The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) (28 page)

BOOK: The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family)
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“It wasn’t funny.
I’ve been going out of my mind.”

“Why did your friends call you by your last name?”
Tracy asked.

“My friends, everyone who knows me from my childhood, they
all call me Giovanni.” Frustration and anger dispelled, his touch now turned affectionate. “My friends all told me I was crazy searching for a woman who left me with no number, but I couldn’t stop looking for you. I even bribed a ticket agent at the airport.”

“All this time it was my fault?
” No matter how deep a breath of air she drew in, it wouldn’t fill her lungs. He held her carefully, coasting his hands down her back and arms soothing the tenseness from her limbs. “Day after day I hoped you would call. I prayed nothing bad happened to you.”

“Shh it’s okay.
Don’t cry, Amore—” he hesitated studying her reaction.

Raising to her toes, Tracy’s fingers keyed
up his collar pulling him close. “God, yes. Please say it. I’ve been dying to hear those words for far too long.”

“Amore Mio.” His voice, an aching rasp, curled through her, leaving behind a sense of desire she’d never known
. The moist heat of his breath sent a shiver down her spine as he nibbled the sensitive slope behind her ear. She eagerly sought his mouth, twisting and lifting, until her lips caught his. He kissed her softly, unhurriedly tasting with his lips, parting her mouth with wicked slowness.

The slow burn of his kiss was driving her to near madness. Her hands came to the back of his neck, anxiously pulling him cl
oser, wanting more. His arm came around her, drawing an arch from the small of her back, pressing her against the hard confines of his body. He deepened the kiss, taking her mouth with long hard searching kisses. Tracy writhed against him, urging upward, desperately craving to feel him.

Vincent resisted her anxious needs, slowing the kiss, controlling her rush. She felt a tremor of humor rumble in his chest.
Ripe with need, she groaned in a voice verging on pleading, “Make love to me, Vincent.”

, he thread his fingers into her hair avoiding her injury. He tugged, gently tilting her head back to fully expose her face. A pleasurable moan slipped from her parted lips. 

“Vincent? Or Giovanni
?” His tone was chiding, but candidness riddled his question.

I’ll call you whatever you’d like.” Her head list to the side snuggling into the palm of his hand. “I just want you.”

In one easy movement h
e swooped her into his arms, heading for a narrow stairway at the far corner. Tracy circled her arms around his neck, kissing his neck and inhaling the familiar scent of him. Words full of longing and apologies tumbled from her mouth.

“I’m so sorry.
The numbers must’ve erased when I dropped the phone into your pocket. All this time—”

The calm restraint
he managed earlier now vanished, silencing her regrets with a ravenous kiss as they made their way up the stairs.

Reaching the t
op step, he tore his mouth away and lowered her feet to the floor. Light from the rising full moon beamed through three elongated windows, shadowing the loft style apartment in muted grey. Tracy could easily make out a small full kitchen, two sofas and a large bed with vintage wooden headboard with open scrolls.

Vincent kneaded small circles at her nape. His tender
touch trailed down her arm. The warmth of his hand curled around her fingers leading her to the windows near the foot of his bed. The beam of the moon caught in the irises of his grey eyes, vivid in their brilliance.

She didn’t know how much time had p
assed, but it felt like an hour of silent ravishing.

Moments passed as they simply stared at one another, gently
stroking, taking in the impossible twist of fate. The two years that had separated them, full of resentment and loneliness, drifted away like a faraway dream.

Each soft caress
sent a shivering sensation over her skin until she trembled all over. His prolonged stare sent a rush of desire coiling through her stomach and below. Her heartbeat turned unruly wondering what to do next. She wanted to touch every inch of him, to taste him, to feel the weight of him, to…

“I have dreamt
of having you here.” She heard him say. He jiggled her fingers pressing a kiss to her knuckles, pulling her out of a lust-filled daze.

guided her toward the window. Heat pooled in her center, spreading over her like spilled water on a flat surface. Visions of Vincent had played through her dreams nightly, but not even her best fantasy was going to measure up to this moment. He was going to far exceed her prior sexual experiences, which weren’t many. Excitement trampled through every nerve ending she possessed making it hard to concentrate.

She swallowed hard. “What have you dreamt?”

A deep laugh simmered in his throat, an erotic indication of what was to come. A thin layer of moisture broke over her skin. Standing behind her, Vincent enclosed his arms around her, nuzzling a sensitive spot on her neck as they swayed together in the darkness. 

“I think of you while I lay in bed at night—”
He pointed to a cluster of stars, small but bright with illumination in the darkening sky. He continued in a somber voice full of yearning, “—wishing it was your hands on me instead of my own.”

flashed. Her eyes fluttered at the naked images sifting through her mind, his tan skin dark against the white bedding. The idea of him pleasuring himself, muscles flexed and straining, tipped her over the edge. She eased back a half a step, arching her back. Ignoring the discomfort, she pressed her ass to his hips, reveling in the galvanizing pressure.

His fingers inched across her shoulder
, slipping into the collar of her blouse. She felt one hand working at the buttons of her shirt as his other pulled the silky material from her shoulder. The tender flesh of her breasts ached, constricting into tight points. Vincent lowered his mouth to her ear, nipping and kissing, brushing his tongue along the side of her neck. The intimate pressure made her tremble, shaking with need. His hand slipped into her bra cupping the full weight of her breast and releasing it from the confines of lace. The tips of his fingers delicately circled her nipple, rolling the taut tip, as he gently bit into the flesh of her shoulder.

“Oh, oh yes.”
Hushed whimpers resonated through the darkness as her head dropped back against the planes of his chest, twisting to get close to his neck. Greedily, she tugged his mouth to hers, licking and tasting, brimming with insatiable kisses.

The weight
of her shirt vanished, falling to the floor. He unclasped her bra, slipping the thin straps from her shoulders. The cool night air emitting through the pane of glass, brought a welcome relief to her aching breast. Goose bumps raised high on her skin.

“You are so lovely, absolutely exquisite.” His breath, heavy and moist, fell on her back as he
clasped her hands, placing her palms flat to the window.

Her back arched, hinging
slightly at the waist. His solid thighs bracketed hers, molding to her hips. He moved expertly over her body, touching tenderly, rubbing her back, permitting her to grind intimately against his rock hard frame. Heat from her skin formed a fog of condensation around the imprint of her hand on the cold glass pane.

forward, she rested her forehead in the crook of her arm pressed against the glass. Vincent fondled her breasts, rolling the throbbing buds between his fingers. His mouth wandered over her bare back, placing passionate kisses down her spine.

ve waited so long. Sei cosi` bella.”

Her body clenched and contracted
at the empty void in her center as he murmured of how good she felt, how hard he was, how much he needed her. Her hips rolled in a rhythmic fashion, pushing against him, mutely pleading for more. She blindly reached for the zipper of her skirt, needing to feel him inside her. Vincent captured her wrists, lightly holding them to the small of her back. She stood tall, fingers wiggling to get to his pants.

“Vincent, please.
I’ve dreamt of you too. I want to touch you.” Her voice was hoarse adding quietly, “I want to watch you, to see your face.”

his grip on her wrists, he turned her to face him. A rueful grin danced in his eyes. “It’s just…there are so many ways I want to please you.”

Tracy worked hastily unbuttoning
his jeans. Reaching in, she stroked the long length of him base to tip. Her fingers unable to encircle the thickness. She watched intently as his eyes drifted back behind the lids. “I want to please you too.”

hips jutted forward accepting her exploration of the contours of his body. She loved the effect her touch had on him. His eyes turned drowsy and he let out a shaky savage sound with each pass of her hand down the hefty length of him. Vincent lowered his head, raking kisses over the slope of her pale breast, taking her dark pink nipple into the fiery heat of his mouth. Her mind splintered at the pleasurable feeling of his tongue circling over the tight peak, drawing it into his mouth. The blistering sensation was mind blowing. Unable to do two things at once, she brought her hands to the sides of his head, holding his mouth to her breast.

“You are so beautiful.” The tips of his
fingers glided over the sensitive dip of her waist, moving to the button and zipper of her pencil skirt. “I love your curves.” 

Tugging at
the hem of his white shirt, she pulled it over his head, touching the thick elongated bands of muscles that defined his abdomen. He looked powerful and sexy as hell. She raked her fingers to the dark hair covering the center of his chest, following the trail down his stomach. Something was happening inside her. An unfamiliar sensation flooded over her. A form of adoration and sentiment that filled her with deep happiness.

Tracy crushed her breasts to his chest
wrapping her arms around his waist, not wanting to let go of him. The coarse dark curls tickled against her nipples with each rise and fall of her chest. “I’ve missed you so much. I have thought of you…of that night…every day. All this time I’ve wasted without you. I could’ve—“

He hushed her dismay with another smoldering k
iss. Vincent unzipped her skirt, wiggling the material, trying to get it over her hips, but he couldn’t get it off. Pulling his lips away from hers, he yanked and tugged, but the formfitting skirt wouldn’t budge over her hips.

“We seem to have issues with my dresses.” Amusement laced her laughter. She gasped hearing
the tearing of cloth and her skirt falling to the wood floor. Cool air sent chill bumps over the flushed skin. “Hey, that was my favorite skirt.”

“Mine too. This one drives me
fucking crazy. Where the hell do you find them? I am going to buy you a closet full of them.”

He stared at her in the shadows of the moonlight, raking a long luscious glance over her
as she stood before him in black lace panties and her peekaboo pumps. Urging her away from the side of the bed, Vincent held up a finger. “Un minuto.”

Grabbing hold of the corner of the headboard, heavy and adorned in carved acanthus leaves, Vin
cent scooted the vintage bed directly under the window beneath the star-filled sky. Their eyes connected. A small smile lifted at the corners of both their mouths. He unzipped his jeans and let them fall to the floor. Her heart fluttered, spurring wildly like the wings of a hummingbird. A severe rush of fervor climbed up her chest, warming her cheeks. The smile chased away from her face. She hooked her middle fingers into the sides of her panties and started to draw them downward, but he stopped her.

“Please, allow me.”
Vincent scooped her up and knelt on the edge of the mattress, climbing to the middle of the bed.

Minutes passed
as they rolled and tumbled over the soft white linens. Arms and legs tangled with passionate kisses full of endless petting and nuzzling. She could feel the invisible threads, the deep connection she thought was lost, binding them together, as if not a day had passed.

Placing her hand on his chest, she
pushed gently until he sat back on his haunches. Breathless she stammered, “I’m on birth control. Do you have protection?”

I have condoms.” A long pause. “But I don’t want to use them.”

“I always use protection.” This drew an
unhappy scowl from Vincent. “No. I mean, yes I have always used a condom. But no, not like it sounded. I don’t…I haven’t…I’ve only had a few boyfriends.” Tracy rubbed her hand up his thigh as she rambled on. “I gave up on dating a long time ago, especially after Greece.”

“There has been no one for me since Greece. I don’t want anything between us ever again.” She heard him say, utterly enamored in the glorious sight of his nude physique, rock hard and rearing to go.

“No one?” she asked.

“No one.
Is that enough for you?”

She nodded.

Any reserved shyness hidden inside her was dissolved by Vincent’s broad smile. She’d never felt this comfortable with a man, and there was nothing she wouldn’t say to him. Judging by the mouthwatering hunger growing inside, there wasn’t going to be anything she wouldn’t do to him either.

BOOK: The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family)
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