The Penguin Book of Card Games: Everything You Need to Know to Play Over 250 Games (201 page)

BOOK: The Penguin Book of Card Games: Everything You Need to Know to Play Over 250 Games
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Dif erenzler, 331

Discard Rummy, 492

Domino, 445

Domino Hearts, 140

Dom Pedro, 186

Don, 186

Donkey, 399

Doppelkopf, 232

Double Dummy (Bridge), 17

Double Dummy (Whist), 38

Double Hasenpfef er, 100

Double Pedro (Cinch), 178

Double Rummy, 492

Doubling Gin, 499

Dracula, 611

Draw and Discard (Bridge), 17

Draw Bridge (Honeymoon Brid Draw Cassino, 405

Draw Hearts, 139

Draw Poker, 561

Drive Whist, 21

Dry Game, 417

Duck Soup, 612

Dudak, 472

Dummy Whist, 38

Duplicate Piquet, 169

Durak, 465

Durak for 3–6

players (as

players (as

individuals), 467

Dutch Whist, 24

Earl of Coventry, 444

Ecarte, 104

Egyptian Ratscrew, 393

Eight-card Crib, 427

Eights group, 437

Eighty-Three, 185

Einwerfen, 246

Eleusis, 437, 449

Elevator (Oh Hel !), 85

Elfern, 255

Elimination Rummy, 500

Enfle (Rol ing Stone), 463

English Long Stud, 564

Euchre, 95

Almonte, 99

Auction, 98

Bid, 97

Cal -Ace, 98

Jackpot, 98

Six-hand, 98

Euchre for two, 97

Euchre for two or three, 97

Fan Tan (domino), 445

Farmer, 598

Faro, 603

Farvesjavs, 230

Femkort, 121

Fifteen (Quinze), 598

Fifteens, 194

Fifty-One, 432

Fifty-One, 432

Fifty-One (Wushiyi Fen), 503

Fildinski, 291

Firehouse Pinochle, 299

Five-card Crib, 427

Five-card Loo, 117

Five-Cards (Femkort), 121

Five-Card Stud, 563

Five-Card Turn-up (Mexican Stud), 564

Five-handed Ninety-Nine, 90

Five Hundred, 100

Five Up (Redbeard), 114

Flip Stud (Mexican Stud), 564

Flop Poker, 565

Bedsprings, 566

Cincinnati, 566

Crossover, 566

Hold ’em, 565

Hold me Darling (Hold ’em), 565

Omaha, 566

Procter and Gamble, 566

Seven-Card Mutual, 566

Spit in the Ocean, 567

Texas Hold ’em (Hold ’em), 565

Flush, 587

Flüsslen, 588

Fortune Rummy, 533

Forty-Five, 109

Forty for Kings, 195

Forty-One, 31

Forty-Ramsch (Vierzigeramsch), 156

Four-hand Crib, 428

Four-handed Ninety-Nine, 90

Freeze-out (Elimination Rummy), 500

French Ruf (Triomphe), 106

French Ruf (Triomphe), 106

French Tarot, 362

French Truc, 129

French Whist, 248

Frog, 243

Fünfzehnern (Fifteens), 194

Gaigel, 269

Galapagos, 614

Garbo, 617

German Solo, 65

German Whist, 38

Get Stuck, 619

Gilet, 588

Giley, 588

Gin, 496

Doubling, 499

Hol ywood, 498

Jersey (Three-hand), 497

Knock, 499

Oklahoma, 498

Open (Doubling Gin), 499

Poker, 499

Gleek, 171

Glic (Poch), 585

Go Boom, 448

Go Fish, 397

Gof o (Primiera), 583

Golfo, 589

Gooseberry Fool, 623

Gops, 393

Grabbage, 547

Greek Hearts, 140

Grevjass, 332

Grivjass (Grevjass), 332

Grivjass (Grevjass), 332

Guimbarde, 173

Guinguet e, 173

Guts, 575

Haferltarock (Bavarian Tarock), 244

Hand and Foot, 527

Handjass, 323

Harjan, 249

Hasenpfef er (Pepper), 99

Hasty Patience (Grabbage), 547

Hearts, 135, 138

Auction, 139

Cancel ation, 139

Dealer’s Choice, 139

Domino, 140

Draw, 139

for 3 or 5-7 players, 138

for two, 139

Greek, 140

Joker, 140

Omnibus, 140

Partnership, 138

Pink Lady, 141

Spot, 141

Widow, 141

Heartset e, 140

High Card Pool (Red Dog), 601

High-Low Rummy (Round-the-

Corner Rummy), 494

Hindernislauf (Obstacle Race), 434

Hokm, 24

Hola, 258

Hold ’em (Flop Poker), 565

Hold me Darling (Hold ’em), 565

Hold me Darling (Hold ’em), 565

Hol ywood Canasta, 526

Hol ywood Eights, 447

Hol ywood Gin, 498

Hombre, 56

Homme d’Auvergne, 106

Homme de Brou, 231

Honeymoon Bridge Horri, 475

Hosen ’runter (Schwimmen), 396

Huberes (Arsehole), 455

Humbug, 39

Hundred, 433

Hundredogen, 250

Hungarian Tarokk (Paskievics), 372

Hurricane, 411

I Doubt It (Cheat), 482

Il ustrated Preference, 70

Imperial, 169

Indian Poker, 575

Israeli Whist, 87

Italian Canasta, 526

Jackpot Euchre, 98

Java Rummy (Elimination Rummy), 500

Jewish Faro (Stuss), 604

Jew’s Harp (Guimbarde), 173

Jig, 444

Jo-Jot e, 318

Joker Hearts, 140

Joker Pitch, 181

Jubilee, 433

Julep, 116

Jungle Bridge (Oh Hel !), 85

Kaiser, 30

Kaiser, 30

Kaiserjass (Karnof el), 336

Kaiserspiel (Karnof el), 336

Kalaber (Alsos) 308

Kalabriasz (Klaberjass), 305

Kaluki, 505

Karma (Shithead), 480

Karnof el, 336

Kemps, 396

King, 149

King Rummy, 508

Kings and Queens, 500

Kitumaija, 474

Klaberjass, 305

Klaverjass, 320

Klaverjassen (Klaverjas), 320

Kleurwiezen, 49

Klob (Klaberjass), 305

Knack (Schwimmen), 396

Knaves, 142

Knock Poker, 575

Knockout Whist, 52

Konchinka, 418

Krambambuli, 514

Kreuzjass (Schieber), 326

Labet (Bete), 110

Ladies’ Game, 417

La Ferme (Farmer), 598

La Mariee (The Bride), 173

Lanterloo (Five-card Loo), 117

Laugh and Lie Down, 420

Let it Ride, 601

Ligeud, 66

Liverpool Rummy, 509

Liverpool Rummy, 509

Loba, 495

L’Omber, 56

Long Stud (Seven-Card Stud), 563

Long Whist, 21

Loo, 117

Five-card, 117

Three-card, 121

Lorum, 147

Losing Cribbage, 428

Lowbal (Poker), 380

Macao, 597

Madrasso, 250

Magrasso (Madrasso), 250

Mandrasso (Madrasso), 250

Manil e, 189

Manil e Parlee (Manil e with

Talking), 190

Manipulation (Shanghai), 515

Manni, 36

Mariage, 264

Marias, 274

Marjapussi, 267

Marjolet, 294

Marriage (Sixty-Six), 261

Mas (Skitgubbe), 476

Mau-Mau, 447

Mauscheln, 119

Memory, 393

Memory Bridge, 18

Mexicana, 527

Mexican Stud Poker, 564

Michigan, 440

Middle-Ramsch (Mit elramsch), 156

Middle-Ramsch (Mit elramsch), 156

Minimisere, 637

Minnesota Whist, 23

Mismatch, 626

Mississippi Rummy, 500

Mit elramsch, 156

Mit lere, 331

Mjolnarmat e (Skitgubbe), 476

Mousel, 119

Muggins, 444

Mus, 580

Mustamaija, 473

My Ship Sails, 399

Nap, 111

Napoleon (Nap), 111

‘Neighbours’ (Sex for six Australians), 641

Nerts (Racing Demon), 544

Neuner, 447

Newmarket, 437

Ninety-Nine, 434

Ninety-Nine (Solo family), 88

NLK, 478

Noddy, 429

Nomination Whist, 51

Non-partnership Pinochle, 299

Norrlandsknack, 120

Norseman’s Knock

(Norrlandsknack), 120

Norwegian Whist, 23

Nul o Bridge, 13

Obstacle Race, 434

Oh Hel !, 85

Oh Shit! (Oh Hel !), 85

Oh Shit! (Oh Hel !), 85

Oklahoma (Arlington), 533

Oklahoma Gin, 498

Old Maid, 482

Omaha, 566

Ombre, 56

Omnibus Hearts, 140

One-meld Rummy, 492

Open Gin, 499

Original Bid Whist, 26

Original Newmarket, 439

Original Rum, 493

Ot ocento, 357

Over the Top, 620

Owcy Glowa, 241

Pai Gow Poker, 599

Palace (Shithead), 480

Pan, 505

Pandour, 329

Panguingue (Pan), 505

Papil on (= ‘But erfly’), 419

Parity, 621

Parliament (Domino), 445

Partnership Belote, 314

Partnership Durak, 468

Partnership Hearts, 138

Paskahousu, 485

Paskievics, 372

Pástra, 417

Pedro (Cinch), 183

Peep and Turn (Mexican Stud), 564

Peep Nap, 112

Pelmanism (Memory), 393

Pennies from Heaven, 529

Pennies from Heaven, 529

Pepper, 99

Persian Rummy, 531

Pesë Kate, 149

Phat, 188

Picket (Piquet), 159

Picquet (Piquet), 159

Pidro (Cinch), 183

Pig (Donkey), 399

Pináculo, 536

Pink Lady, 141

Pink Nines, 441

Pinochle, 295

Army and Navy, 302

Auction Pinochle for four, 297

Auction Pinochle for three, 296

Check, 300

Contract, 301

Firehouse, 299

Non-partnership, 299

Pinochle for Six or Eight, 302

Three-hand, 298

Two-hand, 298

Two-pack, 301

Widow, 299

Widow Partnership, 299

Pip-Pip!, 283

Piquet, 159

au Cent (Saunt), 165

Auction, 165

Chouet e, 168

Contract, 166

Duplicate, 169

Imperial (Imperial), 169

Normand, 168

Normand, 168

Partnership, 168

Round, 169

Pirate, 548

Pirate (Bridge), 14

Pishti, 416

Pitch, 178

Pits (Arsehole), 455

Play or Pay, 443

Plus and Minus (Red and Black), 576

Poch, 585

Pochen (Poch), 585

Point-Ramsch (Augenramsch), 156

Poker basics, 556

20-card Poker, 571

40-card Poker, 570

48-card Poker, 570

Canadian, 563

Dealer’s Choice, 557

Draw, 561

Freak-hand, 571

Indian, 575

Knock, 575

Stud, 563

Wild-card, 567

Zebra, 576

Poker Squares, 552

Polignac, 141

Polish Bezique (Fildinski), 291

Polish Rummy, 531

Pomme (Handjass), 323

Pontoon, 592

Pool Nap, 113

Pope Joan, 441

Poque, 589

Poque, 589

Pounce (Racing Demon), 544

Poutze (Handjass), 323

Preference (Austrian), 67

Preference (Russian), 71

President (Arsehole), 455

Prime (Primiera), 583

Primero (Primiera), 583, 584

Primiera, 583

Procter & Gamble, 566

Progressive Patience, 550

Progressive Rummy, 509

Punto Banco (Baccara), 597

Purchase Nap, 113

Push, 510

Put, 130

Put and Take, 575

Put for four, 131

Put for three, 131

Put for two, 130

Quadril e, 61

Quarante de Roi (Forty for Kings), 195

Queen City Rum (One-meld Rummy), 492

Quince (Quinze), 598

Quinel a, 527

Quinto, 35

Quinze, 598

Rabino (Ramino), 493

Rabouge (Russian Bank), 543

Race Canfield (Racing Demon), 544

Racehorse Pitch, 180

Racing Demon, 544

Ramino, 493

Ramino, 493

Ramino Pokerato, 494

Rams, 118

Ramsch, 156

Rana (Frog), 243

R&N (Trente et Quarante), 604

Razz, 564

Razzle Dazzle (Auction Cinch), 185

Red and Black, 576

Redbeard, 114

Red Dog (Yablon), 600, 601

Remigio (Ramino), 493

Reunion, 248

Reverse Bridge, 13

‘Reverse’ (Coteccio), 157

Reversis, 150

Ristiklappi (‘Crossclap’), 259

Robuse (Russian Bank), 543

Rockaway, 447

Rodskagg (Redbeard), 114

Rol ing Stone, 463

Rol over (Beat-Your-Neighbour), 574

Romanian Whist, 86

Romestecq, 172

Roque, 204

Rouge et Noir (Trente et Quarante), 604

Round-the-Corner Rummy, 494

Rovescino, 198

Royal Cassino, 358

Rubber Bridge, 3

Rummy, 490

Block, 492

Boathouse, 492

Cal , 492

Cincinnati (One-meld Rummy), 492

Cincinnati (One-meld Rummy), 492

Continental, 534

Contract, 506

Discard, 492

Double, 492

Elimination, 500

Fortune, 533

Freeze-out (Elimination), 500

Java (Elimination), 500

Mississippi, 500

One-meld, 492

Persian, 531

Polish, 531

Queen City (One-meld Rummy), 492

Round-the-Corner, 494

Sequence, 535

Two-meld, 494

Wild-card, 494

Rumstick (Romestecq), 172

Rum und Stich (Romestecq), 172

Russian Bank, 543

Russian Whist, 24

Sack-Jass (Handjass), 323

Samba, 524

Sancho Pedro, 185

Saunt, 165

Sbarazzina, 358

Scala Quaranta, 494

Scarto, 354

Scat (Thirty-One Rum), 502

Schaf kopf (Schafkopf), 225

Schafkopf, 225

Schieber, 326

Schieberamsch, 154

Schieberamsch, 154

BOOK: The Penguin Book of Card Games: Everything You Need to Know to Play Over 250 Games
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