The Most Beautiful Woman in the World (76 page)

BOOK: The Most Beautiful Woman in the World
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Hutton, Timothy, 335
Hyams, Joe, 156


I Confess
, 76
I Want to Live
, 64
Ihnen, Wiard, 307
I’ll Cry Tomorrow
, 42
In the Heat of the Night
, 406
Indiscretion of an American
, 76–77
Ireland, Jill, 372
, 201
Island of Desire
, 67
, 42, 64, 65
Ives, Burl, 149


Jackson, Ladoris, 398–99
Jackson, Michael, 350–55, 361, 372, 381, 389–90, 392–93, 411, 417–18, 423, 446, 449, 467, 468, 470
Jacobson, Joanne, 56, 155
Jacobson, Max, 116, 150, 166, 171
Jagger, Bianca, 326, 329, 331
James, Cecilia (Cis), 204, 212, 279, 294, 295, 358
James, Lorenzo, 232
Jane Eyre
, 6–7
Janssen, David, 164
Jarman, Claude, Jr., 18
Jenkins, Butch, 18
Jenkins, Graham, 189, 194, 204, 206–207, 211, 212, 294, 313, 340, 341, 355, 356, 357
Jenkins, Gwen, 246
Jenkins, Ifor, 191, 204, 245–46, 298, 319
Jenkins, Thomas, 295
Jenkins, Verdun, 294–95
Jenny, Louisa Carpenter, 41
John XXIII, Pope, 197
Johnson, Don, 347
Johnson, Magic, 374, 412–13
Johnson, Nunnally, 170
Johnson, Van, 7, 11, 20, 28, 53, 110, 121
Jolson Story, The
, 114
Jones, Bill, 360
Jones, Jennifer, 42, 77, 83, 148, 372
Jourdan, Louis, 131
Jourdan, Quique, 131
Judd, Ashley, 419
Julia Misbehaves
, 17


Karan, Donna, 373
Kastner, Elliott, 240, 275
Katselas, Milton, 342
Kauffmann, Stanley, 230
Kaufman, Lorry, 110
Kaufman, Millard, 110–11, 113, 119
Kaye, Danny, 77
Kazan, Elia, 36, 92
Keach, Stacey, 218
Kearns, Doris, 21
Kearns, Hubie, 21
Keith, Brian, 233
Kelly, Gene, 53
Kelly, Grace, 43, 85, 203, 230, 248, 255–56, 267, 284–86, 287–89, 290, 294–96, 315–16, 338
Kennamer, Rex, 108–109, 140, 142–43, 146, 147, 154, 158, 173, 176, 179, 219, 269, 270–71, 306
Kennedy, David, 308
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 156, 210, 221, 252, 258, 267, 299, 316
Kennedy, Robert, 288, 308
Kerber, Kirk, 362
Kerr, Deborah, 39, 70, 120, 177, 207, 209, 210
Kerr, Walter, 216
Keyes, Evelyn, 114–15, 117, 118
Khashoggi, Adnan, 373, 388
Kinski, Nastassja, 412, 414, 417
Kissinger, Henry, 318–19, 323, 324, 377, 387
Kissinger, Nancy, 324
Klansman, The
, 314
Klein, Arnie, 423
Klein, Calvin, 373–74, 380
Koch, Edward I., 331
Koh-i-noor diamond, 267
Kohlmar, Fred, 246
Korda, Vincent, 135
Krim, Arthur, 368
Krim, Mathilde, 368, 373, 374, 379
Krupp diamond, 243, 244, 267, 270, 295, 358
Kubrick, Stanley, 169, 209


La Peregrina Pearl, 243–45, 267
Ladd, Alan, 86
Lamarr, Heady, 52, 168, 195
Lamkin, Marguerite, 106, 138
Lancaster, Burt, 39, 41, 176
Lang, Jennings, 63–64, 166
Lang, K. D., 412
Lantz, Robbie, 232
Larson, Jack, xiii, xviii, 31, 34, 36, 76, 78, 81, 104, 106– 109, 420, 421, 454, 455, 469, 472
Lassie Come Home
, 6
Last Days of Dolwyn, The
, 185
Last Time I Saw Paris, The
, 42, 78
Latin Lover
, 76
Lattimer, John, 125
Lawford, Christopher, 306–10
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 221, 308
Lawford, Peter, 7, 17–18, 20, 306–10, 313–14, 346, 466
Lawless Breed, The
, 84
Lawrence of Arabia
(Bolt), 206
Leary, Timothy, 329
Leblanc, Matt, 419
Le Carré, John, 227–28
Lee, John, 223
Lee, Peggy, xxiii
Leigh, Janet, 20, 21, 22, 59, 60, 134
Leigh, Vivien, 42, 77, 185
Leighton, Margaret, 294
Lemmon, Jack, 128, 364
Leonard, John, 389
Lerner, Max, 153, 315
Lerner, Michael, 393
LeRoy, Mervyn, 117
Levant, June, 99
Levant, Marcia, 99
Levant, Oscar, 76, 99, 156, 214
Levathes, Peter, 194, 199
Levine, Joseph E., 307
Lewis, Joe E., 140
Liberace, 361
Life and Times of Cleopatra
(Franzero), 167–68
Life with Father
, 13–14
Lillie, Beatrice (Lady Peel), 221–22
Lindsay, John, 221
Lisi, Virna, 293
List of Adrian Messenger, The
, 160
Little Foxes, The
, 333–34, 339, 341
Little Night Music, A
, 325–26
Little Women
, 20, 23
Litvak, Anatole, 316
(Heymann), 400
Llewellyn, Russ, 88
Loew, Arthur, Jr., 21, 22, 60, 91, 99, 145, 152, 372
Loew, Marcus, 21
Loew’s Inc., 87
Logan, Joshua, 137, 145
Logue, Christopher, 169
, 169, 209
London Daily Express
, 77–78
London Daily Mirror
, 297
London Evening Standard
, 69
London Times
, 170
, 160
Long, Barbara, 20
Longest Day, The
, 192
Loos, Anita, 221
Loren, Sophia, 310, 315, 381, 458
Los Angeles Examiner
, 85
Los Angeles Times
, 270
Losey, Joseph, 242, 282, 294
Losey, Patricia, 294
Love Is Better Than Ever
, 42, 59
Lovell, Dyson, 335
Lowe, Chad, 370
Loy, Myrna, 31, 221
Luft, Lorna, 347
Luna, Victor Gonzalez, 349–50, 355, 356, 361, 419
Lunt, Alfred, 36
Lydon, Jimmy, 13, 14
Lykke-Dahn, Johanna, 302
Lyon, Bill, 15, 148
Lyon, Sue, 207, 209, 210
Lyons, Leonard, 154


MacGraw, Ali, 364
Machlader, Herbert, 313
MacLaine, Shirley, 170–71, 177, 372, 417, 428
MacMurray, Fred, 121
Madden, Donald, 237
Madonna, 363, 411, 417
Magnani, Anna, 43
Magnificent Obsession
, 84
Mailer, Norman, 40
Mamoulian, Rouben, 168
Man for All Seasons, A
, 230
Manchester, Melissa, 372
Mandela, Nelson, 351
Manilow, Barry, 361, 372
Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 42, 140, 157, 162–63, 165, 167, 177, 179–80, 181, 183, 184, 188, 193–94, 199
Mannes, Marya, 226
Maree, A. Morgan, 96
Margaret, Princess of England, 205, 234, 241, 280, 282, 341
Markey, Gene, 52
Marquand, Christian, 233
Martin, Dean, 121, 164
Martin, Jeanie, 164
Martin, Mary, 145
Martin, Nan, 219
Martin, Tony, 190–91
Martinelli, Elsa, 287, 316
(play), 169
Marvin, Lee, 228, 232, 314
Mason, James, 74, 222
Mason, Leonard, 215
Mason, Morgan, 222–23
Mason, Pamela, 222
Massacre in Rome
, 303
Mastroianni, Marcello, 303
Mature, Victor, 105
Matzinger, Kelly, 383–85, 391, 395, 397, 399–400, 402, 408
Maxwell, Elsa, 56

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