The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) (14 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family)
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“Where does it come from?” She asked
reaching for the bottle, rubbing her thumb over the simple black lettering adorning the stark white label. “Castello Giovanni, hmm never heard of it.”

Tess clea
red her throat, capturing Tracy’s attention. She proceeded to bat her long lashes.

“Sweet Jesus, are these your neighbors?
Is this who you want me to give pointers to? I don’t know anything about wine!”

“Stop saying that so loud
.” Lisa hushed. “And yes, the Giovanni’s own over three thousand acres next door.”

“You can’t just expect me to come up
with a business plan for something I absolutely know nothing about.”

Sure you can! You don’t need to be a wine aficionado, otherwise I could do it. The wine itself is sheer perfection. They need some help from a business standpoint. A little fresh perspective never hurt anyone…and you are the most intelligent young woman I’ve ever fucking met. Give yourself some credit.”

Heat climbed up her neck and face.
She self-consciously rubbed her warm earlobe, cooling the thin skin with her icy fingers.

Look, I’m not asking for a miracle, I merely want you to meet with them.”


“Tracy Mathews, I am asking you for a favor. My favorite wine is at risk here.”

“Desperate ti
mes call for desperate measures,” JC riddled.

A raised eyebrow from their
mom silenced JC.

“It would’ve been nice if you’d asked me this a few days ago. I could’ve done some research, prepared—“

“Yeah, or backed out. I had a hard enough time getting you here for my anniversary. You might not have come at all if I told you to pack a bag because you’re staying a few weeks.”

“Staying—“ s
he paused, reigning in her shriek of protest. “Staying a few weeks? Exactly what have you told them about me? And what are they expecting?”

Look missy, I already know you don’t have to hurry home for a new job. Your mom and Tommy have mentioned your wish list of a dream job and I think you should consider this.”

Tracy toyed with the silver hoop dangling from her ear.

“Benny and the kids and I leave the day after tomorrow to go back to LA, so you can stay at the Villa as long as you want or as long as they need you. Consider it a mini working vacation. I mean seriously, can you even call it work when you’re surrounded by this kind of mystical beauty?”

“It just went from a few business pointers to a job?”

Lisa smiled brightly to someone over Tracy’s shoulder. “I probably should’ve warned you, but you were supposed to get here this afternoon. I didn’t take plane delays into consideration.”

Her min
d swirled like a dust devil littered with the debris of fifty questions. “Is this a job interv—“

“Yes, it’s a possible job interview
of sorts.”

Tracy didn’t know if she should be flattered, annoyed or mad as hell. Annoyed seemed to be etching
its way into the lead. “Well I suggest you fill me in so we don’t both look like idiots.”

“Too late,
” Tess warned quietly out the side of her mouth. She turned to greet an elderly woman slowly approaching on the arm of a thirty-something man with short dark hair.

Giovanni!” Lisa remained perfectly calm exuding grace and exuberance, encompassing her arms around the petite grey-haired woman.

“Ah, my beautiful Lisa. Happy Anniversary,
” her accent was thick with character.

Giovanni reached up, her feeble hands cradling Lisa’s face, pressing a kiss to each cheek. The collar of her white blouse was barely noticeable under her long dark trench and burgundy scarf made of silk. A subtle aura of class and esteem surrounded her like the strong walls of the castle around them.

Tracy and JC shared a look of surprise when Mrs.
Giovanni addressed their mom by name. “My Tessa, salve.” She hummed with a fond smile, softly patting her cheek. Grasping hold of Tess and Lisa’s hands, she looked them over with a nurturing regard as if they were small children.

Tracy listened intently
as Mrs. Giovanni continued the conversation in Italian. She made out enough of her language to know Mrs. Giovanni insisted they come to dinner soon, scolding they were much too thin.

Antonio, I am so glad to see you,” Lisa announced in song, welcoming the handsome man at her side.

Antonio dressed with impeccable
taste, sporting a savvy salmon sweater and fashionable straight black slacks. He respectfully stood at Mrs. Giovanni’s side, assisting her every move as if she were a precious heirloom. Tracy watched a hue of crimson rise on JC’s cheeks like a thermometer on a hot July afternoon in Vegas, waiting to be formally introduced.

“Mrs. Giovanni, these are my daughters, my figlie, Tracy and JC,” Tess stated proudly.

“Buonasera, Mrs.
Giovanni.” Tracy said, clutching her hands.

.” JC whispered in Tracy’s ear, adding, “Oh my God, she is adorable.”

Giovanni blessed their cheeks with traditional kisses and held their hands scanning each girl from head to toe. She tilted her head and brought her hands to her chest, crossing them over her heart as if she was enamored by their beauty. “You look justa like your mamma,” she said to Tracy.

All of them nodded in
agreement. It was a comparison Tracy had heard hundreds of times in her life. The older she got, the more she mirrored her mom.

Giovanni hooked her arm around the man at her side, patting his forearm. “This…this is my mio figlio, Antonio.”

, JC graciously waited for Tracy to say hello. If her little sister found a man attractive, she would always wait to be introduced second so she could engage him longer. It took Tracy a few years to figure out her little sister’s routine. She jokingly referred to it as boy hogging in high school and it worked for her seventy-five percent of the time, but not tonight.

.” His voice held far less of an Italian intonation than his mother’s.

He curled his fingers into Tracy’s palm,
leaning forward slightly as he brought the back of her hand to his mouth. Light from the lanterns exposed the distinct chiseled features of his face. The warmth of his lips coasted over her skin. Peering upward he flashed a gorgeous smile that held hints of a rogue male hiding beneath his regal exterior package.

Tracy’s heart lurched
at the light grey color staring up at her through dark lashes. A thin layer of perspiration instantaneously broke over skin. The realization that she was still crippled by the haunting memories of The Italian came as a shock.

Her voice
was strangled by subtleties. “Piacere,” she croaked, yanking her hand free of his clutches.

His eyes widened
a little, surprised by her reaction.

recovered the fumble by rubbing her palms together quickly for friction. “Mi scusi, my hands are so chilly.”

Making quick observation of Tracy’s reaction,
JC graciously swooped in offering hers as a replacement. “Ciao.”

e shallow breathing and pounding of her heart drowned out the conversation taking place around her. Tracy nodded as if paying attention while covertly examining Antonio’s features. She managed to contain the overwhelming, almost compulsive, instinct to haul him inside for a better look at his stormy grey eyes.

Tracy felt an inconspicuous nudge
in her side. JC’s eyes popped, indicating Tracy needed to pull her head out of the stars and come back to the discussion.

io motioned toward a small empty table, pulling out a chair for her. Tracy silently scolded herself for the way she reacted to this man merely because of his melodious accent and gorgeous grey eyes. However, his similarities to The Italian were uncanny. Butterflies danced in belly. Get over it! Pull your shit it together.

Making herself comfortable, she settled into
the chair covered in white linen, and rested her arms on the table. Candlelight flickered inside a clear hurricane glass wrapped in olive branches and white baby roses.

Lisa tells me you recently graduated.” He crossed one leg over the other, folded his hands and rested them in his lap. His black shoes were polished to perfection.

Yeah she
was recently informing me too, like two minutes ago. “Yes. I graduated a few months ago. I’ve been interviewing in the states, had a couple offers, but ultimately they weren’t right for me.”

“She and Benny hold you in high regard.” A smirk lifted at the corner of his mouth. “Lisa also said
you were at the top of your class, congratulations.”

“Thank you.”
A blush tingled her cheeks. She tensely spun the stem of her glass. Tracy could only imagine how far the Levi’s had bent his ear campaigning for her as a potential employee slash life saver. “Hopefully they didn’t attempt to convince you I could create world peace.”

A small
chuckle rumbled in his chest and he nodded appreciating her humor. “They are very proud of your achievements, with good reason.”

Antonio rested his hand on
hers halting the anxious spinning of her glass. His touch lingered a little too long, capturing her attention. Daring to glimpse into his eyes, she quickly turned away from the lure of carnal sophistication dancing in the clouds of grey. If it weren’t for his heritage, she’d easily suspect him of flirting, but deep-seeded charm was bred into every Italian male.

seemed to take satisfaction in whatever he saw in her reaction. The smile that lingered on his lips pulled full as he lifted his hand from her arm, sinking back into his chair.

My family would like to invite you to the vineyard. My mamma, she doesn’t speak much Inglese, so I will show you around the estate. Then maybe we can possibly discuss a few new ideas and concerns regarding exporting. Many wineries in this region have already moved in that direction.”

Okay. That sounds perfect.” Tracy didn’t want to come off overly confident nor did she want to shine a light on her inadequacies and lack of knowledge. Just be honest. “Antonio, my flight was delayed this afternoon. I only arrived thirty minutes ago and the Levi’s weren’t able to fill me in, so I’m a bit in the dark as to what your needs are. Let’s have a meeting, I’ll gather as much information as possible. Then if it works out and it is alright with Mrs. Giovanni and your family, I can dig into some research. We can meet again at the end of the week.”

“I’d be interested to see what you suggestions you might be able to offer. Tuesday, say eight-thirtyish?”

Antonio stood, extending another lengthy kiss to the back of her hand.
Tracy shoved down the urge to examine each of his dark masculine features. The moment he bent forward, her sister came into sight. JC stood under the heater with Ryan. Their laugher floated through the veranda, echoing off the stone walls.

Tracy had no time to register, only act.
“Tuesday at eight-thirty sounds perfect.”

Recovering her hand from Antonio’s lips, she excused herself with a curt nod.
She marched over to her sister. Skipping the niceties of introductions, Tracy hooked her sister by the elbow and blurted out the politest warning she could muster, “Tom is looking for you.”

Amusement flashed in
Ryan’s eyes as if he knew exactly why she was there.

JC instantly retreated a step, pu
tting a few more inches between her and Ryan, then scanned the room for her stepdad.

“Aww, don’t leave me.”
His cocksure smile broadened, exposing a set of deep dimples. “The night was just getting interesting.”

Tracy shrugged, collecting her sister.
“Unfortunately you’re going to be bored out of your wits tonight.”

JC glowered, wrinkling her nose in disappointment.

mumbled, “Ryan must not have one ounce of intelligence if he even dares cross Tom. And what the hell are you thinking?”

“I wasn’t doing anything.” Innocence purred in her tone. “Ryan approached me.”

“Oh really? Tom warned you about him for a reason, JC.”

“I know. I know. I was only flirting a little.”

“Stop making that face.”

“What face?”

“You look like a little girl who had just dropped her ice cream cone on the ground.”

JC glanced over her shoulder waggling her fingers to wave goodbye. “Yeah, but holy fucking hotness, he would definitely be Cherry Garcia.”

“I’m pretty sure Ryan would be all of thirty-two flavors…plus some.”







Midmorning sunlight filtered through the hallway when Tracy crawled out of her room the next day. Jetlag played hell with her sense of time. She passed out on top of her laptop somewhere between DOCG categories and Super Wines around 4:00am. Trudging down the corridor one massive marble stone tile at a time, she soaked in the full enormity of the Levi’s home.

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