The Pirates Own Book (3 page)

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Authors: Charles Ellms

BOOK: The Pirates Own Book
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Those "harum-scarum" expeditions, the Crusades, were perhaps influential
in checking piracy, although the rabble that composed the majority of
them had as little principle as the worst of the freebooters. From the
time that Peter the Hermit set Europe in a blaze, all ranks, and all
nations, streamed to the East, so that few vessels were otherwise
employed than in conveying the motly groups who sought the shores of
Palestine; some from religious zeal; some from frantic fanaticism; some
from desire of distinction; some for the numberless privileges which the
crusaders acquired; and the rest and greater portion, for the spoil and
plunder of which they had a prospect. The armaments, fitted in no fewer
than nine successive efforts, were mostly equipped with such haste and
ignorance, and with so little choice, that ruinous delays, shipwrecks,
and final discomfiture, were naturally to be expected. Still, the effect
of such incredible numbers of people betaking themselves to foreign
countries, advanced civilization, although vast means of forwarding its
cause were buried in the East; and those who assert that no benefit
actually resulted, cannot deny that at least some evils were thereby
removed. Montesquieu says, that Europe then required a general shock, to
teach her, but the sight of contrasts, the theorems of public economy
most conducive to happiness. And it is evident, that notwithstanding
these follies wasted the population of Europe, squandered its treasures,
and infected us with new vices and diseases, still the crusades
diminished the bondage of the feudal system, by augmenting the power of
the King, and the strength of the Commons; while they also occasioned a
very increased activity in commerce: thus taming the ferocity of men's
spirits, increasing agriculture in value from the safety it enjoyed, and
establishing a base for permanent prosperity.

Adventures and Exploits of Captain Avery

Containing an Account of his capturing one of the great Mogul's ship's
laden with treasure: and an interesting history of a Colony of Pirates
on the Island of Madagascar.

During his own time the adventures of Captain Avery were the subject of
general conversation in Europe. It was reported that he had married the
Great Mogul's daughter, who was taken in an Indian ship that fell into
his hands, and that he was about to be the founder of a new
monarchy—that he gave commissions in his own name to the captains of
his ships, and the commanders of his forces, and was acknowledged by
them as their prince. In consequence of these reports, it was at one
time resolved to fit out a strong squadron to go and take him and his
men; and at another time it was proposed to invite him home with all his
riches, by the offer of his Majesty's pardon. These reports, however,
were soon discovered to be groundless, and he was actually starving
without a shilling, while he was represented as in the possession of
millions. Not to exhaust the patience, or lessen the curiosity of the
reader, the facts in Avery's life shall be briefly related.

He was a native of Devonshire (Eng.), and at an early period sent to
sea; advanced to the station of a mate in a merchantman, he performed
several voyages. It happened previous to the peace of Ryswick, when
there existed an alliance between Spain, England, Holland, and other
powers, against France, that the French in Martinique carried on a
smuggling trade with the Spaniards on the continent of Peru. To prevent
their intrusion into the Spanish dominions, a few vessels were
commanded to cruise upon that coast, but the French ships were too
strong for them; the Spaniards, therefore, came to the resolution of
hiring foreigners to act against them. Accordingly, certain merchants of
Bristol fitted out two ships of thirty guns, well manned, and provided
with every necessary munition, and commanded them to sail for Corunna to
receive their orders.

Captain Gibson commanded one of these ships, and Avery appears to have
been his mate, in the year 1715. He was a fellow of more cunning than
courage, and insinuating himself into the confidence of some of the
boldest men in the ship, he represented the immense riches which were to
be acquired upon the Spanish coast, and proposed to run off with the
ship. The proposal was scarcely made when it was agreed upon, and put in
execution at ten o'clock the following evening. Captain Gibson was one
of those who mightily love their bottle, and spent much of his time on
shore; but he remained on board that night, which did not, however,
frustrate their design, because he had taken his usual dose, and so went
to bed. The men who were not in the confederacy went also to bed,
leaving none upon deck but the conspirators. At the time agreed upon,
the long boat of the other ship came, and Avery hailing her in the usual
manner, he was answered by the men in her, "Is your drunken boatswain on
board?" which was the watchword agreed between them. Avery replying in
the affirmative, the boat came alongside with sixteen stout fellows, who
joined in the adventure. They next secured the hatches, then softly
weighed anchor, and immediately put to sea without bustle or noise.
There were several vessels in the bay, besides a Dutchman of forty guns,
the captain of which was offered a considerable reward to go in pursuit
of Avery, but he declined. When the captain awoke, he rang his bell, and
Avery and another conspirator going into the cabin, found him yet half
asleep. He inquired, saying, "What is the matter with the ship? does
she drive? what weather is it?" supposing that it had been a storm, and
that the ship was driven from her anchors. "No, no," answered Avery,
"we're at sea, with a fair wind and a good weather." "At sea!" said the
captain: "how can that be?" "Come," answered Avery, "don't be in a
fright, but put on your clothes, and I'll let you into a secret. You
must know that I am captain of this ship now, and this is my cabin,
therefore you must walk out; I am bound to Madagascar, with a design of
making my own fortune, and that of all the brave fellows joined with

The captain, having a little recovered his senses, began to understand
his meaning. However, his fright was as great as before, which Avery
perceiving, desired him to fear nothing; "for," said he, "if you have a
mind to make one of us, we will receive you; and if you turn sober, and
attend to business, perhaps in time I may make you one of my
lieutenants; if not, here's a boat, and you shall be set on shore."
Gibson accepted of the last proposal; and the whole crew being called up
to know who was willing to go on shore with the captain, there were only
about five or six who chose to accompany him.

Avery proceeded on his voyage to Madagascar, and it does not appear that
he captured any vessels upon his way. When arrived at the northeast part
of that island, he found two sloops at anchor, which, upon seeing him,
slipped their cables and ran themselves ashore, while the men all landed
and concealed themselves in the woods. These were two sloops which the
men had run off with from the East Indies, and seeing Avery's ship,
supposed that he had been sent out after them. Suspecting who they were,
he sent some of his men on shore to inform them that they were friends,
and to propose a union for their common safety. The sloops' men being
well armed, had posted themselves in a wood, and placed sentinels to
observe whether the ship's men were landing to pursue them. The
sentinels only observing two or three men coming towards them unarmed,
did not oppose them. Upon being informed that they were friends, the
sentinels conveyed them to the main body, where they delivered their
message. They were at first afraid that it was a stratagem to entrap
them, but when the messengers assured them that their captain had also
run away with his ship, and that a few of their men along with him would
meet them unarmed, to consult matters for their common advantage,
confidence was established, and they were mutually well pleased, as it
added to their strength.

Having consulted what was most proper to be attempted they endeavored to
get off the sloops, and hastened to prepare all things, in order to sail
for the Arabian coast. Near the river Indus, the man at the mast-head
espied a sail, upon which they gave chase; as they came nearer to her,
they discovered that she was a tall vessel, and might turn out to be an
East Indiaman. She, however, proved a better prize; for when they fired
at her she hoisted Mogul colors, and seemed to stand upon her defence.
Avery only cannonaded at a distance, when some of his men began to
suspect that he was not the hero they had supposed. The sloops, however
attacked, the one on the bow, and another upon the quarter of the ship,
and so boarded her. She then struck her colors. She was one of the Great
Mogul's own ships, and there were in her several of the greatest persons
in his court, among whom, it was said, was one of his daughters going
upon a pilgrimage to Mecca; and they were carrying with them rich
offerings to present at the shrine of Mahomet. It is a well known fact,
that the people of the east travel with great magnificence, so that
these had along with them all their slaves and attendants, with a large
quantity of vessels of gold and silver, and immense sums of money to
defray their expenses by land; the spoil therefore which they received
from that ship was almost incalculable.

Taking the treasure on board their own ships, and plundering their prize
of every thing valuable, they then allowed her to depart. As soon as the
Mogul received this intelligence, he threatened to send a mighty army to
extirpate the English from all their settlements upon the Indian coast.
The East India Company were greatly alarmed, but found means to calm his
resentment, by promising to search for the robbers, and deliver them
into his hands. The noise which this made over all Europe, gave birth to
the rumors that were circulated concerning Avery's greatness.

In the mean time, our adventurers made the best of their way back to
Madagascar, intending to make that place the deposit of all their
treasure, to build a small fort, and to keep always a few men there for
its protection. Avery, however, disconcerted this plan, and rendered it
altogether unnecessary.

While steering their course, Avery sent a boat to each of the sloops,
requesting that the chiefs would come on board his ship to hold a
conference. They obeyed, and being assembled, he suggested to them the
necessity of securing the property which they had acquired in some safe
place on shore, and observed, that the chief difficulty was to get it
safe on shore; adding that, if either of the sloops should be attacked
alone, they would not be able to make any great resistance, and thus she
must either be sunk or taken with all the property on board. That, for
his part, his ship was so strong, so well manned, and such a
swift-sailing vessel, that he did not think it was possible for any
other ship to take or overcome her. Accordingly, he proposed that all
their treasure should be sealed up in three chests;—that each of the
captains should have keys, and that they should not be opened until all
were present;—that the chests should be then put on board his ship, and
afterwards lodged in some safe place upon land.

This proposal seemed so reasonable, and so much for the common good,
that it was without hesitation agreed to, and all the treasure deposited
in three chests, and carried to Avery's ship. The weather being
favorable, they remained all three in company during that and the next
day; meanwhile Avery, tampering with his men, suggested, that they had
now on board what was sufficient to make them all happy; "and what,"
continued he, "should hinder us from going to some country where we are
not known, and living on shore all the rest of our days in plenty?" They
soon understood his hint, and all readily consented to deceive the men
of the sloops, and fly with all the booty; this they effected during the
darkness of the following night. The reader may easily conjecture what
were the feelings and indignation of the other two crews in the morning,
when they discovered that Avery had made off with all their property.

Avery and his men hastened towards America, and being strangers in that
country, agreed to divide the booty, to change their names, and each
separately to take up his residence, and live in affluence and honor.
The first land they approached was the Island of Providence, then newly
settled. It however occurred to them, that the largeness of their
vessel, and the report that one had been run off with from the Groine,
might create suspicion; they resolved therefore to dispose of their
vessel at Providence. Upon this resolution, Avery, pretending that his
vessel had been equipped for privateering, and having been unsuccessful,
he had orders from the owners to dispose of her to the best advantage,
soon found a merchant. Having thus sold his own ship, he immediately
purchased a small sloop.

In this he and his companions embarked, and landed at several places in
America, where, none suspecting them, they dispersed and settled in the
country. Avery, however, had been careful to conceal the greater part of
the jewels and other valuable articles, so that his riches were immense.
Arriving at Boston, he was almost resolved to settle there, but, as the
greater part of his wealth consisted of diamonds, he was apprehensive
that he could not dispose of them at that place, without being taken up
as a pirate. Upon reflection, therefore, he resolved to sail for
Ireland, and in a short time arrived in the northern part of that
kingdom, and his men dispersed into several places. Some of them
obtained the pardon of King William, and settled in that country.

The wealth of Avery, however, now proved of small service, and
occasioned him great uneasiness. He could not offer his diamonds for
sale in that country without being suspected. Considering, therefore,
what was best to be done, he thought there might be some person at
Bristol he could venture to trust. Upon this he resolved, and going into
Devonshire, sent to one of his friends to meet him at a town called
Bideford. When he had unbosomed himself to him and other pretended
friends, they agreed that the safest plan would be to put his effects
into the hands of some wealthy merchants, and no inquiry would be made
how they came by them. One of these friends told him, he was acquainted
with some who were very fit for the purpose, and if he would allow them
a handsome commission, they would do the business faithfully. Avery
liked the proposal, particularly as he could think of no other way of
managing this matter, since he could not appear to act for himself.
Accordingly, the merchants paid Avery a visit at Bideford, where, after
strong protestations of honor and integrity, he delivered them his
effects, consisting of diamonds and some vessels of gold. After giving
him a little money for his present subsistence, they departed.

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