The Perfection of Love (15 page)

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Authors: J. L. Monro

BOOK: The Perfection of Love
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“Deacon stop promising things you can’t deliver at this exact moment and take me back to your place.”  He instantly pushed his body away from me but his head remained in the same place as if he was mustering up the strength to tear himself away from me completely.  I took the opportunity to turn my head this time and inhale his scent.  I kissed him just under his jaw and he groaned as his right hand came up to cup my cheek and pressed ever so gently to hold my lips where they were.  We stayed exactly in that position for a few more seconds which felt like forever before I felt him reach down for the door handle.  I took that as a signal that he was ready to move on and got into the car.  He came around the other side and we left the car park for his place.  I had no idea where Deacon lived.  I had guessed a flat somewhere near the university but I didn’t really know.


I was right in what I had guessed when we drove into the underground parking of one of the new apartment complexes located next to the river.  I suddenly felt extremely nervous as I got out the car and we headed towards the lift.  However once inside the lift, my attitude did a one eighty.  All it took was for me to put my hand on Deacons chest and he had me back against the lift wall.  He lifted my legs so that they were around his waist and ground against me so hard I could imagine that the fabric of his trousers and my jeans weren’t between us.  Deacon’s mouth was everywhere and every place his lips touched felt beyond good.  When the lift came to a halt we came apart like to misbehaving children and walked down the hallway.  Deacon had my hand again as was leading the way.  His flat was at the end.  Once the door opened and I went inside I couldn’t help but be momentarily distracted to inspect his temporary home.  It wasn’t clinical which is what I think I had been expecting.  It was lived in and by the looks of things he’d tried to make it homely.  There were a few pictures of an older couple around the room.  I assumed they were pictures of his parents.  There was also a large picture of a dog on the coffee table.  It was what looked to be a huge white husky.  I loved those types of dogs.  I jumped when Deacons arms swooped around my waist.  I hadn’t heard him moving behind me but I definitely felt the rock hard erection pressed up against me.


“Are these your parents?”  I held up one of the picture frames.


“Yeah, Deborah and Jules Greenwood.”  He was kissing the back of my neck and it felt so good.  I turned in his arms and we resumed the kiss that had been started outside of his car.  I barely noticed him me backing me in the direction of his bedroom or when I my legs seemed to hit his bed causing me to fall back on to it.  Deacon made sure he didn’t collapse too hard on top of me.  I stripped Deacon of his jacket and he returned the same favor.  He lifted my tee and gave my stomach butterfly kisses.  He crept further up then leaned back.  His smile looked absolutely devilish.  I’m guessing he liked the front clasp on my bra.  Thank you La Senza.  Lana had drilled into all her sisters over and over again.  Make sure you wear matching underwear that doesn’t have any holes in.  If you get hit by a bus God forbid and the doctor has to see you naked and he’s good looking, at least you’ll be looking sexy while they’re trying to get you patched up.  After flicking the clasp open, Deacons head dipped and his lips and tongue lavished attention to both my breasts.  He moved one bra cup and his hot mouth immediately close over my nipple allowing his tongue to play with the taut tip.  He massaged and kneaded my other breast to the point I thought I was going to orgasm before he’d even had a chance to remove my jeans.  My body was on fire for him and it was buzzing.  Literally buzzing.  Hold the fuck up.  That wasn’t my body buzzing it was my phone.  The loud pop of Deacons mouth releasing my nipple let me know that he could feel and hear it going off too.  I quickly reached to get it out of my back pocket.  If this wasn’t an emergency I was going to chuck the brick of technology against the wall for the interruption.  Deacon eased up so I could see my screen and I was not appreciating the cold air on my chest.  It was Tara.  I jerked upright and Deacon almost flew off the bed.


“Tara what’s going on?  Is it Jakey?  Is he ok?”  Panic was beginning to set in.  I began to reclasp my bra and pull my tee down with one hand as I had my phone in the other.  Tara started to speak and I could tell by her sheepish tone this was going to be a conversation that I’d had with her several times before.  She’d clearly done something with Jakey that I’d warned her not to and now Jakey was hurt or the house was damage beyond repair.  “Spit it out.”


“Dana, I’m soooooo sorry.  Jakey wanted to see how long it would take for the microwave to melt his toy soldiers and I have to admit that I was curious about the results as well.  So we tried it and the microwave door kind of flew off, bounced off the wall and hit him in the face.  There’s quite a bit of blood so we’re on our way to A and E.  Jakey’s crying for you.  I’m so sorry I’ve ruined your date.  You can ruin any of mine that I ever get and I won’t get mad.  I promise.  Unless you wanted an escape and then you can thank me and we’ll be all good.”


“Tara, I don’t understand how you are such a dipshit!  No I did not want to escape and you are going to pay for this big time.  I’m on my way.”  I didn’t wait for her answer and ended the call.


“Deacon, I’m sorry.  You have no idea how sorry.”


“Dana, don’t worry.  I won’t pretend that I’m not going to need a cold shower but I heard what Tara said so let’s go to the hospital.


“Just drop me to my house and I’ll drive to the hospital.  We could be there all night and that’s not fair on you.”  I was now understanding why some guys weren’t attracted to single mums.  The MILF factor must only work for so long before the drama of having children drives them away.


Deacon took my hand and pulled me up off the bed.  He clasped my face in his hands and stared straight into my eyes, never blinking.


“Dana, when are you going to understand that there’s nothing you can say to turn me away.  I see you, all of you and it makes me want you even more.  I’ve never met anyone so strong and so determined in my life.  What more could I possibly look for in life.  You’re beautiful inside and out.  The whole time you were pushing me away I watched how you were with others.  You’re warm and caring and probably just about the most loving person there is.  I would have waited however long it took to just get the chance to show you what we could be like together.  I got the opportunity to see you with your family and I would give my right arm to be a part of that with you.  I don’t know who or what hurt you in the past and you don’t need to tell me right now, I trust you to tell me if you want to and if you’re ready.  I want to know Jacob and again, I’ll wait until you’re ready but I already know you’ve got a great kid if he’s anything like you.”  Speech finished, he kissed me on my forehead and went to grab his car keys.  Well blow me down with a feather, I was not expecting that.  Nor the tears that were threatening to spill.  “Come on now, let’s go sort out your boy and save him from your sister.


’s injury was superficial and only needed two stitches on his head.  Deacon had waited with us the whole time and drove us both back home like he promised.  Tara had skulked off after she made sure that Jakey was okay.  I promised her that I would deal with her in the next day as it was our monthly Sunday get together at my house again, and ruining her dates was definitely not going to be a good enough pay back for potentially permanently scarring my sons forehead.  Tara was almost as bad as Lana except for the fact she openly did not date.  I think she’d more or less been through the whole of her research assistants and her managers.  Tara claimed she didn’t have time for dating as she was too busy enriching her mind and men cramped her style.


By five everyone was already stuffed into my living room.  Saz had managed to attend this time and she clearly had something she wanted to share with us all as she was bouncing all over the place.


“Saz whatever it is just spit it out.”  I couldn’t bear to see her twitch her feet any longer.


“I. Think. I’m. In. Love!” She screeched.


“With who?  The farmer?”  Mills asked in sheer disbelief.  Saz was absolutely high maintenance.  Don’t get me wrong she had a heart of gold but any man would have to be a saint or sadist (depending on which way you looked at it) to put up with her for more than twenty-four hours.  She was my best friend and I loved her like one of my sisters but even I could never cope with her for a full day.


“Yes, with the farmer!  I took your advice Joe and dressed up as a milk maid for him and it totally relaxed him if you catch my drift.  I’ve been walking like John Wayne for the last few weeks.  The man is insatiable.”  She mock fanned herself.  Joe who had nearly choked to death on his beer started laughing.


“I said that as a joke.  Did you really dress up as a milk maid?”


“Yes.  I ordered the outfit off EBay and believe me when I say it felt like ages before it actually came.  I was about to kill the man with all his ‘be up at 5am to start the farm chores crap’.  I couldn’t work out the best way to deliver my gift to him and then it hit me like BAM!” She clapped her hands.  Another reason a man couldn’t cope with Saz, she was a complete drama queen.  “So I get all dressed up with some killer black heels that no straight man in their right mind couldn’t have provocative thoughts about and go and cook breakfast.  He comes downstairs and as usual doesn’t look in my direction but smells the bacon.  That must have made him look to see what I was doing and his fucking face was priceless.  I literally could have picked his jaw off the floor.  Oh but he still decided to play hardball.  Told me to stop fucking around and get changed for work.  Got all on his “I need to earn my keep’ rant.  So I told him I was going to be working in my milkmaid outfit for the purpose of my book.  He snorted and went through the door.  Now I thought maybe this guy likes to drive a stick and maybe females weren’t his thing at this point because well I looked freaking amazing but I persevered and got on with it.  I went to follow him thinking he’d left for the fields but he was right by the door.  This is where it gets good.  He did the whole fireman lift thing which is not as sexy as you would think when their shoulder is jamming you in your gut but I sucked it up like a big girl.”


“Saz get to the point of the story.”  Joe sounded about as bored as he could get.  Clearly he wasn’t a fan of Mills and Boon books like the rest of us because my sisters, Mills and I were listening intently.


“I’m getting there.  He carries me off to the barn where he stores all the hay and other supply shit, bends me over the bale and takes me right there and then like an animal.  No questions.  No chit chat. No ‘do you mind if I jam my cock in your fanny pipe’.  It was A-Mazing.  So we’ve been bonking like wild rabbits ever since.  He’s more relaxed and I am getting the work out of a lifetime.”


“Wait.  So how does that equate to love?”  This time Lana was the one who looked confused.


“Because, now that he’s not so stressed, which I put down to sexual frustration, he talks more and you know what, he’s actually funny and intelligent.  I thought farmers were farmers because they were thick as shit and couldn’t do anything purposeful with their lives but he’s just amazing.”  Saz was well and truly smitten.  She’d developed a dreamy tone when she’d described him and the smile plastered on her face was ultimately the sickliest thing that I’d ever seen.


The containers of Chinese food were being passed around and somehow the conversation focused on me.  Surprisingly enough it was Tara who asked the question first.  I would have thought she’d avoid me after last night but I guess she’d already shrugged it off.


“So how did your date with Deacon go last night before I ruined it?”  I scarcely heard the question over her chomping.


“It was really good.  We had dinner.  We went to a bar and then you shat over my parade and tried to kill my only son.”  I left out the part where we’d made it to his flat and were about to get in to it when her phone call disturbed us.  Lana and Saz would jump on that tidbit of information.


“I said I was sorry about that.  I like Deacon and Jakey likes him too.”  There were mumbled agreements to that statement.  “I mean we can all see that he’s enamored with you.  He makes no attempt to cover up his feelings where you’re concerned so there’s no games which must be refreshing and when he gets given the chance he makes a real effort with Jakey.  Personally I couldn’t want more for my sister or my nephew.”


“Plus the sexy part.  Don’t forget about the sexy part.”  I wondered how long it would take for Lana to chip in her thoughts.  “I know you think he’s sexy and I know you super duper like him.  You guys should have seen the way she was looking at me like she wanted to kill me when she thought we were flirting with each other.  If I didn’t have to get to a meeting that I’d already postponed I would have stayed longer just to watch the fireworks kick off.”


“Hold on did you actually come to my office that day just to shit stir?”  I was starting to fume again.

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