The Other Side of Heaven (13 page)

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Authors: Morgan O'Neill

BOOK: The Other Side of Heaven
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Then she envisioned Adelaide’s adorable little face and felt again the poison stab of envy. In an adjoining room, the young queen waited. Out of the corner of her eye, Willa assessed the doorway leading to the room, imagining Adelaide standing there, fearful, mayhap her gown already stained with sweat.

This made Willa feel better. She looked down from the dais and watched as servants with ewers, basins, and towels attended her guests in the final round of hand washing. Others carried beakers of spiced wine, or trays of sumptuous desserts: wafers glazed with Alexandrian sugar; rare Persian oranges and pomegranates; dates dipped in honey and rolled in crushed almonds.

She nodded, accepting her guests’ accolades, then nibbled on a wafer, delighting in the delicate taste of sugared rose. As the harpist struck up a tune, Willa glanced at her husband, who shared a laugh with his fool, the dwarf Bogo. She cleared her throat and Bogo flinched, then unceremoniously hobbled away from his lord.

She smiled. Such was her power.

Berengar glared. Lounging nearby, Adalbert watched her, too. Would he understand her plans were for the family’s good? Willa sighed, doubtful, but it mattered not. Adalbert would be made to do his duty, regardless. And if he did not, well…

Rising, Willa clapped, and the music ceased. It took a moment longer for all conversation to stop. She smiled at her guests, careful to reveal her teeth. “I have arranged for a special entertainment this eve.”

There was a rustle within the hall, an excited murmuring; it was no secret Queen Adelaide had been captured.

She glanced at Berengar, his frown replaced by a half-smile. He nodded to her.

“Bring them forth,” Willa commanded.

Guards pushed Adelaide and Stefano into the hall at sword point. Bathed and groomed for good effect, the prisoners gleamed like gemstones: Adelaide’s glowing, unbound tresses fell past her knees, with little love-locks gracing her brow; Stefano’s handsome face shaved smooth by the castle’s best barber, his blond hair clean, combed, and flowing in waves to his shoulders. As a final touch, the pair had been richly dressed in golden silks, looking ever so much like a great lord and his lady fair. The effect was perfect.

Willa noted Adelaide’s fresh beauty, the defiance in her stare
It would be gone soon enough. Stefano, on the other hand, looked fearful. For himself? Or for his royal lover?

“I will not participate, Willa,” Adelaide said, her tone queenly, “in whatever low charade you have concocted for your guests.”

“Queen Adelaide, please.” Willa could barely suppress her laughter as she removed a pair of blunt-tipped scissors from the purse on her belt. “I’ve just a simple question about your future.”

Adelaide continued to scrutinize the guests, then, ignoring Willa, she challenged them. “By accepting this invitation and participating in this farce, you have sided with Count Berengar in his war against the Pope and all that is just. Do you really want your fates allied with Berengar? Do you suppose he shall win out over the will of God and all of Christendom?”

A flurry of whispered speculation swept through the crowd, and few met her gaze.

“Silence!” Willa shouted, deadly serious now. Her guests grew quiet, clearly on tenterhooks. “Queen Adelaide, will you marry my son?”


“I see.” Willa smiled. “Bogo,” she called out. “Oh, Bogo, where are you? Come quickly, little man. Take these scissors to our handsome male prisoner. Quickly now!”

To the crowd’s delight, the dwarf tumbled from the shadows. The way he snatched the scissors from Willa’s hand, as if she might stab him, caused Berengar to throw back his head and roar.

With his side-to-side gait, Bogo tottered over to Stefano and placed the scissors on the floor. He made a show of bowing to the prisoners, then, to uproarious laughter, he somersaulted away.

Stefano looked down in bewilderment and then glanced at Willa.

“Cut her hair,” Willa said.

Adelaide’s mouth gaped open in shock.

Adalbert gasped. “Mother, you cannot!”

She turned on her son and whispered through clenched teeth, “If he doesn’t do it,
you shall
, so be quiet.”

Flushing, Adalbert dropped his gaze.

“You expect our son to get pleasure on a hairless chit?” Berengar asked.

“Her hair will grow back,” Willa replied tartly. She faced Stefano. “I said cut it off.”

He stood there like an idiot, staring, mute.

Willa was starting to find this whole business tiresome. “Cut. Her. Hair.” She noticed Stefano had sweat on his brow. “Cut it to the very roots, else I shall order the guards to cut off something of yours.”

This brought howls of laughter from Berengar.

Adelaide finally found her voice, “He cannot understand what you say.”

“Then show him,” Willa replied sweetly. “Show him what to do.”


Adelaide felt ill as she took the scissors.
My hair, my beautiful hair
. But she steeled herself. She was a queen and must not let Willa see her true feelings. She would not give her that satisfaction.

Words seemed futile as she faced Stefano and saw the look in his eyes. Grabbing a hank of hair, she cut near to her scalp and tossed the clump aside as though it was of no account
She tried to give the scissors to Stefano, but he shook his head.

“You must do it,” Adelaide whispered. “Please, my friend.”

Everything seemed to move slowly after that, so, so slowly.

With trembling hands, Stefano took the scissors and started to work. “I am sorry, Queen Adelaide,” he whispered over and over, his words unmistakable. “I am sorry.”

The crowd was silent as long strands of hair swirled to the floor, Adelaide’s crowning glory falling away, dead, a lifeless shambles at her feet.

When at last it was done, Stefano stepped back. Again, Adelaide heard him murmur something heartfelt, some sort of apology, but she could not look at him, not now.

A serving woman approached, holding a hand mirror. “Forgive me, my queen.”

Adelaide felt numb, unable to respond.

The hall was still as a tomb until Willa’s voice boomed, “Take the mirror and see what you have become!”

Adelaide barely heard the servant’s halting apology, hardly felt the mirror’s weight as it was pressed into her hand. She stared into its steely depths, and something looked back, ghostly pale with sunken eyes, almost bald but for ragged bits of tuft.

For the first time in her life, she clearly saw what everyone must face, yet cannot quite digest.

The skull beneath the flesh – her countenance in death.

Chapter 12

Stefano was horrified by what he’d been forced to do to Adelaide’s hair, and would never forget her expression as she was led away by the guards, the forgiveness in her eyes redoubling his shame.

A shout was raised from outside the hall, and suddenly a soldier came running in, then bowed before Berengar.

“My lord, Alberto of Canossa has mustered a great force and is riding on La Rocca. He’s less than a day’s ride out.”

The words had been spoken excitedly, but Stefano understood enough to realize this Alberto must be Berengar’s enemy.

Berengar stood and called out, “Gather the men! Adalbert, dinner is over. You ride with me.” He looked around the hall and then smiled at his guests. “A mere annoyance, I assure you all. Rest easy. My wife shall see that the evening’s festivities continue. I would not have anyone sent away early.”

Willa, taking her cue, nodded and watched as Berengar exited the hall, and then she left the table and approached Stefano. Smiling, she drew close, making a slow circle around him, assessing him from head to toe. He could smell the wine on her breath, and her close scrutiny enabled him to study her, as well.

From a distance, she resembled Queen Adelaide, but now he saw Willa’s beauty was marred. Age had nothing to do with the striking difference between the two. While Adelaide possessed an inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her face, this woman’s gaze exuded darkness and evil intent, her smile thin and cruel. His skin crawled with her nearness, and he wanted to back away. Instead, he stood his ground and waited.

She whispered something to him, and he had to focus on her words to understand.

“This is perfect, so perfect. You, Handsome, are the one I summoned, that much is clear,” she murmured, her voice too low for anyone else to hear. “They tell me you do not speak our tongue, but no matter. Neither your words nor your understanding are anything I care about. It is your cock, dear man, it is your cock I need, and now I may add it is your cock I desire. Oh, yes, this will be pure delight.”

Stefano was staggered. Had he understood correctly? Her husband was barely out the door and she wanted to have sex with him? Her mouth was so close to his skin he could feel the moisture of her breath, and his hair stood on end. Still, his mind reeled. Could he refuse her and live? He had to refocus, had to think of a way out.

“My dear son can try all he wants to beget a child on Adelaide, but his flesh is as listless as his father’s. Nonetheless, it will be pleasure beyond words to have her so debased, so humiliated by him, regardless of the outcome. But
will get a child by
, just as I have foreseen, and that child, a strong, beautiful girl child, will take the throne.”

She’s fucking crazy
. Stefano’s concern for himself was swept aside by her vision of Adelaide’s future, and he wracked his brain to think of a way to protect her, keep Willa’s plans for her at bay, until, until—was there any hope of rescue? There had to be.

Concentrating, he sought simple words he was sure she could understand, words that would convey his intent. “You want me; do not touch Adelaide. Promise!”

She looked up, startled. “So, you can talk! And you understand. How interesting.”

“You hurt Adelaide, no fucking by me.”

Willa threw back her head and laughed, and Stefano noted the intense curiosity of the dinner guests trying to guess at the content of their conversation.

He repeated firmly, “Adelaide hurt, no fuck. Promise.”

Grinning, Willa asked, “Mayhap, but are you any good? Are you worth it?”

Stefano swallowed, then forced the words out, hating every one. “If Adelaide safe, then you and me, screaming good pleasure all night, all day. You never forget.”

Willa’s grin faded and the pace of her breathing picked up as she stared at him, the heat of lust already smoldering in her eyes. “So be it, Handsome. Yes, I’ll take your offer. If you live up to your promise, I’ll keep mine. Adelaide is safe as long as you provide me with ‘screaming good pleasure’ for as long as I want it.”

Willa turned and loudly demanded he be sent to the dungeon, then he heard her whispered orders to his guards, and he soon found himself alone in a sumptuously decorated bedroom. Willa’s bedroom.

He’d made a pact with the devil, but he refused to regret his decision. Adelaide’s safety was paramount. He undressed, knowing the bitch wouldn’t be long in coming, then drew back window curtains and gazed outside. It was dark, but cloudless, and the moon cast its soft light across the peaceful lake, surrounding forests and cliffs. The beauty of the scene was almost painful, and something deep within told him he would never again know such beauty, such serenity firsthand.

Is that why he was here? Had his destiny always been this, traveling through time in order to save Queen – no – Saint Adelaide? When Stefano recalled Adelaide’s destiny, he grew more determined. Perhaps his body had been made beautiful for a greater purpose – to draw off the bitch and give Adelaide a chance, the window of opportunity she would need to be saved.

Straightening, Stefano squared his shoulders. He thought about the next few hours, and guessed she wouldn’t want tender foreplay, just results. He knew his body, like the scenery outside, was bathed in the moon’s gentle glow. He shifted, so that her first sight of him would be in profile, backlit against the window. He touched his unwilling member, reminding himself it was for the greater good. He had to be ready. He had to perform. He took hold of his cock and felt it respond, felt the flush of heat and tension in his groin.

He would be ready. He would save Adelaide.


Stefano’s first conscious thought was of his genitals, how warm they felt, how…

Partial realization dawned and he lurched forward, intending to rid himself of whatever creature was nosing about down there, but his wrists were tethered to the bed and he couldn’t go far. He struggled against the ties, but it was no use. The gloom of pre-dawn had crept across the room as he glared at his assailant.

“By God, you’re gorgeous when you’re angry,” Willa said admiringly, “but if you were to strike me, your cock would be separated from your body before you could take your next breath. Thank goodness I thought to bind you while you slept, for I’m enjoying myself too much.”

It was the queen of his nightmares, covering him with her mouth. He stopped struggling and let her continue, wishing he could bury his fingers deep into her wicked eyes.

She grinned. “I want to drain you utterly of your seed, Handsome, and I shall. I will spend as much time at this as it takes. Besides, we are both getting great satisfaction out of this arrangement, don’t you think? If you’d have been awake a few moments ago, you would remember.”

Exhausted and repulsed, Stefano shuddered, and she laughed.

“You sweet stud, you are big as a horse – most impressive. I’ve found the talents of my tongue are far more productive than are my hands at rousing you when you sleep, but now that you are participating, mayhap they will work to our mutual satisfaction.”

Willa stood and straddled his thighs. Smiling, she began to work his length with her fingers, and he was helpless in his response. When he was painfully hard, she rose slightly, poised herself over him, and moistened her cleft with droplets already oozing from him. Then she plunged, engulfing him, hoisting and ramming, grunting, over and over, until, despite himself, he released in her yet again, the spasms wracking his body.

Purring with satisfaction, she stayed on him and leaned forward, pressing his shoulders into the mattress. She continued to move, this time rubbing forward and back, forward and back. Her breasts hung near his face, swaying slightly as she rocked, her expression blank but for a faint smile, her thoughts turned inward.

Before long she began to move faster, grinding against him. “Mmm, yes, you’re going to make me scream again!”

She suddenly stopped and straightened on him, her fingertips madly working her clitoris, and then she arched back and cried out.

Holding her hips, Stefano closed his eyes, focusing on his promise to Adelaide. Willa’s inner walls pulsated on him as she came, and he came again.


Adelaide had spent a dark, sleepless, terrifying night in her cell. Even though no one could see her, she felt stripped without a veil to cover her naked head, her disgrace. She used her teeth to rip a section from her underskirt. Gingerly, she touched the side of her head, feeling stubble, and then covered herself with the ragged cloth. She sighed despondently. Was she doomed to die in this place, ugly, bald, and alone, in the dungeon depths of Garda?

Adelaide clasped her hands in prayer. “Lord,” she whispered feverishly, “please, I still––”

Her voice broke off when a slat high on the door slid open, the accompanying torchlight piercing Adelaide’s eyes, momentarily blinding her.

“My lady?” a man whispered through the slat.

She rose and slowly, warily, felt her way toward the door, believing there was little chance of finding a friend on the other side.

“My lady?”


“I bring word from Liutprand of Pavia.”

“Oh, dear Lord, oh God, thank you, thank you!”

“My lady, please stand away from the door.”

Smiling hopefully, Adelaide retreated two steps as bolts slid back and hinges groaned. The door swung open. She froze. Willa stood there, a few soldiers at her side. Behind them two hooded men held Stefano, naked but for the noose around his neck, his eyes open, yet averted and without expression.

“Oh, no, no.” Adelaide’s hand went to her throat, and she dropped to her knees.

“I am sorry to deceive you,” Willa said breezily. “This was but a little jest for my men. The jailers have so few amusements down here.” Her eyes narrowed. “Alas, my husband’s stay was brief, for he is off to war. Lord Alberto and his forces have dared cross our border. For this, he will soon meet his end.” She stole a look at Stefano. “As will he, unless he continues to do my bidding.”

The door slammed shut, and Adelaide knelt in the dark, unable to move. She could not shake the memory of how Willa’s gaze raked over Stefano’s body. Or the way he kept his noble head turned away, refusing to look at her.

Adelaide’s heart raced with fear. Had he been beaten? Had they broken him somehow?

What had Willa done to Stefano?


Something awakened Adelaide. She held herself still, listening. It was quiet for a long moment, then she heard moaning, grunting, groaning, a bed squeaking, bumping against the wall.

Copulation. She placed her hands over her ears, trying to shut it out, but it was loud, right next door. Another of Willa’s torments, designed to unhinge her.

Please, please, stop! For shame! For shame!

More moans, and then the woman screamed out in climax. Adelaide shuddered in the ensuing silence. Suddenly, she heard the bolts being worked on a nearby door, then hers. Bleakly, she watched from her cot as it opened wide.

In the torch-lit doorway, Willa stood alone, golden hair loose, disheveled, clutching a robe about her.

“I met Lothaire once, you know,” Willa said, “mayhap five years ago, before you were wed. He was plain and balding, his belly soft. My husband’s body, on the other hand, is hard as La Rocca. But I hate his face. He has the look of a cruel Saracen. We both have suffered in our own ways, have we not, Cousin?” Her gaze slid to the corridor. “Now I know why you took Stefano as a lover. He is,” she lazily smiled, “beyond compare. He begged me to use him and I obliged, reluctantly.” She snorted. “He has been most attentive to my needs. Alas, how sad his fate once I am done with him.”

After stretching languorously, Willa added, “Sweet dreams, Cousin.” Then she shut the door.

As the bolts slid back into place, Adelaide leaned over the side of her cot and retched. She did not believe Willa for a moment, knowing Stefano would never have begged her for sex. He had been forced by torture or dark magic. The only truth in Willa’s loathsome refrain was her threat to kill Stefano when she was done with him.

From Stefano’s cell, the obscene sounds returned and went on and on for what seemed like hours. The world closed in on Adelaide. Something akin to madness seized her, and she found she could not stop heaving, sobbing, gagging. Over and over, she wished for her own swift death – and mercy for Stefano.


Adelaide awoke with a start, her mind bursting with questions. Why had she stayed on her cot, when Willa stood all alone in the doorway? Why hadn’t she risen up and attacked her?

Adelaide suddenly, gleefully, saw herself gouging out Willa’s eyes, or grabbing a torch and setting her hair ablaze.

Oh Lord, banish my desire for vengeance – it comes from desperation. I shall never be like her.

Slowly sitting up, Adelaide again fought nausea, and was struck by the thought something had been put in her food, as had happened to Lothaire. Should she refuse to eat? Would she have the courage to see it through? It would provide a way out of this hell, but suicide was a grave sin.

Besides, Willa would never allow it. She would be force-fed, for Willa intended to give her over to Adalbert for rape, to beget his heir. Recalling this, she knew her nausea was probably only due to nerves. If Willa wanted her pregnant, she wouldn’t poison her first.

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