The Prisoners of Time (13 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: The Prisoners of Time
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You claw the mud from your eyes to see the onipa team veer away from the river just in time to save the chariot from a watery end. It comes to an abrupt stop within inches of the river's edge and, as you wade towards it, T'uk T'ron and his driver appear above the rim of the platform and stare at you, glassy-eyed with shock. The other chariots draw to a halt behind and T'uk T'ron's chariot is hauled out of the mud. As they are steering it back onto the road, you notice that the centre of the bridge is damaged. Some of the planks have been torn up and left strewn across the surface, crudely disguising the gaping hole. Quickly you rejoin T'uk T'ron in the chariot and inform him of what you have seen.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship and have reached the Kai rank of Tutelary,
turn to 69

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training,
turn to 196


As you run across the tangled and broken ground towards Baylon's tomb you are assailed by two Agtah wielding large chunks of masonry. Swiftly you dispatch them with two well placed blows and reach the tomb unscathed. There you find that the lock which secures the door is similar in design to that of the Grand Sepulchre. As before, there are three groups of symbols and one blank square, although the symbols inscribed here are quite different from those that confronted you at the Grand Sepulchre. They look like this:

By inscribing the correct symbols in the soft surface of the blank square you will cause the door to open.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship or Divination,
turn to 197

If you possess neither of these skills,
turn to 315


Drawing on your mastery of Invisibility, you use your skills to evade the searching eyes of these strange anthropoid creatures. They pass within a few feet of you but fail to detect your presence. Only when you are sure that the coast is clear do you leave your hiding place and hurry away from the monolith and its protectors.

Turn to 153


A clacking of fangs and a cold, ophidian smell serve to warn you that a gigantic serpent is advancing towards the landing, attracted by the promising warmth and scent of your body. It is moving very quickly and you realize at once that your only hope of evading it is to delay its advance.

If you possess a minimum of 4 Meals,
turn to 12

If you do not possess this amount of food,
turn to 327


With your forefinger you draw the symbols in the doughy material and push against the mighty door, expecting it to rumble open. The portal remains firm and your inscription begins to fade until there is no trace of it at all. The rush of fearful premonition steals your breath away seconds before a massive charge of crackling power leaps from above the door and stabs you viciously in the chest: lose 10

If you survive this serious wounding,
turn back to 25
and study the remaining symbols very carefully before you attempt to open the door again.


Warily you enter the room, noting that in spite of a lack of windows and torches it is bathed in a warm amber light. The opalescent glow pours from the walls themselves, illuminating a table set with colourful food and a huge, cushioned divan standing beside it. The oversize Yoacor furniture makes you feel like a small child exploring a dining chamber for adults, but your hunger soon quells your unease and entices you towards the table. You are very hungry after your long flight to Yanis and must now eat a Meal or lose 3

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing,
turn to 78

If you wish to eat some of the Yoacor food,
turn to 119

If you choose to eat a Meal from your Backpack, or decide to go without food altogether (remember to deduct 3
turn to 231


Your Arrow misses its mark by an inch and dents the plate that protects the bridge of the warrior's nose. The metal buckles and cuts his face, momentarily stunning him, but it does not prevent him from scooping the Lorestones into a small velvet sack, which hangs from his sword belt. Quickly you shoulder your Bow in favour of a hand weapon and rush forward to prevent his escape.

Turn to 97


The cards you have chosen have three colourful symbols embossed on their leather-like surface. The first shows a black bird, the second a tree, and the third shows two swords crossed over a blazing fire. The old Ookor traces a crooked finger around the cards and mutters continually under her breath. T'uk T'ron leans forward and tries to translate her mumblings.

‘She say that you have an enemy in the skies. He come to nest in trees and fight with you. He not win fight but you not win fight either. You must beware this enemy for he will not rest until you die.’

Turn to 96


Lorkon orders that word of the victory be sent immediately to his people, and commands that a celebration be held in your honour. But the urgency of your quest prompts you to forego the festivities and begin your journey to Haagadar at once. Lorkon understands your need to make haste and offers to help you by assigning another scout to guide you through the Nahgoth to the Plain of Guakor.

If you wish to accept Lorkon's offer of help,
turn to 5

If you choose to continue your quest alone,
turn to 183


The unexpected speed and intensity of the Beholder's psychic intrusion leaves you fumbling for defence. You draw on your psychic reserves and manage to erect a thought-wall to protect your nervous system, but it is too late to prevent the Beholder from scanning your mind: lose 1

Then, with a blink of his eyes, he ceases his psychic probing and a smile spreads slowly across his withered grey face.

Turn to 23


The ghosts dissolve into the mists and a strange serenity soothes your tortured mind. New forms are taking shape now. They fill the scope of your vision with memories of events that occurred long ago. You see the smiling faces of your mother and father; the village of Dage, where you lived before you entered the Kai Monastery; your sister Kari calling you in for supper at the close of a warm summer's day; and the sad memory of your brother Jen, who gave his life to save yours when, on your sixth birthday, you slipped and fell into the River Tor.

With amazement you watch as the patchwork parade of recollections continues to unfold, and slowly a realization of their meaning crystallizes in your mind. These people and events have all played their part, be it great or small, in the shaping of your destiny.

Turn to 100


As the clangour of arms and the ghastly howl of the attacking Chaos-creatures grow in pitch and fervour, you work feverishly to reposition the planks and make the bridge secure for the chariots to cross. Most of the damage is superficial but one stout beam that has been pulled out of place is a vital support. Without it the centre would be sure to collapse under the weight of the heavy bronze chariots.

You struggle to push it back into position but it refuses to budge.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus,
turn to 29

If you do not possess this skill,
turn to 134


The statue is wrapped in a thin, silvery blanket of metal, its crumpled surface reflecting a glittering mosaic of light upon the rough rock walls. Carefully you peel away the metal sheeting to discover that the statue is no more than a tangle of mouldering bones, the remains of a creature long deceased. Judging by the size of the skeleton, this creature must have stood almost nine feet tall.

Illustration X
—Carefully you peel away the metal sheeting to discover that the statue is no more than a tangle of mouldering bones.

What little it once wore has long since crumbled to dust, but lying beside the rib cage you discover a rod of silver that gleams as if it were new. If you wish to take this Silver Rod, mark it on your
Action Chart
as a Special Item which you carry tucked through your belt.

To continue,
turn to 334


The greasy grey body is naked save for a loincloth of filthy animal hide, soaked with the black blood that gushed from its wound. In a taloned hand it grips the blowpipe, rudely fashioned from a Meledorian's thighbone. Odel curses this dead spawn of chaos and rises to his feet, clearly disturbed by what he has seen. He suggests that you head for Tolakos straight away.

Turn to 185


You race along the track and into the forest, thankful that the tangled canopy of branches offers effective protection from an attack from the air. Only when you are sure that it is safe do you stop to catch your breath and check your equipment. To your horror you discover that the creature's attack ripped open your Backpack and some of the items you were carrying have fallen out during your escape.

Erase from your
Action Chart
those Backpack Items that appear third, fourth, and fifth on your list.

To continue,
turn to 138


The sickly scent of the herbs makes you suspicious of their properties. Rather than risk eating any of the buds, you decide to leave and continue along the path towards the brow of the hill.

Turn to 115


You focus your concentration on the radiant power of the Lorestones and your eyes are drawn inexorably towards the ceiling. Nothing stirs in these shadowy reaches, yet you sense that the Lorestones are here. Then you notice the stair and circular portal and you realize that they must provide access to the flat roof of the Sepulchre. With your heart pounding, you race up the steps, confident of finding the two Lorestones waiting for you on the roof.

Turn to 320


You have taken only a few steps across the weathered plank bridge when a terrifying howl echoes from the surrounding trees. With a feeling of cold dread, you spin on your heel to see a lumbering horde of twisted shapes staggering from the shadows. They appear neither human nor animal but a hideous fusion of the two. T'uk T'ron and the driver run past you, their crystal swords held ready to strike. ‘Help us … we must save chariots or we all dead!’ he shouts over his shoulder.

If you wish to help T'uk T'ron and his guards defend the chariots,
turn to 273

If you decide to stay in the middle of the bridge and attempt to repair the hole,
turn to 176

If you wish to abandon the Ookor and escape across the bridge on foot,
turn to 10


After snatching a few hours' sleep you bid Lorkon and his warriors farewell and set off into the Nahgoth Forest. Guided by the map given to you by Serocca, you follow an old timberland path that has never before felt the tread of a man. This track leads to a place where the trees are twisted and gnarled into every conceivable shape. Some look like bent old men; others have straight trunks and curly branches; yet others are coal-black and petrified like fossils.

If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination,
turn to 235

If you do not possess this skill,
turn to 292

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