her stomach, and rocked back and forth on the floor.

‘Farrah? We're coming in.'

They kicked the door open easily, and found her on the floor.

Nada is tiny. Her bones are delicate, and her face is almost doll-like, with large blue eyes that make her seem younger
than her twenty-five years. She covers her hair with a hijab, but the strands that escape are baby-fine, and a quiet brown.

One of the men half-lifted her off the ground. Nada weakly asked: ‘May I get dressed?'

‘Get dressed. Fast.'

She went to her room, heart pounding, and pulled on jeans and a sweater.

What Nada said she remembered most was the stupefied look on her parents' faces as she was forced into the police car. She walked willingly, but they opened the back door and thrust her inside the car. She looked back at her parents, as her father came forward, insisting that he had the right to accompany his daughter. He and the police argued. Nada hardly heard them, but her father eventually got into the car with her. He said nothing.

They drove to the military police station, and though he was silent, her father's presence soothed her. It was only to be a brief respite however, for once they arrived, the police ordered him to leave.

Her father said goodbye, and told her to be strong. ‘As I saw my father go,' she remembers, ‘I knew I was all alone and they could do anything they wanted.'

Hours later, after the beating had started, after the abuse and the sleep deprivation, after their kicks so fierce that they made her childish orthodontia dig into her gums and break her skin, after the gun butts to her head, face and kidneys became routine – she knew that she was entering a place from which, psychologically, she could never return.

*   *   *

The lowest depth that a human being can reach is to perform or to receive torture. The goal of the torturer is to inflict horrific pain and dehumanize another being. The act not only destroys both parties' souls – the victim's and the perpetrator's – but also the very fabric of a society. By subjecting men or women to enforced violence, sexual violation, or worse, you transform them into something subhuman. How does someone return to the human race after having been so brutalized?

By early 2012, reports began emerging of mass rape in Syria, on both sides of the conflict. In January, the International Rescue Committee's report included surveys from Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan identifying rape as ‘the primary reason their families fled the country'. The number two in charge at the UN's refugee agency, UNHCR, using the IRC report, claimed: ‘Syria is increasingly marked by rape and sexual violence.'

While the crimes have been cited by both sides of the conflict, they seem to be perpetrated predominantly by President Bashar al-Assad's men, largely paramilitary agents known as Shabiha, or ‘ghosts'.

Although Assad's own government troops were not always the perpetrators, the Shabiha did most of the dirty work when it came to sexual violence. Their tactics were largely to incite fear within communities – to enter towns or villages after the government troops had been fighting nearby, and spread the word that they would rape the women – daughters, mothers, cousins and nieces. Frightened, people would run, leaving scorched earth behind. It's a convenient way to ethnically cleanse an entire region. Fear can be generated so easily.

Sexual violence was not reported to be only against women either. There are many accounts of male rape, particularly in detention. Although prisons and detention centres were usually the most likely places for the crime to occur, it happened at checkpoints and when houses were being ‘cleansed' as well.

Following the IRC report, videos began appearing on YouTube, as well as on Twitter and blogs, translating confessions of various captured Shabiha. The danger of such confessions is that some – such as that of the admitted rapist below – could not be verified as not having been given under great duress.

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