The Right Thing (12 page)

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Authors: Allyson Young

BOOK: The Right Thing
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McKenzie hiccupped and sobbed once. “Promise me. Promise me. No
contract, just a promise. Say you won’t ask anything of me that will end up
hurting you.”

Once again she shook him to his core, although why he should be
surprised he really didn’t know. His woman was one of kind and she’d been his
and could be again. “I promise.”

“All right. I’ll stay.” It was a measure of the depth of McKenzie’s
love for him she simply accepted his word. Michael was humbled to the ground
before it.

Standing awkwardly in the small space, he winced against the
discomfort in his ribs and McKenzie instantly rose to stand beside him, to
support him. He carefully pressed a kiss on her hair, trying not to reopen his
split lip. Damn those bodyguards of hers. Fucking his woman was going to be a
tad uncomfortable and not just for her. He had some emotions to express on McKenzie’s
ass if only he could lift his bruised and tired arms. Maybe it could wait.




Chapter Eight


Michael stood back and surveyed his handiwork with deep
satisfaction. McKenzie was secured, face down, to all four posts of the bed,
hips elevated on a specially designed pillow allowing him access to her pussy
and ass, preventing her from sneaking an orgasm. He knew her colon was squeaky
clean from the anal douche he’d insisted upon earlier, and that there wasn’t
one stray pubic hair anywhere on McKenzie’s delectable cunt. He had once again
overseen the waxing, denying McKenzie release despite the erotic torture by the
aesthetician and his
with a
little vibe. He’d planned this night for a long time. It wasn’t every day a Dom
got to celebrate his wedding to the sub he loved more than life itself, and she
would wait for her climax.

Drifting his fingertips from the nape of her neck down the ridge of
her spine Michael smiled as McKenzie shivered in response to his touch before
relaxing again in utter trust.
Trust in his promise.

Picking up the specially designed butt plug he’d ordered in time for
the honeymoon, a marvel of size and texture and the option of filling it with
cold or hot water, Michael opted for cold, the better to make his wife shudder.
He drizzled lube over her little rosebud and teased the opening with his
finger, pushing in slowly, in tiny increments until into the second knuckle,
then pulled out and shoved in again hard. McKenzie gave a tiny gasp and
subsided. More lube and two fingers, stretching her. He pulled out and watched
the ring flash pink and close, smiling to himself. The plug was going to sting.

Fitting the end to her back entrance Michael pushed the toy in with
one controlled shove, the interesting ridges and swirls catching and dragging
against all those nerve endings. McKenzie gasped much louder, pushing back as
the plug seated deep inside. He watched as she began to adjust, only to feel
the cold. She moaned, hips jerking. He thought maybe he’d pack the plug with
ice chips the next time. It was damn near big enough for whole cubes, and was
going to make McKenzie’s cunt nearly impossible to fit inside. But he would
manage. After he tormented his sub some more. The scent of her arousal filled
the room like some exotic aphrodisiac and Michael was transported.

Flicking on the remote the butterfly on her clit whined to life.
“You are not to come.”

“Please, Michael.” Her plea didn’t move him, McKenzie hadn’t meant
it to, but the use of his name did. She didn’t call him Master anymore, not
when they
, not even in the bedroom. He was
Michael. No artificiality. Sometimes Sir Michael, which never failed to make
him laugh. But always he was
The warmth it elicited washed over him, soothing, all encompassing.

“No. If you do I’ll make you wish you hadn’t.” The scented response
from her pussy at his dark threat had him reaching to shove two digits up her,
the passage eased by her copious cream, seeking her

She wailed, begging him to stop or let her come. Michael feathered
one last touch over the spongy surface and withdrew, smiling again as she
huffed and squirmed. “You’ll wait.”

That hint he wouldn’t withhold forever settled McKenzie. It was
visible in her body language, so of course he decided to ramp things up,
choosing the paddle, the one with the multitude of holes drilled into it for
optimum sting. He went for the gusto, wielding the implement with abandon,
laying accurate, measured swats on her ass until the velvet skin pinked wildly,
the color deepening into a lovely shade of crimson. She cried and sobbed and
gushed her need until his cock couldn’t be denied. Michael crawled between her
widespread legs and pushed the pillow until she was humped high, sweet ass in
the air, stretched taut at all four corners of the restraints. He notched
himself at her opening and began the battle for territory, stroking against the
big plug taking up so much space, feeling the little vibrations of the
butterfly and hearing his wife whimper and plead. McKenzie took him to the
hilt. He didn’t give her any time to adjust, but thrust and shoved and muffled
his groans the best he could to better hear hers. Sensing his climax warn at
the base of his spine, his balls practically sizzled. Somehow fumbling the
remote onto the fastest speed he dropped his weight on McKenzie, the plug and
his cock meeting high in her body, and she came at his command. Michael vaguely
heard his wife scream of release and then there was the
and clenching of her channel around him before his brains boiled out the end of
his cock.

It took a few minutes, but he managed to push up and give McKenzie
an opportunity to breathe, then released the binds. She lay spent, crucified,
flawless skin coated with perspiration, rosy ass glowing around the plug, and his
cock actually twitched as if in preparation for another round. Lifting his
wife’s limp form, Michael staggered into the bathroom, the Jacuzzi tub softly
foaming in the corner. Getting them both inside without dropping her, he held McKenzie
close to kiss first her eyelids and then her mouth. Fuck, he’d forgotten the
butterfly. Adjusting her body so he could ease it off, Michael dropped the
vibrator onto the tiled floor where the toy vibrated its last. He carefully
extracted the plug, setting the glass item on the ledge where it couldn’t fall
and shatter, finally settling back with McKenzie in his lap, her head tucked
against his shoulder. She snuggled in with a deep sigh.

“Happy wedding night, wife.”


Michael picked her left hand up out of the water and gloated over
the blue diamond above the thick wedding band, then turned his attention to the
ones decorating the new platinum rings in her nipples. He knew without looking
the bigger one on her clit hood would be glittering against McKenzie’s pussy
folds and thought he’d have her play with it for him later. He too wore a band
around the ring finger on his left hand, as significant as the one McKenzie
accepted from him.
felt claimed
and well loved. Michael Webster belonged to someone.

They drifted together in the huge tub. The wedding had been fairly
contained by Michael’s society standards. He solved the numbers issue by
arranging a secret destination wedding and providing transportation to those
invited at the last minute so as to avoid the press and the hangers on. It was
his biggest gift to McKenzie he knew, thrilled to have given it. Well, maybe
not the biggest gift. He accompanied her to the drycleaners once she’d gathered
up courage to face her rescuers.

The human heart never ceased to amaze Michael, having discovered he
actually possessed one. Not one of those people judged his woman. They looked
searchingly at McKenzie, then him, and the large woman, Donna, the one who’d
nearly taken his private detective down, moved first. She gathered McKenzie
close, speaking quietly in his woman’s ear.

“I’m fine. He figured it out.” Michael heard McKenzie’s clear,
certain answer, and his body went slack with relief. There would be no shame or
doubt for his woman. She’d smiled brilliantly and turned into his arms. He had
said what was in his head and heart.

“You’re all invited to the wedding.”

McKenzie shivered in response and no matter how much Michael wanted
his woman to serve him forever, he so wanted to continually please
and feel that delight for the rest
of his days.

The motley crew attending the ceremony sat shoulder to shoulder and
Michael saw no censure or judgement in any of those faces. The Lees sat with
another Chinese woman and a number of well behaved children. McKenzie told him
the woman was her landlady, Mrs. Wu. He never did hear Mrs. Wu speak, but dark
eyes warmed whenever she looked at his wife. Lisa was there with two pale faced
waifs, sans the battle axe. Michael would never tell McKenzie how that feat had
been orchestrated, or the additional one that took place for Lisa back in the
States. It wouldn’t do for his sub to think her Dom was anything other than a
hard ass. But Lisa wasn’t going to have to scrimp and save ever again. Or have
to live with her mother.

Donna steadfastly ignored Sanderson, who stared with nothing other
than lust and awe, and Michael silently congratulated himself on his insight
and matchmaking skills. Now
going to be a battle of wills he’d pay good money to see. Finding a place for
Donna to “afford” had been easy, as had increasing her wages. The Lees were
totally inscrutable in that partnership. The rest of the people who gathered to
bear witness at the wedding, to their commitment, were also part of his
burgeoning relationship with McKenzie, from
and Rory, to
to his cousin, Jenifer. His driver had a very handsome young man at his side
and Jenifer couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of either of them. The interest
spared Michael her fatuous comments and made him speculate. He planned to check
into Jenifer’s secrets when he had the time. And the energy.

His lapful of love stirred. “Michael?”

“Yes, wife.” He couldn’t say that often enough.

“I want a baby.”

Michael flailed in shock amidst the roiling water and McKenzie
slipped from his arms, beneath the surface to sputter back up and push the
long, soaked strands of hair from her face. He yanked her close and stared into
sapphire eyes, dark lashes spangled with moisture, as she caught her breath. She
looked back, solemn and trusting.

“By all means, McKenzie. Whatever my sub needs. We’ll start
immediately,” he replied, proud of how his trained control reflected in his Dom
voice. And then he happily spoiled the effect by taking her mouth with his,
ravishing it, telling his wife, his sub, without words what agreeing to the
request meant to him. A baby, a child to be conceived within the depths of
absolute trust and love. Definitely a challenge, fitting in all the kink and
working around the life of a family man, but he would manage it, because it was
the right thing.




About the Author

Allyson Young lives in cottage country in
with her husband of many years and numerous pets. She worked in the human
services all across
and has seen the best and worst of what people bring to the table. Allyson has
written for years, mostly short stories and poetry, published in small
newspapers and the like, although her work appeared in her high school
yearbooks, too! She writes contemporary romance under another pen name. After
reading an erotic romance, quite by accident, she decided to try her hand at
penning erotica.

Allyson will write until whatever she has inside her
is satisfied—when all the heroes man up and all the heroines get what they
deserve. Love isn’t always sweet, and Allyson favours the dark side of romance.

Secret Cravings Publishing


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