The Price of Candy (4 page)

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Authors: Rod Hoisington

Tags: #kidnapping, #rape, #passion, #amateur sleuth, #female sleuth, #mistress, #blackmail, #necrophilia, #politician, #stripper, #florida mystery, #body on the beach

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“I’ve kept track of him, he moved to
Delaware,” Sandy said. “I know exactly where he lives. When I pass
the bar, I’m going after him—payback time. I’ve made that vow to
myself for a girl named Gloria.”

“You’re one serious girl. Remind me never to
cross you.”

“I’m not fanatical about it, but it’s there
in the back of my mind. Sort of like on my permanent to-do list to
get that bastard. So what can I do for you?”

“On second thought maybe you’re not the
person to advise me. I’ll bet you never get your hands dirty.”


“I’ll start at the beginning. Last year I
found out my daughter was selling stuff on the Internet. Stuff she
didn’t want like DVDs, an old CD player she never used, and a pair
of new shoes she didn’t like. Other kids were doing it, she told
me. I didn’t think much of it until I discovered she’d stolen one
of my panties and sold it on the Internet.”

She said it nonchalantly at about the same
grievance level as finding the milk left out all night. Sandy was
unprepared for such a statement. She sat with her mouth open.

Abby noticed her reaction and nodded with a
knowing smile. “Yeah, kids today, who knows what they’ll come up

“How old did you say she is?”


“Ten? She should be playing with dolls.”
Sandy rolled her eyes. “Remind me to never have any. How on earth
do you handle something like that? What’d you do?”

“Well, I was furious, of course. Told her she
was grounded. No more computer, no more privileges...the usual. I
swear the mothering never stops. You try to do everything you
should as a mother, but sometimes it just isn’t enough.”

“What did she say?”

“She told me how much money she got. I was
surprised. So I made a deal with her. I wouldn’t punish her if
she’d show me how she did it.”

Sandy leaned back in the chair and closed her
eyes tightly, hoping this woman would be gone when she reopened
them. She thought about all of the more interesting ways she could
waste time. Now annoyed and impatient, she said, “Abby, why am I

“Well, it turns out panties are a hot item on
the Internet, but there’s a downside. I think one of my customers
is coming after me.

“Geez Abby, you must have expected some kinky

“At first, I thought he was just
cyberstalking me, you know, using the Internet. Now I think it’s
escalated to physical stalking. I just feel he’s getting closer and
I’m getting worried. Got a ten-year-old daughter, you know. I’ve
had some weird phone calls, strange sounds outside. Don’t scold me,
I know I’ve made a mess of things, but I can’t undo it all now.”
She sneaked a look at Sandy wondering if she believed any of this
shit. “What should I do?”

Sandy wished the daughter were far away from
this house. “Most police departments aren’t up to speed on
cyberstalking, but there’s usually someone in the department who
can advise you about computer security, but....”

“But, I know the first thing they’re going to
say is knock off the panty game. I’m a single mom, Sandy. I need
that income and I can work at home. It’s perfect.”

“...I was going to say if you can give the
police some evidence of physical stalking they do know how to
handle that.”

“But sometimes they can’t do anything until
it’s too late, right?”

“So take extra precautions, especially
concerning your daughter. And you should think about some other
work-at-home business. Have you thought about phone sex, you could
call it Dial-A-Slut? You could sit and paint your toenails while
talking dirty to men.” Sandy didn’t smile while she said it.

“Be sarcastic if you want. What I’m doing is
legal and I don’t make the rules.” Abby wasn’t fazed. She was
pleased. She knew Sandy was emotionally into it. Her mind raced
back to that rehab counselor. A brilliant idea was taking shape—the
piece that was missing from her scheme. Just send that old
counselor Sandy mentioned some hot emails. He’ll definitely
remember her. She was his favorite. Just hint at picking up where
they left off. You should see me now, fella. Entice him to reply
with his own raunchy emails. Abby knew how to do it so her emails
couldn’t be traced.

Then when boyfriend Toby shows up, shoot him
and claim she thought she was shooting the guy who sent the raunchy
We know he’s a dangerous predator, your Honor. You know
Sandy Reid, just ask her, she’ll tell you. No question about it,
he’s the same man who abused us when we were teenagers. Somehow, he
traced me and sent those shocking emails. I can show them to you. I
tell you, I turned blue when I read such words. When I heard a
noise outside, I was terrified. But you say it wasn’t him? Then who
was that prowler I shot? Toby Towalski? Never heard of him. I
thought I shot that abuser from up North. I’m really sorry, but
whoever it was shouldn’t have been prowling around outside my

Sandy was uncomfortable with this entire
situation and not just because she didn’t approve of Abby’s
laid-back morality. Selling panties on the Internet was legal and
none of Sandy’s business anyway. Something else was going on around
here. Something wasn’t right. Abby seemed insincere and not at all
defensive. She knew very well how to handle a stalker. Why did she
get Sandy there to tell her all this?

Abby was just snapping out of her deep
thought. “What was that counselor’s name? I don’t remember.”

“Well, I’ll never forget...Bruce Banks.”

“Oh yeah, I remember, Bruce Banks. Now lives
somewhere in Delaware you say?” Abby smiled to herself, now her
plan was complete. She’d claim she shot the prowler because of her
anxiety about the predator showing up on her doorstep. The police
can check everything out with Sandy if they don’t believe her.

She was pleased with the frown on Sandy’s
face. Sandy had bought her story, was now involved, and would back
up parts of the story if asked.

The front door slammed and Abby said, “My
daughter. We’re in the kitchen, Jamie!” The young girl didn’t
respond and shuffled passed the kitchen door without pausing.
“Jamie, come back here for a minute.”

Jamie plodded back in view and let her
backpack fall unabated to the floor with a thud. Sandy looked at
the young girl slouching in the kitchen doorway. She was slim and
likely one of the tallest in her class. She wore a light sweater,
tan shorts, and sandals. Her straight brown hair was long and the
bangs were a cute match with her fancy glasses.

“This is Sandy, Jamie, say hello.”

Sandy spoke first, “Hi Jamie, I like your
cool glasses.”

The young girl glared boldly at her and said
harshly, “I’m totally thrilled.”

Her mother let it pass. “We knew each other
as teenagers and Sandy dropped by to say hello. Wasn’t that

“Whatever. I suppose she’s going
you guys.”

Abby shot a nervous glance over at Sandy,
“Jamie’s talking about panty biz, aren’t you honey?” The phone
rang, Abby said she’d take it in the other room and left the

When they were alone Jamie said, “I saw you
drive past me. Is that your little red car?”

“Yes, do you like it?”

“Way cool. Is it like a real know
what I mean?”

“Yes, like a regular car only way cool. My
pride and joy. Look, I don’t really know your mom very well. We met
years ago but we’re not close friends. I live in Park Beach.” She
lowered her voice, “I don’t know what’s actually going on with your
mom, Jamie, but I don’t like it. I think you do know what’s going
on and you don’t like it either. Do you have anyone to talk to
about stuff that bothers you, maybe a grandmother?”

The girl just stood there, looking down.

“I’m not a lawyer yet but I know how to help
young girls. That’s what I do...stuff like that.” That wasn’t what
she did, but with this girl she’d be willing to start. “I realize
you don’t know me, but I’d like to be your friend and help

Jamie folded her arms across her chest and
turned away.

That reaction did it. Sandy knew she’d hit on
something. “Whatever your mother is up to is wrong and don’t give
me panty junk because I think it’s more than that. I’d like to help
you. Could we be friends?”

Jamie turned toward her and snapped, “Back
off, lady.”

This girl at age ten was so much like herself
at that age it frightened Sandy. She would bet the rebellion and
distrust would be plainly evident in Jamie later as a teenager. She
could see herself making the same smart-mouthed response if some
stranger tried to invade her world. She understood this child. She
was certain she could reach her. She knew she might not have
another chance, might never be alone with this kid again.

No time. Abby could walk back in. Sandy was
desperate. “Listen, I know you don’t trust adults, but I want the
best for you. So lose the attitude, okay?”

Jamie burst out, “Excuse me?” And didn’t
retreat one inch. Her scowl was about as fierce as any child could

“Geez Jamie, I know you don’t like whatever
is going on here. You have a problem and I can help you solve it
without anyone getting hurt. You might even save your mom from
getting in trouble. I suspect you’ve more sense than she does. I
need your help.”

Jamie gave in slightly. “If you tell on my
mom, then I’ll get put in a foster home, that’s where I’ll get

Sandy felt a stab of despair, fearful of what
that meant. But she had Jamie’s attention now and her response
indicated some progress. She dreaded digging deeper, but was
certain this girl knew something and didn’t know how to handle it.
Abby would soon come back. Sandy opened her handbag quickly, wrote
on a small piece of paper, and whispered, “Here’s my phone number
sweetheart, phone me. I want to be your advocate. Do you know what
that means?”

Jamie appeared puzzled.

“That means I always take your side. If you
get in trouble for talking about something that’s wrong, then I’m
with you. If I must choose between you and your mother, then I’m
going to choose you.” She didn’t in fact know what was going on so
just in case, she added, “Or if it’s between you and some man, then
I’m with you. I’m always on your side. Get it?”

Jamie nodded her head cautiously, her eyes
frozen on Sandy’s eyes.

Sandy heard Abby in the next room saying her
phone goodbye. She hurried on, “Trust me, I know how to handle
these situations. If you want everything to be cool, phone me and
I’ll help you. All just between you and me. We’re two girls with a
problem we must solve. Are you with me? Are we cool?”

Jamie stepped closer. Her scowl had faded.
She looked up at Sandy with wide eyes. She staring intently as
though processing every syllable as though hearing each word for
the first time.

Abby rushed back into the kitchen and saw
them together. Jamie stiffened noticeably. Abby stomped over
between them and gave Sandy a hard look. “What’d you do to my


“Well, I heard her yell, she looks stunned,
and her face is red. Looks as though you just slapped her. What’s
going on?”

Jamie crumpled the note in her fist to hide
it. “She didn’t do anything, Mom.” Jamie swung around and hurried
out of the kitchen.

Abby frowned at Sandy. “What’d she tell you?
What did she tell you?”

Sandy tried to smile innocently.

“You’d better leave right now!”

Just then, Jamie leaned back into the room
and asked, “What did you say your name was?”




Chapter Five


Five days later, Sandy sat beside Detective
Pomar, from the county sheriff’s office, in the front seat of his
unmarked Ford Crown Victoria. They had parked across the street and
down two houses from Abby’s house.

It was dark and Pomar was looking through a
night-vision scope. “Can’t see the back of the house from this
angle, don’t dare move any closer.”

“Your first name is Mel?” she asked. “And you
know my friend Detective Chip Goddard on the city police

“Yeah, Goddard phoned and said if I followed
your lead it would most likely pay off. I’m violating sheriff’s
procedures right now sitting here doing an unauthorized stake in
the middle of the night with a pretty coed in the front seat.”

“Let me try that weird thing.” She reached
over. “How do I...hey, I can see in the dark, pretty tricky.”

“They’re all the rage with voyeurs. Okay, you
got me here, now what the hell is going on?”

“A woman named Abby Olin lives in that house
and a bad guy is going to show up and then...well, I don’t know,
just expect the unexpected.”

“What I expect is to be put on suspension.
Now tell me what this is all about.”

“Child porn, I think.”

That stopped him. “Oh Christ! That’s big
time. I can’t do this. That’s special stuff...special procedures.
The county has a trained task force for that. They don’t allow me
to take any action on my own. I’m not even supposed to be here. I’m
dead. Where you getting the word on all this?”

“The ten-year-old daughter. She phoned me and
said she overhears her mother and boyfriend, Toby, talking about
all the money they’re making off kids and how they’re making kids
pay off. She sees them pass money back and forth. And she knows her
mother hides a shoebox full of money. Also, her mother started
carrying a gun in her pocket in the house.”

“Come on, a ten year old can barely tie her

“Not always. Pascal published a treatise on
mathematics at age nine.”

“So, I’m doing this on the say so of a
ten-year-old prodigy?”

“No, you’re doing it on
say so.
doing it on her say so. She may not be a prodigy, but
she’s a serious piece of work.”

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