The Rancher's Little Girl (8 page)

BOOK: The Rancher's Little Girl
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She heard his step on the stairs, and then a knock at the door. He opened it without waiting for her to say, “Come in,” and there he stood, in his flannel shirt and his jeans, with the big belt buckle reminding her of the whipping just five nights before. He folded his arms across his chest and he looked down at her, with a smile on his face.

To her surprise, it didn’t feel horribly embarrassing to be naked in front of him. Something in Ross’ demeanor suggested that it was just right for her to be that way. He didn’t seem to be looking at her lecherously, or erotically at all: his smile said that he had a lesson to teach her, and that the time for that lesson had come.

He put out his hand. “Let’s go down to the bathroom,” he said. “It’s time for your bath.”

Victoria put her little hand in his big one and let him pull her up. She saw him glance up and down her naked body, taking in her little breasts and the triangle of dark hair that covered her pussy. He gave a little nod, and his smile broadened.

“How does it feel to be bare like that, in front of me, darlin’?” he asked gently. Victoria could imagine someone saying the same words and intending to humiliate her, but although Ross clearly wanted her to think about having to take off her clothes in front of him as an embarrassing punishment, his question seemed to be meant to make her think—to make her articulate the essence of that punishment.

“It’s embarrassing, daddy,” she said softly.

“Why am I embarrassing you, darlin’?”

“To teach me to mind my manners?”

“Yup.” He turned and led her through the bedroom door and down the short hallway to the floral-tiled bathroom. There he let go of her hand and bent to turn on the hot water in the big tub and to squeeze some strawberry bubble-bath into the stream from the faucet. Victoria couldn’t help smiling, despite everything, at the scent that seemed to come from childhood: the smile came automatically, as if the strawberry bubble-bath part of her could win any argument.

Then he got a low stool, like a milking stool, from the corner of the room and sat upon it. Victoria realized that his eyes were nearly level with her pussy, and she felt herself blushing furiously. Suddenly Victoria found herself wondering about Ross’ cock: was it hard? Did he want her? At that moment, she thought that maybe she wanted him to be hard at the sight of her naked body.

“First thing we need to do,” said Ross, looking up into her eyes, “is cut this hair down here nice and short, darlin’.”

Victoria saw that he had taken a pair of hair-cutting scissors from his pocket.

“Hop up on the towel that I put on the counter, and spread your knees wide now, right in front of me. You can put your feet on your daddy’s shoulders.”

Part of her rebelled at that thought, and she said, “Oh, please, Ro—daddy. Couldn’t I do it myself?”

“Nope,” said Ross. “This is part of your lesson. While I’m barin’ you, I want you to think some more about what you need to do not to get this kind of lesson again.”

She felt her brow furrow as she looked at him.

“Don’t fuss now, darlin’,” he said. “I don’t want to have to spank you twice.”

She gave a little whimper and turned to pull herself up onto the counter.

Chapter Nine



Ross watched with satisfaction as Victoria opened her knees to show him her cute little pussy, covered with the coal-black curls of which he would now deprive her. Not only did this form of discipline send the message Ross wanted to convey to the girl, that she needed to earn the right to be treated as an adult, but it also seemed to him to distill the essence of ageplay: Daddy would make the decisions about how his little girl covered herself—or didn’t.

And, of course, it got her thinking about being a little girl, and what that meant to her: whether it was something that she needed. Ross didn’t think he’d ever met a woman who didn’t need it, deep down. Certainly no woman he’d ever gotten to know well lacked a little-girl-in-need-of-a-spanking-and-a-cuddle side to her personality. He could already tell that Victoria Mason had that side: the evidence for that conclusion came straight from the little noises she couldn’t seem to help making as he gently took little bunches of her grown-up pussy curls in the fingers of his left hand and snipped them off with the scissors in his right.

The question of whether his new little girl got wet in what Ross liked to think of as her special place was one that Ross preferred not to discuss with her—or at least not to discuss with her directly, for the moment. If, some day, they had bedroom time, he could ask naughty questions like “Did you get wet when I bared you down here, darlin’?” For now, though, he did the best thing for both of them and ignored the lovely scent telling him Victoria had a little girl side.

Ross could see no point in denying that he enjoyed the sight of a girl’s pussy—especially one he had made her show him in the course of disciplining her. Victoria’s little slit, with its neat triangle of dark hair that hid her secrets almost completely, pleased him more than most: he could tell that when he had her bare down there, she would look very cute indeed.

Nor could he see any point in denying that it got him very hard to see her revealed to him that way, her outer lips showing just the barest hint of the coral pink inside, and her adorable bottom showing him a hint of the little dimple there, with a few stray hairs that he would have to clear away leading down from her pussy to her anus. Ross enjoyed the sight, and he enjoyed the way the sight got him hard.

But his intention was disciplinary, and so though a part of his mind wondered whether there might be bedroom time with Victoria in his future, he had no trouble concentrating on the task at hand. He glanced up once or twice as he cut her nether tresses, to see that she had closed her eyes and furrowed her brow, as if to keep out not only the sight but also the consideration of her punishment. Her little feet rested lightly upon his shoulders, and made Ross think of the kind of intimacy that ageplay discipline established: an intimacy that seemed to him to go beyond bedroom intimacy in important ways.

When her hair down there was down to a stubble, he looked up again and said, “Time to get in the tub, darlin’.” Victoria’s eyes flew open and looked into his. She couldn’t help, Ross saw, seeing what he had done to her special place, which had already begun to look distinctly little-girlish. She drew breath in an almost-gasp at the sight.

Ross removed her feet from his shoulders gently and helped her off the counter. “Go ahead and get in now, and get yourself nice and soapy, while I clean up a bit.” Victoria turned her face over her bare shoulder, reaching up to pull the ponytail holder out of her hair at the same time. The look on her face was apprehensive but also somehow trusting, as if Ross had proven to her, by not saying anything about her pussy or about the scent of her arousal, that he could be a kindly daddy. She gave him a little smile, then she put the ponytail holder on the side of the tub and stepped into the warm water.

“Oh,” she said, at the feeling. She cast her eyes down at the bubbles in the tub, her face visible to Ross in profile. He could see that her mouth had a little smile, as if she had a secret. Then, mostly gracefully, she sat in the tub and sighed as the water covered her.

Ross cleaned up the hair that had escaped the towels he had put down, stealing brief glances at the adorable sight of Victoria naked in the tub. Her little breasts, with their quarter-sized pink nipples, bounced just a bit as she soaped herself with a washcloth. Ross loved bathing little girls more than just about any other part of ageplay.

When he had put the towels in the hamper, he brought the stool over to the side of the tub, fetching a washcloth of his own and getting it sudsy in the strawberry bubbles. Victoria turned to him with a shy smile.

“Are you feeling punished, young lady?” he teased.

“I… I guess… Ross…”

Ross looked at her admonishingly.

She blushed and said, “Daddy.”

He smiled. “I know it’s strange to think of having a nice bubble bath as a punishment, but sometimes things like that are the best for making you feel like the little lady I need you to be.”

“Oh,” she said, pursing her lips adorably.

“Now we need to get everything nice and soft down here, darlin’,” Ross said, and without further warning he reached between her knees, pushing them gently apart, and he started to move the warm, soapy washcloth against her pussy.

“Oh!” Victoria exclaimed. “Oh… daddy! I…”

“Shh. That’s alright, darlin’. I know little girls feel funny in their special place sometimes. Even little ladies.”

Ross continued calmly soaping her between her thighs. Victoria’s breath came in short pants, and each one was accompanied by a tiny little whimper inside her chest.

“Does that feel nice, young lady?” Ross asked gently.

“Yes, daddy,” Victoria replied weakly.

“Well, you
being punished, so we can’t let that go too far,” he said putting a very small note of sternness in his voice.

“Yes, daddy,” she replied as if chastened.

Ross gave her one final rub with the sudsy washcloth, right up at the top where he knew Victoria could feel it the most. Then he put the washcloth on the side of the tub, stood her up, and got the big fluffy towel he had put on the rack for her. It was pink and green, and when he wrapped her up in it, she looked so sweet that he wanted to kiss her on the tip of her nose.

Quickly he laid out more towels on the counter and on the floor, and then he held out his hand to Victoria and helped her out of the tub and back over to the counter.

“Back the same way, now, darlin’,” he said. He took the big towel and held it over his arm while she scrambled up onto the counter, then he wrapped it around her shoulders to keep her warm while he sat back down on the stool and got the razor ready.

“This is going to tickle a little bit, darlin’,” Ross said as he began to shave her, working a little shaving lotion in before each stroke of the razor, and doing his best to keep his fingers away from the naughtiest parts of her special place.

“Yes, daddy,” Victoria said with a little giggle that made Ross’ heart feel light.

“Do you like the way you look down here now?” he asked when he had finished removing all the stubble. He looked up into her eyes, and then followed them down to where she peered along her body to look at her special place all bare and tidy.

“Yes, daddy,” she whispered.

“Did me shaving you make you feel a little funny?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Alright, well, that’s enough of that for now. You’ve got a spanking coming, I’m afraid.”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Go on back to your room now, and wait on your bed.”

Victoria hopped back off the counter, wrapped herself up in the big fluffy towel, and looked up at Ross, who had stood up to clean off the razor.

“Do you understand why I bared you?” Ross said gently.

“I think I do,” Victoria murmured.

“Do you understand why I have to spank you?”

“Because I have to understand how important it is to you that I learn to act like a lady?” Her face, tipped up to his, seemed to convey all the desire to please him Ross could ever have wished: she gave him a brave little smile, as if to say that even though all this still seemed very new to her, she had begun to feel its rightness.

“That’s right, darlin’. I’ll see you in a minute or two.”

Victoria gave him a tight-lipped nod and left the bathroom. As Ross cleaned up from the shaving and put all the towels in the hamper, he found himself shaking his head at the memory of the way Victoria’s protest had turned to compliance. Sally Mae had come to him already bare between her legs, and while he had claimed the privilege of keeping her that way himself, something about the way he had had to force it upon Victoria, along with the way she had shyly shown how much she really did like it, seemed to have grabbed his heart more effectively than he thought it could be grabbed at his age.

When he knocked on Victoria’s door and opened it, he found her sitting just as he had hoped she would, on the edge of her bed with her hands folded in her lap and her eyes downcast. The fluffy towel was under her bottom but she had taken it off her shoulders, and Ross wondered whether that was in order to show him that she knew she must be bare for this spanking.

“Alright, darlin’,” he said, “why don’t you stand up?”

Victoria obeyed, looking forlorn, as if she knew she must be punished, but still hoped that her daddy might go easy on her.

“Now do you want to hold something soft while I spank your bottom?”

“What?” Victoria seem taken aback.

“Little girls sometimes feel better while they’re getting their spankings if they have something soft to hold. Sometimes they like a pillow, and sometimes they like to hold a stuffy or a ragdoll.”

Victoria looked around the room and Ross watched her eyes light up as they fell upon one of Sallie Mae’s old ragdolls. “Can I hold onto that one, daddy?” she asked, pointing at it.

“Of course, darlin’.” Ross picked it up and handed it to her. Then he sat down on the bed and patted his jean-covered left thigh. “Time for your trip across my knee now, little Victoria,” he said.

Looking so cute that he could hardly believe it, Victoria came around his legs and laid herself over that thigh, with her toes on the pink and white rug and her face—with the blue-gingham-dressed doll held close to it—buried in the pink comforter of the bed.

Ross felt his cock grow hard as iron at the sensation of having a pretty girl whose special place he had just bared over his leg with her bottom ready for his firm hand. He brought that hand down gently upon her bottom and began to rub in little circles, to get her ready. Victoria responded with a questioning little cry of surprise, perhaps that Ross hadn’t begun the spanking immediately.

“Got to get you ready, darlin’,” Ross said. He almost forgot himself and slipped a finger down to search her out to make sure that the spanking would have the best possible effect, but he stopped himself and said, “Alright, Victoria, I’m going to spank you now. You were a bad girl today, and it’s time for you to learn a lesson.”

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