The Professor's Student (9 page)

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Authors: Helen Cooper

BOOK: The Professor's Student
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“Oh.” Abby’s mind raced. There was no way that Chad could have left the letter there and rang the bell. He had been with them in the bathroom.


“What’s going on here?” Chad questioned and Essie walked out of the living room to join them.


“Nothing. Let’s go play a game.” Carson changed the subject abruptly and walked to the living room. Abby held her hand out to see the new letter and photo. Carson shook his head and folded them up and put them in his pocket. Abby sat down next to him and they all decided to play Charades.


It was when Carson was acting out a scene that Abby reached into his back pocket and grabbed the letter and photo. She gasped when she saw the photo and looked at Carson in shock. He turned at her gasp and saw the photo in her hand.


“I can explain Abby.”


“Is this part of the game?” Essie looked confused, as she was the only one really paying attention. Chad looked at them with keen interest.


“No.” Abby sat on the couch and tried to hold in her shock, anger and dismay. In her hand was a photograph of Carson and a female student having sex in the classroom. Only the student in the photograph wasn’t her.


Chapter 12


“Did you see who rang the doorbell Essie?” Abby’s voice was shrill. She tried to hide her hurt but instead sounded panicked and upset.


“No, sorry.” Essie looked at her in concern. “Is everything okay?”


“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine.” Abby handed the photo to Carson, who to his credit looked pained. He tried to catch her eye but she looked away.


“What’s the photo of guys?” Chad reached over to Carson to see the photo but Carson shook his head.


“Sorry Chad. I don’t want anyone else to see it. I hope you’ll understand.”


“Is it of you and Abby having sex?” Chad’s voice was churlish and upset.


“Chad!” Abby looked at him in anger.


“What? It’s the truth.” Chad looked at her in disgust. “I never took you for a girl who would fuck the professor.”


“That’s enough Chad.” Carson’s voice was cold. “Maybe it’s time for you to leave.” There was silence in the room as everyone waited to see what was going to happen next. Essie stood there looking at Abby with a question in her eyes. Abby wanted to go home and snuggle on the couch and talk to Essie and figure out what was going on. But she knew that Carson would not let her leave. Inside she felt an empty ball growing inside of her and her gut was telling her to get out. Her instinct had told her to get away from Carson and it seemed that she had been right to stand him up. What they had wasn’t special. Not if that photo was to be believed.


Essie finally broke the silence. “Hey Chad, why don’t we go and watch a movie or something?”


Chad looked at her for a second and slowly nodded his head. “Okay, sounds good.” He looked at Carson. “I will be in your office on Monday so we can chat. I wouldn’t want to have to tell my dad about what I saw tonight.” He walked towards the door. “Oh and Abby, feel free to wear slutty clothes to class on Monday. I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to see your tits on display.” He laughed as he walked out of the door and Essie followed him.


“I’m sorry.” Essie hugged Abby. “Call me tomorrow, okay.”


Abby nodded her head and watched her friend walk out the door. She stood there watching the door unable to face Carson.


“So want to watch a movie?” Carson walked up to her and rubbed her upper arm. She felt a tingle run through her. Her stomach was in knots but yet; she still felt the electricity between them. She could smell the sex in the air and wondered how many students he had had in his home.


“Who was she?” She turned around and looked at him angrily.


“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” He stared at her and paused. “I don’t want to talk about it Abby.”


“Is this something you do every semester? Look for a student to fuck?” Her words tripped out bitterly.


“I didn’t know you were a student when I first met you Abby.” His voice was soft. “I’m not in the habit of sleeping with students.”


“But you have?” Abby’s voice was soft, as if she didn’t want him to hear the question.  “You have slept with other students?” She watched his face carefully as she spoke and felt a lurch in her stomach when she saw the resigned look on his face.


“Yes. I have.” He turned around. “That’s the end of this conversation.” He walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer. “Let’s go watch a movie.”


Abby watched him walk out of the room and pinched herself to try and stop the pain she felt in her heart. She didn’t understand why it hurt so bad to hear that he had been with another student. The photo had torn something inside of her. She had seen the intense ecstasy and pleasure on both of their faces in the photo. While she knew he had had other women in the past and that they had no holds on each other, part of her had felt special. She had thought that perhaps they had a real connection. Now she was starting to think that it was all about the sex.


“Are you coming Abby?” Carson called out expectedly.


“Yes. I’m coming.” She walked slowly to the living room and paused at the door. Carson was lying back on the couch and she hesitated before going to sit next to him. She wanted to sit on another couch but she knew that he would never accept that.


“What would you like to watch?” He spoke cautiously, his voice was gentle but she could feel an undercurrent in his tone. He did not want to be questioned further that night.


“I don’t care. I’d rather be at home, if I’m honest.” She spoke nonchalantly, wanting to him to feel some of the doubt she was feeling.


“Ah, but if you were at home, you wouldn’t be having quite as much fun would you?” He smiled at her and she turned away from him.

“Let’s watch ‘Law and Order’ then.” Abby grabbed the remote from him and turned the channel to USA. She knew if anyone had on the crime series it would be USA.


“Do you like Cops then?” His voice was casual but she had a feeling that he had a reason for the question.


“I can’t say I care for them in particular. But I’m lucky enough to not know any.”


“Abby, are you going to be surly all night?” Carson sighed.


She ignored him and checked her phone. There was a text message from Essie. “Hope you are feeling okay. Don’t let the photo of him and that slut get you down.”


Abby text back a quick thanks and sat back and watched the show. Carson jumped up and turned off the lights so that they were sitting in virtual darkness and he snuggled up next to her. She tried to hold her body stiffly so that she was not touching him. But as the scene got creepier she found her body naturally relaxing into his. She lent her head back on his shoulder and she saw his smile from the corner of her eye. She wasn’t done trying to find out what his past was but she was too tired to think about it that night.


“That was a creepy episode, remind me to never get a nanny when I have kids.” Carson whispered in her ear as the episode ended.


“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever get one now either.” Abby answered him while feeling a secret thrill inside. He wanted kids one day!


“Okay, let’s watch something else now.” He flicked through the channels and stopped on one of the movie channels. They both watched the screen in awe as they saw a lady giving a man a lap dance naked.


“I can remember getting my own special lap dance last night.” Carson’s hand grazed her leg. “It was a very sexy one.”


“I guess you were a lucky man then.” Abby’s voice was breathless. She rubbed her hand over his chest.


“I was a very lucky man.” Carson moved his hand to her stomach and ran it up over her breasts. “Okay get up.” Carson’s voice boomed and made Abby jumped.


“What?” She looked at him in bewilderment.


“I said get up young lady. I need to frisk you.” Carson looked at her meanly.




“Call me Officer O’Brien.” He winked at her.


Abby flushed and tried to hide her smile. “Uh, yes Officer O’Brien.” So Carson wanted to role-play did he? Abby was excited to see where the night was going to take them.


“Follow me.” Carson grabbed her hand and took her up the stairs to his bedroom. He went into his closet and took out a black negligee from a plastic bag. “Put this on.”


She took the sexy nightwear from him and was about to ask if it was his exes when she saw the tag on it still. She went into the bathroom and changed. She gasped as she realized that there was no material to cover her breasts. He certainly knew how to pick out outfits he liked. She walked into the bedroom and Carson stood there in the dark with the only light coming from 2 candles. She drooled when she saw him standing there in nothing but a pair of white Calvin Klein briefs and a pair of handcuffs.


“Officer, where would you like me to stand?” She looked at him innocently and delighted in the look of desire she saw in his face as he looked at her.


“Come over to me.” He growled.


She walked over to him slowly, feeling her breasts bounce up and down. She saw his eyes stare at her breasts and she felt like a siren. She deliberately bumped into him and felt her breasts rub against his chest. She felt him breathe in as she rubbed her breasts against him before stepping back apologetically.


“Oops, sorry officer.” She smiled at him shyly.


“Put your hands up.” He walked towards her and raised her arms and handcuffed her. “Stand still while I search you, for drugs.” She shivered at his grin and she felt his hands on her breasts, pinching her nipples.


“I don’t think I can hide drugs in my breasts officer.” She pretended to frown at him.


“You may have fake breasts on to hide the drugs in.” He bent down and licked her nipples until they were as hard as rocks. He then gently nibbled on them with his teeth. Abby could feel herself getting wet.


“Ouch.” She cried out as he bit down on them harder.


“Sorry, mam. I needed to make sure they were real.” He grinned up at her. Then he reached his hands down and rubbed her ass. “Nice ass mam.”


“Thank you officer. Oh.” She gasped as he slipped his hands in-between her legs from behind, rubbing on her clit. She felt the wetness on his fingers as he continued to rub in-between her legs. She could barely stand still as he slipped a finger inside of her.


“Mam, you have to stand still, while I check to see if there are any drugs hidden in your pussy.” He slipped another finger in her pussy, and it was all Abby could do to remain still as he fingered her.


“Mam, I’m going to have to ask you to lie down. I need to explore this hiding place a bit closer.” Carson pulled his fingers out of her and walked her over to the bed. She sat down and lay back, with her arms still stretched out above her. He pulled her back down the bed so that her ass was nearly hanging off the bed. He got on his knees and stuck his head in-between her legs. Abby could feel the breath on her pussy and she felt herself quaking inside at the anticipation of his mouth on her. She felt his tongue flicking against her clit and she wanted to cry out for more. She was rewarded for her silence because within seconds she felt his tongue enter her deep; he was in so deep that she felt his nose rubbing against her clit. She groaned as she felt his tongue exploring her.


“Hmm, I’m not sure I’m feeling any drugs in there.” His low voice sounded like a rumble to her ears as he spoke. “Let me check again.” Once again he stuck his tongue in her and she felt her pussy trembling in his face. He reached up and squeezed her nipples with his hands as his tongue lavished her and she felt herself coming hard in his face.


“Yeah, I don’t feel anything.” He grinned at her and pushed her back up on the bed, She lay there looking up at him as he leaned over her and she saw him pull his briefs off. “I guess there is only one other way to tell.” He opened her legs and she spread them willingly. She felt his cock at her opening and he slid it into her slowly. She groaned as he pulled it out and just had it resting on her clit.


“Hold on.” He grinned and jumped off of the bed. He walked back with some contraption in his hand. “Another gift for you.”


“What is it?” She looked at him curiously.


“A butterfly.” He reached two black straps up her thighs and placed a small butterfly next to her clit.


“What does it do?” She asked but quickly realized when he flicked the switch and turned it on. The butterfly started vibrating against her clit and she moaned with pleasure. He grinned down at her and got back on top of her. She looked at him in surprise, she didn’t know what he was about to do and was surprised to feel his cock enter her as the butterfly was still vibrating against her.


“Omg, oooh.” She yelled out as he pumped into her. She couldn’t believe the depths of pleasure she was experiencing as he slid in and out of her, while the butterfly was massaging her clit.


“Ahhhh.” She screamed with pleasure as she came and he was still pumping into her. She wanted to reach down and grab his back and pull him off of her, she didn’t know if she could stand any more pleasure. It was so intense and she felt like she was having an out of body experience.


“Fuck me Abby.” Carson growled at her and flipped her on top of him. She sat on top of him and rubbed back and forth trying to fit his cock into her without being able to touch it. The rubbing only intensified the feel of the butterfly on her clit and she felt herself coming on his cock as she rubbed back and forth on him. She heard him groaning and she saw pure lust on his face as he looked up at her.

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