The Outsider (15 page)

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Authors: Colin Wilson

BOOK: The Outsider
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The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
is one of the most important case-books of the Outsider that we possess. From the beginning, Lawrence

s interest in ascetic religious discipline is apparent.
In an early chapter dealing with the religion of the Semitic peoples, he writes:

The Arabs said there had been forty thousand prophets.... Their birth set them in crowded places. An unintelligible, passionate yearning drove them out into the desert. They lived there a greater or lesser time in meditation and physical abandonment; and thence they returned, with their imagined message articulate, to preach it to their old, and now doubting associates. The founders of the three great creeds fulfilled this cycle; their possible coincidence was proved a law by the parallel life histories of the myriad others, the unfortunate who failed, whom we might judge of no less true profession, but for whom time and disillusion had not heaped up dry souls to be set on fire. To thinkers of the town, the impulse into Nitria had been ever irresistible, not probably that they found God dwelling there, but that in solitude they heard more certainly the living wor
d they brought with them
Their profound reaction from matter led them to preach barrenness, renunciation and poverty.

The Seven Pillars,

s sympathy with these prophets reveals itself. The desert becomes a symbol of purity; of escape from the human:

The Bedouin of the desert, born and grown up in it, had embraced with all his soul this nakedness too harsh for volunteers, for the reason, felt but inarticulate, that there he found himself indubitably free.
This faith of the desert was impossible in the towns. It was at once too strange, too simple and too impalpable for common use.

The chapter on religion ends with an important affirmation of the basis of Lawrence




They were a people of starts, for whom the abstract was the strongest motive, the process of infinite courage and variety, and the end, nothing. They were as unstable as water, and like water, would perhaps finally prevail. Since the dawn of life, in successive waves, they had been dashing themselves
against the coasts of the flesh. Each wave was broken but, like the sea, wore away ever so little of the granite on which it failed, and some day, ages yet,
might roll unchecked over the place where the material world had been,
and God would move on the face of those waters. One such wave (and not the least) I raised, and rolled before the breath of an idea, till it reached its crest, and toppled over and fell at Damascus.
[Italics mine.]

There are times, in later scenes of violence and bloodshed, when Lawrence seems to be driving home Hemingway

s conclusion, Most men die
ke animals, not men. There are even passages when the unemotional detachment seems to be callousness, or a disguised sadistic pleasure, and this would be difficult to reconcile with the picture of Lawrence drawn by his friends. It is then that passages like the one above provide the key to Lawrence

s attitude. His detachment is

s, a desire to

stand for truth

. But there is an element present that Hemingway lacks completely, that element of a
religious creed
that conditions his way of seeing. The violence and cruelty of the desert, and its contempt for the flesh, weigh equally in opposite balance-pans. The creed that reconciles them is the be
ef that the aim of life is the conquest of matter by spirit. The Arabs have the simplicity of violent opposites:

Without a creed they could be taken to the four corners of the earth (though not to heaven) by being shown the riches of the earth and the pleasures of it; but if on the road, led in this fashion, they met the prophet of an idea, who had nowhere to lay his head, and who depended for his food on charity or the birds, then they would all leave their wealth for his inspiration.

What becomes undeniably apparent in reading
The Seven Pillars
is that Lawrence
did not regard himself as a soldier.
It was as the prophet of an idea that he

raised the wave

; his power is the power of a man who can be
possessed by an idea,
and communicate his fee
ng to others. Again and again he repeats that the Arab war was a war of preaching, not of fighting. His frequent periods of misery and discouragement are due to a simple fact: he cannot believe in the idea that he is preaching:

If I had been an honest advisor of the Arabs, I would have advised them to go home and not risk their lives fighting for such stuff.

In spite of this disbelief, the role of preacher and leader afforded Lawrence the self-expression he needed. Elsewhere he confesses:

I had one craving all my life—for the power of self-expression in some imaginative form....

This war affords him an insight into himself; like Krebs, times when he did

the one thing, the only thing

. It gives him a clear glimpse of that which is not trivial and unheroic.

His power of self-analysis is profound. He cannot see himself and his mind as a whole, but he can construct the picture in fragments, and in
The Seven Pillars,
none of the fragments is missing. His most characteristic trait is his inabihty to
stop thinking.
Thought imprisons him; it is an unending misery, because he knows the meaning of freedom, from such experience as this:

We started on one of those clear dawns that wake up the senses with the sun, while the intellect, tired after the thinking of the night, was yet abed. For an hour or two, on such a morning, the sounds, scents and colours of the world struck man individually and directly,
not filtered through or made typical by thought:
they seemed to exist sufficiently by themselves, and the lack of design and of carefulness in creation no longer irritated.

When asked to become Feisal

s advisor:

I said I hated responsibility
and that all my life,
objects had been gladder to me than persons, and ideas than objects.

The statements of those who knew him corroborate this. E. M. Forster wrote of him:

Though I was frank with him, he was never frank in return, nor did I resent his refusal to be so. This explains in
part why he was a great leader of men; he was able to reject intimacy without impairing affection.

Essentially, Lawrence was not interested in human beings:

The lower creation I avoided, as a reflection upon our failure to attain real intellectuality. If they forced themselves on me, I hated them. To put my hand on a living thing was defilement, and it made me tremble if they touched me or took too great an interest in me.
The opposite would have been my choice if my head had not been tyrannous. I
lamented myself most when I saw a soldier with a girl, or a man fondling a dog, because my wish was to be as superficial and as perfected, and my jailer held me back.

And speaking of the Arabs:

Before me lay a vista of responsibility and command that
disgusted my thought-riddled nature. I felt mean, to fill the
place of a man of action, for my standards of value were a
wilful reaction against theirs, and I despised their happiness.
Always my soul hungered for less than it had, since my senses,
sluggish beyond the senses of most men, needed the immediacy of contact to achieve perception

He transfers his own characteristics to the Arabs, crediting them with his own love of emptiness, or he generalizes to include himself:

We westerners of this complex age, monks in our body

s cells

But it was Lawrence alone who was a

monk in his body

s cell

, a man who could never achieve the

immediacy of perception

he could never stop thinking.
He was a

pipe through which life flowed


It was a hard task for me to straddle feeling and action.

For such a person, the world is an unbelievably colourless place, without vivid perception of sights and tastes to remove
the attention from human beings and their inanities. The result is a state of unending mental strain:

It was only weakness which delayed me from mind-suicide —some slow task to choke at length this furnace in my brain: I had developed ideas of other men
but had never created a thing of my own,
since I could not approve creation.
[Italics mine.]

This disapproval of creation is of the same nature as Oliver Gauntlett

s The ignorant, the deceived, the superficial, were the happy among us

, and consequently, the creative among them. It is dislike of human beings,

the mob


chattering, snivelling, scolding


We can see that Lawrence combines the central characteristics of Roquentin and the Barbusse Outsider. Roquentin had said:

I was like the others—I said with them, the ocean
green, that white speck up there
a seagull, but I didn

t feel that it existed.


s inability to escape his

thought riddled nature

has the same effect upon him;
everything is unreal.
And like Barbusse

s hero, he cannot be happy in society, because he

sees too deep and too much

. The desert war provided Lawrence with the same kind of peep-show into human suffering that Barbusse

s hero found in his hotel room. These experiences were necessary to him, as they were necessary to the Barbusse Outsider, because their violence left no room in his mind for the irrelevancies of a civilization based on compromise. Violence helped to dissipate the unreality. Whatever happened, Lawrence could have no truck with compromise: he describes his winning over of an Arab tribe that refused to join them on a raiding expedition:

... We put it to them ... how life in the mass was sensual only, to be lived and loved in its extremity. There could be no rest houses for revolt, no dividend of joy paid out. Its spirit was accretive, to endure as far as the senses would endure, and to use each such advance as a base for further adventure, deeper privation, sharper pain. Sense could not reach forward or backward. A felt emotion was a conquered emotion, an experience gone dead, which we buried by expressing it.

To be of the desert was, as they knew, a doom to wage
unending war with an enemy who was not of this world, nor life, nor anything, but hope itself; and failure seemed God

s freedom to mankind. We might only exercise this our freedom by not doing what it lay within our power to do, for then life would belong to us, and we would have
mastered it by holding it cheap.
Death would be the best of all our works, the last free loyalty within our grasp, our final leisure, and of these two poles, death and life, or less finally, leisure and subsistence, we should shun subsistence (the very stuff of life) in all save its faintest degree, and cling close to leisure. Thereby we would serve to promote the not-doing rather than the doing. Some men there might be, uncreative, whose leisure is barren; but the activity of these would have been material only. To bring forth immaterial things, things partaking of spirit, not of flesh, we must be jealous of spending time or trouble upon physical demands, since in most men, the soul ages long before the body. Mankind has been no gainer by its drudges.
[Italics mine.]

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