The Queen Mother (194 page)

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Authors: William Shawcross

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Thatched with Gold
; The Estate of Pietro Annigoni and The National Portrait Gallery for
An Artist’s Life
; The Estate of Cynthia Asquith and Michael Asquith for
The Duchess of York
The Queen
; The Estate of Lord Bonham-Carter for H.H. Asquith’s
Letters to a Friend: Vol 2
; Elizabeth Basset and Ledburn Press for
Moments of Vision
; BBC Books for
The Queen Mother Remembered
; The Estate of Cecil Beaton, Hugo Vickers and Rupert Crew Ltd for
The Strenuous Years
; Richard Beaumont and David & Charles for
Purdey’s, The Guns and The Family
; Paul Berman and W.W. Norton & Co. Inc. for
Terror and Liberalism
; Roger Berthoud and PFD for
Graham Sutherland
; The Estate of John Betjeman and John Murray for
Continual Dew
; Lord Birkenhead and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
Walter Monckton
; Michael Bloch for
The Secret File of the Duke of Windsor
; Vernon Bogdanor and Oxford University Press for
The Monarchy and the Constitution
; The Estate of Margaret Bondfield and Hutchinson for
A Life’s Work
; Sarah Bradford and Penguin Books for
George VI
; Asa Briggs and Barbara Levy Literary Agency for
A Social History of England
; The Estate of Robert Bruce-Lockhart and Macmillan for
Diaries 1939–1965
; Frances Campbell-Preston and Dovecote Press for
The Rich Spoils of Time
; Owen Chadwick and Cambridge University Press for
Britain and the Vatican during WWII
; The Estate of Sir Henry Channon, the Estate of Robert Rhodes James and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon
; The Estate of Duff Cooper and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
; John Cornforth and Michael Joseph for
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at Clarence House
; The Estate of Noel Coward and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
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; Jonathan Dimbleby and David Higham Associates for
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; Durham County Council for
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; Grania Forbes and Hodder Headline for
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; Noble Frankland and Giles de la Mare Publishers for
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; Jill Franklin and Routledge & Kegan Paul for
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; Martin Gilbert and The Orion Publishing Group Ltd for
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; Martin Gilbert and Pimlico for
Churchill, A Life
; Martin Gilbert and Michael Joseph for
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; The Estate of Lady Gladwyn, Lord Gladwyn and Constable & Robinson for
The Diaries of Cynthia Gladwyn
; Victoria Glendinning and The Orion Publishing Group Ltd for
Edith Sitwell, A Unicorn Among Lions
; Harry Gordon Slade and The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland for
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; The Estate of Robert Graves and The Estate of Charles Hodge, A.P. Watt and Carcanet for
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; The Estate of Charles Graves and Faber & Faber Ltd. for
The Bad Old Days
; Geordie Greig and HodderHeadline for
Louis and the Prince
; The Estate of Helen Hardinge and HarperCollins for
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; The Estate of Norman Hartnell and Evans Brothers Ltd for
Silver and Gold
; Edna Healey and
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The Queen’s House
; Hertig Publishers for
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; Michael Holroyd and Chatto & Windus for
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; John Keegan and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
; The Estate of Joseph P. Kennedy and Viking Books for
Hostage to Fortune
; The Estate of Dorothy Laird and HodderHeadline for
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
; The Estate of James Lees-Milne and David Higham Associates Limited for
Diaries 1944–5, Diaries 1979–81, Diaries: Holy Dread 1982–4
; Raymond Leppard and Pro/Am Music Resources for
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; The Estate of Elizabeth Longford and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
Elizabeth R, The Queen Mother
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; The Estate of Robert Menzies and National Library of Australia for
Dark and Hurrying Days
; The Estate of Deborah Morrah and Hutchinson Books for
Princess Elizabeth
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; Charles Loch Mowat and Methuen Publishing Ltd for
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; The Estate of Harold Nicolson for
Harold Nicolson, Diaries and Letters
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; Susan Owens and Royal Collection Publications for
Watercolours & Drawings
; J.W. Pickersgill (Ed.) and University of Chicago Press for
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; The Estate of Ben Pimlott and HarperCollins for
The Queen
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; The Estate of James Pope-Hennessy and Allen & Unwin for
Queen Mary
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Royal Bounty
; The Estate of Lord Radcliffe and Hamish Hamilton for
Not in Feather Beds
; The Estate of Robert Rhodes James and Little Brown Book Group UK for
A Spirit Undaunted
; Andrew Roberts and Weidenfeld & Nicolson
for A History of the English Speaking Peoples
; J. M. Roberts and Penguin Books for
The History of the World
; Jane Roberts and Yale University Press for
Royal Landscape
; Kenneth Rose and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
King George V
Kings, Queens and Courtiers
; Sean Smith and BBC Books for
Royal Racing
; Roy Strong and Weidenfeld & Nicolson for
Diaries 1967–87
; Will Swift and John Wiley & Sons for
The Roosevelts and the Royals
; The Estate of A.J.P. Taylor and David Higham Associates for
Limited English History 1914–1945
; John Terraine and PFD for
The First World War
; The Estate of Peter Townsend and Editions Robert Laffont for
Time and Chance
; Hugo Vickers and Hutchinson & Co. for
Elizabeth The Queen Mother
; Francis Watson and Chatto & Windus for
Dawson of Penn
; The Estate of Evelyn Waugh and The Wylie Agency for
Unconditional Surrender
; James Wentworth Day and Robert Hale & Co. for
The Queen Mother’s Family Story
; The Estate of John Wheeler-Bennett and Macmillan for
King George VI
; Terry Wolsey and Canongate Books for
Elizabeth of Glamis
; Philip Ziegler and Curtis Brown Ltd for
King Edward VIII
Osbert Sitwell

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