The Relationship Coach (20 page)

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Authors: Sylvia McDaniel

BOOK: The Relationship Coach
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“For better or worse, though the lending money situation would have to be discussed. Honestly, all of it would have to be discussed between the two of us and some guidelines set in place.”

He laughed and shook his head at her.

“What’s so funny? Couples face those types of situations every day,” she said, knowing she and Dean would never have made it. “Even if you live together.”

“It’s your pragmatic way of looking and dealing with everything. Your setting guidelines comment sounds like a therapist.”

“I’m not a therapist. I’m a coach. Big difference. I can tell them what the problem is, but a therapist has to lead them to see the problem. As for being a pragmatist, you’re beginning to sound like my mother.”

His gaze showed curiosity. “What does your mother say?”

She took a deep breath and felt the wine flow through her blood, warming her, giving her courage. “She said my relationship with Dean had no passion.”

Reed laughed.

“It’s not funny. I’m trying to be objective and not make the mistakes my mother made. It’s my business to help people find partners by being practical, not passionate. Passion seems to get people in trouble.”

“But oh, is it ever fun,” he said, his gaze lingering on her lips.

Heat smoldered within her, and she resisted the urge to place her hand on his; though, she longed to touch him.

His face was open and relaxed, and then suddenly he frowned. “Have you ever experienced passion?”

“Of course, I have.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I am not going to talk about my previous sexual situations,” she admonished as she wracked her brain for a boy that had made her feel so much she’d lost control.

“Then you’ve never experienced it,” he countered.

“Yes, I have.”

“I hear doubt in your voice,” he said.

She shook her head. “I’m cautious.” Oh God, there was so much doubt. Had she experienced passion before?

“Let’s think about this. Have you ever had a one-night stand? Someone you met and there was such chemistry between the two of you that you just wanted to rip their clothes off and do them right that moment?”

He poured her another glass of wine, and she reached for it and drank a large gulp.

The relentless crash of the waves on the beach competed with the soft music of the restaurant.

“You’re not answering,” he said.

“I’m thinking.”

“Well, if you have to think about it, then the answer is no.”

She took another gulp of the wine. “Ask me another question about passion. I know I’ve experienced it, but that question just didn’t fit me.”

He thought for a moment, his forehead wrinkled in a frown, while his gaze searched her face. “Let’s see, from a woman’s perspective, it’s someone you can’t quit thinking about night and day.”

“Oh, that’s easy. All women have experienced that.”

“Okay, how about someone who gives you such mind-blowing orgasms you scream when you come?”

Her glass was to her lips, and she almost spewed white wine as she started laughing. She looked around the room and leaned toward Reed, her voice soft. “This is hardly the place to be talking about orgasms.”

“You’re not answering the question.”

Had she ever had that kind of sexual experience before? She couldn’t remember a single time when she’d screamed during an orgasm. “I just don’t think that’s normal.”

“Ah, ha! Your mother is right; you’ve never experienced passion. What kind of men do you date?” he asked.

“I date responsible men who don’t put sexual prowess first. They want to get to know someone. They want to find out if they are compatible—”

Reed yawned. “B-o-r-r-r-i-n-g.”

Not knowing how to respond to him, she gulped her wine. Was everyone right, including her mother? Did she not have any passion? Had she never experienced it before?”

“Okay, you tell me. Have you experienced passion?”

“Many times.”

“With women you could have a meaningful relationship with?”

He thought about it for a moment. “No.”

She nodded. “See, you can experience passion, but that doesn’t mean you can have a compatible relationship with that person.”

“I think you can have both. I think you need both to have a really good relationship, but I don’t think it’s easy to find, and if it doesn’t come naturally, then give it up.”

She raised her brows at him, thinking that was the most revealing thing he’d said about why he didn’t have a permanent relationship. “Are you telling me that none of the women you’ve dated-that you had passionate sex with-you could have had a relationship with?”

Reed thought about it for a moment. “There were a couple that might have worked out, but at that point in my life, I didn’t have the time or energy necessary to give to them. So I blew it off. Do I regret it? No.”

“If you met a woman now who you had both passion with and you could have a meaningful relationship with, would you devote the time and energy to that relationship?”

For a moment he was silent as he contemplated her question, his gaze searching inward as his fingers curled around his glass stem. Finally, he looked at her, his emerald eyes dark. “I don’t know. My job consumes me, and I’ve yet to meet anyone who could take me away from the passion I feel for filming.”

She sat back in the chair and gazed at him. Her head felt woozy from all the wine she’d drank, but she couldn’t help but enjoy the man. “I understand. I love my work, as well. No one could take me away from my business.”

Lacey leaned toward him, and he moved in closer. Her nose teased her with the masculine scent of Reed, and she wanted to lay her face against his neck and breathe. The thought sent the blaze from a smolder to a flame in the very center of her body. She glanced at his full lips and wondered how they’d feel against her own. “Tell me about these one-night stands. Tell me more about this chemistry you feel toward someone enough to jump into bed with them.”

He grinned. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

She laughed and was surprised at how deep her voice sounded. “Darn, I was hoping for some good stories I could tell my clients about how hopping into bed with someone before you know them is not a good idea.”

“Well, there was this one night…”


Two hours and a bottle of wine later, they began the journey back down the beach to their hotel. Lacey took off her shoes, and this time she went into the water far enough that the hem of her dress became wet from the waves.

Reed watched in awe as she played in the sand and chased baby sand crabs off the beach in the moonlight. He liked this relaxed, playful Lacey. He liked the sound of her laughter, the way she leaned in toward him when she wanted to whisper something she didn’t want anyone else to hear, and how she wanted to help people not to suffer from their own bad choices.

She twirled in the water, her dress spinning around her, and he knew she’d had a little more wine than she usually drank. Yet, he loved watching her relax and unwind.

“Reed, come in the water,” she called.

God, he wanted to go into the surf, pick her up and carry her to his room and show her some genuine passion. Show her how it felt between two people who couldn’t get enough of each other. He wanted to rip the clothes off of her and explore every inch of her naked flesh and feast from her breasts.

Not a good idea. He needed to get her back to her room and then get on that plane tomorrow morning and back to Dallas. Away from this tempting Lacey. “You’re getting your dress wet.”

She glanced down and saw the wet hem. Then she gazed at him and sank into the water until a wave hit her in the back.

When she rose up out of the water, her dress clung to her, showing almost as much as the airport x-rays. Dear God, all the curves he had tried to ignore, shimmered before him in the moonlight. There was no ignoring them any longer as they were there for everyone to see.

But mainly, they were there for him. And he felt his dick harden at the sight. “I think I better get you back to the hotel,” he said, his voice strained as he held back the flood of lust building for this sea nymph.

“Come and get me,” she taunted.

She tempted him, and he needed to resist her at all costs. He had to get her back to her room.

He walked out into the water, his pants legs getting soaked and took her by the hand. “I think you’ve had enough surfing for the night.”

She sighed and let him guide her to the shore. A couple up ahead of them stopped and exchanged a long kiss on the beach.

“Should we tell them to get a room?” she asked, laughing.

“No, why spoil the moment. We’re both jealous that they have someone to kiss on the beach tonight.”

“Yeah, I’m surprised you were available tonight.”


“I just thought a man like you, who experiences so much passion, would have had a date,” she said.

“I don’t date just anyone. I’m picky.” He glanced down at her as they reached the boardwalk.

While she put her sandals on, her dress clung to her, and he tried not to look, but her nipples beamed on high. Lacey was wet from head to toe and more alluring than a fashion model. Over dinner, they had laughed and had fun. If she were his date, he would be well on his way to getting her home and into his bed for the night.

“What floor is your room on?”

But she was business. She was his film, and she would someday possibly hate him. Yet, he was drawn to her and wanted to show her the meaning of passion between two people.

“Second. It faces the ocean. I woke up this morning to the sound of the surf. It was wonderful.”

He smiled down at her. They entered the hotel, and he shielded her with his body as they entered the elevator. She shivered from the air conditioning, and he pulled her into his arms to warm her. His body leapt at the feel of her soft womanly curves, leaving him rock hard and wanting.

“I guess surfing in your clothes isn’t such a great idea.”

“But you had a good time,” he said, feeling her back crushed against his chest, his breathing harsh.

“Yeah, I did.”

The elevator opened, and she pulled her room key out of her purse. He followed her down the hall to her room. She slid her key card in, and the door buzzed. She pushed the door open, stepped inside and turned to him.

For a moment, she stared at him, her eyes wide, almost liquid. She took a deep breath and slid her tongue over her lips, gazing at him nervously. “I guess this is good night?”

“Yeah, we’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

“Thanks for making tonight fun. I had planned on coming back here and reading. I had a great time,” she said in a breathless rush.

“Me, too,” he said, telling his feet to move.

“See you tomorrow,” she said, her blue eyes filled with a heat he tried to ignore.

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” He started to step out into the hallway, when suddenly she launched herself at him. Her lips brushed against his, and he pushed her up against the wall, pinning her inside the hotel room, while his mouth devoured hers, making him so hot, he thought he’d explode any second.

God, how he’d wanted this kiss all night.

Her arms slid around him, and she pushed her hands beneath his shirt, her fingers stroking his skin like a woman searching for hidden treasure.

Her wet body pressed against him, and he could feel every outline of her soft curves, her breasts, her thighs. She smelled of salt water and flowery perfume and tasted of wine and the chocolate dessert they’d shared.

He tried to step out of her embrace, to put some distance between them, yet his feet didn’t respond. He had to regain control or be lost. He broke the kiss, and she moaned at the loss of contact.

She opened her blue eyes and gazed at him with enough passion to spark a fire.

Geez, when had it become like this? When had the passion they spoke about become real?

He returned her gaze, his breath coming in gasps. She reached for him, and he stopped her. “Don’t touch me, unless you plan on us getting naked in that bed.”

She didn’t say a word, but pulled him to her, her lips covering his once again. This time he couldn’t stop. This time he returned her kiss with an equal one of his own that had his tongue sweeping her mouth, his hands pressing her against his erection. This time he walked her to the bed, his lips never leaving hers.

When they reached the bed, his mouth broke from hers, and he reached for her dress, while she reached for his shirt. In a frenzied haste, they removed each other’s clothes and then dropped to the bed.

“Please God, tell me you have a condom?” she said in a breathy rush.

“Yes,” he said and pushed her back against the mattress. “But we’re going to need more than one.”


Lacey sighed and reached for him, knowing this was what she needed. She had to have him tonight.

There was no hesitation, as she moved her hands down his warm skin. She wanted to run her hands all over him, and she wanted his hands to touch her. She needed to feel his naked skin against hers. Never before had she felt this urgent need. This sense that she was going to go up in flames at any moment.

Her breathing sounded harsh, but she couldn’t get enough air, she couldn’t stop her racing heart, she couldn’t control this urge for him to be inside her. Joining her, melding her.

His fingers found her center and teased her. “Reed!”

“Oh God, yes,” he said as he kissed her, his mouth trailing kisses until he reached her very center.

When his mouth closed over her, she moaned as pleasure skyrocketed through her. Her fingers found his hair, and she clasped his head. He lifted her hips up until his mouth was firmly planted in her center, and his tongue did the most wicked things to her until her world began to spiral out of control.

Passion built inside her, until she screamed his name. “Reed!”

And he gently bit her, bringing her to a climax unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

Before she could catch her breath, he was tearing open a foil packet and covering his penis in the protective shield. He gazed down at her, his fingers once again teasing her, until she finally grabbed his buttocks and pulled him into her.

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