Authors: K D Grace
He seated himself on the coffee table in front of Tino, who offered her a quick glance then took Professor’s cock deep into his mouth, an act which made the keeper groan and hitch his breath, an act which made her cunt grasp hungrily.
‘Tino is never more exquisite than when he’s contrite, penitent, well punished, with his bottom burning like fire. Feel it, my little bitch, feel how hot it is.’
The growl that escaped Tino’s throat was leonine as she lay a hand on his burning arse, noticing how his buttocks contracted beneath her touch, how his anus gripped to a tight little knot of muscle. She couldn’t resist. She couldn’t resist the heat radiating off his lovely red backside, nor the delicious view between his thighs of his tight balls and jutting penis. She lowered her head and ran her tongue from the top of his left thigh all the way up over his clenching arse cheek, and did the same to the other one, feeling the resulting shudder move up his spine.
‘Ah, there, you see, Tino,’ Professor spoke between efforts to breathe. ‘I think she’s forgiven you.’
She licked every inch of his scorched bottom, at first only with careful, tentative licks. Then she graduated to wide flat presses of her tongue, and finally little circular lavings that ended in tight suckling kisses until he thrust back against her in rhythm with his fellating of Professor’s cock. Professor’s hands were curled in Tino’s hair. His eyes were locked on Stella, whose tongue bath of Tino’s wounded arse could end nowhere else but in a tense dance and thrust against his pucker. His shivers and tremors resulted in a warning from Professor for him to hold his load. It was a warning Stella knew was unnecessary. Tino would hold his load as long as he had to, as long as it took for him to be able to mount her and empty himself into her cunt. It was a privilege she reckoned he had earned.
Just then Professor caught a harsh breath and bit back a curse. ‘I’m coming now, Tino, swallow down my wad like a good boy. Oh Jesus, that’s it!’ A few more grunts and thrusts and Tino pulled away wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
Once Professor could breathe enough to speak, he turned his attention to her. ‘You may have him now, Stella, if he’s earned your forgiveness. He’s ready for you.’
This time, as Tino turned to her, he waited, holding her gaze expectantly, waited for her wishes. He was a Pet, they were both Pets, and suddenly her mind was full of how it was for them the first time. She lowered herself onto hands and knees and raised her bottom to him, legs open, pussy slippery and gaping. He practically fell on top of her, scooping her to him. The smell of him was different, spicier, more urgent – if smell could be more urgent. And he pushed into her more urgently. He slid between her labia up to the grudging clench of her opening, which yielded to the delicious pressure of him, yielded completely until he totally filled her. The high-voltage thrum in her clit practically ignited as he slipped a hand down to tweak her. That he had enough concentration left to give a thought to her pleasure after what he had endured amazed her.
He bit the back of her neck and tugged her hair back hard, and she let him. She let him possess her, mount her, rut with her.
Professor shed his clothes and came to sit on the floor next to them, positioning himself so he could easily cup and caress Stella’s breasts or finger Tino’s gripping anus if he chose. And he did choose. ‘That’s my darlings. That’s my lovelies. Now everything’s OK. Now you can fuck, my horny little Pets. Oh I’m sure you must both be so terribly uncomfortable. Now you can have your bitch, Tino, and she’ll accept you and let you make her feel better too. Oh so lovely! Oh so good.’
Suddenly all circuits overloaded and Stella bucked back against Tino and screamed her orgasm until her throat was raw, shaking and convulsing her loss of control. He responded by shoving his own release up in her so far that she swore she could feel him coming just beneath her heart.
‘Oh yes, my darlings, that’s it, come for Professor, come for your keeper, let me see how hard you can come.’ There was a sharp, tight grunt and a warm spurt of the keeper’s semen against the side of Stella’s breasts and up over Tino’s arched back. Then they all collapsed in a slippery, sweaty, sated heap.
That night when they had feasted on sea bass, had several more serious romps on the lounge floor, and had been well bathed, Tino curled around Stella in the very large pet bed at the foot of the Professor’s big four-poster. As she snuggled down tightly against the slow even rise and fall of his chest, Stella remembered Vincent saying, after he’d spanked her, that being a Pet was so much more than what was in the manual. There was no denying, he’d got that right.
fast the weekend past, and how much she actually liked Professor. When he said his goodbyes to her and Tino and sent them on their way with the surly handler, it was with very affectionate kisses and caresses, affectionate enough to leave her wet and Tino visibly hard through his thin trousers. And Tino – being Tino – made no effort to hide his full package, nor was he subtle about rubbing it against her bottom while they waited for the handler to open the back of the van.
Inside, the handler stripped them, completely ignoring Tino’s erection. Probably a routine sight for him, Stella thought, as he shooed them into the Pet carrier together. It wasn’t that routine for her, though, and despite the very long sweaty romp they had barely managed to get showered and dressed from before the handler showed up, she was hungry for him again.
The handler chuckled as Tino arranged himself to sit carefully inside the carrier. ‘Got your arse spanked good, did you? No doubt you deserved it. What about you, Stella?’ He patted her bottom gently and, when she didn’t flinch, he smiled knowingly. ‘Guess our good Professor had other plans for you. Wanted to watch you fuck Tino’s brains out, did he? Has kinky tastes, that one.’
Stella couldn’t keep from smiling, wondering just exactly how the handler would know about Professor’s kinky tastes. Once he had them settled, he buckled himself into the seat at the side and gave the driver the go-ahead, then he picked up his rumpled copy of
The Sun
and began to read.
The driver hadn’t gone more than a couple of blocks when Tino shifted himself with tight little grunts and sighs that rumbled deep in his chest. She moved to accommodate him, assuming his arse was hurting and he was trying to get comfortable. He nuzzled and pushed at her until she lay curled on her side, but instead of tucking in against her body in his favourite spoon position, he lay down facing her with his forehead pressed to her upper thighs. He shoved and nuzzled and nipped until she opened her legs for him. Then he scooted in to rest his head on her bottom thigh. He wriggled and twisted until his face was only millimetres away from her cunt. She tried to push him away, not wanting him to get another spanking and not wanting one herself, but when he gave her heavy clit a deep, suckling kiss that made her already trembling pussy shudder, she figured the crime was worth the punishment.
He made deep thrusting forays with the flat of his tongue between the swollen pout of her labia, working his way from the tight stretch of her perineum forward to the hard press of her clit, pulling at it, nursing on it as though it were a nipple ready to let down sweet milk, and she was letting down all right. Her pussy was drenched and fragrant with the want of him. His hand, pressed to the small of her back, pulled her still closer until the shape of his lovely stubbled face, right down to the solid jut of his chin and the sweep of his jaw raked her with tetchy, ticklish caresses.
His straining cock brushed her cheek, silky smooth hardness demanding attention. It was a demand she couldn’t refuse. She palmed his tender buttocks to pull him close and felt him flinch, but the flinch was lost in a shudder and a groan that vibrated deliciously against her inner lips as she took his penis into her mouth and cupped the cool heft of his balls, massaging the bulge of them with tight circlings of her thumb.
It was heaven. It was absolute heaven, caught in the time warp that was making love to Tino. She shifted and writhed and rubbed at his face with her receptive, grasping cunt marking him with her scent. And when they were finished, he would carry her smell, carry the weight of her desire as surely as if she had collared him and bound him to her. And she would take his semen in her mouth, swallow it down to her centre, and perhaps she would rub some of it across her breasts and dabble it on her pulse points and carry his scent as a reminder to anyone who should wonder that she was his, and he had marked her as such.
She was completely lost in the feel of him on her body, when he shifted. Without pulling away from his lapping at her pussy, he rose and lifted one leg over her until he straddled her face. Then he positioned himself above the O of her open mouth and lowered his hips until she could just make out the clench of his anus on her horizon as she took his cock back between her lips. She ran splayed hands up the sides of his tensing thighs and onto his hips to control his downward thrusting. He cupped her arse cheeks to bring her still closer to the wild thrust and lave of his tongue dance, the rake of bared teeth and the tug of his pursed lips.
It was as she shifted to accommodate him that she caught the handler’s eyes above the edge of his paper. She paused in her ministering to Tino’s cock only for the briefest moment. Of course he had to know what they were up to. Tino had long since ceased any efforts to be quiet, and she wasn’t doing a very good job of keeping her own passions under wraps. But it didn’t matter. He could pull Tino off her if he wanted. He could punish them both, but he surely couldn’t expect them to ignore their animal nature in such close quarters when they were both so tight with need. They had done their duty for the weekend; surely they deserved this much.
As though he had read her mind, the handler lowered his eyes once again to the paper like he had seen nothing.
Tino’s thrusts became stiff and tense. She pulled on the length of him until her jaw ached, and yet her mouth was on autopilot. Her brain had completely relocated itself to the building tension within her pelvic girdle. They were close, both so close. Surely her grip on his arse must be painful, but he was too far gone to notice. She could barely move her hips the way he had her cupped to him, the way his face was burrowed against her pout. And yet, she could move just enough. Her body threatened to break bones with the violence of the orgasm that raged up through her, that caused her to pull even harder on him, hard enough that his hips jerked and his cock unloaded its fullness in the back of her throat.
When they were done coming, he rearranged himself, pulled her tight against the curve of his body and they slept.
Stella was surprised to find herself at the Pet Shop rather than her own home as she expected. Audrey met her at the van. They watched the handler lead Tino away, grumbling under his breath about his bad karma and misbehaving Pets. Tino kept pulling against the lead, glancing over his shoulder at Stella. When at last he was out of sight, Audrey spoke. ‘After you’re bathed and dressed, the Boss and Ms O’Kelly are here to see you.’
A half an hour later, with Stella dressed in the clean clothes of a Pet about to go to a keeper, Audrey escorted her from the annexe to the main house, a place she had not been allowed access to during her training. The handler led her through the long, dark-panelled hallways to a conservatory full of exotic plants and comfortable rattan furniture. On a sofa that looked out onto the grounds behind the house sat the Boss and Anne O’Kelly. On the coffee table in front of them was a tray with a steaming pot of tea, a plate of sandwiches and another of cakes.
‘Stella, darling,’ the Boss greeted her with a kiss on each cheek and Anne followed suit. ‘We hear Professor was very pleased with you and Tino this weekend. Congratulations on a job well done, dear.’
She couldn’t keep from blushing. How hard was it to allow herself to be endlessly fucked and fondled by Tino while another man watched and wanked? Thoughts of the weekend were enough to cause her pussy to tingle in spite of being very well satisfied.
‘Please, sit.’ Anne said. ‘And have something to eat. You must be famished.’ Anne poured tea and they both made a pretence of eating, but Stella made no pretence at all. She was starving, and Pets never got too concerned with proper tea-time etiquette.
‘You probably wonder why we had you brought here rather than sending you home, Stella.’ The Boss made no effort to explain what he assumed she was intelligent enough to have already figured out, that he and Anne were both involved in the running of the Pet Shop.
There was a long pause before Stella realised she was expected to respond. She was amazed how easy it was to get used to not speaking. She swallowed a mouthful of smoked salmon and cucumber sandwich without chewing. ‘Yes. I do,’ she replied dutifully, her voice sounding strange in her ears after two days of not using it.
‘Anne and I agree that you’ve more than exceeded our expectations in your work at Strigida. Vanguard, as well as the other organisations you’ve had contact with on Strigida’s behalf are singing your praises. But ...’
‘But that’s not why we want to talk to you.’ Anne took over. ‘We hired you knowing full well you’d do a great job at Strigida, just as I’m sure you knew you would, but what you may not know is all the parameters you’re being judged according to and why.’
The Boss took over again. ‘We suspected when we hired you that you had other gifts, latent gifts that even you might not know about, gifts that could do Strigida a lot more good in other ways than you working as my assistant. I don’t have to tell you how important the work Strigida does is. You’ve worked with us long enough to know some of the significant environmental projects we’ve funded and to know how much those projects cost to bring to completion. But no company’s resources are limitless. Mind you, with careful management, Strigida has had the capital to finance a lot of environmentally worthy causes for a good number of years.’ He waved a hand as though he were batting away an insect. ‘I’m not telling you anything that isn’t already on the Strigida website.’ He held her gaze. ‘But there are things that aren’t on that website, Stella, things that you should know. In recent years that capital has increased drastically allowing Strigida to take on projects of a much larger magnitude. That increase in funds has come from one source. It’s a surprising source, actually, one no one ever imagined would generate such a cash cow. The Pet Shop.’
‘What?’ Stella burnt her tongue on a mouthful of tea.
Anne offered her a tolerant smile. ‘I know it’s hard to believe, and an amazing story actually. It all came about by accident.’ She glanced at the Boss as though expecting him to corroborate her story. ‘It happened on a drunken bet, but the money from the bet was pledged for a major project Strigida was working on at the time. The discussion, I believe, had something to do with man’s responsibility toward his animal cousins. Someone brought up the fact that we could hardly expect humans to take care of their wild cousins when they didn’t even take proper care of their own pets. And one thing led to another. Anyway, in the end a bet was made, a bet that certain people, people who had no shortage of funds at their disposal couldn’t resist.
‘The wager was that they couldn’t live like animals – like pets totally dependent on their keepers – for a whole weekend. It went further to predict that their keepers would not be able to take proper care of them for a weekend. The sociology of the whole idea was fascinating, as you can imagine, and the concept too intriguing not to try – especially when money was no object.
‘The rules and regulations were all drawn up, the Pets and keepers all designated, and the experiment took place over a long Easter weekend.’ She chuckled and sipped her tea. ‘You won’t find that story on the Pet Shop website, though I certainly think it should be. As for the sex part of the story, well surely you can see how one thing leads to another when you keep naked humans around the house, naked humans who need bathing and feeding and grooming. Anyway the proceeds from the weekend fattened Strigida coffers, and the bet and the accompanying experiment became gossip, sort of an underground cult, and more and more people wanted to have a Pet of their own for a night or a weekend. They were all willing to pay handsomely for the privilege, all willing to keep it discrete so the service could continue.’
‘But that’s not where the real money comes from,’ the Boss joined in. ‘The real money comes from people, wealthy people mostly, who want to
Pets. They don’t necessarily want to be with a keeper, though a surprising number of them do. But some just want to be Pets, you know, to be pampered and loved and cared for, to be told what to do and not have to worry about any responsibilities. Remember, many of these are very powerful people, people used to being in control, but longing to let someone else take charge for a little while. Of course, by the time the apparatus to make all this happen was set in place, sex was a major component. The Pet Shop Pets wanted a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere where sex would be as natural and open as it is for animals, but they also wanted the pleasures afforded very pampered pets. Voilà! The Pet Shop was born.’
Anne continued. ‘For some the Pet Shop is their summer home, for others it’s a weekend retreat. There are even a few that have taken up permanent residence here at the Pet Shop. And those who want to be Pets without having to service a keeper pay handsomely for the privilege, very handsomely indeed. In a way, it’s like buying in to a very expensive, very exclusive timeshare. And that’s where the serious money comes from.’ She sipped her tea absently. ‘That and good investments, of course.’
‘I don’t see what any of this has to do with me,’ Stella said. ‘I’m not a paying Pet.’
‘It has everything to do with you precisely because you’re not a paying Pet,’ the Boss said. ‘Eight years ago when I could see the Pet Shop’s potential, I realised I wouldn’t be able to run both Strigida and the Pet Shop, so I hired Anne to take over and build the Pet Shop as a business.’ He offered her a confidential smile. ‘A very unorthodox business, of course, and one we’ve had to manage very discretely. But under Anne’s control, the Pet Shop has grown and thrived. In fact, it’s grown so much, and the demand has become so large, that we’re planning to open a North American branch. Since Anne has been in on the ground floor with the UK Pet Shop, who better to be in charge of setting up its North American sister shop.’
‘That being the case,’ Anne said, ‘we need someone to take over the UK Pet Shop when I leave.’
There was a pregnant pause, and Stella nearly dropped her teacup. ‘And you want me to do it?’