The Right to a Bear's Arms (A BBW Shifter Romance) (Wolf Rock Shifters) (13 page)

BOOK: The Right to a Bear's Arms (A BBW Shifter Romance) (Wolf Rock Shifters)
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Zoe let out a loud moan which could have frightened birds away as she came, her hips shooting upwards as Colson kept his lips and tongue wrapped around her flesh. His thick fingers were engulfed in her wet, pink channel which seemed now to be begging for his hard cock. But Colson wanted to milk Zoe’s body for everything it was worth before ending his meal.

His tongue didn’t stop stroking until Zoe’s hips had settled back onto the bed, the contractions of her cunt ceasing around his fingers. Now, Colson simply felt her warm tightness grasping him
, reminding him of what was to come.

He loved
up, allowing his fingers to slide with him up her torso, and he leaned over her, placing a hand on each side of her body.

“This i
s just like what I thought of,” she breathed, looking at his face, “when I masturbated for you.”

“Is it?” he asked. His smile was a thing of beauty.

“Yes. Except that now you need to fuck me, Colson.” His cock rested on her belly, pulsing and engorged.

I will, gorgeous. There’s just one thing: I love your face,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “But…”

Zoe laughed and pushed him gently upwards, then spun herself around so that her back was to him.

“But…?” she said.

“Oh yeah,” he replied, his hands slipping under her hips. He pulled them upwards towards him, and she got on her knees, her ass exactly where he wanted it.

“This is my fantasy,” he said. “This is how I’ve wanted to take you since the first second I saw you.”

On her hands and knees, Zoe felt him tease her gently with the tip of his cock, sliding it up and down the length of her slit.

“You could make me come again like that, you know, baby, But I want you to fuck me,” she said. “Don’t make me beg.”

“I would never
do that,” he replied with a hard thrust. Zoe cried out as his thickness shoved her open, her lips wrapping themselves around him.

Colson dug his fingers into her hot flesh as he pounded her, his eyes fixed on her ass, which seemed designed for him alone. He slowed his pace only to study his thick shaft, which was coated in her beautiful wetness, and he pulled himself loose so that he could just see the round, beautiful head of his member push her lips outwards, spreading the petals wide.

“Do you like being fucked, my gorgeous pussy?” he asked.

“I love being fucked,” said Zoe. “And hard. Can you fuck me hard?” she asked through gritted teeth.

Colson responded with a thrust, and then another, and then more, in rapid, violent succession.

” she growled, “like that. Just like that.”

Colson’s entire body seemed to slam against hers as he pushed into her, her channel caressing him in tight waves of pleasure.

“Oh…God,” he said as he pounded her, the relentlessness of the sensation driving him to the brink of madness.

“Come inside me, my bear. Come for me. I want to feel it. I want your heat in me,” Zoe moaned.

“I will…I have to…I can’t stop…” he said as he sped up the pace still more.

There was silence before Zoe felt it: a spray of heat inside her, then another, and another, as he exploded for her, his cock finally granted what it had been desiring for weeks.

Zoe squeezed him, milking the last of his cream from the tip of the round head, as he sighed with pleasure. Colson let himself gently down onto her back, his arms wrapping themselves around her even as he remained inside her.

“God, I hope
there’s a second date,” he muttered.

“There will be,” said Zoe. “But next time, remind me to turn the heat off under the stew.”




In the days
and months that followed, Colson came to the house each day to work on its completion. Some days he was there when Zoe got home, which meant a sweaty, shirtless man greeting her, tools in hand. His face and hers erupted into irrepressible smiles as soon as they saw one another, and never was Zoe clothed for more than a few seconds after coming through the trap door. Often she’d dash home in cat form to make her way up to see him, so that when she shifted back she would already be conveniently naked, ready for him. She was invariably aroused from his scent, which her feline nose picked up from hundreds of yards away.

“This will do me in,” said
Colson one day after their fourth love-making session in twenty-four hours. “But it’s a good way to go.”

Saturdays, of course, little got
done in the way of construction except during breaks between their exploration of one another’s bodies and nerve endings, and yet both lovers were perfectly satisfied with the progress on what was quickly becoming “their” house.

Zoe’s favourite pastime of all was to sit with him in the mornings, each wrapped in a soft robe, her head on his shoulder as they read the newspaper and drank coffee. There was something so utterly domestic about the activity; so contrary to their animal natures, and so peaceful. In those moments she felt as though nothing could ever disrupt her happiness, and more to the point, she felt that she now understood fully what it was to be happy.

The structure now had a roof, and before it had been installed they’d managed, with the help of the wolf pack, to transport large pillows, bedding, even a folding table and other furniture into it. From below it looked like nothing; they’d concealed the structure using loose and fallen tree branches. Anyone hunting Zoe who managed to get near the house would of course be able to smell her, occasional cooking, and a good deal of sex. But no one hunted her and the two were left in peace, happier, Zoe thought, than two people had any right to be.

By spring, the house was complete; its windows framed and insulated. The interior was painted a stark white which meant that the morning sunlight created a natural brightness which instantly threw Zoe into a good mood, though the naked man wrapped around her managed to have a similar effect. She felt as though she’d been prescribed a drug which consisted of Colson, Wolf Rock and this idyllic lair of hers in the treetops. Nothing, she thought, could be better.

Zoe’s work at the school was teaching her as much as she taught the students. Her daily demonstrations of shifting meant that she’d gained a solid control over her abilities at last, and she was able to guide the children when they felt their first moments of transformation coming on. She told Colson one day that she felt a little like a midwife, helping someone to bring new life into the world. That was just what it was; a new body meant a new lease on life, and for most of the students the change was met with anticipation and excitement rather than fear.

By the time February rolled around, Zoe was settled into a life she’d never imagined: she had a partner whom she loved and who loved her, and she had a fulfilling role to play in society which made her feel like she was serving a genuine purpose and improving the lives of others. Everything was as close to perfect as it could possibly be.

It was on a day in late winter when Zoe had managed to tear herself away for a few hours to buy some much-needed new clothes that her world changed.


Wolf Rock seemed to have two seasons: summer and winter. In the winter months, tourists would flock to town as they had in the summer, sometimes just to look at the shifters and sometimes to ski. But most of those visiting were shifters themselves, often wanting to get away from a world dominated by humans and to be surrounded by their own.

Zoe wandered down th
e main street in early February, looking through windows at jackets and coats. She and Colson slept together, spending most nights entwined and warm in their human bodies. If the weather was particularly cold they occasionally shifted into their animal forms, winter coats of thick fur keeping them more than warm. But she still had to take the students outside at times and needed to invest in warm clothing for that purpose.

She entered one shop and tried on a few coats, and when she’d found one that was to her liking, she turned towards the cashier’s counter. It was
then that she heard a familiar name.

“Annette,” it said. “Annette Barber.”

“No, I don’t know anyone of that name,” the cashier was saying. “And I pretty well know everyone in town.”

“She would have shown
up in late September.”

“What does she look like?”

“I don’t know,” said the man’s voice. “She’s a changer. By that I mean that she can change her human form as well. She could look like anything.”

Zoe hung the coat up quietly and found herself crouching behind the rack. The exit was only a few feet from where she stood, and she knew that it would be easy to shift into a mouse’s form and to scurry out. But that would mean leaving her clothing behind and it would be a clue. At the moment the man who stood just a little way away didn’t know that she was the woman he sought.

“Well, here’s my number,” he was saying. “Call me if you hear anything. Anything at all.”

“Okay. Thanks,” said the cashier.

The man, who was tall, thin and pallid, turned and left the store. Zoe watched him. As he walked along the sidewalk he shifted into the small form of a ferret, dragging his clothing behind him in a manner that indicated that he didn’t care much about it.

“Jesus, that guy was creepy,” said the cashier when Zoe approached to pay for her coat.

“Yeah, he was.”

“Hey, you’re Zoe, aren’t you? You teach at the school.”

“I do, yes.” The recognition was making her uncomfortable.

I know Kyla and Maddox quite well. They’ve shopped here a lot for outdoor gear over the last year or so.”

“They’re good people,
” said Zoe, her voice betraying her distraction.

“It’s weird, you know. That guy who was just in here was looking for a change
r, and Maddox is one. Course, the guy was looking for a woman.”

that is weird. Well, there are a few out there. It sounds like that man’s on the wrong trail. Hopefully he’ll head out of town and look somewhere else.”

The cashier seemed pensive now.

“Yes. He’ll probably do that,” she said, eyeing the paper with the man’s phone number on it. She picked it up, crumpled it and tossed it into a trash can.

“Have a good day, Zoe,” she said as she handed over the shopping bag.

“You too,” said Zoe.


When she got back to the house, Colson was waiting for her. He’d prepared some soup, bread and cheese for their dinner.

“Successful trip?” he asked, kissing her on the forehead and then the lips.

“In a manner of speaking,” she said quietly.

“Zoe? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” said Zoe. She managed a weak smile. “I guess I didn’t sleep well last night. I think I need to lie down.”

“Sure,” said
Colson. He went with her to their bed and laid down behind her, spooning her. In the weeks since they’d first been together, never once had they ended up in bed with their clothes on.

felt pain emanating from his girlfriend, his partner, his mate. He felt an ache, a sorrow. Everything she was feeling he was experiencing. This, he thought, was what it was to have found your soul mate. To experience their pain as acutely as they did.

And yet he had no way of knowing what it was that ate away at her from the inside.

“I’d do anything for you, you know,” he said quietly in her ear.

Her hand, which lay on the arm which he’d draped around her, squeezed his own.

“I know,” she said. “I know.”

She turned to him and kissed him then, passionately and long. It occurred to her that she may not hav
e many opportunities to do so over the rest of her life. She’d grown passive and learned to take for granted that she would always have Colson, but she now remembered why she’d never settled in her life. You couldn’t count on anything. Fate had a way of throwing its weight around and of being a cruel bitch, and it was manipulating her now, destroying the idyllic life that she’d somehow managed, against all odds, to create with this man.

Colson responded to her kiss, his tongue eager for hers. He pivoted, gently placing Zoe on her back and leaning over her as he continued to kiss her, his hips leaning into her pelvis. She felt him harden against her and she ached for him, only this time it was different
from the usual. It was her heart that ached as well as her body; she wanted to take him inside herself and to keep him there forever. If only there were a way.

“No,” she said, placing her hands on his waist. She thrust him sideways and down so that he was now flat on the bed, and she straddled him, his hard length underneath her. She slid along him, feeling his shaft through her clothing, her pussy moist, ready for him already.

Zoe tore her shirt off over her head before reaching down for his. Colson leaned up so that she could pull it off his body, then laid back down while she undid his jeans and slid them off along with his boxers, moving off the bed as she did so. She then pulled her own pants and panties down and came to rest atop him again, her exposed pussy creating a streak of wetness over his cock and belly.

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