The Perfection of Love (21 page)

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Authors: J. L. Monro

BOOK: The Perfection of Love
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“Hey baby, I missed you.  Deacon wheeled over to me and I leaned down to kiss him.


“Enough of that.  Let’s eat.”  Jules sounded as though his stomach was about to cave in on him where he hadn’t eaten for a month and once he started on his food I wouldn’t have believed otherwise.  He ate like it was the last supper.  Deacon laughed at me gaping in shock.


“Jules where are your table manners?  Poor Dana, is going to think DeeDee comes from a family of animals with the example you’re setting.” Deborah looked amused and irritated at the same time.


The rest of dinner proceeded as normal.  I told Deborah and Jules about Jakey and they seemed delighted which wasn’t the response I was expecting.  I guess if there was the suspicion that Deacon was gay, then there was the possibility that they were never going to get grandchildren.  At least this way they’d have Jakey.  Woah.  Way too advance in my thoughts.  Deacon hadn’t even really spent time with Jakey so how were my thoughts roaming to a place where his parents were considered Jakey’s grandparents?


“Dana, we’ve decided to only stay for the week as DeeDee doesn’t need us here and we left a few things unattended back home.  Would you and Jacob come and spend the day with us before we go?”


“Mom, stop forcing yourself on people.  It’s not a nice trait.”


Jules finally looked up from his plate of food “Deacon don’t talk to your mother that way.  Deborah stop imposing yourself on the girl.  She might have plans.”


“I don’t have plans....I don’t think.  Since you’re only here for the week Jakey and I could give you a tour before you go home.  I’m sure there are some sights that even Deacon hasn’t managed to see yet.  Although I don’t know how you’re going to get round in that wheelchair.”  I saw a smile creep across Deacons face that I knew meant no good for me.


“I’m not sure I’ll be up to going out this weekend.  I mean I was just involved in a car crash.  Why don’t you take my parents sightseeing Dana and I’ll see you when you all get back.  We can order some food in so no one has to cook.”


“That a wonderful idea DeeDee.  You should be getting as much rest as possible and it gives your dad and I a chance to get to know Dana some more without you crowding us.”


“You just hung your old man out to dry like that? Huh son?”  I’m guessing sight-seeing was Jules idea of hell so I gave him an out.


“Well Jules I’m sure you’ll come and visit another time.  You could stay and keep Deacon company while I take Deborah off to see some sights and that way we can get some shopping done as well without killing you with boredom.”  Jules looked about as happy as he possibly could be.


“Sounds like a plan.  Deacon you got yourself a good one there.  Don’t mess it up.”  He slapped his son on the back and went back to his plate of food.


And that was how I ended up spending my whole weekend with Deacon’s mother.  When I went home that evening I had to explain everything with Jakey.  He was dubious at first. 


“Why do I need to go with you to spend the day with Deacon’s mum?  I could stay with Uncle Joe or even Aunty Mara.”  He moaned.


“I need back up mate. “  Which was the Gods’ honest truth.  I sat down with Jakey and explained to him that Deacon and I were together in the most basic way I could with enough detail to not encourage him to ask more questions than was necessary.  Jakey had been amazing.  Well sort of.  He liked Deacon from when he met him at Ma and Pops house.  He still wasn’t sold on spending the whole day with his mother.  I resorted to bribery.   It came down to twenty pounds and a new Xbox game and he wouldn’t complain the whole day.


The day went well actually.  Jakey enjoyed himself as Deborah fawned all over him and I enjoyed myself because Deborah was a really nice woman.  We did a little sight-seeing and then we stopped at a little café for lunch.  Deborah told me about Deacon as a child and I think she was well aware she was giving me ammunition for later.  She talked to Jakey who seemed to really warm to her.  After lunch we decided we’d had enough of sight-seeing and went shopping.  I thought my sisters and I could shop like storm troopers but Deborah put us to shame.  Every time I asked her if she was sure about a purchase her response was “I’ve never been to England before I may never come again.  Life’s for the living if I don’t do it now who’s to say I’ll do it later?” And with that her card was in the assistant’s hand.


By the time we all got back to Deacons flat we were exhausted.  Deborah and I collapsed on the sofa surrounded by her bags.  I left mine in the car.


“Did you buy everything they had in the store woman?”  Jules bellowed.  He didn’t look surprised by the haul though.


I suddenly found a glass of wine in my hand, followed by a kiss on my forehead.  I stiffened but Jakey wasn’t looking.  “I checked.  He’s engrossed in the TV already.” He whispered.  Deacon had guessed what had caused me to tense and his consideration touched me.


We spent the rest of the evening eating pizza and talking.  Deacon managed to maneuver himself onto the floor so he sat next to Jakey and they were talking about sports and school and probably any other topic that they could find.  I wondered to myself what I had been worried about.  Jakey seemed at complete ease and Deacon seemed to be making a real effort to build a relationship with him.


By nine I couldn’t keep my eyes open and Jakey was flagging.  I got us ready to go telling them goodbye as we made our way to the door.  Deacon managed to hobble on crutches to show us out.  Deborah called out “Dana, would you be able to come over tomorrow?  I really enjoyed our day today.”  For once the thought of shopping made me feel nauseous.  There was no way I could shop again tomorrow.  “Maybe we could all go out for lunch tomorrow?”


“That sounds great Deborah.  We’ll see you tomorrow.”  She beamed and turned back to snuggle back into her husband.


“Thank you for today Dana.  I’ve not seen my mom so happy, I think she’s found a surrogate daughter.  It wasn’t easy living with me and my dad.  I think she misses female company.”


“You’re mum is a lovely woman.  I enjoyed today even though you manipulated the event.”  He pulled me in with one arm but released me when Jakey cocked and eyebrow at him.  “I’ll see you tomorrow Deacon.”  I kissed him on the cheek and left with Jakey.


The following day was a lot more relaxed.  We found a restaurant not far from Deacons flat to go and eat it.  It reminded me a lot of when I went out to eat with my own family.  Without the death threats aimed at Lana.  After we finished our food Deacon wanted to show his Dad some sports stores and other shops that I would never care to look in.  I was surprised when Jakey asked if he could go as well and by the look on Deacons face he was surprised as well but happy.  So the three of them went off and left his mother and I in the restaurant.


“Since it’s just the two of us we might as well have some fun.”  With that Deborah called over the waiter and got him to bring over the cocktail menu.  Deborah was a blast.  She had me laughing from the first cocktail to the last when the boys finally showed up.  By that time we were both intoxicated beyond belief.  I tried my best to sober up as Jakey was there but all it did was make me giggle uncontrollably.  Jakey rolled his eyes.  Unfortunately although I wasn’t a drunk, he was used to his aunts, grandmother and I plowing through several bottles of wine when we all got together for dinner.  He usually escaped with Pops but this was not one of those times.


“Can you two even walk?”  Jules asked as he called the waiter for the bill.


“Don’t know.  Haven’t tried yet.”  The giggling fit had started.  Deacon laughed at me and tried to help me up.  “You’re crippled.  How are you supposed to help me?”  I had moved to uncontrollable laughter and I could hear that Jules was having the same kind of problem with Deborah.  In the end we managed to make the stroll back to Deacons flat and we had both sobered a little aided by the fresh air.  I still didn’t want to drive as I was sure I was over the limit.  I ordered a taxi for Jakey and I with the intention to pick my car up before work in the morning.  Deacon had tried to suggest that we stay at his flat but even in my inebriated state I knew that couldn’t work.  When Jakey and I got home we both crashed.  The weekend had been fun but I was exhausted.


I went to work as normal on Monday, giving Deacon some time alone with his parents.  They were going back home the next day.  The week had gone by fast and due to Deacons injury we had gotten a little behind our schedule so I was working late.  When it was time for
Deborah and Jules to leave I went with Deacon to the airport to send them off.  Deborah was in tears while Jules merely stood back to let her get it out of her system.


“Oh DeeDee I’m going to miss you and Dana.  Oh and JayJay.”  Deborah had managed to find her own nickname for Jakey which he absolutely hated but credit to him he tried his best not to show it to Deborah’s face.  “You make sure you come and visit us soon.  DeeDee you’re going to miss Christmas with us this year.”  She started on another wave of tears.


“Come on woman stop your blubbing and let’s go.  The plane is not going to wait for us because you can’t let your grown ass son go.  Dana it was a pleasure meeting you.  Deacon.  Behave yourself.”  With that Deborah gave us a final hug and they left for their flight.


Deacon and I made our way back to my car.  We’d driven mine because it was easier for him to get in with his leg in a cast and Deacon had also been brave enough to mention he didn’t trust me driving his Porshe.


“So as I’m incapacitated, I’m going to be needing a nurse at home to take care of me.  I think you’re fully qualified for the position so you’re hired.”  I continued to push him in his wheelchair.


“About that.  I was talking with Jakey and we thought maybe you might want to stay with us while you’re recovering so that you’ve got someone there for you.  I can’t look after you while you’re at your flat because I need to be at home with Jakey but we don’t mind if you came to stay with us for a while.”  Deacon kept his head straight so I wasn’t able to see his expression.


“Stop pushing.”  He wheeled himself around to face me.  “Baby are you sure?”


“Yes I’m sure.  I talked to Jakey about it and he seems to think you’re cool.  You’ll have to stay in the spare room of course.  I don’t think he’s ready for someone sleeping in my bed yet.”  I could practically see the cogs in Deacons head turning.


“So I’d be like an in house patient and you’d be my nurse is what you’re saying.”  He had turned back around and made the kind of clicking noise you make to a horse to get me to start pushing the wheelchair again.  “In that case I expect attentive care all round the clock and sponge baths.  Lots and lots of sponge baths.  I really need to think about this.  This has a lot of potential.  I see a lot of role play in your future Miss. Daniels.”  I groaned.  I was beginning to think I might regret having Deacon as a house guest and yet at the same time a part of me was more than excited.  His nurse comment had given me an idea.


I helped Deacon pack up his essentials at his flat that he would need to bring with him over to mine.  There wasn’t as much as I expected but then I guess he was a guy and as he wasn’t going in to work he didn’t need to wear suits or anything like that.  I was shocked at how happy Jakey was to see him when he came home from school.  They say that children usually have the right intuition about people and if this was anything to go by their relationship looked promising.  After dinner Jakey and Deacon played on the Xbox for what felt like a lifetime while I tidied up and got on with catching up on work.  At any other time I might have moaned at Deacon for not helping but Jakey looked so content I didn’t want to disturb him.


After Jakey had gone to bed I helped Deacon upstairs to the spare room.  Something told me he probably could have hobbled up them by himself but he like me fussing over him and to be honest I enjoyed having another person in the house to fuss over.  For some reason there was awkwardness in the air.  I put it down to the fact that although Deacon had slept over before but it had always been secret.  Jakey had never known he was here but now it was different.  We’d taken a step forward in our relationship albeit under the pretense that Deacon was just staying over so I could help him.  I was now standing by the door wringing my hands with nerves that had bombarded me out of nowhere.  Deacon had his head cocked and was looking at me.


“Dana, are you all right?”  He asked.


“Yes.”  I squeaked.  “It’s just…um…It’s just that…”  I don’t think even knew what I was trying to say to him.


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