The Mystery of Olga Chekhova (41 page)

Read The Mystery of Olga Chekhova Online

Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #History, #General, #World, #Europe, #Military, #World War II, #Modern, #20th Century

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supports cause of revolution

defends Stanislavsky’s production of Byron’s

tortured and executed

Mikhail, Grand Duke

Miklashevsky, Igor

Miller, General Yevgenii

Mit den Augen einer Frau

Molotov, Vyacheslav

pact with Ribbentrop

visits Berlin

announces German invasion of Russia

and risk of air attack on Moscow parade

Monroe, Marilyn


celebrates 1945 victory

anti-German riots (1915)

Bolshevik revolution in

as capital under Bolsheviks

exodus from (1917-18)

post-revolution conditions

bombed in Second World War

German assault on

wartime underground resistance movement organized

repels German threat

Moscow Art Theatre

celebrates victory (1945)

wishes to honour Olga Knipper-Chekhova

established (1898)

plays in St Petersburg (1912)

in First World War

Olga Chekhova claims to have acted with

pays salary to Stanislavsky

last production before Bolshevik revolution

unable to pay royalties to Masha

early revolutionary productions

tours in civil war

taken over by state

and absence of Kachalov group

Lenin supports

reunited with Kachalov group in Moscow

tour of Western Europe and USA

Lev appointed consultant to Music Theatre

under political suspicion

honours Gorky

Paris tour (1937)

in Second World War

fiftieth anniversary (1948)

Moskvin, Ivan

Moulin Rouge

Mühle von Sanssouci, Die

Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm


Nabokov, Vladimir

Nacht der Entscheidung, Die

Nadia (Olga Chekhova’s Russian maid)

Narr seiner Liebe, Der

see also
Germany; Hitler, Adolf

Negri, Pola

Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir

on Olga Knipper’s hand movements

affair with Olga Knipper

Olga Knipper impresses

approves of Chekhov’s love affair with Olga Knipper

differences with Stanislavsky

Stanislavsky writes to on moral decline of theatre

impressed by Kerensky

early revolutionary activities

and Kachalov group in Zagreb

and Kachalov group’s return to Moscow

and Stanislavsky’s reservations over Chekhov

warns Stanislavsky of Soviet disfavour

and Olga Knipper-Chekhova’s offer to play in
The Government Inspector

employs Lev as consultant


New York

Nicholas II, Tsar

and First World War





and Cheka

authorizes Lev’s trips abroad

censors letters

in Great Terror

recalls Lev to active duty

shootings and arrests in war

wartime anti-German measures

Lev’s wartime work with

in post-war Berlin

Lev withdraws from

see also


Nuremberg Laws



Lev cooperates with

overseas operations

and Spanish Civil War

in Great Terror

see also

Olga, Princess of Yugoslavia

Olga Tschechowa Kosmetik

Ophüls, Max

Ostrovsky, Aleksandr

Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man


Pagode, Die

Papen, Franz von


Moscow Art Theatre performs in

Pasternak, Boris

Paul, Prince of Yugoslavia

Pearl Harbor


hoard grain

repressed under Bolsheviks


hatred of White Army

Peck, Gregory


Petrograd, see St Petersburg



Pilyavskaya, Sofya

Podgorny (Moscow Art Theatre actor)


defeats Red Army (1919)

German invasion and partition with Russia (1939)

officers massacred

Pommer, Erich-



Presley, Elvis

Preussische Liebegeschichte

Prokofiev, Sergei



from ruined wealthy families

Vova Knipper disbelieves in existence of

Provisional Government (1917)


Pushkin, Aleksandr


Rabeneck, Leo

Rachmaninov, Serge

Raddatz, Carl

affair with Olga Chekhova

Radlov, Sergei

Radziwill, Prince Janusz

Raikh, Zinaida (Meyerhold’s wife) murdered

Rasputin, Grigori

Red Army

in civil war

Poles defeat

Lev Knipper’s work with


successes against Germans

advance on Berlin

Reichstag fire (Berlin)

Reinhardt, Max

Reymann, General Helmuth

Ribbentrop, Joachim von

Richter, Svyatoslav

Ried, Marina (Olga Chekhova’s niece)

Ried-Knipper, Yelena Luise (Olga Chekhova’s mother; ‘Lulu’, ‘Baba’)

background and marriage

musical interests

sympathizes with Olga Chekhova’s theatrical ambitions

and Olga Chekhova’s marriage to Misha

sends money to Olga Chekhova

Olga Chekhova hopes to remove from Soviet Union

Ried-Knipper, Yelena Luise—

Olga Knipper-Chekhova sees in Moscow

at Konstantin’s death

leaves for Berlin

Lev’s concern for

appearance and manner

rebukes Goebbels


Robyns, Marcel

marriage to Olga Chekhova

Olga Chekhova divorces

Rökk, Marika

Romanov dynasty downfall

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano


Rühmann, Heinz

Ruslanova, Lydia

Russia (and USSR)

food shortages in First World War

civil war (1918—19)

conditions following revolution

typhoid epidemic (1919)

White Russians evacuated from


artists used for political purposes

pact with Germany (1939)

Germans invade (1941)

turns tide in war

Russian Combined Services Union (ROVS)

Russo-Japanese War (1904—5)

Rust, Ada (Olga Chekhova and Misha’s daughter)


fails to recognize mother

Olga Knipper-Chekhova sees as child in Moscow

Olga Chekhova hopes to remove from Russia

grandmother Lulu’s affection for


arrives in Berlin

directs Misha in German film

under Nazi threat for Jewish grandmother

plays in film with mother

and Red Army advance on Berlin

marriage to Rust

sends dresses to mother in Moscow

wishes to return to Russia

Rust, Vera (Olga Chekhova’s granddaughter; stage name Vera Chekhova)

Rust, Wilhelm (Olga Chekhova’s son-in-law)

Rybkina, Zoya


Saenko (Cheka commander in Kharkov)

St Petersburg (Leningrad, Petrograd)

Moscow Art Theatre plays in (1912)

in First World War

debauch and hedonism in

revolutions in

Moscow replaces as capital

under German threat

Sakharov, Andrei

Salza-Knipper, Anna (Olga Knipper-Chekhova’s mother)

Sandrock, Adele

Schaub, Julius

Schellenberg, General Walter

Schloβ Vogelöd

Schnitzler, Arthur

Schoenberg, Arnold

Schulenberg, Count F. W. von der

Schwarze Husar, Der

Serov, General Ivan


Shakespeare, William


As You Like It

Shchors, Colonel Igor

Shchors, Natalya

Shkurin, Colonel (of SMERSh)

Shostakovich, Dmitri

Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

Seventh Symphony

condemned for ‘Formalism’

Shverubovich, Mariya (Kachalov’s granddaughter)

Shverubovich, Vadim

accompanies Moscow Art Theatre tour to Kharkov

joins White Army


on Olga Knipper-Chekhova in Novorossiisk

on Kachalov group tours abroad

friendship with Lev

volunteers for International Brigade in Spain

captured by German army

sees picture of Olga Chekhova during war


post-war treatment and survival

Simonov, Konstantin

SMERSh (Soviet counter-intelligence organization)

Solodovnikovsky Theatre, Moscow

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

Song of Russia, The

Sorge, Richard

Sorokonozhka (‘The Little Centipede’; cabaret-theatre group)

Soviet Union, see Russia (and USSR)

Sovnarkom (Council of People’s Commissars)

Spanish Civil War (1936—9)

Speer, Albert

Stalin, Joseph

and victory (1945)

signs Meyerhold’s death warrant

rise to power

holidays in Likani Palace

Stalin, Joseph -

persecutions and terror

exploits Gorky

on writers as ‘engineers of the human soul’

and Spanish Civil War


Mandelstam traduces in poem

on Fascism

and German invasion threat

and German advance on Moscow

reaction to German invasion

stays in wartime Moscow

and assassination plot against Hitler

cancels assassination plan against Hitler

Kachalov appeals to for information on son, Vadim

Abakumov reports to

obsession with Hitler


plays off Beria against Abakumov

on Olga Chekhova’s post-war usefulness

and son Jakov’s imprisonment

Stalingrad (earlier Tsaritsyn)

in civil war

battle of (1943)

Stanislavsky, Konstantin (Alekseiev)

on Chekhov’s illness

career and influence

disapproves of Moscow Art Theatre decor

acting theories and methods (‘System’)

and Chekhov’s love affair with Olga Knipper

auditions and trains Misha

on separateness of art

hopes for revolution

differences with Nemirovich-Danchenko

wartime theatrical tours

on moral decline of Moscow Art Theatre

saves Misha from conscription

impressed by Kerensky

and production of
The Cherry Orchard

early revolutionary productions and activities

brother and nephews shot in civil war

and Moscow Art Theatre’s tour of Ukraine in civil war

and Moscow Art Theatre under Bolshevik control

and Kachalov group in Bulgaria

and Olga Knipper-Chekhova’s wish to return to Moscow

reservations over Chekhov’s works

gives leading parts to Misha

with Moscow Art Theatre in Berlin

My Life in Art

in Germany

in USA

accused by Communists of disloyalty

Stauffenberg, Count Claus Schenck von

Stresemann, Gustav

Strindberg, August
Erik XIV,

Stumpff, Colonel General Johannes

Stunde der Versuchung

Sudoplatov, Anatoly

Sudoplatov, General Pavel

on Lev’s interrogations by OGPU

exploits Lev’s contacts with émigrés

and Olga Chekhova’s collaboration with Soviet intelligence

Beria appoints to head NKVD Special Task Group

on Lev and Mariya’s special mission to Germany

brings food supplies to Lev

retains control of Lev

charged and sentenced

Sumser, Albert (Bert)



Tarasova, Alia


Taylor, Robert

Theatre of the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies, Moscow


Moscow Art Theatre in

Todesreigen, Der

Toller, Ernst

Tolstoy, Aleksei

Tsar Feodor

returns to Soviet Union

Count Cagliostro


Trotsky, Leon

and February revolution

negotiates at Brest-Litovsk

despises rural population


on expected German revolution



Tsarskoe Selo


in civil war

Turgenev, Ivan

A Womanfrom the Provinces


UFA film studios

Ukraine in civil war

United States of America

Moscow Art Theatre tours in

Olga Chekhova visits

Japan attacks

supports Russia in war

Beria seeks economic aid from

see also

Russia (and USSR)

Utekhin, Major General Dmitri V.


Vadis, Lieutenant-General Aleksandr

Vasilevsky, Marshal Aleksandr

Veidt, Conrad

Venus-Film München/Berlin (company)

Veiführer, Der

Verlorene Schuh,


Olga Chekhova visits (1945)

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet

Volunteer Army (anti-Bolshevik)


Wagner, Sam

West, Red

White Army

in civil war


White Guard movement activities abroad

White Russians émigrés

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