The Perfect Life (35 page)

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Authors: Erin Noelle

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BOOK: The Perfect Life
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“What’s going on? Why did you come back early? Is everything okay with your family?” she whispered, concern heavy in her voice, once the door was shut and we were facing each other.

Smiling so big I was afraid my face would crack, I cradled her jaw in my trembling hands and lowered my mouth to hers, claiming her like a man possessed. “I love you, Monroe,” I murmured against her lips mid-kiss. “I love you so fucking much. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, but I didn’t want you to go another minute without knowing for sure.”

A soft laugh bubbled up from her as she leaned back slightly to peer up into my eyes. “You flew back two days early just so you could tell me you love me?”

“And to tell you that I don’t want to be without you.” I nodded and stole another kiss. “Ever.” Another kiss. “I know it’s gonna take some time to figure things out, but whatever we have to do, I’m willing. I want us to be a

Throwing her arms around my neck, she rubbed her nose back and forth against mine. “I love you too, Ollie. So damn much. I can’t promise it’ll be easy, especially at first, but as long as I get you in the end, it will be worth it.
We a
re worth it.”

My hands fell to her waist as I buried my face in her neck, pressing my lips to her delicate skin and inhaling her fresh, citrusy scent. “God, I’ve missed you, beautiful girl. When can you come over so I can properly show you how much?”

Pressing her body against mine, Monroe moaned while threading her fingers through my hair. “Tomorrow,” she breathed, “but I’m not sure I can wait that long.”

“Don’t tempt me, Rizzo,” I growled in a low voice. “I only have so much self-control when I’m around you.”

Another little whimper escaped as she drew my earlobe in between her teeth and flicked her tongue across the sensitive flesh, and my resolve snapped. Whirling her around to face one of the metal shelves, I placed her hands up on the ledge and made fast work of lifting her dress up around her waist from behind. Hastily, I freed my cock, throbbing and desperate, from the burden of my black dress pants, and as I pushed her soaked silky panties to the side, I slid through the wetness until I was buried deep inside her.

Arching her back like a cat in heat, she looked over her shoulder at me with pleading eyes and purred, “Please, Ollie. I need you to show me.”

“Fuuuuuck,” I groaned, the overwhelming pleasure spreading throughout my entire body. Taking her like this in a storage closet had not been my initial goal when I’d shown up, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her no.

What happened next can only be described as frenzied and feverish, reckless and rash, and the single most arousing experience of my life. We came together minutes after we began, a firework-producing explosion where we panted I love yous until our bodies sagged with exhaustion. Once we could both breathe normally and our hearts had returned to normal activity, I cleaned her up with one of the handy paper towels nearby, which led to us both cracking up over what we’d just done. For two people with doctorate degrees, it probably wasn’t our smartest decision, but gratefully, we hadn’t gotten caught.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning. And in case you forget before then, I love you, Monroe,” I said, giving her one last kiss and swatting her ass as she sauntered toward the door.

“I love you too, Ollie,” she replied before exiting back into the party, looking more beautiful than ever bathed in the moonlight with her entire face glowing. “See you then.”

I waited a few minutes after she left, just in case anyone was loitering around the hallway and had seen her emerge from the room. When I felt the coast was clear, I straightened my jacket and finger-combed my hair down then swung the door open and stepped into the hall. Only to find myself face-to-face with Effie.

The petite blonde’s interest was piqued the moment she’d noticed him enter the aquarium. Positive he wasn’t supposed to return to Boston for another two days since she’d made the flight reservations herself, she not only wondered why he was back, but why he was there. If she’d learned nothing else over the last couple of months, she knew that Oliver Saxon was not a fan of football, nor was he one to care about mixing and mingling with high society, which only made his appearance at the gala even more perplexing. Unless her suspicions all this time had been right . . .

Moving swiftly, she followed him around the main exhibit area undetected, watching as he scanned the crowd, obviously looking for someone. He kept close to the wall, as if he too wanted to remain hidden while slinking around the perimeter of the room. When the lights flickered and Colin Cassidy took the stage with a couple of his teammates, Oliver stilled, causing her to do the same to keep a marginable distance between them.

Impatiently waiting for the standard thank-you-for-coming-out-to-support-us speech to end, the attractive young woman attempted to follow his line of sight, but due to the sheer number of people, she couldn’t. Frustrated, she tiptoed closer, hoping to get a better vantage point; however, just as she did, a hand shot out from behind her and caught her elbow.

“There you are, honey. Your dad and I have been looking everywhere for you,” her mother greeted her with a refined smile and an air kiss to each cheek. “Have you seen your brother yet? I heard he brought a date with him. Let’s hope it’s not that same girl he brought to the Silverstein’s Christmas party.”

“Hello, Mother,” she replied politely as she returned her sophisticated welcome, knowing she’d never hear the end of it if she didn’t act in the polished, cultured manner she’d been raised. “I did see him earlier, but that’s been an hour ago or so. And the date’s name is Miranda, not the same one from the party. She seems very lovely. I’m sure you’ll approve.”

The older woman nodded, but remained unconvinced. “I won’t hold my breath,” she murmured before waving at someone else she knew. “Oh look, there’s Patty Powell. I’m going to go say hi before she’s mobbed again. If I don’t run into you again tonight, I’ll see you at the game on Sunday.”

Fighting the urge to roll her eyes at her irritating mother, the young blonde hastily turned back to where Oliver had been standing, only to find the space empty.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Frantically skimming the hundreds of heads in the room, she searched for his distinguishable long, dark locks, but came up empty. Back on the move in her four-inch, red-soled stilettos, her gaze landed across the room on the gorgeous, built-like-a-God quarterback who’d starred in her dreams long before he did on the football field. She paused briefly as their eyes met, and just like it did every time he flashed her that panty-melting grin, she felt like she was on top of the world.

is why this is important
, she reminded herself. If what she speculated to be true for some time now was actually happening, then all she would need to do is to provide him with the proof, and then Colin Cassidy would be all hers for the taking.

Focused on the end goal, she tossed her long hair over her shoulder and set off to find wherever Oliver Saxon had disappeared to.

And who he was with.

“as we made love,

you forgot my lips were

a loaded gun that would

destroy you

and my tongue,

the gun powder residue

leftover on your hips.


I walk down your body

in a sweat of destruction

and it’s all I can do to

sift through the rubble

of every previous fuck

that couldn’t handle

a barrel to the head.”

–Christopher Poindexter & Marisa B. Crane


didn’t have to go,” Oliver complained from my bed, where he lounged in only his boxers intently watching me pack my overnight bag.

It was a little after eight in the morning on Sunday, and I was getting ready for my eleven-thirty flight to Denver to watch Colin play later that evening in the AFC Championship game. Thankfully, the two previous playoff games had been at home, so I hadn’t had to travel before then, and even though it was only for one night, neither Oliver nor I were very happy about my going. He’d kept me up into the wee hours of the morning, using his mouth and hands in all kinds of pleasurable ways to try to convince me to stay, but ultimately, he knew I had no choice.

Sighing, I dropped the travel-sized toiletries I was carrying from the bathroom into the bag then crawled up onto the mattress next to him, resting my head on his bare chest as he held me flush against him. “I wish I didn’t either, but tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be back in your arms, and it’ll be like I was never gone.”

He grunted while playfully swatting my butt. “I know you won’t say it, but God I hope they finally lose today. I’m ready for this all to be over with so we can finally just be us.”

I pressed my lips to his left pec and reveled in the sensation of his heart beating against my mouth, almost as if I could taste his love. “Soon, Ollie,” I promised in a hushed murmur. “It’ll all end soon.”

Truth be told, I was cheering for the Patriots to win for a couple of reasons. First, I truly wanted Colin to be able to live out one of his lifelong dreams of playing in a Super Bowl, and hopefully, coming out victorious. It was something he’d talked about since we first met—getting the opportunity to play the game he loved on the biggest possible stage—and I knew how much a chance like that would mean to him. Regardless of my feelings for Oliver, I still loved Colin and wanted the absolute best for him always.

The second reason was a little more selfish than the first. Aware of the high Colin would be riding if his team happened to bring home the prized Vince Lombardi trophy, I thought the much-needed sit-down I was planning with my husband would go over a little smoother if he’d just won, softening the blow of my confession. Colin would no doubt be hurt that I’d been involved with Oliver for over two months without telling him, but since we talked about him before, I didn’t think he’d be all that shocked. It was the whole asking for a divorce thing I knew wasn’t going to go over well. We had sworn to each other “to the very end,” and I still had every intention of keeping that promise as his best friend, confidant, and support system, but I wanted a real relationship with Oliver, and I couldn’t have that being legally married to someone else.

“I know, beautiful girl,” he assured me, kissing the top of my head, “but if you plan on making your flight in time, I’d suggest you get off this bed before I strip off all those clothes you just put on, tie you to the headboard, and keep you here forever.”

“In your wildest dr—”

Before I could get the words out, his fingers descended upon my ribcage and an all-out tickling war ensued. After five minutes of me squealing, squirming, and struggling under the mercy of his relentless fingers, I surrendered and collapsed into a fit of giggles. Another five and I was finally able to breathe normally, and just as I leaned over to kiss the man I loved more than I ever thought possible, my phone buzzed atop the nightstand where it sat on the charger.

Stretching across the mattress, I glanced at the number on the screen as I grabbed it, and instantly, my heart dropped. The only reason someone would be calling me from Suffolk County Children’s Home this early on a Sunday morning would be because something bad had happened to one of my four. Before I ever answered the call, I knew which one it was.

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