Read The Mystic Wolves Online

Authors: Belinda Boring

The Mystic Wolves (8 page)

BOOK: The Mystic Wolves
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I shook my head, but not out of stubbornness. Heck, I was ready to declare to the world I was wrong, but I knew Mason. He had some wicked plan brewing that involved delicious punishment and I was definitely not going to rob him of his moment.

He tightened his grip on my wrists, and prodded my ear with his nose. “Say it, Darcy, or I’ll make you scream it.”

I realized while I was focused on the seductive magic he was creating with his mouth, I hadn’t noticed he removed one of his hands, holding me with just one while his free hand roamed over my body. The sudden awareness of it sent wave after wave of heat through me, as his touch left a blazing trail, scorching my insides.

I looked into his eyes, determined to give him a look which said, “
Bring it,”
but instead I melted under the fierce intensity staring back at me. He was serious. He’d make me scream and no doubt from incredible pleasure.

I felt my lips curl as I cooed suggestively back at him, “What are you waiting for?”

Mason needed no more convincing. His lips came crushing down on mine, robbing me of breath and causing my mouth to open as I gasped for air. Seizing the opportunity, he wasted no time slipping in, and I felt myself explode under the sensation of his tongue dancing with mine. If there was one thing he did well, it was kissing and this was nothing short of magnificent.

I gave myself over, allowing him to lead, holding nothing back. It was pure emotion and chemistry between us, the magic of who we were to each other left tingling in the air. We were to be mated, bound together through centuries of tradition, but it was way more than that. Mason and I had a soul deep connection that over time would grow stronger and impenetrable. I loved this man, and I poured it all into our kiss.

I jumped a little as I felt his hand slide under my shirt and rest on my stomach, his fingers stroking my skin. I marveled at how responsive I was to his caress, how a single touch held the power to undo me, leaving me almost without reason. I yearned for him, craved his attentions and the intensity of my desire burned me to the core. This moment felt so right. He felt so right, and I wasn’t the only one short of breath when we finally pulled apart.

“You were right,” I whispered. Realizing my hands had been released, I reached up and traced Mason’s lips, still moist from our kiss. “I promise I’ll always listen to you in the future.”

He nipped at my finger, sucking it slightly into his mouth before he let out a soft laugh. “No you won’t, Darcy. You’ll fight me tooth and nail over the things important to you but it’s okay. We’ll work through my need to keep you safe and your ability to drive me insane.” He went to lean back in, but he paused as I raised my hands up to his lips.

“We shouldn’t be doing this, Mason. We can’t act as if nothing has happened or changed. You’ve lost your sister, and I know you’re worried about me, but you need to be cared for as well.” I brushed my fingers lightly across his jawline, the softness of his stubble creating slight friction. “This isn’t just about me.”

Catching my hand, he tenderly kissed my palm. “I know we need to talk more about Jasmine, and we’ll grieve for our loss together, but when I think about how close I came to losing both of you … I need to be able to touch you right now. I need to know you are safe, and alive. You scared me, and hearing you talk of leaving is unacceptable. There will be time for everything, Darcy. Trust me to know this is what I feel we both need.”

The look in his eyes spoke volumes. It asked that I give in to his sincerity, and stop resisting. Feathering his hair with my hand, brushing it from his brow, I nodded. He was telling me by helping me, he was also helping himself.

We stared at each other for a moment and I could feel the strength of our connection between us. I raised my head to his, but was interrupted by the hesitant knocking at the door. I flopped back onto the bed. There’s only one reason someone would willingly disturb the Alpha when he was alone with his future mate—Pack business.

I waited for Mason to answer, but he seemed more focused on me, watching me intently. He lifted his finger to his mouth to shush me and smiled. Pressing his lips against mine, it was obvious he was ready to continue what we were doing before.

I giggled. He had lost his sense of seriousness and was in a playful mood. Unfortunately, whoever was on the other side of door couldn’t see it as they increased the forcefulness of their knock, determined to have someone answer.

“Mason?” A cautious voice came from the hallway.

The knocking intensified and turning toward the sound, Mason let out a loud growl, instantly silencing the noise. A second later I could hear the shuffling of footsteps as the pack member escaped. No one ignored the Alpha.

“So where were we?” He smiled, returning his focus to me. His eyes shone and I could see his wolf at the surface. It took a few seconds before they returned back to normal.

“You don’t think you should’ve answered that? It was important enough for them to face the wrath of their Alpha.”

“It can wait. This won’t.” He leaned in again, kissing me until I could no longer remember my name.

“My, you really are a big, bad wolf.” I sighed when we finally pulled apart. My body felt completely languid, relaxed under his masterful touch and attention.

“Of course, nothing but the best for you, baby,” Mason punctuated his statement with another quick kiss. I loved seeing this side of him—the fierce and protective warrior, the determined and passionate lover.

I couldn’t help myself as I reached out to feel his face again. I caressed his cheek, running my fingers through his hair, knowing I wore a goofy smile as I did.

“So, is this where I say, “Oh, what big eyes you have,” Mr. Big, Bad Wolf?”

Mischief lit his stare and a devious smirk covered his lips. “Only if you want to hear, “All the better to see you with, my dear.” He made a point to sweep a knowing look over me before returning back to my gaze.

“I would then feel compelled to add, “Oh, what big ears you have.”

“All the better to hear you with, Darcy.” Mason played along, lowering his voice to a seductive whisper.

I brushed my finger over his bottom lip, eliciting a quick snap of his teeth. “Oh, what big teeth you have.” It came out breathless with anticipation, and I felt my body tense.

He paused, cocking his head to the side. He knew the next line, what he was meant to say, but nothing came. Hunger bore into me, desire coming off him in waves. I waited for him to finish—to ravish me. Instead, with a look I couldn’t quite decipher, he pulled back and rose to his feet.

What the heck is he doing

Confused, I watched Mason look around the room. With a slight nod, he finally moved, scooping me up in his arms before plastering me against the closest wall.

“All the better to eat you with, my dear, and this looks like the ideal place for a sample.” With his left hand placed firmly by my head and his right secured around my waist, he bent slightly and nibbled at my mouth. Gentle brushes of his lips teased me back and forth and left me wanting more.

“Hmmm, this won’t do at all.” I felt myself being hoisted up, my legs wrapping easily around his waist. With my arms around his neck, I was pressed snuggly against him, my body beginning to melt into his.

Mason tugged at my hair, giving him better access to my mouth and neck. He leaned down, burying his face below my ear and took in a deep, long breath. “Yes, this is much better.”

His kiss came hard and fast, impressively dominating and full of animalistic desire. There was no holding back as he completed his need to reclaim and reassert his stance as my intended mate. It was a kiss that overshadowed any we previously shared and boldly declared a warning to anyone foolish enough to touch me again.

I barely heard the sound of the door abruptly open and the muffled laugh and cough of whoever entered.

“Well, what do we have here? No wonder you’re not answering, My Esteemed Liege. Looks like you may have more pressing matters to undress … I mean address.”

Mason snarled, but it didn’t deter the intruder for letting out a hearty chuckle. “By all means, Your Most Elevated Highness, continue. I’ll just sit over on the chair and wait, shall I?”

“You are aware pissing me off could warrant a death penalty? I’ve killed for far less than this,” Mason finally answered. There was a subtle hint of softness to his voice, a sign of friendly banter. Sometimes his bark was worse than his bite.

“Whatever. Who else would you get to guard your sorry butt then if you got rid of me? Seriously, Your Royal Eminence, take your time. Finish what you were doing, I appreciate a good show.”

A quick breeze and a loud crash told me Mason had retaliated to the goading by throwing a lamp at Daniel, his best friend and second-in-command.

“Hey, watch the furniture. I liked that!” I slapped at him, trying to lower my legs to the floor. I instantly met with resistance as Mason grabbed my legs and held them in place.

“I’ll buy you a new one and don’t move. He won’t be staying, will you?” He directed the question back at the guy now reclined lazily on my armchair. The piles of clothes I had on it moments ago were now dumped on the floor in a careless heap.

I peered around Mason’s body and grinned at Daniel. “Hey.”

A look of concern and compassion replaced the previous cockiness. “Hey, sweetheart. You doing okay? You sure did scare us.” That seemed to be the general consensus and I nodded, indicating I was fine.

“Good. I don’t ever want to arrive on a scene and see that again, do you hear me? No more going off by yourself.” Daniel noted the look Mason gave him and chuckled again, “Looks like Our Most Excellent and Noble One has already covered that and moved onto the punishing phase.”

“Is there a reason why you’re still here?” Impatience was beginning to creep into Mason’s voice. I wasn’t helping matters either as I begun to nudge my lips against his neck, placing soft kisses.

“There is, my most Beloved Benefactor.”

I couldn’t help it. Laughter exploded out of my mouth and I threw my head back in mirth.

“What the heck is going on? Liege? Beloved Benefactor? Royal Eminence? Since when do people address you like that, Mason? Or should I say Most Magnificent Master?”

Mason dragged me away from resting on the wall quick enough to swat my behind with his hand. “Enough! Don’t encourage him, Darcy. Daniel has gotten it into his head I’m not being paid enough respect as the Alpha and is trying to instill in the younger pack members the importance of titles. I can’t turn around without someone bowing or spouting off some crazy name. Nothing I’ve done can convince them it’s not necessary. It’s driving me insane.” He puffed out a quick breath in frustration.

“Which is why I will continue,” Daniel interrupted, ducking as another piece of my furniture went flying. Mason rolled his eyes and grinned before turning back to look at his friend.

I lowered myself to the ground, Mason letting me this time, and I fully joined the conversation. “What’s going on?”

Daniel gave a brief glance at his Alpha and I saw a slight nod returned.

“Devlin called and asked after Darcy and Jasmine. I filled him in with what happened and the mention of vampire blood raised a lot of questions. He’s on his way over with condolences from Zane and to see what needs to be done. He sounded furious.”

I saw Mason take in the information and knew he had to be thinking about what it all meant. Devlin was one of the Enforcers set up by the vampire leader, Zane, to investigate and eliminate any threats to the supernatural community. The thought of humans having access to such potent blood had to be disturbing.

“How long before he gets here?”

“Well, when we first tried to tell you, you had an hour.” Daniel checked his watch. “Now you have about twenty minutes.” He looked back expectedly at Mason, waiting for orders. All joking was pushed aside as business was approaching.

“Okay, when he arrives, show him into my office and we’ll meet you there.” I knew Mason felt the flash of fear that spun out of control inside me. I didn’t want to repeat last night’s events, in any way. He grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it.

“Give us a moment to prepare,” he ordered.

Daniel pulled himself out of the chair and started to make his way to the door. Before he left, he stopped in front of me, bowing his head slightly in respect.

“I’m glad you’re okay, Darcy. I’m sorry about Jasmine.”

Tears began to well in my eyes again, and a knot formed in my throat. I had no other choice but to reply with a nod of my own.

With the door closed and Mason and I finally alone again, he pulled me back into his arms as more tears started to fall. He moved his hand in slow, comforting strokes against my back.

“Will you be able to come to the meeting? Heaven knows, I don’t want to cause you any more distress but it’s important Devlin hears it all from you.”

“I’ll be fine. It needs to be done. I’m just so sorry.” Sobs broke out and the feelings of contentment Mason inspired in me earlier were replaced with ones of sorrow and guilt.

I felt my chin being tilted up as he sought my gaze. “Hey, I thought we dealt with this? No guilt, remember. We’ll get through this together.” I couldn’t answer for crying.

BOOK: The Mystic Wolves
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