The Omega Team: Ethan's Promise (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Men of Mercy Book 7) (7 page)

BOOK: The Omega Team: Ethan's Promise (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Men of Mercy Book 7)
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The next morning Kate woke to sore muscles and an ear-splitting siren for her alarm clock. The workout yesterday had taxed her mind and muscles, she'd constantly had to fight her attraction to Ethan and block his attacks. By the end of the day, she'd had to swallow her pride and be the one to call it quits. Not Ethan.

Kate planned to change that today. She'd studied his moves, listened to his instructions and became aware of his patterns. Plus, she was wearing her ‘armor’ as Celine had called it. She spent a full extra ten minutes fixing her hair into a ponytail and applying mascara and then all but limped down stairs, her muscles not as eager as her renewed confidence.

              “I got your plate ready. Have a seat.” Noni gestured to the kitchen table and a huge stack of pancakes layered with syrup.

              Kate's stomach rolled at the mouthwatering sight. “Noni, I can't eat that right before training. I'll throw up.”

              Noni had on a steel gray button up dress today and the color seemed to match her determination. “You can't fight on an empty stomach.”

“I can't fight on a full one either,” Kate grumbled as she settled in the chair.

“You're just as grouchy as my Johnny used to be.” Noni swiped the plate of pancakes and replaced it with eggs and toast. “How's this?”

              “Perfect, thank you.”

Noni settled directly across from her, her stare making Kate shift in her seat. Aaron's grandmother seemed to see right into her soul, and she didn't like it one bit.

              “I watched you two yesterday. He can't keep his eyes off you.”

              Kate choked on her eggs and quickly took a gulp of orange juice. “Excuse me?”

              “Ethan. Every time you're not looking, he's looking at you. And the way he looks at you…” Noni nodded her head with confidence leaving Kate to stare at her open mouthed.

              “I really don't think this is an appropriate conversation.”

              “Pfft, just because I'm old doesn't mean I can't appreciate love when I see it blooming. You willing to take a little advice from someone with a lot more experience?”

Kate slowly sat her juice back on the table and tried to keep her pulse below a thousand beats per minute. “Ma'am, I'm not sure what you thought you saw, but I just met Ethan. He's my trainer, nothing else.”

              And I melt when he touches me.
She flushed at the unbidden thought.

“Mmm-hmm. Is that why your cheeks have turned red as a tomato? I think you know as well as I do that the sparks flying between you two on those mats have nothing to do with training.”             

              Kate's stomach twisted into one big knot and she pushed back from the table, unwilling to even consider having feelings beyond attraction for Ethan Slade. The man was a wild card, a loner and completely and utterly unpredictable. Three things Kate couldn't stand.

              Lord, she could barely tolerate when her bathroom towels hung unevenly. How could she contemplate having any kind of feelings for the unpredictable force that was Ethan?

              “Thank you for breakfast, but I think I better get to work.”

              “Hold on,” Noni's bony hand shot out and shackled Kate's wrist. “Listen, a man like that, you got to keep him on his toes. Do the unexpected. Be out of the ordinary. He won't know how to handle it and you'll have him eating out of your hand.”

But I am ordinary.
Kate gently extracted her hand from Noni and took a step toward the door.

              Kate went out the kitchen door into the backyard only to come to a stop at the edge of the back porch. Aaron was on the mat, instructing Celine, while Ethan stood off to the side in gray sweats and a black muscle shirt, watching with a heart breaking handsome smile.

              Gray Holden was further back, under a tan tent, bent over a picnic table talking to another man. The extra bodies seemed to crowd the yard and Kate's skin grew tight.

              Ethan glanced her way, and then back to the mat. A heartbeat later he spun completely to face her, eyes wide. A surge of satisfaction coursed through her veins and she approached him, suddenly eager once more to start.

              Ethan’s gaze locked on to her chest and Kate fought the urge to tug her top up. She wasn’t used to wearing anything this revealing, but the desire exploding across his gaze was proof he wasn’t the cold machine she’d thought.

“How are you feeling this morning?”

Like my muscles are twisting over my bones
. “Fine.”

              “Really? I thought I put you through some pretty tough paces yesterday. You ready for more?” He reached out and touched her arm, which ignited a spark. She jumped back, rubbing the spot he'd touched.

              “Why so jumpy?”

              Kate scowled up at his amused expression. “Just ready to get started. How’s Celine doing?”

              She gestured to the pair on the blue pad. Currently Aaron had his arms crossed and his gaze locked on the tiny blonde standing with her hands on her hips.

              Ethan chuckled, “She's had him like that all morning.”

              “Looks like he's scared of her.”

              “Not scared, he just doesn't know how to handle her. She's unpredictable.”

              Kate started at Ethan's words, the exact replica of Noni's. She told herself it was just curiosity about Aaron and Celine, but she knew deep down she was curious for her own sake. “And he likes that?”

              “It's driving him crazy, but yeah, she keeps him guessing.”

              Ethan scratched his beard and Kate instantly itched for a pair of scissors to trim him nice and neat. “Why do you both have a beard?”

              It's not like the military encouraged that, as a matter of fact, most men she knew had to keep their faces completely shaved.

              “We're not normal military. Aaron and I are in the Teams, and they like for us to be able to blend in. Why, you like it?” Ethan leaned down closer, offering his cheek.

              Kate caught herself mid-movement and pulled back. “I want to cut it, not touch it.”

              Hurt flashed in his eyes, and was gone just as fast, sending a small dose of guilt right to her chest.

              “You don't like my beard?”

              “It's not that I don't like it. I mean, it looks good on you, I just prefer clean shaved men.”

              “So you think I'm handsome?” Ethan probed further and any good will Kate had evaporated.

              “I didn't say that. Are we going to train or stand here and chat all day?”

              “You're not a morning person, huh?”

              “How’d you guess?” Kate threw her hands up in the air stormed towards the mat, ready to ask Aaron for a lesson rather than stand there and let Ethan insult her.

              Aaron and Celine faced off in the center. “You know I have no idea what I'm doing here. Why do you keep snapping at me?” Celine planted a fist on her hip and glared at Aaron, who looked even more chagrined than earlier.

              “I'm not snapping; I just don't understand what's so hard about blocking. We've been going over it for an hour.”

              “Why don't you let me explain the chemical ratios of mixing dye and color and then keeping the correct ph balance so that you don't burn your client’s hair? Or the twenty different shades of blue and their coordinating colors. See, your eyes are crossing. I honestly don't see why I have to try and learn any of this stuff. Caroline will be perfectly safe surrounded by all her bodyguards.” Celine sauntered forward and trailed a finger down Aaron's chest. “And I'll be perfectly guarded by you.”

              Aaron swallowed, his jaw ticked and he grabbed Celine's finger. “Not if I can't be with you every second of the entire day and night.”

              “Well then, I guess you better stick to me like glue. I am done with this complete waste of time.” Celine spun on her heel and strode off the mat, leaving everyone in the yard staring as she stomped inside.

              Aaron scrubbed his face and then turned to follow her, but Ethan stopped him halfway. The two men talked for a minute and then Aaron changed route. Kate tried to follow his path but Ethan stepped into her line of vision. “Ready?”

              Kate took a steadying breath and nodded. She could do this. Caroline's life may depend on her abilities. “I'm ready.”

              Ethan raised his brows but didn't say anything. Yesterday's lesson had been contentious, with her repeatedly going on the attack and losing. Kate liked to think she was smart enough to learn from her mistakes.

              Noni's advice floated through her mind, followed by how Celine had controlled Aaron completely. Today would be different. Today Kate would win.

              “I think yesterday I approached your lesson from the wrong perspective. I don't want you in the position to physically fight a man twice your size and weight. We need to build on your strengths.” Ethan started to slowly circle her, a technique meant to keep her off balance. Kate stared straight ahead, letting her other senses help her. Ethan continued, “Today, I want to tap into that intelligent mind.”

              Ethan stopped right in front of her, his entire expression locked on hers with intensity. “Trust me?”

              If he'd commanded her, or bullied her, she would have told him to shove it, but Ethan asked for her to trust him. Kate found herself nodding before she finished her thoughts.

              “You are Caroline's bodyguard. You will be with her at all times. It is your job in the event of an attack to protect Caroline and allow the rest of us to handle the threat. Your objective is to keep her safe.” Ethan sized her up, and Kate fought to keep the heat from rising to her cheeks. Every time he focused on her, he made her feel like she was the only person in his entire world.

              “What about protection? If I'm the one closest to her, don't I need to fight off the attacker?”

              Ethan shook his head. “Yes, but I also want you aware of the threat before it becomes critical.”

              Kate raised a brow, “And just how am I supposed to do that if we don't know who or what the threat is?”

                “You are always aware. No matter where you are, you know your surroundings.”

                “Of course I'm aware. My job is catching the details other people miss.” Irritation lined her tone, but she couldn't help it.

              Ethan didn't react at all, instead he clasped his hands behind his back, spread his legs apart and said, “Close your eyes.”





              Ethan reached for his patience. In the military, you didn't question orders, you did as you were commanded. But Kate's naturally inquisitive nature was one of the reasons she was a top analyst and Ethan would have to remember that fact.

              He waited for Kate to roll her eyes, but she simply closed them, following his command. A hum of pleasure slid down his spine at her unexpected acquiescence, as did the rapid rise and fall of her chest and the way the morning sun made her pale skin glow.

Focus, dammit.
Kate's safety was far more important than his base needs. “Tell me what structures are around you.” He decided to start with the basics.

              “The house is to my right, a small barn further behind me and a tan tent to my left.”

              “Good. What about doorways? There could be attackers hiding in there waiting.”

                “The kitchen door and barn door, but it's open. Is that it?” She cracked open an eye.

“Close your eyes.”

“Yes, sir.”

Her snarky tone made him smile. “Now, tell me how many people are in your immediate vicinity.”

              She paused, her brow pulled low in thought. Ethan took the opportunity to motion for Aaron to come forward, silently, behind Kate.

              “Three men, not counting you.” Her lips curled up into a soft smile of satisfaction.

              She was good. Gray Holden and Rowdy were bent over the table about twenty feet away, studying different documents and maps. Aaron stopped about ten feet behind her.              

              “How many of them have weapons?” Weapons, people, suspicious behavior - these were things Ethan took stock of everywhere he went. Like the fact that Aaron had a nine millimeter sidearm on his hip and Rowdy had double holsters under his arms. He even noticed a bulge at Holden's back when the material of his shirt shifted. 

                Her smile dropped into a frown and she chewed her bottom lip, leaving Ethan staring at her mouth once more.  

              “Who's armed? Who poses the most significant threat? To you and your HVT?”

              “I don't know.” She opened her eyes, the confidence from earlier suddenly shaken. She’d been so sure she already knew everything, that she just needed a bit of brushing up on her skills. But Ethan had taken her complete self-confidence and replaced it with the knowledge that she did need him and did need to listen.

              Ethan didn't like that vulnerable look one bit. He eased closer, drawn to her, to the need to touch her. “You’re doing really well. Now, we're going to practice this over and over until you get comfortable.”

              “You think I've got enough time to learn?”

              “I think you'll surprise yourself.”

              Ethan caved to his need and touched her shoulder, a move that to anyone else would look like a confidence booster, when in reality it was because he couldn't stand not to. And this time, Kate didn't jerk away.

              Heat trailed from her shoulder into his fingers, up his arms and spread wide and deep across his chest. Kate trusted him.

              Damn. She was relying on him to teach her the skills needed to save her life. He should be clamming up but he felt taller, more confident, and suddenly Ethan wanted nothing more than to live up the expectation he saw in her gaze.

              “Aaron, get Celine back out here. She's gonna be our Caroline. I want Kate to practice with a body to protect.” Ethan stepped back, breaking that precious contact, and vowed he'd do whatever it took to ensure Kate was ready.

              “Dude, she won't listen to me,” Aaron protested.

“Tell her it’s life or death. She'll listen.” Holden seemed to just appear on the mat out of thin air. “And tell her to bring the shoes.”

Aaron groaned and headed to the house, his feet literally dragging in the grass. “You’re gonna owe me big time for this.”

“Kate, you’re doing really well. I think with the rest of the week to practice, you'll be more than ready.” Holden's voice was steady with confidence.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Ethan, when you finish, come find me.”

“Yes, sir.”

Holden went back to the tent, joining Rowdy at the table. The back door slammed shut and Celine emerged, dangling a pair of heels from her fingers, with Aaron trailing behind.

She went to Kate and held out a hand. “Mr. Holden over there wants you ready for the wedding night.” Celine extended a pair of what had to be five-inch nude heels.

“And those are supposed to help me how?” Kate didn't take the shoes.

“This is what you'll be wearing with your dress. Give me your sneakers and put these on.”

“You're serious?” Kate turned to Ethan, her eyes wide. “I can't wear those. How do you expect me to run?”

Ethan shrugged, “Orders are orders.”

“You don't understand. I don't wear heels.”

“And what's wrong with my choice in shoes? They're gonna make your legs looks drop dead gorgeous,” Celine said.

“Not when I fall on my ass,” Kate said.

“Well you can't wear tennis shoes to the wedding, especially if you’re posing as Caroline's stylist. You'll stand out like a sore thumb,” Celine said.

“She's right. You need to blend in.” Ethan scratched his beard, drawing Kate's attention. “Like me.”

“You're kidding, right? You can't compare having a scraggly beard to wearing those torture devices.”

“Oh, honey, you'll get used to them as quick as you can turn around. I swear,” Celine dangled the shoes a little higher, as if baiting a fish.

Kate raised her jaw and Ethan instantly recognized the stubborn set. “What if we compromised? Celine, do you think you can come up with something a little bit shorter?”

Celine frowned, obviously not happy with changing her plans, but nodded. “I guess I can make a run to town and find something a little lower.”

“Kate, will that work?” Ethan asked.

“I can do three inches, tops,” Kate said.

“I can work with that. Maybe we can find some cute wedges.”

“Good. It's settled. Let's continue in your tennis shoes for now. Tomorrow though, I want you in the shoes you'll be wearing at the wedding. When I train for missions, we always simulate them as close to real as possible,” Ethan said.

“Does that mean I'll be doing a run through in a dress, too?”


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