The Proposal (Forever Bound Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Proposal (Forever Bound Book 2)
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He dismissed the meeting earlier than usual, and when he got back to his office, his cell phone was ringing.  He grabbed it from his desk and spotted Calvin’s number on the screen.  “Hello?” he anxiously replied into the phone.

“Hey, it’s Cal.  So, I got you an address.”

Derek sighed before grabbing a piece of paper and pen.  “Great!  What is it?”

“5552 Billingham Pl.  Apartment 30 B.”

“Do you know if this is her new place?” Derek asked.

“It appears that way,” Calvin answered.  “This weekend Ana and some guy helped her move in.”

Derek frowned.  “Some guy?” Derek asked.

“I’m not sure who he was, but he used his vehicle to help haul some furniture for them.  It appears Ana and Charity have gotten the apartment together.  At least, I stayed there until nearly ten o’clock and besides a pizza delivery man, no one came in or out of the apartment.”

“Alright.  Thanks, Cal.”

“Of course.  Do you want anything else right now?” Calvin asked.

“Nope…that should be it.  Thanks, Cal.”  He disconnected the call and dialed up Jesse’s work number.  He answered right away.

“Hey…what’s up?” he asked. 

“Well, I believe I found where Ana and Charity are.”  At first, he didn’t know if he should include Jesse, but they were kind of in this together, so he decided he wanted Jesse involved.  Two heads were better than one so they could figure it out together.  At least that was his hope.

“You did?” Jesse asked, sounding as shocked as Derek felt. 

“Yep!”  He gave the address that Calvin provided to him.  “I thought at lunchtime we could go check it out.  Want to come?”

“Why wait until lunch time?  I’m free now,” Jesse replied.

Derek quickly pulled up his schedule for the day.  He didn’t have any meetings until the afternoon.  “Alright.  I’ll meet you in the lobby in five minutes.”  They hung up, and Derek grabbed his keys and hurried out of his office.  He took the elevator down to the lobby and spotted Jesse standing by the automatic doors.  He approached him, and Jesse looked up. 

“How’d you find them?” Jesse asked immediately like he had thought of the question on the way to the lobby.

“Had Charity followed,” Derek nonchalantly replied as he left the door and Jesse had to work hard to keep up.

“You had her followed?” Jesse asked.

They reached Derek’s car and Derek turned around to face him.  “I had to.  She wasn’t returning any of my calls, and I need to talk to her.  I had Calvin, my PI look to see if he could find her.”

Jesse laughed.  “Man, I can’t believe you did that.  I want to talk to Ana, as well, but personally, I don’t know if she would ever forgive me if I had her followed.”

“She’ll understand,” Derek huffed, opening up the driver’s side, but the truth was…he wasn’t sure she would.  He wanted to believe that Charity would forgive him because she would see it as him having so much love for her, but it was possible he went too far.  They both got in the car and before he started the vehicle, he stopped and glanced at Jesse.  “She will understand, right?”  His face had to be a vast array of emotions, as Jesse leaned back in the car’s seat and watched Derek for a moment before answering him.

“I see that you love her, and that means a lot.  You speak and people listen…that’s your job, after all.  You’ll talk to her and try to convince her that you’re not as evil as it may look.”

“Gee, thanks a lot,” Derek replied with a soft laugh.  He turned to his GPS and put in the address, then started the car and pulled out of the parking garage.  Jesse was right, he had to make her listen to him.  “How are you going to make Ana listen to you?” Derek asked.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jesse shrug.  “I guess I’ll play it by ear.”

Derek understood Jesse’s attitude.  They were both going after women they loved, who currently wanted nothing to do with them.  It wasn’t an easy task. 

He followed the directions on the GPS until they were pulling into an apartment complex.  It was nicer than the one she left, so he was relieved by that.  He hoped it didn’t have a dirty landlord that didn’t know how to take no for an answer.  They continued through the apartment complex until he spotted the building that Calvin told him she was living in. 

They pulled into a spot and Derek pointed to the stairs that led to the B apartment.  “That’s where they live.”  He motioned to the cars parked a few spots down from them.  Both Ana’s and Charity’s car was in the parking lot.  They stayed in the car and just stared up at the apartment building, unmoving, and clearly torn at what to do next.

It was Jesse that spoke first.  “I don’t know what to say to her.”

Derek thought about that.  He knew everything he wanted to say to Charity, but he didn’t know if he could get the words out, without looking like a bumbling idiot.  “We don’t have to go up yet.”

Jesse nodded.  “You’re right.  Let’s just sit here for a moment.”

They did just that.  Derek and Jesse sat there and sat there until one hour passed and then two and then another hour passed and another after that.  At one point after sitting there for five hours, Derek glanced at Jesse.  If we wait much longer, we’re not going to have to go to the door, because they’ll come outside and see us.  Are we going to ever go up?” Derek asked.

Jesse smirked.  “You know, I’ve wanted to talk to her, and I still want to talk to her, but maybe this isn’t the best route.  I don’t want her to think I’m a stalker and frankly…I’m beginning to think I’m a stalker.”

Jesse was right, there was very stalkerish, and he wouldn’t blame Charity for being angry with him for showing up out of the blue.  He started the car, and Jesse glanced at him.  Derek nodded.  “You’re right.  We’ll have to think of another way.”

Jesse groaned and sunk back into his seat.  They pulled back out of the parking lot and headed back to the office.  He had a meeting in an hour anyway, so he needed to prep for that.  Then he would consider what his next step would be.




Charity opened up the final box to unload her personal items when her cell phone rang on Monday afternoon.  “Hello?” she answered, making note that she didn’t know the phone number.

“Hello, is this Charity Parker?” The woman on the other end of the phone asked.

“Yes, this is she!”

“Ms. Parker, this is Evelyn.  We had met at Jamison Daycare last week.

“Of course!” Charity excitedly stated.  “How are you doing today?”

“I’m doing well.  Thank you.  I just wanted to call and make an official offer for the job.”  Charity covered her mouth so Evelyn wouldn’t hear her scream.  “It pays thirty thousand a year.”  Then things came to a screeching halt.  That was half of what she made working with Derek.  The thought alone scared her out of her mind, but the good thing was she was not going to have to face him.

“That’s perfect!” she said, lying flat out.

“Great! As we stated before, we’ll give you the two weeks to give notice.  Will that be enough time?”

Charity didn’t take even a second to answer that question.  “Honestly, I could start next Monday if you would prefer.”  It would’ve been too obvious if she had suggested starting Tuesday, so she thought this would work best.

“If you’re sure Mayor Worthington wouldn’t mind, that would be great.”

“He won’t mind at all,” Charity lied.  She thanked Evelyn for calling her, then jumped with enthusiasm.  She glanced at her watch.  It was just before five and Damian wouldn’t be home until after six o’clock.  She slid her contact list down to Damian’s information and pulled up the text message.  She sent him a quick text.


Charity:  Available when you get off work?  I have some news that requires some celebration.


She added a smiley face emoji and then hit send.  It wasn’t even thirty seconds that she was leaving a response back.


Damian:  I’ll provide the wine and see you six thirty?


She twirled around the apartment, nearly bumping into Ana as she exited her bedroom.  “Someone’s in a good mood,” Ana replied with a chuckle.

Charity grabbed Ana by her shoulders and twirled her in the living room.  They fell into a fit of giggles, landing on the couch.  “I. Just. Got. Another. Job.” Charity spoke in staccato fashion.

Ana’s jaw dropped.  “You’re quitting the job with Derek.  That will put him in a bind, won’t it?”

Charity laughed, shrugging.  “I suppose so, but come on…who’s fault is it?”

Ana frowned.  “I get you want to punish him…”

“I’m not trying to punish him,” Charity quickly stated.  “Yes, he infuriates me, but this job will be the best thing to come out of the lies and deceit.”

Ana crossed her arms, giving Charity a,
you’re lying,
look.  “So, you’re getting a pay increase?”  Charity tilted her head and stared at Ana and Ana nodded, shooting her a knowing expression.  “So, you’re not getting a pay increase?”  She shook her head.  “Don’t answer that.  It’s pretty obvious.  Are you losing more than five thousand dollars a year?” she asked.

Charity didn’t care what Ana said, she wasn’t going to ruin this moment for her.  “I’m making more than Bill’s Diner,” Charity shot back.

Ana laughed.  “That’s not saying much, is it?”  Ana heaved a sigh.  “I can’t tell you what to do, as I’m not your mother, and you’re of age, but I speak to you as a friend and Charity there comes a time when you have to be practical.  You just signed on the dotted line for this place and while I would never let you get kicked out on your ass…sooner or later my money is going to run out, too, and my parents can only help out for so long.”

“I’m not asking for your money, and I’m not asking for your parent’s help,” Charity quietly reacted.

Ana smiled.  “I know, but you might not have any choice.”  She got up from the couch and headed back into the bedroom.  Charity just continued to sit there and think about Ana’s words.  She needed the support, not the slap back into reality. 

She stood up and went back to the box, where she had left it half opened.  She opened it up and pulled out some pictures she had packed away.  Damian would make her feel better.  She was sure of it, and she couldn’t wait to talk to him about it.


Chapter 6


After Derek’s afternoon meetings, he decided to leave work for the day.  The only problem was, as he decided to leave, he got into his car and didn’t go home.  He found himself heading back to Charity’s new apartment.  He had pretty much agreed that she wouldn’t be pleased he had her followed, yet he couldn’t keep himself from driving towards her place…instead of away from it.  He pulled into her parking lot and this time nabbed a parking spot far enough away from her vehicle, let close enough to watch her place.

As he did continue to watch her apartment building, he silently questioned what he was doing there, but it didn’t cause him to start the car and leave.  The minutes ticked by until it was just after six o’clock and he saw movement.  She walked down the stairs.  No, she hurried down the stairs and went to her car.  Her hair blew in the wind, as she slid into the driver’s side.  He quickly started his vehicle and waited for her to bypass him.  He slouched down a little so she wouldn’t recognize his vehicle, then pulled out after her. 

He didn’t want her to catch on that she was being followed, as she had with Calvin, so he was careful to keep far enough back.  It wasn’t until twenty minutes had passed that he realized they weren’t staying in town.  He had no idea where she was headed, so it was possible he was following her out of state, but he remembered she didn’t have luggage with her, simply a small brown bag, so he continued to drive on.  When she reached the outskirts of town and headed into Briar Ridge, her speed slowed down. 

“Who do you know in Briar Ridge?” he mumbled.  It was such a small town that it didn’t even register on the map.  Most people drove right past it and didn’t even notice they had hit another town, but Charity turned the corner and headed into an addition.

It was like she’d taken the trail a million times before and he wondered if she had.  She pulled into a driveway, and he hung back, three doors down.  She got out of the car, carrying the paper bag and heading up to the front door.  It was at that moment that he wished he had binoculars, but he could still make out the image as she approached the door.  Before she even grabbed the door knob or fumbled with a key, the door opened.  A man stepped out onto the porch.

It was like a bad car wreck, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away, even though that’s exactly what he wanted to do.  With one arm around his waist and the other one holding onto the bag, they kissed.  It was deep, long, and out there so all the neighbors could see.  Derek looked around, even feeling a bit embarrassed for them, but they didn’t seem to care. 

His eyes went back to them, and they were holding hands and walking into the house.  He just stared at their backs, then the door closed behind them.  “Who the hell is that?” he mumbled.

He slid down into his seat and kept his eyes focused on the house.  Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t leave now.  At least, not until Charity was out of there and heading back to her own place.




Damian grabbed the bottle of wine from her hand.  “So, what’s the celebration?” he asked, uncorking the bottle and pouring them two glasses. 

She hadn’t wanted to confess she was quitting her job with the Mayor to work at a Daycare because he wouldn’t get it and she feared he would find out the truth about why she felt the need to quit.  However, she knew he had to know.  “Let’s drink the wine first,” she replied softly.

He raised an eyebrow but handed her glass.  “I want to make a toast,” he started.  She dropped the glass from her lips and waited for him to continue.  “, my dear.”  He smiled.  “Thanks for keeping my nights warm and my days filled with lingering thoughts.”  He clinked her glass with his and she just stared back at him.  He laughed as his glass touched his lower lip.  “What?” he asked.

She quickly took a drink and shook her head.  “Nothing.”  The truth was she was wondering why he had to be so sweet.  It made her forget that this was simply an arrangement.  After he had taken a couple more drinks, he moved closer to her.  With his hand cupping her chin, he pulled her up to him and their lips met.  She moaned nearly dropping the glass from her grasp.  He smiled, parting from the kiss. 

“What do you say we take these two glasses to the bedroom, and you tell me all about what we’re celebrating.”  She could only nod, as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs.  When they entered the bedroom, he grabbed her glass and placed both of them on the nightstand.  He turned to her and slowly started undressing her.  Her eyes remained locked on his, but neither one said a word.  Her top fell to the ground, followed shortly by her bra.  His eyes dipped down to her breasts, and he stared at her naked breasts, while his fingers worked on removing her jeans.  “So…you were saying?  There’s a celebration?” he asked, slipping his fingers in the sides of her panties and sliding them down her legs.

“Um…” She lost her train of thought, then he sat down on the bed, and he pulled her onto his lap.  She laughed, falling on top of him.  He was still fully clothed, and she could feel the cusp of his erection hidden beneath his pants.  Her voice caught in her throat, then his mouth went to her neck.  She groaned, forgetting he was waiting for her response.  “What celebration?” she asked, groaning as his tongue slid across her collarbone.  She slipped her hands under his shirt and lifted it up.  He broke away for a moment so she could slip it over his head.  Once it was on the floor, his mouth went to hers, making her dizzy.  His tongue dove in between her lips.  As his one arm held her close to him, with his hand caressing her back, he lifted her up and turned her around. 

He tossed her down on the bed, and she breathlessly gawked at him.  He took his pants and boxers off, then reached into his nightstand drawer and grabbed a condom.  She didn’t stop him.  She simply watched his every move.  As he approached her, her legs drifted open, and he moved in between her thighs.  He guided his cock into her and then his lips went back to hers.  Nothing else mattered at that moment, and she wasn’t going to stop him from telling her that she was changing jobs. 

She dug her nails into him as he bucked hard against her hips, sending out a shrill scream between their kisses.  When she needed to catch her breath, she tilted her head back, breaking from the kiss.  “Oh God…” she whimpered.  His lips found other places to tantalizingly kiss her, and her nails dragged down his back, growling out her ecstasy-filled pleas. 

An orgasm raked through her body, and she bit back a groan.  She panted with every thrust, as he slowly dwindled his plunges from frantic to smooth.  His lips broke off a scream of hers, and her juices covered his condom.  She crashed down on the bed and settled into the taste of his lips.  Her hands wandered over his body, pulling him to her and enjoying the peaceful moment of after sex.

When their lips parted, a smile remained on his lips.  He lowered himself down and rested against her,  His arms remained around her.  One was wrapped around her back and the other around her stomach.  He snuggled against her, and his breath brushed against her neck.  She sighed, closing her eyes.  She was about to drift off to sleep when she heard his soft mumble.  “I love you so much.”

Her eyes darted open, and her mind raced.  Her first thought was she heard incorrectly, but as she played the words back numerous times in her mind, she couldn’t picture him saying anything else.  A soft sigh came from him, and she stayed motionless.  She wasn’t sure if she was there ten minutes, or maybe an hour, but she knew she needed to get out of there.  She felt claustrophobic in that bedroom, and the deal was they wouldn’t fall in love with one another.  That was the agreement.  She glanced down at his arms still clinging to her, and she wasn’t sure the best escape route, but she had to do some quick damage control. 

She slowly lifted his arm up, that was resting on her body and ever-so-slightly attempted to slide out of his arms.  She slithered off the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.  It was easier than she expected.  However, as she was about finished getting dressed, he coughed and woke up from his sleep.  “What are you doing, Babe? Come back to bed.”

He reached up for her hand, but she pulled back.  “I have such a busy day tomorrow.  Derek wants me there earlier,” she lied.

He laughed.  “It sounds so funny when you call him Derek.”  His eyes were still half closed, and she was frozen there.  “Aren’t you sure you can’t come back to bed for just five minutes?” he asked.  He winked at her.

His eyes locked on hers, and she slowly shook her head.  “I really should be going.”  She couldn’t get those three little words out of her mind, and she couldn’t stand back and watch him acting so nonchalant with her; especially when she heard them.

“Alright, Babe, but give me just one more kiss before you go.”

She walked over to the bed, and he situated himself on his back.  He reached up and wrapped his hand around her neck, pulling her down into a kiss before she could even fight it off, she was lost in the feeling of his lips on hers.  “Goodbye!” he whispered, breaking from the kiss.  Their eyes locked, and she had a moment where her knees felt weak.

“Goodbye!” she replied softly, clearing her throat and backing away from him.  “I’ll call you later,” she said, then turned away from him and headed out his bedroom door.  Her heart raced, and her mind felt foggy.  Was it because she was still confused by the words he uttered in his sleep or the fact that she felt it, too.  She wasn’t sure, but she had to get out of there and gain some space.




Derek felt like he had been staring at the house for hours before he finally saw some movement.  The front door opened, and Charity stepped out onto the porch.  Her pace quickened, and she hurried to her car.  She backed out of the driveway and was already heading down the street before he had his car started and he got to following her.  He worried he was going to lose her, but then as the familiar streets came into view, it became evident she was heading back to Buxton and most likely back to her apartment. 

He discovered he was right as she turned into the parking lot of the apartment building.  He hung back, slowing his speed until she had parked and gotten out of the car.  She went up the stairs and a moment later disappeared into her apartment.  He found a parking spot and turned his car off.  He sat there for some time before glancing down at his radio clock.  It was almost nine o’clock.  He could sit there and continue that belief that he was a stalker, or he could just man-up and talk to her.

He opened up his car door, taking that option.  The whole way to her door, he fought internally with himself.  His conscience told him to leave, but his heart told him he had to finally talk to her.  He didn’t go through all this, just to chicken out.  He paused at her door, then knocked.  When the door opened, he didn’t anticipate Ana being the one to stand before him.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out.  Ana’s jaw dropped slightly before she called out Charity’s name.  “Charity, you have a visitor.”

“A visitor?  What…” Charity's words trailed off when she spotted him standing at the door.  “What the hell are you doing here?” she asked.  Her words were filled with anger, but there was also a slight notion of hurt behind her question.  “How’d you find me?”

He didn’t answer her last question, as he spoke.  “I need to talk to you,” he replied quietly.  His eyes shot to Ana’s, then back to Charity.

Ana stepped back from the door.  “I’ll give you two your space,” Ana spoke.

“Ana..wait!”  Charity argued.  “You don’t have to go anywhere.  Mayor Worthington isn’t staying.

The sting of her calling him
Mayor Worthington
hurt him more than he thought it would.  “Charity…please…” he begged.  “Let me talk to you.”

She rolled her eyes and looked away from him.  He took it as his opening and stepped into their apartment.  She glanced at him, and her eyes proved she wanted to stop him, but she didn’t.  “I’ll give you two a minute,” Ana replied again, then disappeared into a room.

Charity turned back to him.  “You have five minutes…start talking.”

Derek slowly closed the door behind him, then moved closer to her.  However, when he took a step closer, she took a step back.  He eventually stopped and realized she wasn’t ready to get him too close.  “Charity, you have no idea how sorry I am.  I’ve messed up by not telling you about the inheritance…I get that, but please look at it from my side.  I didn’t anticipate caring for you, Charity, I didn’t.”  Her eyes remained on his, but she didn’t move.  “When I started to develop these feelings, I should’ve told you everything, but all I can do now is apologize and tell you that I meant every word.  The inheritance means nothing if I don’t have you.”  She opened her mouth, but he held up his hand to stop her.  “You don’t have to believe me, as I realize how crazy you think it sounds.  If I were in the same situation, I would find it crazy, too, but when you love someone nothing else matters.”

Her mouth opened.  “Love?” she whispered.

He nodded.  “Charity, I love you and the moment it hit me I had no reservations.  Screw the money.  You’re the one I need.”

She bit her lower lip, and he moved closer to her.  He tried to read her mind and make sure they were on the same page, but he could only take a chance.  He moved in for a kiss.  The kiss only lasted about five seconds, before she pushed him away and her hand went up, slapping him across the face.

He touched his face, where the feel of her hand still remained.  Her eyes widened, and her intensive stare remained focused on him.  She wasn’t going to forgive him anytime soon.  That was loud and clear.

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