The Only Good Priest (23 page)

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Authors: Mark Richard Zubro

BOOK: The Only Good Priest
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In the kitchen earlier I asked Glen how the kid had been. “Scared but okay,” he told me. They'd gone to a therapist as a family. He'd told them to come back only if Jerry showed signs of having problems.
Later, Jerry came in the kitchen while I stacked dirty dishes. Glen and Scott cleaned up the living room.
“We haven't had much time to talk,” I said. “How're you holding up? That must have been awful to go through.” I'd gotten sketchy details of the ordeal from Glen. Jerry talked about it for a little bit, seemed uneasy. Finally he blurted out, “What if you guys hadn't shown up?”
I put an arm on his shoulder and he moved into an embrace. Another year or so and he wouldn't want an adult near him.
I held him, soothed him. Scott called from the living room. “Jerry, your dad's in the car waiting.”
Jerry looked up at me and said, “I love you, Uncle Tom.”
“I love you too,” I said. With a final squeeze he bounced out of the kitchen. I joined Scott in the living room. As we stood together and watched their car's taillights move out of the driveway and pull away, I put my arm around Scott's waist and pulled him close.
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The Only Good Priest
by Mark Richard Zubro
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Zubro, Mark Richard.
The only good priest / Mark Richard Zubro.
p. cm.
0-312-07054-3 (pbk.)
I. Title.
PS3576.U225055 1991
Designed by Dawn Niles
eISBN 9781466802797
First eBook Edition : October 2011
THE ONLY GOOD PRIEST. Copyright © 1991 by Mark Richard Zubro. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

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