The Patient Is a Shark [Shape-Shifter Clinic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: The Patient Is a Shark [Shape-Shifter Clinic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“It’s not that. It’s just that I can’t even get a pill without spilling the water these days.”

“Yeah, well, you can’t kneel down yet. Once you’ve had the operation and can kneel, life will get simpler again.”

Rainer rocked her gently in his arms, and she could feel him pressing kisses to the top of her head. He was so kind and caring the tears began to flow, and she determinedly sniffed them back. Just because he was rocking her like a baby it didn’t mean she could cry like a baby.

Quinn handed her the mug refilled with water, and Rainer passed her the pain pills. She gulped two down and leaned against Rainer, loving the solid strength and support of his arms and body against hers. Quinn wiped up the water from the floor and checked under the furniture, but he must have collected all the things she’d spilled because he didn’t hand any more to Rainer.

Quinn climbed up on the bed with them and tucked her in, the two men bracketing her and holding her.

“Relax now, sweetie, and let the pills do their thing,” whispered Rainer.

She was entranced by his chest. Last night she’d slept with her face against Quinn’s naked chest. Rainer’s was just as hard and muscled, but his body hair was much darker. She’d seen them both in swimwear and noticed the differences, but up close like this she was able to tangle her fingers in his chest hair and play with it.

“I’m glad you don’t wear a shirt to sleep in,” she said.

“It saves doing laundry,” he muttered.

Suddenly she became aware of two other hard muscles, the cocks both in front of her and behind her.

Behind her Quinn’s earthy, woodsy scent was sending her wild. In front of her Rainer’s lighter fragrance was just as appealing. Before her brain knew what her mouth was doing she said, “After you fucked me I slept really well. Would you do that again, please, both of you.”

“I’d love to, but are you sure it’s what you want?” asked Quinn.

“Yes. You’re both irresistible.”

And they were. She had no idea why she wanted them so much, had to have them both again, right now, but she did. It was her body, begging for them. For these few brief days they were hers, she needed them, craved them more than even water to swim in, for some strange, unknown reason. And this morning had been wonderful.

“Let us make love to you properly then,” said Quinn.

Quinn pulled the bedding down while Rainer rolled her onto her back and lifted the sleep shirt off her body. Quinn removed her panties, being very careful of her knee, which was still throbbing, although not nearly as much as ten minutes ago.

Quinn sat against the headboard of the bed and put her head on his knee. He grasped her wrists in his hands, restraining her, and nodded to Rainer. “Use your hands and mouth anywhere on her to bring her to orgasm.”

“Oh, a challenge. I’m always up for a challenge.”

Wynter smiled. He was up all right. His cock was most definitely up. She could feel Quinn’s cock against her back, and he was a long, hard ridge against her spine, so she guessed he was ready to play as well.

Quinn controlled her hands, not letting her touch either of them. In one way it was frustrating, because she’d enjoyed stroking their hair and skin last night. But in another way it was most arousing, knowing that he held the power over her, he was controlling her responses. She rather liked the feeling it gave her.

Rainer was careful not to put any pressure on her sore knee. He kissed and licked her belly and her ribs, but he leaned over her body instead of leaning on her. Even when he began to suck her breast and to touch her face, he held himself up off her, not putting any weight on her at all.

Finally he lay below her, his mouth on her cunt, and began flicking his tongue on and around her clit. Around and around he licked, then he sucked it hard, only to go back to teasing around it again.

Next he moved his tongue to her slit, swiping his way up and down it before nibbling along the edges of her labia with sexy, gentle, nipping bites. Finally, when she was almost insane with need, he thrust his tongue inside her and began tongue-fucking her in earnest.

Now he used one hand to stroke the sensitive inner skin of her right thigh and along the join between her leg and her body, making her shiver with need.

“A shiver of sharks,” whispered Quinn, who then bent down and kissed her.

Desperately she thrust her tongue into his mouth, wanting more, deeper, much more.

Quinn moved her hands so he was clasping both her wrists in one of his big, strong hands, and he used the other to tease her breast.

Rainer lifted her good leg up over his shoulder so he could get his face hard against her cunt, and he sucked her clit and her pussy lips, then tongue-fucked her some more.

Wynter could feel the orgasm building deep inside her, building, building, closer, closer.


The release crashed through her, and she thrust her hips up into Rainer’s face as she came and came.

The two men kissed and stroked her skin, gentling her, relaxing her. “But what about you?” she asked, and gave a huge yawn.
How embarrassing!

“This is all about you. We want you happy and relaxed. It’s going to be a very long day tomorrow,” said Quinn.

I really need to suck them off. Both of them. Soon.
But not now. Right now she was too tired to think.


* * * *


She woke before five, returned to her room, put her bikini on, and walked carefully into the living room, wondering if her laptop had been brought into the apartment last night or if she needed to go out to the car and get it herself. But there it was sitting on the table. They were so good to her, so caring and thoughtful.

She opened it up and went straight to her e-mails. There was the usual handful of spam, which she deleted. If only all those people who wanted her to share their multimillions of dollars were real. Even if just one of them was real it would have solved all her problems forever.

She had a couple of e-mails from friends asking how she was getting on, so she told them she was on her way to Ohio for her knee surgery.

At first she thought the final e-mail was from the clinic and clicked on it, wondering if anything had changed. But it wasn’t. It was from the person—or people—who didn’t want her to go to the shape-shifter clinic.


Do not go to the shape-shifter clinic. It does not belong to Dr. Thorne. The property is mine, not his. Do not be led astray by the vain imaginings of this charlatan. Go to a real doctor instead.


Hastily she clicked through her saved e-mails, looking for the one from the attorney. There it was. She copied the attorney’s e-mail address then forwarded this new e-mail to her, saying only,
This was in my inbox this morning.

“I hope she can sort it out.”

“You hope who can sort what out, sweetie?”

She turned. Rainer was standing in the doorway rubbing his short black hair, still looking half-asleep. Neither man had stirred as she’d slid off the end of the bed a little while ago. They’d both been deeply asleep.

“Nothing to worry about now. We can talk about it in the car later. Let me just close down the laptop and we can go swimming.”

I hope that’s right. I hope it doesn’t mean anything. It wasn’t threatening really. I mean, he didn’t say he’d try to stop me or do anything to me. It was just a warning. A warning I plan to ignore.

Quinn entered the room. Already he was fully dressed. “Leave out the clothes you plan to wear today, and I’ll pack everything else back in the car while you swim. Is there anything you want with you in the backseat? A book to read, some handwork or a craft project, or anything?”

Here they were again. Looking after her so kindly. “No, I’m fine, thanks. I have some books and music, and the puzzle book you gave me isn’t even half-done.”

She went back into her bedroom and laid out clean underwear and a fresh T-shirt with the same jeans she’d worn the previous day, then pushed everything else back into her overnight bag. She went to carry it out to the living room, but Quinn was there waiting to take it. She knew he’d carry her, too, if she looked like she couldn’t walk. But she did need to move around a little seeing as she’d be sitting all day. Then she walked slowly and carefully down the path to the pool with Rainer. She knew he was itching to carry her, but she also knew she had to keep moving or what little muscle tone she still had left would disappear.

Even last night’s fucking hadn’t really exercised her muscles. They’d been so considerate and thoughtful with her she’d done almost none of the work to gain her orgasm. Both men were so delightful to look at, and such wonderful people through and through, she couldn’t help lusting after them. But she had to remember this was just a road trip. Not a summer romance. Even though her body was demanding she invite them both inside her again.
I have no idea why I asked for sex. That’s not me at all. It must be the drugs I’m taking. They must send my libido skyrocketing or something. Plus their scents. There’s something truly compelling about their scents.

She took off her bikini, dived into the pool, transformed, and swam up and down in a businesslike manner. No ball games, no fun, no people. Just enough swimming to make sure her skin could cope with a long day on the road.

When she was sure she’d be all right, she climbed out again. Rainer handed her the towel and carried her back to the apartment. She could get so used to being carried around. Both men were so strong, yet completely gentle. They took a lot of care to ensure her knee wasn’t jolted or held at an awkward angle.

And they smelled so good. They had quite distinctly different scents, but both were as erotic as hell.

A man in black pants and a white shirt was pushing an empty food trolley away from them toward the main house as they approached the apartment.

“Perfect timing. It looks like breakfast has just arrived,” said Rainer.

And that was another thing. They might think she hadn’t noticed, but she had. They were eating more than just a few sandwiches and some apples and drinking water. Every time they stopped for gas Quinn had come back to the car with coffee and food, and that wasn’t even mentioning the cookies that had mysteriously appeared in the food bag with her bread either.

And now a real breakfast after that lovely gazpacho last night. She could hardly wait.

It was going to be a very long day in the car today, but she was looking forward to lying there and watching the two men, while she remembered every tiny detail of their kindnesses and thoughtfulness toward her. And she wouldn’t even be hungry and worrying about money. With the sale of her television she knew they’d have enough money for gas. No, the only worry was keeping her hands off them when she wanted to rip their clothing off them and be fucked again and again and again.

She refused to admit to herself the niggling worry, pushed firmly right to the very back of her mind, about the person telling her not to go to the clinic. James McHaig had promised the werewolves would deal with it. She had to trust him—them—to do that.


* * * *


Quinn opened the door when a young man dressed in black pants and a white shirt knocked. He held the door wide so the man could push a loaded food trolley into the room.

“Your breakfast is on the top shelf and the bottom shelf has meals for the rest of the day. The chef has packed plenty of food because our Alpha said you had a long journey and might not be able to stop at the regular rest stops.”

“Please thank your Alpha and your chef. You’ve been a great help to us all.”

The young man lifted platter after platter onto the table, while Quinn unloaded two cool bags and a picnic basket from the lower shelf of the trolley and set them by the door to take out to the car.

Quinn was worried about the trip today. Almost a thousand miles to drive with a woman in pain in the backseat. They’d only stopped three times yesterday, each time for gas and the bathrooms, but that had been only eight hundred miles and a damn long day. They were starting a couple hours earlier today, but it was still going to be a big challenge. Ah, well, at least they had plenty of food. The two cool bags were bulging and the picnic basket was a family-size one, not a single-person one, so even if it only held cups and plates there’d be plenty to eat.

Rainer had refilled their empty water bottles and chilled the water last night so they wouldn’t have to rely on what was in the cool packs as their only source of liquid either. For a moment he considered opening the picnic basket to see if there were thermoses of hot tea or even hot coffee, but he resisted. They had food and water. They’d be fine. Besides, the smell of breakfast was making his mouth water.

Just then Rainer carried Wynter in the door and straight into the bathroom. When he came back, Quinn said, “Our hosts have provided meals for us to take with us. I’ll load them in the car. You start eating.”

“No, you eat. You have to drive. I can eat in the car. The sooner we get on the road the better. I’ll put them in the trunk.”

Quinn nodded and lifted the insulated lid on one the platters. “Bacon, yum.” He served himself four strips, then found hash browns, mushrooms, and spicy chipolatas.

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