The Pirate Organization: Lessons From the Fringes of Capitalism (18 page)

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Authors: Rodolphe Durand,Jean-Philippe Vergne

Tags: #Business & Economics, #Economic History, #Free Enterprise, #Strategic Planning, #Economics, #General, #Organizational Behavior

BOOK: The Pirate Organization: Lessons From the Fringes of Capitalism
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6. Excerpts from a hacker manifesto written by Digital Ebola and available at

7. Scott J. Henderson,
The Dark Visitor: Inside the World of Chinese Hackers
, 2007, available at

8. The first quote comes from Wikipedia,
. The second quote is a summary of the CCC’s objectives according to Daniel Domscheit-Berg, CCC member, former spokesperson for WikiLeaks, and founder of OpenLeaks. It can be found in Olivier Tesquet,
WikiLeaks: A True Account
(OWNIBOOKS Basics, 2011); the e-book can be purchased or “hacked” here:

Chapter Eleven


1. Johan Söderberg,
Hacking Capitalism: The FOSS Software Movement
(New York: Routledge, 2008), 3.

2. Adrian Johns,
Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010). The NEC story is mentioned in chapter 1. For a thorough discussion on the difference between patents and copyrights, see chapter 10.

3. People refer to them as
patent sharks
as well: Joachim Henkel and Markus Reitzig, “Patent Sharks,”
Harvard Business Review
, June 2008, 129–133.

4. Timo Fischer and Joachim Henkel, “Patent Trolls on Markets for Technology: An Empirical Analysis of Trolls’ Patent Acquisitions,” working paper, TUM, Munich, 2009.

Chapter Twelve


1. Michael T. Hannan and John Freeman,
Organizational Ecology
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989).

2. Marie-Laure Djelic and Rodolphe Durand, “Strong in the Morning, Dead in the Evening: A Genealogical and Contextual Perspective on Organizational Selection,” in J. Baum and J. Lampel (eds.),
The Globalization of Strategy Research: Advances in Strategic Management
(East Sussex, UK: Emerald, 2010).

3. See the work of Frank Dobbin and Timothy Dowds (e.g., “How Policy Shapes Competition: Early Railroad Foundings in Massachusetts,”
Administrative Science Quarterly
42 (1997): 501–529, and “The Market that Antitrust Built: Public Policy, Private Coercion, and Railroad Acquisitions, 1825–1922,”
American Sociological Review
65 (2000): 631–657.

4. This quote is taken from Dobbin and Dowd, “The Market that Antitrust Built,” 634.

5. Bruce Sterling,
The Hacker Crackdown
(New York: Bantam Books, 1992).

Chapter Thirteen


1. Frédéric Dardel and Renaud Leblond,
Main Basse sur le Génome
(Paris: Anne Carrière, 2008).

2. Digital Ebola,
Keen Veracity

3. Heather Lowrie and Joyce Tait,
Guidelines for the Appropriate Risk Governance of Synthetic Biology
, International Risk Governance Council policy brief (Edinburgh, Geneva: IRGC, 2010),
; and Stew Magnuson, “Growing Public Interest in Genetic Science Sparks Some Bio-Security Concerns,”
National Defense Magazine
, June 2010.

4. Markus Schmidt, “Diffusion of Synthetic Biology: A Challenge to Biosafety,”
Systems and Synthetic Biology
2 (2008): 1–6.

5. Andrew Pollack, “U.S. Says Genes Should Not Be Eligible for Patents,”
New York Times
, October 29, 2010,
. Although the brief was released on the day this book was first published in French, the authors had nothing to do with it.

6. Andrew Mushita and Carol B. Thompson,
Biopiracy of Biodiversity: Global Exchange as Enclosure
(Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2007).

7. Daniel Heller-Roazen,
L’Ennemi de Tous: Le Pirate Contre les Nations
(Paris, Seuil, 2010).

Chapter Fourteen


1. Prince Roy, “About Sealand,”



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