The Reluctant Film Art of Woody Allen (65 page)

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Authors: Peter J. Bailey

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Entertainment & Performing Arts, #Performing Arts, #Film & Video, #History & Criticism, #Literary Criticism, #General, #Literary Collections, #American

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Croft, Steve
Crystal, Billy
Culture of Narcissism, The
(Christopher Lasch)
Curry, Renee R.
Curtiz, Michael
Cusack, John
Daniele, Graciela
Daniels, Jeff
Danner, Blythe
Davis, Judy
Dead Father, The
DeCurtis, Anthony, Denby, David
Dennis, Sandy
De Sica, Vittorio
Dewhurst, Colleen
DiCaprio, Leonardo
Dick Cavett Show, The
Didion, Joan
Di Palma, Carlo
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Double Indemnity
Dowd, Maureen
Dreiser, Theodore
Dresner, Samuel H.
Duck Soup
(Marx Brothers)
Dukakis, Olympia
Duncan, Ben
Duvall, Shelley
Easter Parade, The
Ebert, Roger
Edelstein, David

Eliot, T.S.
Elkin, Stanley
“Enjoy Yourself (Its later Than You Think),”
Ephron, Nora
Erler, Mary
“Everyone Says I Love You” (Kalmar/Ruby)
Exley, Frederick
Fall of Public Man, The
(Richard Sennett)
Fanny and Alexander
Fan's Notes, A
Farrow, Dylan
Farrow, Mia
Farrow, Moses
Farrow, Steffi
Fatal Attraction
Fei, Zhao
Fellini, Federico
Ferland, Danielle
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Forte, Nick Apollo
Foster, Jodie
Fox, Julian (
Woody: Movies from Manhattan
Freadman, Richard
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Bruce Jay
Front, The
Gado, Frank
Gayle, Jackie
Geist, William E.
Gelmis, Joseph
German Expressionist film style
Gershwin, George
Girgus, Sam B. (
The Films of Woody Allen
Glass Menagerie, The
Gleason, Joanne
Gleick, Elizabeth
Godard, Jean-Luc
Goodman, Hazelie
Gopnik, Adam
Gould, Eliot
Grand Illusion
Great Gatsby The
Green, Daniel
Green, Seth
Greenhut, Robert
Griffith, Kristin
Griffith, Melanie
Groteke, Kristi
Gunty, Morty
Guthrie, Lee (
Woody Allen: A Biography
Haas, Lucas
Hackman, Gene
Hall, Diane (Diane Keaton)
Happy Go Lucky
Harland, Pamela
Harper, Jessica
Hawn, Goldie
Heine, Heinrich
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemingway, Mariel
Hentoff, Nat
Hershey, Barbara
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hoban, Phoebe
Hoberman, J.
Holiday, Billie
Holm, Ian
Holocaust, the
Hope, Bob
Horse Feathers
Hotel New Hampshire, The
Houseman, John
Howard, David S.
Howard, Ron
Howe, Irving
“Hunger Artist, The” (Kafka)
Hurt, Mary Beth
Huston, Angelica
Huston, John
Hutton, Betty
Hyman, Dick
“Ice Palace, The” (Fitzgerald)
“Idea of Order at Key West, The” (Stevens)
“If You Are But a Dream” (Sinatra)
“I Happen to Like New York” (Porter)
“I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles,”
“I’m in Love Again,”
“I’m Thru with Love,”
“Intimacy” (Carver)
Ionesco, Eugene
Irving, Amy
Irving, John
Isaacson, Walter
Its a Wonderful Life
Jacobs, Diane
James, Nick
Janssen, Framke
Jewish/American humor
Jewish/American literature
Joffe, Charles
Johnson, Brian
Jolson, Al
Jordan, Richard
Jordan, Will
Juliet of the Spirits
“Just You, Just Me,”
Kael, Pauline
Kafka, Franz
Kakutani, Michiko
“kamikaze woman,”
Kauffman, Stanley
Kaufman Astoria Studio
Kavner, Julie
Kaye, Danny
Keaton, Buster
Keaton, Diane
Keats, John
Kemp, Philip
Kerbel, Michael
Kelly, Gene
Kelly, Grace
Kern, Jerome
Key Largo
Kierkegaard, Soren
Kirby, Michael
Klimt, Gustav
Konigsberg, Allan
Konigsberg, Martin
Konigsberg, Nettie Cherry
Kopple, Barbara
(WildMan Blues
Knox, Bernard
Kroft, Steve
Kroll, Jack
Kubrick, Stanley
Kurland, Jeffrey
Kurnitz, Julie
Kurosawa, Akira
Lacy, Jerry
Lady from Shanghai, The
Lahr, John
Landau, Martin
Lane, Anthony
La Paglia, Anthony
Lasch, Christopher
Lasser, Louise
Last Gangster, The
Lawner, Mordecai
Lax, Eric (
Woody Allen: A Biography)
Lee, Spike
Lennon, John
Levi, Primo
Levinson, Barry
Lewis, Juliette
Lewis’Dreyfuss, Julia
Lippin, Rene
Living End, The
Lloyd, Eric
Lone Ranger, The
Loquasto, Santo
“Lost in the Funhouse” (Barth)
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The,”
Lucas, George
Lyonne, Natasha
Magic Lantern, The
Maguire, Tobey
“Makin Whoopee,”
Malkovich, John
Mantegna, Joe
Marcovicci, Andrea
nil Margolin, Janet
Markinson, Brian
Marshall, E.G.
Mars, Kenneth
Martin, Jay
Marx, Groucho
Marx Brothers
Maslin, Janet
master shots
Mathews, Jack
McCann, Graham (
WoodyAllen: New Yorker
McCarthy, Todd
McGrady, Mike
McGrath, Douglas
McLuhan, Marshall
McQuaid, Jimmy
Meade, Marion (
The Unruly Life of WoodyAllen)
Meltzer, Harvey
Merkin, Daphne
Miss Lonelyhearts
Mol, Gretchen
Monica, Corbett
Moore, Demi
Morse, Susan
Morton, Samantha
Mostel, Josh
Mottola, Greg
movie montage
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mullane, Dan
“Murder, He Says,”
Murphy, Michael
“My Baby Just Cares for Me,”
Nabokov, Vladimir
Navacelle, Thierry
Neeson, Li am
Nehamas, Alexander
Nelkin, Stacey
Newman, Laraine
Nichols, Mary P.
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Night of the Living Dead, The
Nolan, Lloyd
Norton, Edward
Now Everyone REALLY Hates Me
Nuecterlein, James
Nykvist, Sven
Odets, Clifford
Oedipus Rex
Okrent, David
O’Neill, Eugene
On Golden Pond,
Operation Shylock,
Orbach, Jerry
Ordinary People
Orion Films
O’Sullivan, Maureen
Ozick, Cynthia
Ozymandias Melancholia
Page, Geraldine
Palmenteri, Chazz
Parker, Marie-Louise
Parrington, V.L.
Passion of Anna, The
Penn, Sean
Perelman, S.J.
Peters, Jenny
Pirandello, Luigi
Pleasance, Donald
Plimpton, Martha
“Poetics for Bullies, A” (Elkin)
Pogel, Nancy
Pollack, Sydney
Porter, Cole
Portnoys Complaint
Preussner, Arnold
Previn, Daisy
Previn, Fletcher
Previn, Soon’Yi
Price, Molly
Pulleine, Tim
Pym, John
Rafferty, Terrence
Rainer, Peter
Rampling, Charlotte
Rapaport, Michael
Rear Window
Redmond, Marge
Reiner, Rob
Reinhardt, Django
Rendazzo, Steven
Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel, The
Reynolds, Herb

Other books

Hero in the Shadows by David Gemmell
Dead Wrong by Patricia Stoltey
Monstrous Beauty by Marie Brennan
The Ghost Box by Catherine Fisher
Marcel by Erwin Mortier
Counter-Clock World by Philip K. Dick
Wedding Bell Blues by Ruth Moose
The Christmas Shoppe by Melody Carlson