The Potion Diaries (38 page)

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Authors: Amy Alward

BOOK: The Potion Diaries
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Now I don’t blush any deeper (because it’s not possible), but I want to sink into the ground and have it swallow me up. ‘And he loves you too,’ I stammer out. ‘You didn’t need the potion after all.’

She laughs. It’s completely not the reaction I’m expecting. She reaches out and grabs my wrist. ‘Oh Sam, don’t be so silly. He doesn’t love me at all – not like
anyway. He wasn’t as smart as you, but you’ll find out about that soon enough. And honestly, I’m not sure that I ever loved him in the right way either. You have to understand, Zain is my best friend. Winning his heart – however falsely – was the only path I could see that would lead me to some kind of happiness in the future. You see, the truth is, I don’t love anybody. Not yet.’

I smile. I’m beginning to warm to Princess Evelyn, despite myself. She must sense it, because she leans in again, and kisses me on both cheeks. ‘Thanks,’ she says. ‘Do you have a phone?’

‘Umm . . .’ I fumble open my tiny handbag, which is also brand new. I’ve never had need of a tiny handbag before. ‘Here,’ I say, handing it over to her. She taps her number into my contacts.

‘There, that way, we can be friends, and you can come to the wedding.’

‘The wedding?’ My eyes open wide.

Evelyn smiles sadly at me. ‘I tried to cheat my responsibility, and look what happened. I still have to get married. It sucks, but what can you do. I’ll see you at dinner?’

‘Oh, I’m not sure where I should go . . .’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll send someone up to escort you.’

And before I can say anything else, she’s gone. Luckily this room isn’t doorless, or I would have really felt trapped.

I explore the room. This was where it happened, according to the casts. There’s a small table by the window, with a couple of glasses on it. A sparkling crystal carafe sits on a little silver tray, but there’s no liquid in it.

‘I don’t trust women who stand by that table,’ says a voice from the doorway.

I spin around. It’s Zain. ‘What do you want?’

If he’s hurt by my curt tone, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he bows. ‘I’m here to escort you to dinner.’

‘Seriously? You’re escorting me? Look, I’d rather just go home than suffer any more humiliation, okay?’

Finally, his expression falters. ‘Sam—’

‘No, you don’t get to “Sam” me. You put me through hell, you know that?’

‘I know. My father, he—’

‘You can’t just blame your dad for this.’


‘You think just because the Princess has messed with her emotions, that gives you the right to mess with mine in order to save her? There are some things that are just as strong – no – stronger than love potions you know. Like real feelings.’


I can’t help it, I am so, so angry at him. ‘I thought we had something . . . but you couldn’t stand up to your father in this? Everything was just one big lie.’

‘It isn’t.’


‘It isn’t a lie. I
feel that way about you, everything I said. I thought Evelyn told me that the final ingredient was love. I told my father, and he said that meant the potion had to be made by someone who believed that they were in love with the intended taker.’

I fold my arms across my chest. ‘That’s why you did that television interview.’

‘Exactly. I thought that if I made a public declaration of my love, the potion would work. But my dad was wrong, and so was I. It was unrequited love. And you figured that out, even though you didn’t have to. I can’t believe that I broke your heart. But listen, in a way, I’m glad that I did.’

I narrow my eyes. ‘And why is that?’

‘Because I hope I can spend the rest of the summer trying to make it up to you.’

I want to say something, find some witty repartee to come back with, but when I open my mouth absolutely nothing comes out. Treacherous mouth. Then: ‘Aren’t you marrying the Princess?’

‘What? No.’

‘But she said . . .’ Then I stop. She didn’t say she was marrying Zain. Only that she still had to get married.

Zain seizes his opportunity. He reaches out and grabs my hand. ‘You’re one of a kind, Sam Kemi. Will you let me earn back your trust?’

I allow myself a small smile. ‘I’ll think about it.’

He takes my arm. ‘We’re going to be late for dinner.’

‘Let them wait,’ I say, and I lift my face to his and kiss him.


This book has possessed its own special alchemy right from the start: the idea came from a random tweet in 2010, which was then blended with many months spent writing in the darkest hours of the night and now, with the help of so many people, it is finally ready to be served.

My first thanks must go to Juliet, to whom this book is dedicated, and Sarah – the dream agenting team who anyone would be lucky to have in their corner. Their hard work means I can keep on doing what I love for a living, and have a lot of fun doing it.

Next up, so many thanks to Elv, Rachel and Zareen, my editors at S&S UK and US, for your tremendous efforts in helping me whip this book into shape. You have all gone above and beyond the call of duty, and this book would not be the same without you. To Liz at S&S UK, thank you for your awesome marketing and publicity work and for being a cheerleader for this book right from the beginning.

No writer should be without trusted writing friends, and mine are two of the very best. Thank you, Kim and Laura. Without your early thoughts, sound advice and shoulders to cry on, I wouldn’t have survived this journey! I hope there are many more retreats in our future.

To Mum, Dad and Sophie – thank you for always being the first to read and the first to delight in every milestone I achieve.

And lastly, to Lofty – thank you for not needing a potion to be the love of my life.

Amy Alward is a Canadian author living in England, who fits writing in around work as editorial director for a leading children’s publisher. In 2013, she was listed as one of the
’s Rising Stars. Her debut fantasy adventure novel,
The Oathbreaker’s Shadow
, was published in 2013 under the name Amy McCulloch and was longlisted for the Branford Boase Award for best UK debut children’s book in 2014. She lives life in a continual search for adventure, coffee and really great books.

Visit her at or on Twitter @amy_alward.

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