The Right Twin For Him (O'Rourke Family 2) (12 page)

Read The Right Twin For Him (O'Rourke Family 2) Online

Authors: Julianna Morris

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Twin Sisters, #Sister-In-Law, #Mistaken Identity, #Family Life, #Family Search, #Infamous, #Heartbreak, #Support, #Mystery, #O'Rourke Family, #Silhouette Romance, #Classic, #Bachelor, #Single Woman

BOOK: The Right Twin For Him (O'Rourke Family 2)
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“Luckily I have your mother, my sister, and the rest of the O’Rourkes to help when I get homesick. And you haven’t seen our first long-distance phone
bill.” Maddie’s fingers were busy unsnapping the buttons on his worn jeans.

Patrick helped her maneuver the jeans down his legs. He kicked them out of the way. “I don’t give a damn about the bill,” he growled. “I just care about getting you naked.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Maddie sat back on her heels and admired her husband’s powerful body. They probably would have made love in the Blazer if she hadn’t been shivering so hard when they left the station. They most certainly would have made love taking a warm shower, but Patrick had gotten a call from Pegeen…much to his sexual frustration. He’d left the bathroom, pulling on the jeans and ordering her not to put on any clothing herself, but she donned a T-shirt and panties for comfort.

“What?” His eyebrows shot upward. “You’ll give me a massage, but you won’t get naked for me?

Maddie smiled and slowly lifted the hem of the T-shirt. “Are you sure you don’t mind about the phone bill?”

Patrick snorted. “Give me a break.”

She tossed the shirt to one side and focused on Patrick. She loved to see his pupils dilate when she got “naked” for him. A woman couldn’t ask for a more passionate, lusty husband. He didn’t have
inhibitions in the bedroom and had rapidly demolished any she might have had.

“What are you thinking?” Patrick asked as Maddie crawled over him like a sensuous cat.

“That you took care of my inhibitions.”

“Huh. As if you had any.” He nuzzled the space between her breasts, then kissed his way to the velvety
tip. Breath hissed through Maddie’s lips, making him smile. She was an enthusiastic lover, with the same natural talent in making love that she had in kissing. “Are you sure you’re happy here?” he asked, a lingering concern in the back of his mind.

Maddie sat back, her bottom landing on his unprotected arousal. He groaned at the exquisite pain.

“Will you stop that?” she demanded. “I’m an adult. If I was unhappy I’d tell you.”

Well, hell. He wasn’t going to argue with that logic.

He pulled her down beside him. “Fine. But
a little unhappy you’re still wearing these.” Patrick hooked his fingers around her panties and tugged. Maddie obliged by digging her heels into the mattress and lifting her hips. He tossed the panties over his shoulder. “You’re very helpful.”

Maddie’s smile was sultry as she ran the curve of her foot down his leg. “I don’t want my husband to be unhappy.”

“There’s not a chance of that.”

Oh, man, she really did have the prettiest breasts. Patrick swirled his tongue over one nipple, teasing the other with his fingers.

Maddie squirmed, the muscles in her abdomen clenching and grabbing in the most delicious way. Most of the time it was slow and hot between them, but she didn’t want that tonight. She needed him fast and hard and
It had frightened her, seeing Patrick working on the transmitter, wet and exposed, lightning forking across the sky. He was probably right that he hadn’t been in danger, but fear wasn’t logical. Shuddering, she muttered a sensual demand and felt him jerk.

It was like setting off a nuclear bomb, sensations igniting, rolling over her with a power that still left her filled with breathless astonishment, no matter how many times they’d made love in the past weeks.

The lightning from the storm was nothing compared to the electricity in her veins. She tried to wait, but her body exploded, sending her into a shimmering, mindless void of pleasure.

With a final gasping thrust, Patrick fell into the same void, collapsing over Maddie. With the last of his energy, he rolled, tucking her along his side so his greater weight wouldn’t crush her.

Nearly twenty minutes passed before he lifted his head. Maddie had a sleepy, satisfied smile he loved knowing he’d put there.

“Don’t look smug,” she murmured.

“I’m not smug, I’m happy.”


Patrick settled back, hardly able to believe the difference she’d made in his life. Not just the greatest sex ever, but warmth and love and acceptance.

Kane and Beth had insisted Maddie and Patrick buy Beth’s old house at a ridiculously low price. The house was in excellent condition and would be a perfect home for them, at least until they had more than a couple of kids. They could remodel later, or get something bigger if that’s what they decided.

A thoughtful frown creased Patrick’s brow as he remembered Maddie’s reaction—or rather, lack of re-action—when her period had come on schedule. She’d wanted a baby so badly he was surprised she’d taken it so calmly.

“Sweetheart, about a baby…”

“It’s all right,” Maddie said quickly. “I don’t
mind if we wait. I’ve been thinking I should go on birth control for a while.”

The sated lassitude in his body vanished. “Why?”

“You know, to give y—
some time before starting a family.”

Damn. He looked at her in exasperation. “You mean give ‘me’ some time. I don’t need time. We can have a baby now.”

“Well, not
now,” Maddie said, glancing down at her flat tummy.

Patrick lifted himself on one elbow and looked down at his wife. “What’s going on?”

“I just don’t want you to think the only thing I wanted…” She rubbed her hand on his arm. “You’re more important to me than having a baby.”

A burst of warmth surrounded Patrick’s heart, and he blinked rapidly. Modern men might be comfortable enough to cry, but he wasn’t that modern.

“I already know that,” he said, stroking her face. He should have shaved, there was already a blooming case of whisker burn in several sensitive places—like her cheeks and breasts. “And a baby is something we both want.”

Maddie smiled tremulously. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” Patrick kissed the red marks he’d left on her skin. She shivered, her nipples tightening in instant response. “And since making a baby is so much fun, we win two ways.”

Maddie arched her neck, the familiar tension flooding back through her body. “Sounds…like a plan.”

“Mmm, I love amenable women.”

“Patrick O’Rourke, that’s not what—”

His hand swooped over her mouth, cutting off her words.

“Just checking to be sure you were listening.” Patrick grinned as he lifted his hand. “You get distracted so easily.”

Maddie found a particularly responsive place on her husband’s body and noticed he was a little distracted himself.

“You were saying?”

“Not a thing,” he breathed.

“I thought so.” She pulled him down, her fingers threading through his dark hair. “Now make me forget I married a man who climbs out on radio transmitters in the middle of storms.”

“Delighted to oblige.”

Patrick’s kiss deepened as he did exactly that.

ISBN: 978-1-4603-5397-4


Copyright © 2003 by Julianna Morris

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