The Pleasure Collection, Swingers Series Boxed Set: #1 House of Pleasure, #2 The Pleasure Party and #3 Possession of Pleasure (4 page)

BOOK: The Pleasure Collection, Swingers Series Boxed Set: #1 House of Pleasure, #2 The Pleasure Party and #3 Possession of Pleasure
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      Later, after tucking her club outfit away and putting on soft pajamas, Nicola closed herself in the master bathroom and brushed her teeth, then moved to sit down at her makeup table. She picked up her hairbrush and ran it through her hair. This is where it all began, she thought. But not really. Really it had started much earlier than this particular evening. It had started with two people becoming distracted by needs that could not be identified until confronted with the cure. What now? She wondered. Tired and spent and more than a little confused, she walked into the bedroom where Greg was reading. His hair was tousled and messy and he wore his glasses and he looked like home to her. She slipped under the covers next to him and snuggled up.

      She fell asleep wondering if it was all over, this adventure. If there really was a party in their future. If Jack was in her future.









The Pleasure Party


Part Two of the Swingers Series




By Nicola Six








Cover design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers



Copyright © 2014 Nicola Six



All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.




      Nicola stared through the sliding glass doors at the rain pelting down onto the patio behind the house, turning the small patch of lawn just beyond it into puddles. It had been raining relentlessly since early morning, and had woken her early. Too early for a Saturday, she thought. She wished that thunder and lightning would accompany it. She loved the excitement of a thunderstorm. A good storm could always stir something inside of her, sweeping away the dull gray that had been this autumn and making her mind race in every which way.

      This Saturday it was just cold, steely rain. She sighed and turned away from the patio doors to look over at her husband. Like Nicola, Greg was still in the sweats and tee shirt he had slept in the night before, even though it was nearly noon. His reading glasses covered his large brown eyes and his handsome face was sprinkled with stubble. They hadn't made any plans for the weekend, as Greg had to work in the ER later that day. He wouldn't be home until after midnight.

      Nicola flopped onto the couch next to him and picked up a section of the paper. She reached for a hair band and pulled her long red hair into a pony tail. Greg automatically laid his arm across the top of the couch so she could lean up against his side, which she did. He kissed the top of her head without a pause in his reading and she snuggled into him, feeling cozy but restless. Ever since her birthday two weeks prior, when Greg broke the spell of tranquility and comfort that had been their marriage, and took her on a wild adventure, she felt as if things weren't the same - couldn't go back to being what they were. They hadn't talked about it since that night, except for cracking a few uncomfortable jokes over the next day or two. Then that night had faded away like a dream. But Nicola couldn't stop thinking about it. About Jack.

      She mentally tried to shake off the thoughts that kept creeping back into her mind. They made her feel terribly guilty, even though she thought the whole point of the adventure had been to face their desires to be with other people head on. She glanced up at her husband. He looked down at her and smiled, revealing the dimples that gave him a boyish look that turned women to mush.

      "What?" He asked, squeezing her shoulder.

      Nicola couldn't help but laugh, her tension easing. "Nothing, you're just so cute. Do you really have to work tonight?"

      "Yes, sorry." He laid down the paper. "What will you do?"

      She shrugged. "Nothing, not in this rain."

      "Well, you might want to call one of your girlfriends and go shopping." His grin was wider now.

      "Shopping? Tonight?"

      "Sure, why not?"

      "I don't need anything."

      Greg tossed the paper aside and hopped up. "Oh yes, you do." He walked quickly out of the living room and returned a moment later with a cream-colored envelope. "We have somewhere formal to be next Friday night."

      Nicola felt her heart race as she reached out a hand and Greg pressed the envelope into it. He leaned over until he was inches from her face. "Surprise," he whispered, and planted a quick kiss on her lips before heading out of the room. She waited until she heard his footsteps on the stairs before opening the envelope with trembling fingers.

      She knew what it was before she read it, but the words on the invitation - a party, at Jack and Perry's house, the address, formal attire, it all sent a thrill through her that she hadn't felt since their adventure at Jack's club. It rippled through her blood as her fingers trailed over Jack's name. Her breath was shallow with excitement. Without thinking, she turned the card over and there it was, handwritten -
Nic - wear black.
She dropped the card as if it had burned her. Had Greg seen that personal note to her? If he had he showed no sign of it, no reaction or concern.

      Greg meandered into the room, dressed. He sat down on the couch to lace up his sneakers. "So," he chuckled. "Are we going?"

      "Don't you want to?" Nicola asked, not looking up. She folded up the paper and waited for his response, holding her breath.

      After a moment, Greg slapped his knees and stood. "I want to. I very much want to. But if you're not comfortable...I think we can agree that this is not going to be your average party. In fact, I think it's going to be an experience we've never had before. You have to be comfortable with it or we won't go."

      "Will you be comfortable with it?" Nicola asked. "I don't know about comfortable, but I...I want to go. We both have to agree - swear, in fact - that no matter what happens we're together and okay."

      Greg stared at her, his smile fading. "You're right. But I don't know if we can make those promises until we're there and actually...experiencing something."

      Nicola sighed and pulled her feet up onto the couch under her. They would have to talk about this. They both knew what kind of party this was going to be. But when she opened her mouth to speak again, Greg cut her off.

      "Why don't we just go with an open mind and let things happen the way they unfold. We can always leave if we're not having a good time." He looked at her hopefully, his palms up. "When in Rome...?"

      "Okay," Nicola agreed, perhaps to quickly. She had one thing on her mind. Seeing Jack again. And she would wear black.


      Friday was a blur. Nicola could barely concentrate at work. She finally gave up and allowed her mind to wander. She had bought a dress that Greg hadn't seen yet, and she was nervous at what his reaction would be, as it was a backless black dress with a slit up the side that came almost to her...

      "Nic, wake up!" Audrey was standing over her desk, waving a hand in her face. Audrey worked two offices down from her, and they had lunch together nearly every day. "Where were you, just now?"

In Jack's strong arms, in his bedroom
..."Nowhere. What's going on?"

     Audrey perched on the edge of her desk and checked her manicure. Nicola glanced at her own nails and realized she would need to have them done before that evening. "Lunch. Where are we eating today?"

      Nicola leaned back in her chair. "Not eating today. I'm going to the nail salon next door." She couldn't eat anyway. The very thought of food made her stomach turn.

      Audrey tucked her dark bobbed hair behind her ears and crossed her arms across her chest. "Are you okay? You never miss a meal. You get really cranky when you don't eat. And you've been working out so much...Come on, you have to give your body fuel."

      "I can't, really."

      "Everything okay with Greg?"

      Nicola swallowed. "Yes, in fact we're going out tonight, which is why I need to get my nails done."

      Audrey grinned. "That's nice, a date night. Okay, have fun!"

Ha, a date night. Just the two of us
. The thought made her nearly laugh out loud, which cut through her nervous energy a bit. She sighed and waved Audrey out of her office.


      Greg walked into the bedroom that evening buttoning up his crisp white shirt. His hair was still wet from the shower. He glanced down at the black tuxedo jacket lying on the bed and then turned his attention to his wife. "Hey, that's a nice dress. And we'll match," he joked.

      Nicola breathed a sigh of relief. She had been hoping he wouldn't remark on the daring nature of the gown she had selected. They weren't going to the club, after all. The dress felt light and satiny and shimmied against her skin when she moved. It was backless, draping low, with spaghetti straps. The front scooped just low enough to show some of her creamy cleavage, but not reveal so much that a man wouldn't long to see more. Though the gown was full length, a seductive slit cut up the side to just below her hip. She left her hair down, in long shining waves of auburn. She swept on glossy red lipstick and lots of black mascara and felt Greg's hands caress her shoulders as she sprayed on perfume.

      "Wow, you're gonna turn heads tonight," he said, leaning to kiss her neck. Unlike her birthday evening, though, his attention ended there. He seemed excited, preoccupied. Perhaps thinking of Perry, and other women who might be at this party? She didn't give it much more thought, as she was preoccupied with her own thoughts, which were growing increasingly sensual by the minute. The idea that they would be there, in Jack's presence, in less than an hour...She squeezed her knees together, feeling herself grow wet and that familiar swelling ache starting to grow in her pussy.

      Greg broke the spell when he suddenly spoke. "You about ready, honey? They're sending a car for us so we can drink and won't have to worry about driving. Pretty nice of them, wouldn't you say?"

      "Yes," Nicola agreed. "Very nice of them."
Jack is sending for me

      Greg continued to chat, animated and clearly pumped up for whatever lay ahead. She admitted to herself that she too was feeling fairly giddy. Jack was sending for her! She knew he was singling her out. He wasn't sending for his other guests. He couldn't be.                             

      Greg sprayed himself with cologne, a rare treat. Nicola loved the smell of men, especially when their natural male scent mingled with something added to it. She moved toward her husband and slipped her arms around him from behind, pressing her lips to the back of his neck and inhaling deeply.

      "Mmmm, you smell yummy."

      He craned his neck to smile at her. "Do I?"

      "Oh yes," she breathed into his ear, catching his earlobe in her teeth and giving it a gentle tug. She felt his back stiffen. Greg was so easy to turn on, if you knew the right spots, and the right touch. His hands immediately reached back to cup her ass and squeeze hard. She shimmied up against his back and licked his neck and nibbled his ear until he whirled around and pulled her roughly into his body, caressing up and down over her breasts and sliding down the contours of her waist to grip her ass again. The combination of their tingling anticipation of the evening before them and their lust for each other was almost too much. Greg leaned in and Nicola eagerly reached for his lips with hers but was surprised when he only gave her a quick peck.

      "Let's save all this sexual energy for later. I think that we're in for quite a ride, tonight."

      Nicola glanced down at his hard on, pushing against his suit pants. She giggled. "Quite a ride, you say? So to speak?"

      Greg laughed and released her. "Let me just do something with my hair..." A horn honked outside, and Nicola quickly glanced around him into the mirror. "My shoes, and my lipstick...Go tell the driver we'll be right there!"

      "Baby, relax, he'll wait a minute. Take your time."

      The last thing Nicola wanted was to take a second longer than necessary to be on their way. She rushed to grab her things and was yanking on her shoes as she tripped down the stairs.


      Nicola threw open the front door, expecting to see a car. A nice car, but just a car, nonetheless. Barely fitting between the cars parked on either side of their block was a limo. A sleek, black stretch limo, complete with a driver in full uniform standing outside the passenger door at full attention. He raised his hand in greeting and opened the door for them. Wordlessly, Nicola floated toward the limo with Greg close behind her.

      "I trust you'll find everything you need supplied inside, but please don't hesitate to ask if you require anything further." He waited at attention until they climbed inside and then he closed the door.

      Nicola flopped onto one of the cream colored leather seats and stared around her. She had been in limos before, of course. There was her wedding, and there were trips to Atlantic City with friends to gamble and be chauffeured here and there, but they had always brought their own wine, and there was always the slight evidence of grime left from the previous customers. This limo was very obviously privately owned. It had that new car smell, and it was immaculate, with a mini bar and silver ice buckets, stocked with only top shelf liquor and champagne that Nicola couldn't imagine wasting her money on.

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