The Road to Wellville

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Authors: T.C. Boyle

BOOK: The Road to Wellville
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Critics feast on
The Road to Wellville

“Boyle thrives on our aspirational mania in all its forms…. With each new book it becomes harder to resist the confidence and exuberance of his style, the boldness of his reach.”

Los Angeles Times Book Review

“A fascinating slice of Americana,
The Road to Wellville
is a classic tale of dreams doomed and renewed, love lost and regained, as well as the evils of dyspepsia, the horrors of autointoxication, the nightmares of neuralgia and the the tribulations of the alimentary canal.”

The Dallas Morning News

“Boyle’s book has all the nifty plot twists of a spacious John Irving novel, and it is on fire with historical detail…. Boyle proves he still has the gloriously perverse knack of persuading you to laugh at the most disgusting moments.”


“Rarely has so much suffering produced so much fun … Boyle creates his characters with great Dickensian glee.”

New York Newsday

“Funny, thoughtful, immaculately written … [Boyle] eviscerates the gullible pilgrims and conniving hucksters who rubbed shoulders in turn-of-the-century Battle Creek.”


“Boyle’s send-up of dietary fanaticism cleverly reminds us of the extremes to which Americans will go in pursuit of perfection.”


“As in brilliant previous books like
East is East
World’s End
, Boyle brings to bear a dazzling writing style, erudition and sly humor in telling this strange tale of greed, power and kooky obsession.”

Detroit Monthly

“Boyle doesn’t miss a single hilarious shot…. [
The Road to Wellville
] establishes him at the top of his literary game…. Boyle has a genius for envisioning his scenes in such delicious detail and for presenting his characters with such subtle insight.”


The Road to Wellville
is like ducking gobs of mashed potatoes—there’s the exhilarating sound of language whizzing overhead.”

The Washington Post Book World

“Boyle is a brilliant imp, a trickster of the highest order…. In
The Road to Wellville
, his rich and mind-bendingly delightful language explodes with the early 20th century’s passion for invention, even as he subtly reveals the depth and tragicomedy of the failure of the American dream.”

St. Petersburg Times

The Road to Wellville
is an old-fashioned, generous book, rich in anecdote, plot, and character, rooted thoroughly in its time and place, even as it winks slyly at the modern reader.”

Chicago Tribune

“An extraordinarily good book … Boyle has told us something about the human condition.”

The Milwaukee Journal

“In T. C. Boyle’s meticulously crafted, wildly comic new novel, the American obsession of self-improvement through right-thinking and purification is brilliantly, engagingly,

The San Diego Union-Tribune



T. C. Boyle is the author of
The Inner Circle, Drop City
(a finalist for the National Book Award),
A Friend of the Earth, Riven Rock, The Tortilla Curtain, The Road to Wellville, East Is East, World’s End
(winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award),
Budding Prospects, Water Music
, and seven collections of stories. In 1999, he was the recipient of the PEN/ Malamud Award for Excellence in Short Fiction. His stories appear regularly in major American magazines, including
The New Yorker
, GQ,
, and
He lives near Santa Barbara, California. T. C. Boyle’s Web site is

Road To

T. Coraghessan Boyle



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Copyright © T. Coraghessan Boyle, 1993

All rights reserved

A signed first edition of this book has been privately printed by

The Franklin Library.


Boyle, T. Coraghessan.

Road to Wellville: a novel/T. Coraghessan Boyle

p. cm.

ISBN: 978-1-101-64026-5

I. Title.

PS3552.O932R63  1992

813′.54—dc20   92-50731

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Rosemary Post


Two texts were indispensable in inspiring and informing this novel—
Cornflake Crusade
, by Gerald Carson, and
The Nuts Among the Berries
, by Ronald M. Deutsch—and I am indebted to their authors. I would also like to thank Kevin McCarey, James Kaufman, Janet Griffin, Gordon Dale, and the staff of the Charles Willard Memorial Library in Battle Creek, Michigan, for their assistance.



1. Of Steak and Sin

2. Scavengers of the Sea

3. Sears’ White Star Liquor Cure

4. Father to All, Father to None

5. The Civilized Bowel

6. The Biggest Little City in the U.S.A.

7. Symptomitis

8. Changing the Flora

9. Per-Fo

10. A Thankful Bird


1. ’Tis the Season

2. The Baser Appetites

3. Cold in the Middle

4. The Advertising Game

5. Kellogg’s Kink

6. From Humble Beginnings

7. Organized Rest Without Ennui

8. Groundhog Day


1. Questions, Questions, Questions

2. The Letter and the Note

Freikorper Kultur

4. Rigid Control and Other Matters

5. The Per-Fo Factory

6. A Sword of Fire

7. Goguac Lake

8. The Fatal Luncheon

9. Fireworks

10. Decoration Day


Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death.

—Sylvester Graham,
A Lecture on Epidemic Diseases

Chapter 1   

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